The Orrery of the Wanderer (Pathfinder 2e) - CLOSED

Started by Ershin, March 23, 2024, 06:40:43 PM

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The Orrery of the Wanderer

Welcome to the recruitment thread for the adventure The Orrery of the Wanderer, blatently stolen from the D&D 5e Acquisitions Incorporated book and re-written ever so slightly to fit within [b]Pathfinder 2nd Edition[/b]'s rules and in a different setting  (no beef with Faerun I just don't tend to enjoy running games in it). In this post I'll be going over a few pieces of the setting, character creation and the pitch for the game.

The adventure is going to bring characters from level 1 up to level 6 by its end, with dungeons, puzzles, heists and roleplay along with way. It'll be set in the Nentir Vale (for more see below) and starting in the central city of the vale, Fallcrest, while later giving characters cause to travel over the eastern areas of the Nentir Vale.

Two days ago an earthquake wreaked havok upon the city of Fallcrest causing structural damage to the Lower Ward's homes and businesses and in particular opening up a sinkhole leading down into ancient tunnels that lay secretly beneath the inhabitants' feet for generations. Because of the potential for the criminal gangs that infest Fallcrest, the River Rats and Mages of Saruun, to use these tunnels as a new base of operations Lord Warden Faren Markelhay has ordered an increased police presence in the area until the tunnels can be scouted (in case something within caused the quake) and sealed, something neither the residents nor the officers charged with this duty are happy about.
With talk of undead escaping the crypts, a migration of monsters from the west and an ongoing loss of communication from the Harkenwold in the east the fighting men and women of Fallcrest are stretched to their limit and the order has been given to outsource trustworthy aid you're just the person for the job.

Each of you will be approached by a common ally, Detective Inspector Audrey Pinnington (using the british police hierarchy) a female human in her late 30s to assist in the task. Two of her officers have already gone into the depths and have yet to come out. With your prior acquaintance she's confident you have the skills needed to spelunk in the sinkhole, find her officers and check for any signs of the hole being connected to the earthquake.

SYSTEM - I toyed with supernovas, turned galaxies into spinning tops. I gambled with God and made him a jack-in-the-box.
For this game we'll be using Pathfinder 2nd Edition with Remaster material where applicable.
There's a very helpful Wiki - The Archives of Nethys for detailed information which is usually updated with material about a month after a book's release.
In addition to this for a helpful tool in character creation, and what I'll be asking people to build characters in, please take a look at Pathbuilder

SETTING - 'Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, be it ever so humble there's no place like home
There's three established settings I tend to like more than most - Eberron, Dark Sun and the Nentir Vale / Points of Light from D&D 4th Edition. In this case we'll be using the latter. Therefore welcome to the Nentir Vale, the original stomping ground of Acquisitions Incorporated before they moved to Faerun. Specifically the group will be starting out in the City of Fallcrest in the Moon Hills, a central location in the Vale and a hub of trade along the King's Road. The city is old, built on a bluff and divided into the High Ward and the Low Ward. Three temples exist along with a Mages Guild (consisting of two members), a police force, two opposed criminal gangs and more besides.

Several other major settlements exist in the Nentir Vale besides;
Hammerfast - a dwarven outpost in the Dawnforge Mountains in which mortal and spectre reside together
Nenlast - the northernmost town in Nentir Vale, situated on the shores of Lake Nen
Harken - Nestled with the Harkenwold, and ancient wood, the barony has been silent for some time
Winterhaven - An isolated town south of the Cairngorm peaks

For those who wish to make religiously-inclined cast your peepers towards the 4th Edition Core Pantheon (because if Matt Mercer can nick it for his setting I can use it in the setting in which it was established).

If you'd like to discuss where your applicant is from I'm always happy to talk shop

TECHNOLOGY - From the moment I understood the weakness of my own flesh... it disgusted me
Right! So, Elliquiy's dicebot is dead, its service will not be forgotten. For the purposes of rolling dice and OOC discussion Discord usage will be a requirement. I'll also be using Owlbear Rodeo for battle maps. I'll be creating a Discord server for this purpose once we've assembled our cast.
Speaking of...

The Application Process - You're fired
I'll be looking for 4-5 players in this game with 1st level characters. Many people have yet to try PF2e so I’m looking for a game to start small and build up over time, same reason why I’m only accepting at most 5 players. Preferably 4, but 5 will be considered if there are enough applications. Any gender will be permitted. Please see the Character Creation section below for further details.
Applications will be open until midnight GMT on 29 March 2024. Handy link to a countdown timer HERE and to allow myself, you know. Time to choose applicants and sleep our adventuring party will be announced about 9 hours later. Or like... there may be a possibility of me sleeping late so that's not an exact science.

Character Creation

Permitted Content
Any COMMON or UNCOMMON class, ancestry or heritage from published material is permitted. No third party material please. For RARE stuff please ask permission first. .

The common ancestries in the Nentir Vale are humans or halflings (in settlements such as Fallcrest) and dwarfs (typically from Hammerfast)  though I'm not going to restrict you to these as Tieflings descended from the fallen Empire of Bael Turath are becoming more of a common sight amongst others. But know that being a typically monstrous race such as a hobgoblin, bugbear of full-blooded orc may make some situations harder for you, especially as an Orc invasion of Fallcrest occurred within living memory. If your heart is set on a monstrous or otherwise rare  ancestry, you're still free to ask to do so if you've got a cool concept for the character.

Even though Alignment was sort of removed from the Remaster I’d prefer people not play evil characters. If you can think of a compelling reason to be evil and still play nice with the group though, I’d honestly enjoy reading it. Anything else on the alignment chart is fair game.

Starting Equipment
Normal starting equipment for a level 1 character, that being 15 gold pieces or 150 silver pieces. From there feel free to buy anything in your price range.

Character Sheets
May be completed now or when the group forms. For now I'd like you to complete the following template to show us a little of your character's background and what you had in mind for their class and race. This is mostly to establish who might work well together and who may enjoy similar content;

[float=right][img height=200]CHARACTER IMAGE GOES HERE[/img][/float]
[b]Name: [/b] What shall we call this person?
[b]Ancestry/Class: [/b]
[b]Sex/Gender: [/b]
[b]Kinks: [/b]What would you be interested in happening during downtime or happen to you in encounters? Which gender interests you and do you prefer more monstrous monsters or humanoid ones?
[b]Brief Description: [/b]At least some physical, some personality
[b]What are you doing in Fallcrest?: [/b]
[b]Who do you know here?: [/b]
[b]How do you know Det. Inspector Pinnington?: [/b]
[b]Familiarity With PF2e: [/b]
[b]Do you, the player,  have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: [/b] eg: pictures of spiders, blood etc?
[b]How Often Do You Elliquiy?: [/b]Daily? Weekly? Constantly but only on weekends?

In-Game / House Rules - Rules are made to be broken. Like buildings. Or people!

For this adventure we will be using the Story-Based rules for levelling rather than XP, so after each appropriate point in the adventure path the group will gain a level. The adventure is expected to run from level 1 to level 5 (and maybe something after if people want to continue)

Free Archetype
Variant rule in the Games Mastery Guide in which you get a free Dedication feat at level 2 as long as you meet the prerequisites of the feat and a free archetype feat (or additional dedications after you take two archetype feats of the original dedication) at level 4 and every even level after this. I feel this gives players a lot more options to customise their characters and better represent who they are and what they're about than trying to cram it in instead of your normal class feats.
Please note that Pathbuilder requires the paid version to add this, if you don't want to do that just write the Dedication and Archetype feats down as notes on your sheet.

It has its place, and you’re free to attempt to explore it with other players and NPCs during downtime. It won’t be the main focus of the adventure but this being Elliquiy it is likely going to happen – however to keep the pace of the main game it’ll happen in side threads or if you'd prefer on the group Discord.

Upcoming content
Pathfinder 2's remaster project is underway with Player Core and GM Core having come out in late 2023, Monster Core due out near the end of this month (tying in nicely with the end date of this recruitment thread in fact) and Player Core 2 due out in July. If you pick any ancestries of classes due to come out in PC2 on its release you'll have the option to either continue with the legacy content or if you'd like to respec into the new and shiny.
In addition Howl of the Wild is coming out in May with six new ancestries - if you find yourself interested in any of them we'll see if we can work something out for a close approximation of the ancestry you'd like to play until the book actually comes out (probably an appropriately themed Beastkin)

Okay that's it for this post for now. You have 6 days from writing this (plus twenty minutes) so I'm looking forward to seeing what characters will crop up.


Interested but my PF2 knowledge is limited so I may need help.  Are you good with newbies or looking for more experienced people?
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: AndyZ on March 23, 2024, 06:55:23 PMInterested but my PF2 knowledge is limited so I may need help.  Are you good with newbies or looking for more experienced people?
I'm good with newbies - Always nice to get more people into systems!


Is PF2 much different than the first? If not, I may be interested in joining.
"I killed the whole world, and you can too, if you try hard."
-Lews Therin Telamon


An Ershin game!!


I'll get started right away! :D


Quote from: Mossberg on March 23, 2024, 07:06:51 PMIs PF2 much different than the first? If not, I may be interested in joining.
A great deal of the base mechanics is similar (So I've found it myself) with the changes being fairly easily understood/worked out. As an example no more dealing with swift action/move/action/etc  you just get 3 actions, a free action, a reaction each turn.

The changes to ancestries allow more variety as now you can be a tiefling gnome or whatever combo floats ones boat with the ancestry feats giving the races a difference.


Been nursing an itch to give a frilled lizardfolk dragon instinct barbarian a spin (do I want to intimidate by flaring my frill and use an acid or poison breath weapon? Yes, yes, I do).

Given lizardfolk were unaligned in 4e, and presumably therefore unaligned in the Nentir Vale setting, and have historically been TN through the various editions of both D&D and Pathfinder, and given the presence of dragonborn in the setting, would the people of Nentir Vale be inclined to view a lizardfolk as more monstrous than, say, a dragonborn barbarian?


Since you mentioned Howl of the Wild, would you be down to allow a centaur PC? If so I had an idea for a centaur ranger who splits her time between working as a scout and a courier, making difficult/dangerous treks between cities. 

Alternatively if that's too exotic I had a secondary idea for an orc bard

What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Name: Yista Rue
Ancestry/Class: Deep Rat Ratfolk/Rogue (Thief)
Sex/Gender: Female
Sex and seduction would be fun, of course. Multiple partners, simultaneous or not.

Interested in all genders and both types of monsters.
Brief Description: Rue is a tan-furred ratfolk. She's usually a kind, even-tempered woman, though occasionally voices things which imply a particular kind of upbringing and can occasionally seem cold, when undergoing what she considers to be serious business. She Wears simple clothing, hiding her armour and weapons underneath, ready to be pulled out when needed.
What are you doing in Fallcrest?: After escaping her home kingdom, after her clan was betrayed, she ran and has been moving from place to place, seeking one to belong. Fallcrest seems to have been a good one so far.
Who do you know here?: Other than Pinnington, there's an old ratfolk couple she's taken up with, as well as a few local merchants she comes to to gather food and essentials.
How do you know Det. Inspector Pinnington?: Pinnington helped Rue when she was assaulted by bandits, on the path to Fallcrest, not knowing that it was the bandits who were truly in danger. Since then, Rue has given occasional assistance, when necessary, making use of what skills she'd learned from her clan before being forced to flee.
Familiarity With PF2e: Mild
 you, the player,  have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in
well-marked spoilers?:
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily


Quote from: Mossberg on March 23, 2024, 07:06:51 PMIs PF2 much different than the first? If not, I may be interested in joining.
It's not too different, I think? In the Remaster they got rid of a lot of things like damage based on alignment and the big numbers for stats (now only modifiers). Multiclassing works on feats, much like other customisation and... few other things here and there.

Quote from: SilkenVenom on March 23, 2024, 07:39:26 PMYES YES YES!

Quote from: indarkestknight on March 23, 2024, 09:48:02 PMBeen nursing an itch to give a frilled lizardfolk dragon instinct barbarian a spin (do I want to intimidate by flaring my frill and use an acid or poison breath weapon? Yes, yes, I do).

Given lizardfolk were unaligned in 4e, and presumably therefore unaligned in the Nentir Vale setting, and have historically been TN through the various editions of both D&D and Pathfinder, and given the presence of dragonborn in the setting, would the people of Nentir Vale be inclined to view a lizardfolk as more monstrous than, say, a dragonborn barbarian?
I'd say Lizardfolk should be fine, looking forward to seeing what you cook up :)

Quote from: pdragon on March 24, 2024, 07:15:42 PMSince you mentioned Howl of the Wild, would you be down to allow a centaur PC? If so I had an idea for a centaur ranger who splits her time between working as a scout and a courier, making difficult/dangerous treks between cities.
Centaur would be fine - Though it'll be a while before their book's out. Would you okay starting off as a Beastkin and changing once the book's out (same character otherwise)? Or bard's neat too~

Quote from: c0i9z on March 24, 2024, 08:59:31 PMName: Yista Rue

Adorable rat


Might make minor adjustments if selected/needed, but this is the base concept.

Name: Thesleen Moonsorrow

Ancestry/Class: Arctic Elf/Ranger (Archtype: Assassin)

Sex/Gender: Futa

Kinks: Sex, seduction, intimacy. Potentially darker aspects if necessary. See player for specifics. Primarily humanoids or humanoid monsters.

Brief Description: Hauntingly beautiful at a height of 5'11" with icy-blue eyes, snow-white hair and a pale complexion. She has a softer face than someone in her harsh way-of-life might normally have. Having recently crossed her 100th winter, away from her people for many years, she has grown despondent and nihilistic after watching her friends and loved ones grow old and feeble or die.

What are you doing in Fallcrest?: Visiting the graves of her deceased wife and brother-in-law, who had grown up in Fallcrest.

Who do you know here?: Det. Inspector Pinnington and an old dwarven jeweler who had crafted her wedding ring.

How do you know Det. Inspector Pinnington?: Thesleen served as a guide and assistant when Pinnington was tracking a serial killer whom had escaped across the frozen wastes of the far North on the fringe of her people's capital city.

Familiarity With PF2e: Some. Part of several games that didn't last too long.

Do you, the player,  have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: No phobias

How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Typically daily, though depends on my schedule.


Name: Kellas Startail
Ancestry/Class: Centaur (beastkin) / Ranger
Sex/Gender: Futa

Kinks: Primarily top. Humanoid lovers. All genders. Kinks: Oral of all kinds (including rimming), rough, outdoor, light bondage, food play (particularly using cum as/on food), cum play, breeding.

For downtime: Going into heat/rut and needing help relieving it.

For monsters/NC: humanoid/female monsters, tentacles (especially milking ones)

Brief Description: Kellas is a noble and statuesque centaur. Standing at 7 feet tall she towers over most, though despite her intimidating size and beastly build, she manages to have a kind and gentle air about her. Her head sprouts golden blonde locks, matched by her long lustrous tail. She is pale of skin and coat, with piercing blue eyes. Her build is athletic and powerful, making her fit for both long distance travel and brutal combat.

Kellas is a generous and helpful sort, a natural born people pleaser, sometimes to a fault. She became a ranger out of a desire to help out the community, and after happening upon a courier one day who had been robbed and left beaten half to death on the side of the road, she took on the job herself so she could help deliver mail and keep the roads safe at the same time.

What are you doing in Fallcrest?: Looking to help scout the tunnels as part of her ranger duties

Who do you know here?: Due to her constant coming and going between cities, she has a strong familiarity with many gate guards and roving traders. In particular she is well familiar with the Halfmoon family and their far spread trading company, and often buys her supplies from Selarund Halfmoon when she's in town. She's also acquainted with Lord Warden Faren Markelhay, having done official work for the city on several occasions, though doesn't have any close familiarity with him.

How do you know Det. Inspector Pinnington?: She's assisted with a few investigations in the past using her tracking and scouting skills, and as well has been trusted with the delivery of secret messages on her behalf when she was working undercover.

Familiarity With PF2e: Started a few games, but haven't gotten very far in many
Do you, the player,  have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: no
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: 2-3 times a week
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Name: Bixa       NSFW picture
Ancestry/Class: Changeling Halfling/ Wizard
Sex/Gender: Female
Kinks: Exhibition, mild bondage, breast play, cum play, non-con, mind control, temporary transformation, gangbangs, submission.

Any gender is fine and outside of insects and undead monsterous, humanoid, and bestial are welcome.
Brief Description: The dark haired and pale skinned Bixa stands at the lofty height of three foot even. While on most people her blue and green heterochromia would stand out her most noticeable trait is the obscene swelling of her breasts compared to her height. A crude brat not only willing to speak her mind but quite driven by the goals she decides on. With a deep love of magic most of her goals are tied to getting her hands on the materials to increase her knowledge of the arcane arts through efforts fair or foul.
What are you doing in Fallcrest?: She's born and raised in Fallcrest and is currently attempting to save up the coin to pay Nimozaran's ridiculous initiation fee to join the Fallcrest's mages' guild.
Who do you know here?: She knows and is annoyed by the greedy Nimozaran. She's on friendly terms with Selarund of the Halfmoon Trading House and has a couple of his odd sayings written down to puzzle over at times. She frequently butts heads with Dirina Mornbrow when she visits the shrine to Ioun.
How do you know Det. Inspector Pinnington?: Pinnington has tracked down and arrested Bixa a time or six when the lass has attempted to supplement her earnings through less legal means.
Familiarity With PF2e: Basic understanding as I have run the starter box adventure and played a few sessions of 2e.
Do you, the player,  have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: None known.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: I try Daily but that doesn't always work out and sometimes falls to every couple days.


Name: Xiureksor or "Rex/Reks"
Ancestry/Class: Lizardfolk Barbarian
Sex/Gender: Male
Kinks: anal (giving), double penetration (has a hemipenis), multiple partners, oral (giving and receiving; can hold his breath 25 times as long as most people), paizuri, rescue romance, size difference (goblins and halflings welcome)

Open to all genders with a strong preference for feminine (not necessarily female) partners.

Open to both humanoid and monstrous partners, but pickier when it comes to monstrous partners.

Brief Description: Himbo with a zest for life and food. Curious about non-lizardfolk cultures (and their mating customs). Proud of his frills (his most attractive feature!). Doesn't realize how intimidating he can be. Habit of eating freshly dead enemies, even if humanoid, unless told not to.

What are you doing in Fallcrest?: Family lives in a tribe not far from Fallcrest. The tribe banded together with Fallcrest to fend off the orc invasion, and in the aftermath, Xireksor started getting offers to work as a sellsword and caravan guard from Fallcrest's residents.

Who do you know here?: Other mercenaries who have worked as caravan guards. Also knows all the best places to eat.

How do you know Det. Inspector Pinnington?: Ended up knocking out a bandit while on the job. With intel gained from Pinnington's interrogation of the bandit, the city watch was able to catch the rest of the gang of bandits.

Familiarity With PF2e: Just recently finished playing through the beginner box.

Do you, the player,  have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: I'm good.

How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Check daily, post weekly.


Thanks for all the submissions so far! Originally the end date for submissions was... 16 hours as of the time of this post, but due to IRL circumstances I'll not be around on Saturday, so I'm extending the time left to Sunday midnight GMT which is 64 hours from this point. 
Apologies for the delay, but at least it gives anyone who's interested extra time too


I'm selfishly really glad for the deadline extension, since it did give me time to think about what I'd like to play! :D I've never had the chance to create a character for, let alone actually play Pathfinder 2e, despite having bought the physical book way back and giving it a read-through... so I'd be really excited to try!

Here's what I've got as of now...

Name: Niniette of the White Talon
Ancestry/Class: Human/Cleric (Warpriest)
Sex/Gender: Female
Kinks: More likely to get seduced than do the seducing herself. She'll act bashful and play hard to get, but she is a horny teenager and she does have a (very) kinky mind; so under the right circumstances and with the right partner (or partners) she'll be up for... well, pretty much anything. Special nods to exhibitionism, teasing, bondage, cumplay, multiple partners, and generally being the feisty, bratty, submissive type.

Generally Niniette is also fair game for all kinds of non-conny situations, from casual harassment or degrading talk to more hardcore non-con or damsel-in-distress situations; should those kinds of situations arise.

All genders and all types of monsters are welcome.

Brief Description: Niniette is a natural beauty who lights up the room with her personality. Slightly on the short side, she carries her lithe body with grace, choosing more often than not to wear only the sheer white dress which signifies her as a Cleric of the White Talon.

A young human girl, probably in her late teens closing in on twenty, Niniette's precise age is unknown: she was orphaned when very young and never knew her true origins.  Niniette was adopted and raised by one Vincent Adelard, a great cleric of Bahamut and Grandmaster of the Order of the White Talon. White Talon is part orphanage, part monastery, part a military order: Vincent Adelard takes in young orphans, gives them shelter, and raises them to be war-priests of Bahamut in their own right. Full clerics of the White Talon travel the land helping good people in need, answering to no king but only Vincent Adelard and the Order itself.

Niniette embraced the Order, and she took the teachings of Bahamut in her heart. She loves Vincent Adelard as her father and all her fellow warpriests of the White Talon as her brothers and sisters. She's kind-hearted and optimistic to a fault; she feels like she owes a great debt due to being saved by White Talon, and wants nothing more but to repay her debt by sharing that same hope and optimism to other people.

What are you doing in Fallcrest?: Niniette is touring the local towns, traveling from temple to temple, asking for donations to the White Talon, and seeing if there's anyone out there in need of her aid. Now, she happens by chance to be in Fallcrest.

Full clerics of the White Talon often travel in groups, but Niniette is on her own for the first time. She begged for the chance to go out alone: as much as she loved her adopted family, Niniette felt the yearning to try out her wings on her own and learn about the world in her own way.

Who do you know here?: Niniette is staying at the local Temple to Bahamut, and so she'll have become acquainted with everyone associated with the temple. There are probably other people she's met around town in the past two days as well, but no one she has a close relationship with.

How do you know Det. Inspector Pinnington?: Niniette doesn't exactly know her well on a personal basis, but Pinnington knows Vincent Adelard and the White Talon very well, and has probably called for their aid in the past. The fact that Niniette is now a full cleric of the Order would in itself tell Pinnington she can trust her and count on her.

Familiarity With PF2e: Never actually made a complete character, let alone played the game! But I do own the physical book, have given it a read-through, and am excited to learn!
Do you, the player,  have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: Nope
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Read most days, post probably every two or three days, on average.

Chloe Milev

Very interesting, Acq Inc, PF2, and Nentir Vale.  I'll work on my own application then, since I have a few hours.

Name: Ruby Stormbellow
Ancestry/Class: Dwarf barbarian
Sex/Gender: Transfemale
Kinks: Bottom to male, female, intersex, humanoid, monstrous, and bestial.  Servicing a stronger partner, or riding a weaker one into the ground.  Spanking and cockslaps are good-natured fun.  Cumming on a partner to mark them, or inside to compliment a worthy "breeding" partner.  Dirty talk is fun between friends.  She's never been to a place rich enough for fancy lingerie, but she's heard of it and would like to try some on.  A woman with a strapon is as much a worthy top as being born with a penis.
Brief Description: Red hair in a mowhawk, blue runic clan tattoos.  Direct and brash, proud of honor and heritage, but mindful of hubris and corruption.
What are you doing in Fallcrest?: Her family had to leave Hammertime after Acq Inc defeated Thazan to enter Ambershard Manor.  Her father gave up his mercenary life, using his nest egg to retire in Fallcrest.  The blood of a dragon pumps through Ruby too, however, and she can't resist any call for help to fight bandits, put down a dangerous beast, and help through the strength of her arm.
Who do you know here?: She's lived here for years, and though her father keeps to himself, she goes to town regularly to get supplies and earn some money with mercenary work when she can get it, or labor when she can't.  Sometimes needs to visit the temple for healing, and worked with the Moonsong temple and High Priest Ressilmae Starlight a lot during her transitioning.  She sometimes trades old trinkets to Orest Naerumar for her father, and often sees Teldorthan Ironhews and his sons for weapon maintenance.
How do you know Det. Inspector Pinnington?: There have been some calls to deputize possies to capture bandits or defeat monsters near the town, so Ruby has been hired by the Inspector before.
Familiarity With PF2e: I've followed the rules when 2e came out, and built characters with Pathbuilder.  I haven't paid too much attention to the recent remaster yet.
Do you, the player,  have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: No.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Check in daily, I can write a blurb each day, though longer paragraphs sometimes require a few days to sit down to it.

Mowhawk and tattoos
Captured by aberration
Rare topping of orc
Advantages of being short
Cowgirl as exercise
At her futa gym
Bed invitation
Ready for her ride
Practicing rope escape
Better femininity through alchemy

Character Sheet
Pathbuilder link

Ancestry: Dwarf
Background: Historical Reenactor (Performance)
Class: Barbarian

Level 1
Str +4, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha -1
Skill training: Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Lore (Dwarf), Medicine, Performance
Heritage: Elemental heart dwarf
Ancestry feat: Unburdened iron
Class feat: Raging intimidation
Instinct: Dragon (red)
Rage, Energy emanation, Darkvision, Draconic rage, Impressive performance

Level 2
Free archetype: Dragon disciple dedication (red), resist fire, +1 save vs sleep, paralyzation
Class feat: No escape
Skill feat: Assurance (Athletics)/Battle medicine/Group coercion/Intimidating glare

Level 3
Skill Increase: Medicine
General feat: Untrained improvisation
Deny advantage: not flat-footed to hidden/undetected/flanking creatures your level or lower

Level 4
Archetype feat: Draconic scent
Class feat: Oversized throw
Skill feat: Continual recovery

Level 5
Skill increase: Athletics
Ability boosts: Dex +2, Con +4, Wis +3, Cha +0
Ancestry feat: Eye for treasure, Trained Crafting, +1 Recall Knowledge
Brutality: Expert with weapons, critical specialization for melee while raging
Crafter's appraisal
Ons and Offs
Discord chloe milev
FFXIV Sargatanas


Name: Jancey Talividal
Ancestry/Class: Nephilim Elf (working on class, TBD shortly!)
Sex/Gender: Female dot dot dot question mark
Kinks: Playing coy; Holding hands. Group activities, voyerism, public performances, "tail stuff" and maybe some light bondage.

Generally not a fan of "hard" NC, but DubCon can work; also generally prefer humanoid monsters, but willing to explore (no bugs or shoggoths, please)
Brief Description: Jancey is obviously otherworldly in her origin, having arcing black horns, pale lavender skin, a spaded tail, and gleaming violet goat's eyes. Despite that she puts out a charming aura, being quick to smile and laugh (never mind her teeth!), dance (thus the clacking of hooves) and really, no one's been hurt by any of her pranks, honest (yet.)

Playful, curious, and probably not quite as smart as she'd like others to think she is.

What are you doing in Fallcrest?: Jancey was actually part of a traveling circus that passed through not too long ago. She decided to stay behind, at least for a little while, to do some time with the Temple of Sehanine.
Who do you know here?: High Priest Ressilmae Starlight has had to (politely) shoo off Jancey's offers and efforts to "help." She'd made several acquaintances in the Nentir inn and patrons of the Blue Moon Alehouse, two locations she frequents, plying her trade for coin (No, you weirdoes, her musical performances!)
How do you know Det. Inspector Pinnington?: In her efforts to be helpful, Jancey has often approached ythe Inspector. Lost puppy? Surely the inspector would like to know! Mysterious robbery? Jancey's on the case! Three goblins in a trenchcoat? Seems shady, better bring them in! Basically Jancey is restless and needs an Adventure™! Perhaps the inspector will come to her to put that energy to use...
Familiarity With PF2e: Next to none!
Do you, the player,  have any phobias you’d prefer to appear in well-marked spoilers?: I'm good, thanks for asking!
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Often!


Sorry, sorry - A bit late again but I'm calling time on this. Unexpected delays on Saturday, procrastination on Sunday and visitors today unexpectedly pushed back the due date.

Closing this now so I can get a good idea of who might work well together in a crew (and get my 8 hours sleep before I have to go to work). Expect PMs to go out with a Discord invite in the next say... 12 hours or so? And thank you to all who applied!


Took longer than expected to get this up, it was honestly quite difficult to whittle this down to five and I doubt I could have gone down to four. The characters and players heading into the Nentir Vale are;

Chulanowa - Jancey Talivdal, Nephilim TBD
Snowdrop - Niniette of the White Talon, Human Cleric
Hexed - Bixa, Changeling Halfling Wizard
Silkenvenom - Thesleen Moonsorrow, Arctic Elf Ranger
c0i9z - Yista Rue, Deep Ratfolk Rogue

Thank you to everyone who applied, and I'd love if you'd be willing to stay in reserve in case of any drop outs
Discord links to people shortly