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Recruitment: 5e D&D: The Party Tower

Started by Angie, April 18, 2024, 08:45:25 PM

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Sarah Morgan

I'll definitely be reading along with this.  There are quite a few characters already, so I don't think I'll be joining in, but this sounds fun.  :)


Quote from: Angie on April 22, 2024, 11:10:23 PMI'd prefer not unless it's like, really recent. No more than a month or so.
If there's an official released product that has it, then sure on Shadar Kai. I'll go looking for it but if you know where it is tell me
Monsters of the Multiverse has Shadar Kai.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: Angie on April 22, 2024, 11:10:23 PMI'd prefer not unless it's like, really recent. No more than a month or so.
Alright. I'll write up my character concept accordingly. I'm thinking maybe my character recently regained his freedom from a fae thrall and he's staying with the wizard for a little bit while he's trying to get accustomed back to human society.

Captain America

I may be missing a trick here but is there a way to load photos into a character sheet write up, without a URL? I'm trying to take stuff I have on my computer and having no success. I can use the web, but I just wanted to find out if I could do it from my own laptop.
Skype Captain America (

Feel free to pester me.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Captain America on April 23, 2024, 12:43:33 AMI may be missing a trick here but is there a way to load photos into a character sheet write up, without a URL? I'm trying to take stuff I have on my computer and having no success. I can use the web, but I just wanted to find out if I could do it from my own laptop.
Well, the site only allows URL-based linking and not computer file origin images. But if have imgur or any other public image storing place where store your image (or search web original picture with google), that way can find url what to use.

But have heard there is elliquiy wiki where you can store images also.

Layne Spooks

Quote from: Angie on April 22, 2024, 11:10:23 PMIf there's an official released product that has it, then sure on Shadar Kai. I'll go looking for it but if you know where it is tell me

According to D&D and Beyond, the Shadar Kai were introduced as a playable race in Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse. The Blood Hunter class is posted on D&D and Beyond's list of classes, but is made by Matt Mercer of Critical Roll. I found them both on that website. If you're not okay with partnered content, my alternate would be a Phantom Rogue (from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything).

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Angie on April 22, 2024, 11:10:23 PMIf there's an official released product that has it, then sure on Shadar Kai. I'll go looking for it but if you know where it is tell me

As mentioned, Shadar Kai has been officially released by WotC on Monsters of the Multiverse and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, albeit Monsters of the Multiverse is the 'official updated' version but as GM can allow the use older version.

Blood Hunter is Matt Mercer's creation but is an official third-party supplement provided class (partnered with WotC) and can be found in DnD Beyond.


Very well, I'm convinced. Write them up and I'll see how I like them.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!

Layne Spooks

Awesome, thanks.

Ilrune is originally from the Shadowfell, raised as a worshipper of the Raven Queen. As a show of his loyalty to the Raven Queen, Ilrune trained from a young age to be her temple's protector and warrior, though, after one mission went bad, he began to doubt the temple's motivations. Now, he's seeking to serve the Raven Queen on his own terms, though he's not quite sure what that looks like yet.

My character sheet is here, but since D&D and Beyond doesn't offer a backstory section on their character sheet, I'll leave that here (I can write something more detailed if you'd like);

Ilrune's earliest memories were of solitude, cold and hunger. He'd been too young to remember them when his parents had died or abandoned him, or perhaps the memory of them had simply faded from his mind over the years. Either way, the truth remained the same; Ilrune was alone, and he raised himself. He was a feral child, and his only human contact came from shopkeepers chasing him away when he stole food or clothing, or the occasional pitying coin tossed at his trembling feet. He couldn't read or write, and could barely speak, having never held a conversation with another person.

As he neared his adolescence, Ilrune found himself in a temple of the Raven Queen. The holy people there took pity on him, or perhaps saw some value in collecting his soul for the goddess, and took him in. They fed him and named him, and over time they taught him language and other valuable skills. When his strength became clear, they taught him to fight and as he reached his adulthood, Ilrune became the champion of the temple.

They taught him blood magic and showed him how to put it to use. They charged him with protecting the temple and its holy people, and with serving the will of the Raven Queen; revealed to him through them. Usually, he was sent to collect things, mementoes deemed important to the goddess in one way or another, but sometimes he was sent to gather memories and souls for her. It was one of those missions that changed his life.

He'd been sent to collect souls for the Raven Queen, the souls of the parents so that the child might be purified through their fear and pain. At first, he had taken no issue with this, after all, he was proof a child did not need parents to live. However, when he levelled his blade at the mother and heard the anguished cries of her child he felt his resolve waver. Surely his goddess who had taken him into her temple and watched over him all these years would never demand something so cruel? He could not be part of a temple that would inflict such pain upon one as innocent as a child.

He spared the child's parents and fled, separating himself from the temple. Though shaken, his faith in the Raven Queen remains, and he hopes to find a way to serve her that feels true to himself.


Viren Valandar
High-Elf Fighter 1 (eventually Echo Knight subclass, and possibly Feylock multiclass)

Str: 12, Dex: 19, Con: 16, Int: 12, Wis: 9, Cha: 14

Character Sheet

At a young age (elven equivalent for around 16), Viren was seduced and captured by a well-intentioned fey prince and made a gladiator as well as one of the prince’s loving and willing sex slaves for… he doesn’t recall how long. But regardless, although he enjoyed living in the Feywild, Viren felt the need to return to his home plane. He has recently managed to successfully fight for his freedom, but he emerged a completely changed young elf, both inwardly as well as outwardly — he now had twin cocks and an ever virginally tight vagina!

Anyways, after regaining his freedom, Viren discovered that he had lost all memory of his former life, friends and family. So he turned to a friendly wizard (the guy with the party tower) to find new connections and a new place in the world. The wizard graciously offered for the young elf to stay with him in the tower. Viren accepted and joined the wizard as a welcomed guest. When the young elf expressed insecurity about joining the guests of the tower in their sexy fun times due to his hermaphroditism, the wizard happily produced a clone, an “echo” for Viren to help ease him into the fun world of the parties. Having spent two weeks at the tower now, he’s excited to meet more people at the tower and join them in their grand adventures, under the guidance of the wizard whom he gratefully calls his master, a title he shares with the fey prince who kept him so close. Viren knows that eventually that fey prince will return to him to try and collect his dues, and he’s both nervous and excited for that day…

^ An example of what Viren's echo would look like.


So everyone knows I'm gonna be distracted for the next couple days. Deadline extended to Monday!
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


Zaer Darkwail

Have fun Angie, we will await when your ready to get things started :)

Captain America

Skype Captain America (

Feel free to pester me.


Be safe and have fun Angie! We're here and excited for when you return. joins in the dance with Cap


Hi Everyone! I'm interested in being considered.

Here's my character concept

Name: Ayla Beixina

Race: Wood Elf 
Class: Cleric
Goddess:  Hanali Celanil

Str 13
Dex 18
Con 14
Int 13
Wis 18
Cha 16

HP 10

Passive Wisdom 16 (Perception)
Passive Wisdom 16 (insight)
11 Passive Intelligence (Investigation)
Darkvision 60 ft

Initiative +4

Personality Traits
Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude
I see omens in every event and action. The gods try to speak to us

Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god's favor by matching my actions against his or her

I will do anything to protect the temple where I severed

I am suspicious of strangers and expect the worst of them. 

Ayla grew up deep within the forest and was always drawn towards beauty. She was raised to be a devoted follower of the Goddess Hanali. She found beauty everywhere she went and started recording that natural beauty. 

Although many of her kind and satisfied to stay deep within the woods and never leave their shimmering castles Ayla was different. She has had a wanderlust since she could remember, to travel the world and experience the sights and scenes.

She is always gathering herbs and ingredients for making healing potions or enhancing potions. She thinks that enlightenment is only possible when one’s outlook is modified either through potions, magics, or extreme experiences.

Ayla is keenly interested in studying pleasure and hedonism as well as beauty. Unlike most of her elven brethren, she likes getting involved and actively participating.

During one of her adventures she found herself trapped by an item and sent through a portal to the opposite side of the world, near a major point of interest. 

She’s been living in the forest for the last year or two, surviving off of the lands and planning how to spread her mission of healing through pleasure. She became enraptured by the natural ebb and flow of nature in the forest, the life and death cycles and has fully embraced beauty in all of its forms.

She has recently learned there are alteration magics that can enhance beauty and pleasure, this knowledge has fascinated her to learn as much as she can and experiment on both herself and anyone willing to find out more on how to maximize the limitless potential of nature and potion making.

She’s grown adept at making natural potions through trial and error and is inspired by the potions created by nymphs and satyrs. These potions increase arousal and libido to absurd proportions and work rather effectively. She needs to gather all of the rare ingredients, then make sure the potions work, and finally share the knowledge with anyone willing to learn to make sure the knowledge is not only not lost, but fully embraced and able to change the future.

Skills: Brewing Healing and Kinky potions

Appearance: Prefers to wear as little as possible with weapons favored by her Goddess
She is tall and beautiful, made even more so by following her Goddess

Create or Destroy Water
Cure Wounds
Detect Evil and Good
Detect Magic
Detect Poison and Disease
Guiding Bolt
Healing Word
Inflict Wounds
Protection from Evil and Good
Purify Food and Drink
Shield of Faith
Take a look at my Os/Os to see if we're compatible.
My Ons and Offs
Magikal's F-list
I plan on posting 3 to 5 times per week, maybe more as time allows.
If I'm waiting on a post for you for 2 weeks, I will just remove the game from my list. Please message me to let me know you are still interested.
I am looking for a few new games right now- check out


I've got a concept prepped, but it's late and I have work all day Monday! 

Will try to squish it out on time!


Definitely hyped for this.  Glad to see others are as well.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.

Laughing Hyena


Name: River Pepperroot
Race: Satyr
Class: Wizard

Background: River's story starts pretty much like any Daty'rs - frolicking in the glens of the Feywild, eating grapes by the handful, drinking grapes by the barrel, and of course wrapping her legs around assorted wood spirits and wrestling partners! 

But that would change with the abduction of the son of Duke Ashendiallen by outsiders! The unseelie lord who ruled the Moonscar Forest decreed that any who could bring his son back - or the heads of the abductors - would be greatly rewarded!

Though not a subject of the Duke, River decided it's never a bad rhing to be owed by a noble, and took several of her friends on an Adventure! Through he forest, over rhe woods, across rivers of clouds and seas of moss they went, with Grignab rhe Redcap sniffing out the trail, Pik and Tyk rhe sprites lending muscle, and River, of course being the brains and charm of the operation. 

Well to make a gratuitously long and overwrought story, - perhaps even an entire campaign one might base a multi-episodic game around! - Short, they found the lad in rhe Mortal world. Turned out he didn't much care for living under his father's narrow, pointy thumb, and had kidnapped himself. Though Grignab pointed out they could deliver the prince's head and still claim the reward, sense and integrity (narrowly) won rhe day, and they just beat the crap out of the guy, bagged him, and booked it to the nearest fey portal!

To say Ashendiallen was overjoyed would be an overstatement. Perhaps he smiled though. Somewhere inside, where no one but the moths that lived in his heart could see. And true to his word, he rewarded each of te heroes - to Grignab he offered a scythe of silver and fire. Pik and Tyk were given domain over a corner of rhe Moonscar Forest, and River was given the deeper secrets of magic, and a wreath of leaves scribed with yet more secrets.

Of course true to his nature the Unseelie lord also punished the four for laying a hand on his son - Grignab traded his iron teeth for a chicken beak. Pik and Tyk's domain was literally just a large pond full of giant frogs and nothing more, and River found that her magic was bound to the mortal world - where Ashendiallen conveniently required eyes and ears (a restriction and task he withdrew as soon as rhe portal closed, stranding River in the Mortal Realms)

Oh well. As a satyr, you always make do with what's on hand (even if it's just your hand you're doing, wink nudge) and surely there's room for one who understand the primal magic of the world as well as River does... even if she's new at it. 


Alriight, I'll get a discord server set and invites sent to the people I'm wanting in the game. I wish I could take all of you, but that's the pain of 5e, any more than 5 and balance becomes "what is that really". Also I haven't DM'd anything for possibly a year or more so I'm wanting to keep this a smallish group.

For now, locking this thread. Thank you everyone who participated!
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!