
Northern Town [L-H]
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Mermaid fun (LunarEclipse and Treena)

Started by Treena, September 29, 2009, 08:39:34 PM

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Ailya was swimming happily in the morning warmed sea. She rarely went up to the surface alone and today she waiting for her best friend. Her hair was blue to match her eyes and her tail was a reddish color. She liked going up to the surface with her best friend who she had know her whole life. They would serch for anything sparklely and shiney. Today was going to be one of those days.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani ran a hand through her silver hair and woke up slowly. She smiled as she thought about her dream. She had a wonderful dream. She decided to find Ailya. She tied her hair back and smiled as she looked down at her purple tail. She swam happily to her friend. "Ailya how are you today?" she asked as she swam around her.


Ailya turned around to see her friend Rajani. "I am good and ready for our adventure." She beams a smile and giggles. "So where are we going to look for treasures today." She twirls around her friend happily and eager.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani smiled and nodded. "Always i can't wait to see what we find," she said as she noted how hyper Ailya seemed to be. She tilted her head and looked around curious to know which direction they were going to go in. It had been a little while since they had gone and went on an adventure. Rajani ran a hand through her hair and was curious to see what her friend's mind had come up with.


With that said Aiyla pointed to the west and sped off. "Catch me if you can, hehehe." She knew that Rajini would catch her once she stopped. She swam west for about thirty minutes then she saw it. A necklace sparkled in the sand so she stopped to unbury it.

Oh what could this shiny be was all that was on her mind. When she finally unburied it she saw that it was a silver cross locket. Upon opening it she saw a picture of two attractive males. She hoped that Rajini would let her keep it since she did find it. More so for the men in the picture though. "Rajini look at what I found!"

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani giggled as she saw Ailya swim off calling back to catch her. She was shocked when she suddenly stopped. When she saw what Ailya had found she thought it was pretty. "Ailya what is that?" she asked as she looked and saw the men and felt her face heat up with how beautiful they were. "wow they are handsome," she said as she reached out and touched the edge of the locket.

"Can i hold it for a moment?" she asked curiously wanting to feel it and take a closer look at the picture.


Ailya nodded, "As long as I can get it back." She hands it over to her friend. It was so beautiful but so were the men. She wished she could see them. Though she would have to wait. One day a year after the mermaid turns 18 can they go to the surface world and decide to stay there or come back to the ocean for that year.

Ailya was for sure going to stay on the surface world she just knew it from all her shiny things that she collected. She smiles at Raijini eyeing the necklace over.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani looked at the picture and felt sad slightly since she looked at Ailya who would get the chance to go to the surface. She looked back at the picture and wondered who had lost the locket with these men in it. "Your going to be so lucky when you get your day above the surface," she said softly as she went to hand back the necklace but it dropped from her fingers she caught it and swam behind her friend and put it on her so that she would be able to say she went up with her if she wore it from now on.

Tears threatened to come to Rajani's eyes but she knew better then to cry. crying never does any good except to make one tired. there is little i can do about the surface that is a gift Ailya will get because she's not a half breed. Rajani thought as she clasped the necklace then turned away.


Ailya hugged her best friend. There might be away to help her get to the surface but it take all of her shinys excluding this one and she knew it. Rajani didn't know that her grandmere was a sorceress and it would be a nice suprise to get her on the surface as well.

"Come on we can probably find more shinys." She took Rajani's hand and lead her further up to dig for more pretty things as the necklace dangled from her neck. She was sure there had to be something else with the mens pictures in it. She was right soon she found a pocket watch with the same pictures in it. When she finished getting it unburied she handed it her friend. "So that you can dream about the day that we go together." She smiles at her friend hopeing that she got the meaning behind it.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani smiled sadly but was happy to have such a nice friend, She took the pocket watch and saw the same picture and smiled. She saw the chain was long enough to hang around her waist. She smiled as she clasped it around her waist and then smiled at her dear friend. "Im going to go look off this way we should meet back here and see what we can find," she said as she smiled and did a little twirl. She was so thrilled to have the same picture now as her best friend.

Rajani started to swim backwards towards the direction she was going to look while she waited for her friends answer.


"OK but if you aren't back in time for snails I am going to come after you." She smiles at Rajani glad to make her happy. "I have some stuff to do anyways at home so I will meet you for supper." She hugs her friend before swimming off she was going to her grandmere's to keep her promise no matter how long it would take her they were going to go together.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani nodded "Always love to eat dinner with you," she said as she smiled and hugged Ailya back. She went and swam off still happy. She was not sure what to expect as she went to explore but she knew she had a good meal waiting for her when she was done. She swam off and smiled as she looked around.

After she had departed from Ailya for a bit she was looking around and soon got caught up in a riptide and ran into a shelf. She saw instant darkness as she started to fall down into a chasm. She saw one of her tail trinkets that her lovely friend had given her rip off leaving a wound on her twilight colored tail and she passed out worried she would never see Ailya after this. She fell down into the darkness closing her eyes as she fell.


It had been hours nad Rajani was late. Ailya went to her grandmere to see if she could feel her. What her grandmere sent shock through her body. "No I have to go find her." Her grandmere understood and gave her a charm that would light her way in dark places and another would help her return with Rajani safetly.

She hurried to the chasm that held Rajani, she knew where it was since she had been here plenty before. She swan down till she spotted her unconsious friend. Upon reaching Rajani she wrapped her arms around her, "its going to be ok I am going to take you home and take care of you." She swam faster then she had before. When they got to her house she layed Rajani down so that her grandmere could heal her. The whole time she strokes her friends hair and prays for her to wake soon.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani laid there lost in the darkness that was uncontiousness. she was sure which way to go as she felt lost and knew someone was waiting for her. which way do i go? she thought as she stood in the middle of a room with many doors. She would start to go towards one door and it would get further from her. She collapsed in the center of the room not sure what to do until she saw above her a single door. She swam towards it trying to leave the darkness.

Rajani on the outside had no facial expression as she laid there. She gave no sign to the internal battle she was trying to win.


"Come on Rajani I know you are still with us please come back." Ailya started to feel tired so she reasted next to her best friends body. All she could think about was the next month when they both would be on the surface together.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani worked her way back. She smiled as she found a door that didn't run from her. im comming my friend, she thought as she felt the darkness fading from her. She made her way back after five minutes of Ailya laying beside her.

She moaned and shifted slightly and her eyes fluttered open. She looked at where she was and looked to her best friend. She smiled as she laid there glad she was safe and not in the middle of some cold dark place.


Ailya looked up to see her best friend awake. "Rajani!" She grasped her and hugged her. "I will never let you leave my sight again I swear!" She hugged her tight until her grandmere made her let go. "Oh and I have a suprise for you for next month. Not until next month though." She smiles at her friend glad she was ok.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani smiled and was glad she had such a good friend. She sat there and looked at her own reflection. She suddenly felt lost. She could remember who Ailya was but she couldn't remember her own name. She looked down at her hands and tail that now seemed so foreign to her. She bit her lip but didn't say anything as she saw the locket and opened it and smiled they were handsome men inside it.


Ailya sees the stuggle in Rajani. "You ok Rajani. I hope that the bump on you head wasn't to severe." She trys to laugh it off but can't shake the feeling that something was amiss in her friend.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani.....Rajani is that my name? She thought to herself as she smiled and said "Im fine just tired, i think i am going to get some more sleep." she said as she laid back down her mind still searching for the missing information that was about herself. She didn't want to worry this girl that seemed to know her and she felt attatched to. She also wondered who the men in the picture were.


Ailya smiles at her friend. "Ok sweet dreams." She helps her grandmere only to find out that they would be heading to the surface sooner then she thought. That made Ailya happier and she knew that Rajani would be happy as well.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani laid down and settled down to sleep. She mind was desperately trying to remember who she was and she would accept the name Rajani until she found her self within her mind. She was just scared she would never known herself.

She fell into a memorylike dream about herself. She relaxed as she laid there sleeping not knowing what her best friend was planning to surprise her with. As she slept her hand went to the locket she had been given and her fingers wrapped around it while her thumb ceressed the smooth top of her locket.


Ailya comes into Rajani's room the next day and stirs her softly. "Rajani, I have a suprise for you." She smiles as she holds the two vials with a purple liquid in her hand.

These potions would let Rajani get to the surface with her and if they decided to help them return as well.

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Eclipsed Northern Star

Rajani woke up and didn't know much more then she had the night before. "So what is that?" she asked as she sat there on the bed. She felt that her name was Rajani and there was more to her then she knew but she didn't know what it was. She looked at the vial and tilted her head confusedly. She was curious to know more.

She moved closer to Ailya and ran a hand through her silver hair as she wondered why she had never let it grow out. She waited to hear what it was from Ailya


Ailya smiles at her friend. "This is your way of getting to surface world with me all you do is drink it and we will be able to go together tonight." She places the vial in her friends hand.

((here is the character/ooc board link Mermaid Fun

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