Pathfinder 2nd edition: Abomination Vaults Adventure Path. (Closed)

Started by Revelation, March 01, 2024, 11:32:39 PM

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When the fog is creeping,
And the moon is low;
When the town is sleeping,
Gauntlight starts to glow!

That’s when she arises
For her midnight lunch
Naughty kids are prizes
For her teeth to crunch.
But if you obey me,
And obey the rules;
You’re safe from Belcorra;
She just eats the fools!

Welcome to the official recruitment thread for my attempt at running the Pathfinder 2nd edition adventure path Abomination Vaults. Herein I will lay out the requirements I expect of players, how to pitch your characters, and an overall pitch for the adventure path.

Before we get too far in, please take a look at the Abomination Vaults Player's guide which will provide you some information about the titular adventure, but I will keep a brief outline of it here as well.

The adventure path is designed to take the characters from level 1, to level 10, and may conclude somewhere around level 11. It is a dungeon delving focused campaign, but also includes opportunities for puzzle solving, trap and hazard situations, and roleplay opportunities. As such, be forewarned that a lot of the adventure path will involve stabbing monsters in the face. It is likely doubtful that I have any plans to continue past the adventure path should we reach the end, but that is quite some time away and who knows what the future holds?

The Adventure Path begins near the small town of Otari, on the southern shore of the Isle of Kortos (Information on Otari can be found in the prior linked Player’s Guide.).

Called together by a common bond with the eccentric merchant Wrin Sivinxi, a collector of oddities, the adventurer’s are brought together by Wrin as she tells them of a strange light seen around Gauntlight, a mysterious lighthouse deep within the Fogfen. This is where our story will start, or somewhere just about it.

The aforementioned Player’s Guide has most of what the adventure path entails in a general, player friendly view. It also includes some extra/AP specific backgrounds, which can be taken by interested players. Characters need not hail from Otari, but the AP specific backgrounds provide a solid hook if you wish to be from the town itself! If not, you are certainly free to have your character from anywhere else in the world. Said world being Golarion, the default world/setting of Pathfinder. I am not an expert in the lore of the world by any means, but the Pathfinder Wiki does a good job of showing off the lore and world at a casual glance, I think.

Anyway, please browse through the player’s guide, as I don’t desire to repeat the entire contents and it does a succinct job at describing things.

I am a newish player to PF2, and a newbie DM to the system. Please expect some minor speedbumps as I get us situated once we begin rolling, and there may be occasional hiccups.

I do happen to have some expectations from players, and they are the following.

Posting rates: This is the big one and usually the death of a group game. I am seeking to at least have one post every 3-5 days from players when outside of combat, and in combat, I would like a slightly quicker pace. If you do not post within a courteous time frame, it is assumed your PC will go along with any general group plans, and should you fail to respond during combat in a timely manner, I may NPC your character doing basic things. (IE: If you are playing a martial character, you may be NPC’d into attacking monsters, or, if a caster there is the expectation that you may cast a spell on your turn.). I don’t intend to do this lightly, and I won’t put your character in a tenuous position knowingly. Should you fail to meet posting rates consistently, you will receive a message, and should it continue, you will likely be dropped.

Medium: The game itself will be ran on Elliquiy, but there will be a Discord server for OOC communication, dice rolling, and… Well, maybe other things but in general I expect the bulk of the game to take place on E itself. Discord is obviously required thusly.

General stuff: This is Elliquiy, an adult RP site. I expect people to be friendly with one another OOC even if there are disagreements, and in general I do not desire to see PVP in game or anything like that. For rule disputes or other things, DM will be the decider.

Erotica content: Will likely be on a minimum side from the GM part. Monsters are not going to capture you for ravaging, NPC’s could be pursued if desired, but I don’t see that happening much here. Player on player erotica is fine and dandy and will have a separate thread should any come up.

Now, comes the part everyone has been waiting for. Character submission guidelines.

I am looking to recruit 5 players for this campaign, the path says it’s designed for 4 players, but I would like 5 just a smidge more due to attrition and general issues that might crop up. I know people might be excited to build a character sheet immediately, but I would like to see sheets developed post-recruitment just to potentially help party building and such. We will be using the standard PF2 character creation rules for level 1 characters, which can be read here online for free. But to keep it short and simple, there’s an ABC method.

You first pick your Ancestry
Then you pick your Background
Then decide on your Class.

We’ll get into the meat of character creation post recruitment but those three are the most important aspects and will comprise your character application, which is below in a handy format.

An image is required. Illustrated only, no AI art allowed.
Character Name: (Everyone has a name!)
Ancestry: (What ancestry and optional variant heritages do they have? Please keep in mind any ancestry that has the Rare tag should be ran by me, first. Chances are I will accept it, but better safe than sorry.)
Background: (This is both your background that will affect your stats, as well as a small bio of them. Paragraph at most, maybe 2. You’re a first level adventurer. Again, if you have a Rare background, run it by me first.

It is assumed all characters are somewhat heroic or goodish enough to continue engaging in the adventure.)
Class: (Obviously every character has a class! What’s your flavor? All classes linked within the class link above are allowed.)

And that’s it. We will also be using the Free Archetypes optional rule, which will primarily come online at 2nd level. The associated link has the deets, though. So you might want to look at the archetype feats and options, and see if any appeal to you.

The deadline for character submissions will be Sunday, March 10th. That gives you a week and change to come up with a character. I will select characters based off of a number of factors but keep in mind I am looking for engaged players so that might be something to consider.

That concludes the overly long recruitment ad for this game. Please feel free to submit characters & ask questions as I am absolutely positive there is some sort of potential thing I missed describing here.

I hope the links here all work right because it was a bitch getting them to do so.

Submitted characters so far.

Sorvoe551 - Eagle Eye, Halfling Gunslinger
AndyZ - Nyssa, Cave Elf Oracle
FoxGirlJay - Lora Syyvi, Goblin Psychic
c0i9z - Yista Rue, Deep Rat Ratfolk Rogue
Pdragon - Nisha Free, Human Beastkin Monk
Athem - Valdis Ingsdottir, Versatile Human Fighter
Hexed - Silun Vopiscus, Nephilim Human Kineticist
Ershin - Kucheka "Cackle" Sonzwaphi, Gnoll Thaumaturge
Saric - Parela Passionborn - Ancient Elf Sorcerer
Grizzly - Flint - Duskwalker Human Fighter
Chulanowa - Delwyn Lal - Human half elf Magus
Callie Del Noire - Armory Unit 17 - Sharpshooter Automaton Inventor


Character Name: Eagle Eye (E.E., 2E)
Ancestry: Observant Halfling
Background: Gunsmith
Class: Gunslinger

Eagle Eye came from a small clan of Halflings in Nex who hid away from the conflict of the Arclords and the Council. They were a tight-knit group who trained to becomes agents of the kingdom or general-level mercenaries. All children in the clan do not receive a name until they show off a unique skill/aptitude over their peers. Eagle Eye gained hers because she had incredibly sharp eyes and good aim with a bow. Though her true talent emerged when she set to work in the forge of the blacksmith, learning how to create and repair various weapons and equipment. As she grew older, she was taught the art of synthesizing gunpowder and built her own rifle as her rite of initiation to go out on her own and forge her own path.

Eagle Eye has traveled far from home, seeking to learn all she can before returning home to apply all she learned for the sake of her clan and her nation. Whether it be hidden in the shadows and standing firm before the anvil, E.E. will stand with her allies and be there to keep their equipment fully repaired and ready to slay the enemy.


Character Name: Nyssa.  She probably has a last name but can't remember it.
Ancestry: Cavern Elf
Background: Amnesiac.  Technically this is a Rare, but I can swap it if necessary.
Class: Oracle of the Life Mystery

Dwarves found Nyssa on the outer edge of a cavein down to the cavern elf tunnels, not long after an earthquake.  The damage done will take several years to rebuild.  Thankfully, one of the dwarves at least recognized her enough to know her first name: Nyssa.

Since living in the cramped dwarven caves isn't much fun, Nyssa decided to go off and adventure.  It didn't take much discussion to hear about some problems with bandits in a nearby area, where the bandits were already gone but people were in need of healing.  From there, she continued to move on, wandering about until she formed into a proper adventurer.

Someday, she hopes to regain her memory, to return home and tell her old family and people about her exciting life.  Until then, it's hard to feel attached to anything that one can't remember, and besides, it's not like she'll be able to return for a few more years yet until people on both sides can excavate the tunnels.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Hope you don't mind, I took some liberties with nestling Lora in to being a native of Otari.

Character Name: Lora Syyvi
Ancestry: Unbreakable Goblin
Background: Starwatcher (AV)
Class: Psychic (CHA based)

Native to Otari, this strange goblin woman grew up with a fascination of the stars, and the great emptiness beyond. From a young age, she would climb the highest trees and highest peaks she could find, just to get a little closer to the stars. It was a good thing she was a sturdy goblin, given how frequently she fell.

Some attributed it to her just being a little goblin with a great interest in things bigger than her, but Wrin helped her to realize what truly going on. There was a touch of some strange, cosmic magic within her head, and of course it was trying to call her home. This manifested in the unlocking of psychic and telekinetic magic, complete with flashes of otherworldly insights and inspirations.

Rather than work the lumbermill or docks, Lora found a calling in using her magic to help people. Research and flashes of the occult touch upon her helped her grant advice and guidance, tell fortunes from the stars, or even pluck hapless cats stuck in trees. As well as having some talent in fixing objects.

Lora is often described as eager, strange, and eccentric. And with infrequent, disturbing flashes of dark cosmic inspiration, for not all entities from the stars are benevolent. In her free time, she tries to perfect the art of coffee and tea making, or relaxing at Odd Stories, or carousing and performing at Crow's Casks. Her parents are proud of her found calling in life, but wish there were less strange, usually unexplainable occurrences of objects moving around the house.


I have made an edit at the bottom of the introductory post with links to characters thus far. In the future, if you need to edit or revise your character submission, please edit your initial submission post. This is mostly to avoid clutter and to also make sure I have all your character submission info in one easy access spot, which will help not just me but other people offering submissions.

Quote from: Sorvoe551 on March 02, 2024, 12:34:09 AMEagle Eye
I see no issues with this submission, but if you wish to edit things or change things further, do let me know & then edit the submission post.

Quote from: AndyZ on March 02, 2024, 10:11:51 AMRevelation, may I hit you up on Discord to ask for help?
I will PM you my discord handle.

Quote from: FoxgirlJay on March 02, 2024, 10:12:49 AMLora Syyvi
A bit of a longer backstory than requested but that's fine. Otari has a native, if small, goblin population so Lora fits in snugly. Starwatcher as a background gives her a closer tie to Wrin as well, which you've included.

So far, solid concepts.


Quote from: Revelation on March 02, 2024, 11:09:03 AMA bit of a longer backstory than requested but that's fine. Otari has a native, if small, goblin population so Lora fits in snugly. Starwatcher as a background gives her a closer tie to Wrin as well, which you've included.
Heheh. I'd wanted to cover the origin of her magic, tie in Starwatcher, and include a bit more detail about her place in the town, given it'd be in focus at the start. So, when it was getting a bit long, I trimmed down on the connection to Wrin. Maybe should've went the other way around?


It's fine, maybe 2 paragraphs is a bit small for history. My general idea was a backstory in summation but sometimes that's hard to do. I'm not going to dock points for a longer backstory but I mostly just want to avoid something like this.


Name: Yista Rue
Ancestry: Deep Rat Ratfolk
Background: Market Runner
Class: Rogue (Thief)

Yista was one of a distant clan of warrior spies, masters of disguises and trickery. That was, at least, until her clan was betrayed, most of her clanmates being cut down in one foul night, she, herself, barely escaped with her life, a misstep in her assassin allowing her to escape. Finding out what had happened, she ran for her life. She ran and ran until she left her home kingdom and then kept going still, unable to find a place to be, until she came to Oari. There, Wrin took her in and directed her to Keeleno, who took her in as a market runner. Since then, she abandoned her old life, but kept up her skills, against the day when they might one day become useful to her again.


Character Name: Nisha Free
Ancestry:  Human Beastkin
Background: Freed Slave
Class: Monk

Nisha grew up in a small tribe of beastkin who lived within the Kortos mountains. They managed to live in relative peace amongst the centaurs and minotaurs and harpies who also occupied the area, mostly by posing too little a threat to take any of their neighbors' attention away from fighting each other. However the tribe did manage to garner the attention of one group: a band of slavers, who raided their village one cold winter's night, dragging off as many as they could get their hands on, Nisha's family amongst them. He was split from his family soon after, sold and deported over seas. From there Nisha, only referred to as "Boy" from then on, lived as a slave for the next 9 years.

First he was a servant and laborer, then as he got older his owner thought it amusing to make him an arena fighter, marketing him as "The Crimson Cat of Kortos". However the worst came when Nisha fully matured into his body and beauty, and his master saw an even better use for him. It was when he was with an especially abusive client that the boy finally snapped, flying into a rage and tearing the man and brothel guards apart. When his mind cleared Nisha saw an opportunity, picked the dead client's pockets, and ran as far and fast as he could, eventually buying himself passage back to Absalom. He had gained his freedom, but unfortunately his tribe was long gone, so set about building a new life for himself, secretly hoping that other members of his tribe will manage to find their way back home one day as well.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


"anime female gladiator in the arena"
Name: Valdis Ingsdottir
Ancestry/heritage: Versatile human
Background: Gladiator
Class: Fighter

Valdis is a long way from home. An Ulfen, born in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, she sailed on her father's longship until it was wrecked in a storm. She was picked up by a merchant vessel, and eventually found herself in Absalom. With few skills other than with a blade, she signed up to fight in the Irorium, Absalom's lavish coliseum, and took lodgings in the Foreign Quarter. Her aim was to both hone her skills and make enough money for a voyage home, but it's been slow going. She's made a name for herself with her tactics in the arena, a mixture of speed, agility, and raw strength that impresses the crowd.

She often spends her free time down at the Docks, watching the many and varied ships from around the world, and wishing she was on one heading to the cold lands of home. The Inner Sea is so unpleasantly warm.

She's been drawn to Otari by a rumor that Wrin Sivinxi will be paying good coin for a job, maybe even enough to buy her passage home.

[OOC: I've updated her picture slightly from the other thread, and it now shows a warrior in the arena with her blonde hair in braids]


Thank goodness I've got until the 10th - Managed to narrow down my choices (for now) to a Magus (starlit span) / Fireworks Performer / Goblin, or Thaumaturge / Eldritch Anatomist / Gnoll. The first I've found perfect images for (1)  (2) (3), but it's been tough tryin' to find some good hyena lady references.


Quote from: c0i9z on March 02, 2024, 11:47:43 AMYista Rue
I see no issues with her. Market runner gives her a history in Otari.

Quote from: pdragon on March 02, 2024, 12:34:56 PMNisha Free
My only issue is what would his business be in or around Otari? His backstory seems to leave him in Absalom which is mostly fine, but I'm just curious as to what could potentially draw Nisha into the adventure.

Quote from: Athem on March 02, 2024, 12:54:20 PMValdis Ingsdottir
No issues here.

Quote from: Ershin on March 02, 2024, 04:12:31 PMThank goodness I've got until the 10th

Yes. I wanted to give people some time - but also not too much time that interest wanes here. Both concepts could be interesting. Personally I veer towards Thaumaturge as it feels slightly more fitting, and I imagine Esoteric lore could see a lot of use in the campaign. However, don't let that dissuade you if you feel Magus is more your thing. It will be your character, and, your enjoyment of making/playing them is paramount.

I will be adding c0i's, Pdragon's, and Athem's characters to the burgeoning character submission list.


Quote from: Revelation on March 02, 2024, 05:04:32 PMMy only issue is what would his business be in or around Otari? His backstory seems to leave him in Absalom which is mostly fine, but I'm just curious as to what could potentially draw Nisha into the adventure.

A need for work. He tried to return back home to the Kortos mountains, but his tribe is completely gone, so he has to build a new life on his own. The thing he was the best at when he was a slave was fighting, so adventuring work is about all he could think to do, and that means he'd be traveling through all the various towns in the area pretty frequently I'd imagine.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread


Quote from: pdragon on March 02, 2024, 05:22:58 PMA need for work. He tried to return back home to the Kortos mountains, but his tribe is completely gone, so he has to build a new life on his own. The thing he was the best at when he was a slave was fighting, so adventuring work is about all he could think to do, and that means he'd be traveling through all the various towns in the area pretty frequently I'd imagine.
That sounds dandy to me, I have no issues with the character then!


Edited my original post, but I should ask if Amnesiac is okay since that’s listed as Rare.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Man, I've always wanted to play or run AV, and all the prospective PCs look really appealing to play off of, but a weekly discord group will be wrapping up the beginner box this weekend and probably moving on to AV next, so I should probably leave room for other people...

I'll be following along as a spectator, at least!


Name: Silun Vopiscus 
Ancestry: Nephilim Human         
Background: Ruin Delver               
Class: Kineticist               

Born in Otari to a Chelaxian exile turned farmer and his Tian wife. Hearing tales of the Roseguard as well as other such adventurers she decided early on to follow in their steps. Eventually. When she stops getting in trouble for sneaking out and causing a ruckus looking for excitement. 

While excitable and energetic one of her escapades leaving a playmate permanently limping and her dealing with a sudden surge of elemental manipulation forced her to stop and consider things more. Although she disliked the idling about she forced herself to study books borrowed or gained from both The Dawnflower Library and the Odd Stories store. All of it funded by a few better plotted out trips out in the hinterlands.

I have more but you want short backgrounds so... lemme know if you need expansions or more information.


(Art credit Bleats / Goatkid)
Name: Kucheka "Cackle" Sonzwaphi
Ancestry: Gnoll (either Witch or Sweetbreath heritage)
Background: Secular Medic             
Class: Thaumaturge

When Kucheka was a young gnoll her father was the head of a fierce tribe that had taken up residence in one of the fallen fortresses in the Otari Hinterlands. Not taking long to become known as a bane of merchants and travellers the tribe had a bounty placed upon them which was collected not long after by a group of adventurers starved for coin, guided by a member of the Osprey Club. As a young gnoll barely old enough to hold a knife (but old enough to know her name) Kucheka was spared and not knowing what to do with her brought back to town and raised by the thief.

As the years passed other Osprey members gave her the nickname Cackle due to the nervous laugh she had when unsure what to do in social situations. While she learned just enough to become a passable thief herself, Kucheka was always more interested in the mystical properties of trinkets the thieves displayed from their various heists and robberies and hearing tall tales from travellers making use of the inexpensive inn. When growing up she often spent her free time when not learning to patch up Osprey members after botched jobs to make herself useful to the de facto thieves guild learning about monsters in story books from the wizard Morlibint, or when she was older browsing the wares at Wrin's Wonders where she picked up an array of seemingly useless knick-knacks that story books speculated may be the bane of this, that or the other.


I have been somewhat busy the last few days. As such, I haven't updated the thread just yet.

Quote from: Hexed on March 03, 2024, 10:41:49 PMSilun Vopiscus 
No issues with Silun.A short background is fine with me.

Quote from: Ershin on March 04, 2024, 05:46:08 PMKucheka "Cackle" Sonzwaphi
Again, no issues with Kucheka! Solid concept/backstory. 

Quote from: AndyZ on March 02, 2024, 10:11:51 AMNyssa
This is probably where I might be a bit of a jerk but I believe Nyssa's art is AI. The concept is fine, but should Nyssa be accepted I will request other art for her.

I will be updating the intro post momentarily with the new characters.


Quote from: Revelation on March 04, 2024, 08:57:27 PMThis is probably where I might be a bit of a jerk but I believe Nyssa's art is AI. The concept is fine, but should Nyssa be accepted I will request other art for her.

It's your game and I understand and accept your preference.  I just have a hard time figuring out whether art is AI or not, but since you've already said you're happy to help me sort out what is AI and isn't, I have no problem.

I sent you a bunch in Discord, and if they're ALL AI, I'll figure something else out.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Character Name:Parela Passionborn
Ancestry: Elf (Ancient Elf)
Background: Witchlight Follower
Class: Wizard (Witch Dedication Archtype available at level 1 do to Ancestry Heritage)

Parela was born to one of the sacred prostitutes serving in the Pleasure Salon of Calistria, why her mother did not take protection against pregnancy and chose to raise the child as her own are secrets known only to herself, the chief priestess, and Calistraia herself. Parela grew up in the Pleasure Salon and the larger city of Absalom, working with the honey wasps or in the public bath while younger before eventually becoming one of the sacred prostitutes herself, but over her already long life she has explored most of what the City at the Center of the World has to offer.

Some time ago Parela began studying the arcane arts but didn't bother to delve all that deeply. Recently however Parela has discovered another magic, one somehow related to the distant stars and bestowed upon her without warning, which has bothered her sleep with inexplicable dreams. Divinations by the clergy skilled in such things pointed her to the logging town of Otari and the shop of Wrin Sivinxi. She has recently arrived in town and is looking for somewhere to resume her sacred profession while visiting Wrin to develop a friendship and trying and learn what she's being called for... and by whom, or what.

(There seemed to be a lack of dedicated magic users and I find someone who can off heal is always welcome on an adventure! Let me know if you need me to change anything.)
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Well someone looks familiar. Not a wizard this time though. :D

I've not played much 2e but healing is important I've found the few times I did play. It is so very easy to be knocked down to 0 hp in a fight. Granted my group didn't have a tank exactly so results might be a touch skewed.


Well the first run never got to cast a spell in anger, so I feel like shes unused. Not aiming to go to level 20 this time, also I found out that in 2e any magic user can learn spells, it's not just wizards anymore! They just get an advantage on it.

Healing has always been super important in DnD and it's derivatives. Except for, I think it was 4e? One of the versions basically gave healing to anyone who wanted it. But especially for dungeon dives the length and depth of your dive is mostly limited by how much healing you have and if you can safely rest to restore it. I used to play DDO (Dungeons and Dragons Online) and I ran a halfling wizard specifically because Eberon had race specific spell marks that would give you a certain number of spells per day based on the type of mark, and halflings could get healing spells. I was in a guild of friends that pretty much all stopped playing before me, leaving me in a guild of one that I stayed in for the storage. Other guilds would invite me on end game raids, because I made a point of adding any spell I could to my book and came with extra healing! Several major guilds would even take me over their own members because of my build! Obviously that's not quite the same since it's a video game, and it used the spell points system which made prepared casters broken as fuck, but pretty much any time a DnD or Pathfinder party can take an off healer, even if it's just to patch people up between fights so the primary healer can save their healing for mid-combat, it's a huge advantage!
"I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." - Slovotsky's Law #42

“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.”― Neil Gaiman, Coraline

“The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” - Terry Pratchett (Rest in Peace, Master Storyteller)


Never did get far in ddo. To many builds I wanted to try. )

I completely agree about the backup healer. Hell a slight change n kineticist would have all day healing of sorts.

But other classes can learn spells in 2e?

Gotta look into this as that makes a couple interesting twists to characters I've fiddled with.


Speaking of healing, I'm leaning into Champion, Cleric, or Druid - I haven't gotten to fiddle with the Golarion deities in forever, time to reacquaint myself :)