The Wicked Ones (BitD system)

Started by Zaer Darkwail, March 22, 2024, 05:14:34 AM

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Zaer Darkwail

"You were once lieutenants to Wicked Ones who ran dungeon of Grimpeak in the Barnvale, until day came when adventurers along with aid of order of light crusaders laid siege and relentlesly attacked the dungeon until all Wicked Ones were slain and defeated. As dungeon hierarchy completely collapsed, you fled from the blaze and destruction far as your feet could carry you.

"On defeat of your superiors, a dark pulsing malice entered your hearts which awakened inside you resolve and will suppress your baser instincts and dark impulses, so thus becoming Wicked Ones yourselves. Carrying fragment of the power your former lords had, your now seeking a dungeon to make your home and carry out your masterplan. Either continue the one your precessors tried accomplish, or one of your own."

This is recruit thread for Wicked Ones campaign, which uses Blades in the Dark system but has much it's own rules as well and is narrative heavy game. Those who do not know rules they are fairly simple and easy to learn, it uses d6 dices to roll for success (but do note that both GM and player work together determine outcome of success, failure or critical success).

At the moment not asking charsheets or anything, just interests and overall concepts. As chargen is very much themed and easy to adjust. But overall game concept is that your monsters, who will build dungeon and go raid locals and as you raid and gain wealth your dungeon grows and progresses 'masterplan' in downtime activities between a cycles.

Now to clarify monsters are evil, not misunderstood evil, but true evil like any classical DnD monsters with no redeeming qualities (besides camaradier to each other). Monsters who have difficult time to blend to normal society (can play vampire but a vampire which cannot pass as a human example). Also as game is on E one activities what you can do is torture captives, so it can be replaced in 'sexual tormenting' captives with full NC/Rape involved as gameplay mechanic.

However how detailed we want to go about the activity is decided by players and could be done in sub-thread of it's own sepparated from main IC one. Also sexual relations can be possible between monsters as well as part of 'revelry' phase (which is last phase on every cycle before cycle starts anew). Details of cycles of play will be told and taught for those unfamiliar with rules or reminded once game fully starts.

But for now, focus on name, concept and image for your monster. I go more detail later once I check and garner interest for folks who want to join this game either learn or play (those who are familiar with the rules).


I’d be interested in relearning it! I’m a little familiar with the system but it’s been a couple sessions, a couple years ago, so I’ll need to refresh.

Azgeth Orkar

The left hand of Daggath, The Feaster of Sorrow, in typical infernal fashion, she has a number of her own titles including The Lady of Shackles, as well as, Breaker of Beast and Man. A sadistic conniver with an inhuman penchant for bondage, she acted as caretaker for the many beasts under her former master’s thumb.

Az demands compliance from all of this world of flesh’s lowly creatures. With tongue, lash, vice or fear, she brings all manner of creature to heel. She delights in psychological torture, but isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty with the garden variety physical abuse.

All creatures are puzzles for her to examine and take apart. Those of value or that she just particularly enjoys, she keeps their broken husks as trophies and servants.

They will grow to love their chains as they love me… and they will hate themselves for it.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...


Zaer Darkwail

Azgeth Orkar looks good, also for reference as this game uses dice rolls we either use Discord (establish group/game there with players and share the link in PM with participants) or go by the honor rule (meaning you roll dice IRL or use Google dice roller). Whichever players prefer.



I'm leaning towards something like this

Crafter, custom race. For a Primal ability I'm thinking of something like natural tunnelling ability, and probably a night vision effect
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


This is... surprisingly tempting. Hm. I'm familiar with BitD, if not this version of it. I'll throw a thing in the hat.

Vargulf Blackwood

The General. The Butcher of Elderfall. The Hunter in the Woods. Vargulf wasn't born a wolf, nor was he turned for petty reasons, or by accident. No, he sought to become a werewolf himself, to be an even greater killer. He grew up living a life of privilege, but there was something inside him twisted, corrupt. Throughout his childhood he tormented those around him, and his games grew ever more violent. It would lead to him murdering the whole of his estate at sixteen, and seeking challenge elsewhere.

He delights in sport, in games, in tactics. Intelligence can impress him, competence can even stay your death, for a time. But ultimately he delights in brutality more, never as happy as when he is soaked in gore. The druids of Elderfall--when they existed--certainly learned that quickly enough.

A general and leader of armies, men who impress him are taken under his wing and turned, either willingly or by force.


Tentatively interested. Maybe something like this, though that might be a bit too esoteric to be fun. I'll need to think on it some more

Zaer Darkwail

Esoteric monsters are possible, or funny/wonky concepts. Whichever is fun to play for you :)


My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


I don't know how well this idea would work, but I had an idea for a half-succubus named Naraka with shapeshifting powers who enjoys deceiving and manipulating.  Maybe she often charms heroes to be her playthings and to work at the dungeon?  I've never played this system, but I'm reading up on it now.
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Zaer Darkwail

A succubus or half-succubus can work as a monster concept. But overall as I mentioned with vampires; your half-succubus albeit able to shapeshift, it's not good enough to 'blend and fake' in the human society or there is a better motive why she lives in a dungeon than in the city.

The way how she can shift, charm etc all depends on what 'calling' you take. Calling is basically 'class' which grants you abilities as a monster. There is one specializing in social manipulation/mastermind, then another that can shapeshift but be a more combative type directly thanks to shifting.


Gotcha, so disgusting herself as a human victim, getting chained up where she can easily escape, and calling for help is probably outside the range of what could be expected.

I’m reading through on the 1.4 book now and I’ll check what others are already looking at.
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I've never played any BitD system before but it's on my list of 'looked interesting', so how about an evil/fallen dryad?


Zaer, I’m thinking about a lich.  Sapient undead aren’t listed under the monster races but should be simple enough.  Either Conniver or Warlock I think would fit.  I’ll have to look through my pictures but what do you think?
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There is an undead expansion, but its presently unavailable.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: AndyZ on March 23, 2024, 05:26:46 PMZaer, I’m thinking about a lich.  Sapient undead aren’t listed under the monster races but should be simple enough.  Either Conniver or Warlock I think would fit.  I’ll have to look through my pictures but what do you think?
Lich can work, maybe get the primal ability to present undead traits instead of taking core ability from Conniver or Warlock. But otherwise, flavor is open.


I keep going back and forth.  The big question is whether it’d be more fun to be hyper sexual or asexual undead in this game.  Seducing the adventurers, ending up with a bunch of sex slaves pregnant with my demonic children could definitely be a fun idea, but not sure how feasible it is for this game and system.
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Zaer Darkwail

Well, during the celebration phase of cycle, one thing monsters can do is do their vices and one vice is torturing captives, so it's easy to adapt to play a monster whose vice is tormenting sexual manner captives (or do entire hentai monster routine even with dark urge which happens when your stress is filled up; basically give up all focus and go kidnap a captive or female to have funzies with).


heres a thought on the succubus...
they can shape shift, but its a limited time thing? Can only hold it for so long before they Have to take their original form again.

Maybe mix in Tells from exalted, no matter if shapeshifted some hints of their true nature remain, little nubs of horns, devil tail, vestigial wings, or so forth?
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


I may just go with only having gender swapping as part of the primal, which won’t really have any sort of mechanical effect, since part of the deal is that monsters are recognizable on sight and usually can’t speak the language of adventurers anyway.
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After some thinking on it, we'll try something like this instead.


Grazgorr was the result of experiments conducted by the Wicked Ones in Grimpeak upon the prisoners there. The offspring of one such experimental union, he was akin to a mix between an orc and a drake. Lacking the magic aptitude of the latter, he nonetheless retained the strength of the former. Despite this the experiment was not to the Wicked Ones satisfaction, and they moved on to other possibilities.

In the meantime Grazgorr became a guard at the prison, keeping the inmates in line and rising through the ranks of minions. This brought greater responsibilities and challenges, which he faced with a dogged determination. Beyond this, he enjoyed exercising the power that he had earned by right, and showing his superiority to the inmates locked up within the prison. He could make their lives easy or a further level of hell if he so wished.

That said, he had never aspired to be in charge before that fateful day the Wicked Ones were slain. He isn't sure what he would do if he was given the opportunity, but he is sure that he would not waste such power.


I know I'm a bit late in posting, but I would love to throw my hat in on this if there's still room. I remember a few previous 'evil monster' games Zaer has run, and I'd love to resurrect a character from one of those if I could, a succubus swordswoman with a talking magic sword. She didn't really rely much on her natural succubus abilities, so I think I could probably recreate her pretty reasonably in Wicked Ones as a Hunter, and just reflavor the Hunting Pet ability for her sword.

Torahime and the intelligent magic sword Muramasa

When the Wicked Ones of Grimpeak were at the height of their power, the once-mighty dungeon acted as a lair for several loosely affiliated monsters in the region, even beyond the Wicked Ones themselves. Some were native to the region, such as the mighty minotaur Gorebash the Widowmaker, while others were summoned to serve as guardians or attracted from far-off lands. One of these exotic transplants was the succubus Torahime, a wanderer wielding a cursed sword who had drifted in from lands to the far east of humble Barnvale.

Far from the most sociable example of her kind, Torahime often prefers to let her sword do the talking for her... in more ways than one, as the demon blade Muramasa is an intelligent weapon, endowed with the capacity for speech and a strong thirst for blood. Driven by an obsessive need to improve her skills and display her dominance over other would-be weapon masters, Torahime was more than happy to sate Muramasa's bloodlust with the blood of any adventurers unlucky enough to wander into her lair.

When the dungeon of Grimpeak fell, the succubus was defeated and destroyed, though of course demons slain on the material plane are never actually killed. Sent packing back to the dark abyss from which she originally came, she vowed to return to Barnvale as soon as she could. She needed to retrieve her favorite sword... and even more than that, she needed to avenge her loss.

Zaer Darkwail

Sorry for the delay in responses, last week I had norovirus so I was sick. We seem to have a promising number of players interested, so in tomorrow, I will create a discord thread (sending invite link in PM) where we can handle OOC chat, chargen stuff, and actual story writing then happen in Elliquiy.


Quote from: Zaer Darkwail on April 01, 2024, 06:46:14 PMSorry for the delay in responses, last week I had norovirus so I was sick. We seem to have a promising number of players interested, so in tomorrow, I will create a discord thread (sending invite link in PM) where we can handle OOC chat, chargen stuff, and actual story writing then happen in Elliquiy.
Sympathies but glad you're feeling better now.  I believe you already have my Discord so feel free to just invite me.
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Zaer Darkwail

I DM'ed to all who are interested. Will lock this thread in tomorrow.