God U (The Boys/Gen-V alternate universe Freeform Game) Recruitment

Started by RainyHigh, January 02, 2024, 12:03:14 AM

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Look at all these pretties! Stickin' to one char for now myself :P. It's wild that I have any self-control. We'll see how long that lasts. Am building a playlist, though. Need them sweet beats ready.

A/A updated 05/31/24

Miss Nyx

Quote from: VVitch on January 05, 2024, 10:25:15 AMSame here.

I did that too so you're not alone in jumping the gun.

Wooooo go Team “Letting the brain babies run the show!”

Love your Destroyer btw. Seems like a proper badass! 😌


Quote from: LanaN on January 05, 2024, 10:41:48 AMLook at all these pretties! Stickin' to one char for now myself :P. It's wild that I have any self-control. We'll see how long that lasts. Am building a playlist, though. Need them sweet beats ready.

I've been thinking a lot about character music, too.

Quote from: Miss Nyx on January 05, 2024, 10:43:11 AMWooooo go Team “Letting the brain babies run the show!”

Love your Destroyer btw. Seems like a proper badass! 😌

The best/worst team.

Thank you! He's kind of the worst but hopefully in a fun way.


Aw yeah, finding good theme music for the character rocks! Can't wait to see what everyone else is bringing to the table.


I've been thinking a lot about character music, too.

Quote from: VVitch on January 05, 2024, 10:46:54 AM
I've been thinking a lot about character music, too.

I'd love to hear some if you ever want to throw a few songs my way! Also, yes. I can't wait for my girl to interact with him. I feel like it'll be some real oil and water shit.

Quote from: inkybus on January 05, 2024, 10:49:27 AM
Aw yeah, finding good theme music for the character rocks! Can't wait to see what everyone else is bringing to the table.
Saaaame! I'm really excited about having my first game be in The Boys universe! Also, getting in on the ground floor makes it feel less overwhelming. 

A/A updated 05/31/24


Be on the lookout for another approved character, this one from Miss Nyx!
Welcome Gabriel (Wild Card) to God U!
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker

Foxy DeVille

Quote from: inkybus on January 05, 2024, 10:49:27 AMAw yeah, finding good theme music for the character rocks! Can't wait to see what everyone else is bringing to the table.

Buffy will turn her nose up at whatever the other characters choose and go back to her Petula Clark records.


Quote from: RainyHigh on January 05, 2024, 10:55:19 AM

Be on the lookout for another approved character, this one from Miss Nyx!
Welcome Gabriel (Wild Card) to God U!

A/A updated 05/31/24


Quote from: inkybus on January 05, 2024, 10:49:27 AMAw yeah, finding good theme music for the character rocks! Can't wait to see what everyone else is bringing to the table.

I added Darius's to his CS!

Quote from: LanaN on January 05, 2024, 10:54:31 AMI'd love to hear some if you ever want to throw a few songs my way! Also, yes. I can't wait for my girl to interact with him. I feel like it'll be some real oil and water shit.

I will hit you up. Definitely - should be fun.


Be on the lookout for another approved character, this one from LanaN.
Welcome, Issy (Shriek--she's working on it, OK!) Collins to God U!
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


Character Name: Isabelle "Issy" Collins
Super Hero Alias: Shriek (It's a working title, okay?)
Writer Name: LanaN
Faceclaim: Bruna Dapper 

Age: 20
University Year: Sophomore
Roommate Preference: Double room; rooming with her twin brother, Gabriel Collins
Gender Identity: Cis female
Sexuality: Figuring it out, probably bi. Monogamous… probably.
Role: Student 

Physical Description: The first word someone is likely to associate Issy with is 'lanky.' She has long arms and legs, with an almost completely flat chest, and a heavy cluster of freckles over the bridge of her nose. Her face is rounded, but pretty and youthful. She has a resting bitch face and tousled ginger hair that falls to her shoulders. She oscillates between simple T-shirts and jeans, or bohemian style clothing. She wears heavy eyeliner, but rarely uses other makeup.
Height: 5'9"
Eye Color: Deep green
Hair Color: Ginger 

Sarcastic / Caustic: She can't help but make sharp quips when she thinks people are being stupid—which is always.
Insecure: This pairs 'well' with her sarcasm. Her insecurity makes her tongue even sharper. A defense mechanism. She'll reject the world before it rejects her.
Clever: Despite her average grades, Issy is sharp. If only she cared enough to apply that intelligence to anything worthwhile.
Asocial / Misanthropic: She. Does. Not. Like. People. But she's bound to be around them, considering her brother's popularity. 
Independent: With the exception of her co-dependency on her twin, Issy is fiercely independent. In fact, she almost feels insulted when someone offers her help. This is due in part to her parents, who have instilled in their children to never look weak in front of anyone outside the family.
Straightforward: Issy isn't big on lying or sugarcoating. She might use the term 'brutally honest,' which is code for 'a bit of an asshole.' 

Isabelle was born through surrogacy along with her twin, due to their supe mother's inability to get pregnant. Both of their parents were on board giving them Compound V, in the hopes that they may succeed where their mother failed to become a known supe. While Mrs. Collins' ability didn't lend itself to supe work, her power to manipulate threads allowed her to become one of the best fashion designers around, and afforded the family a very comfortable lifestyle.

Issy had a privileged life, which worked for her, considering her lack of ambition. Something of a disappointment to her mother and father, both of whom were extremely ambition. This resulted in her parents focusing on her brother, Gabriel. Not that Issy minds being in his shadow. If anything, the lack of pressure was reassuring to her, and it only brought her and Gabriel closer. In fact, some might say they're too co-dependent, and it's no secret to anyone that Issy's brother is overprotective, bordering on possessive of her.

Despite her parents' disappointment in her, they still sent her to the best school money could buy, if only because Gabriel wouldn't go without her. Issy was given everything she ever wanted: a massive allowance, strings pulled to save her from the consequence of her actions, and education meant for the elite. It was only natural that once the twins graduated, their parents expected them to attend Godolkin University, and were willing to donate exorbitant amounts of money if need be. Issy wasn't thrilled to attend university, but with the threat of being disowned hanging over her head, she promised to try her best to make them proud. A promise they surely didn't expect her to keep. 

Super Powers:
Sonic Scream: Issy has a sonic scream that inflicts several effects on the people in her immediate vicinity. Each of these abilities is part of the same sonic scream, but I'll be separating each effect. The effects of the scream last around three hours before gradually fading.
Extreme Paranoia: Her deafening shouts trigger an acute state of paranoia in those who hear it, inducing intense fear, suspicion, and irrational dread. Victims experience heightened anxiety, believing they're being watched or pursued by unseen threats. This paranoia could manifest as unsettling sensations of being followed, impending danger lurking around every corner, or even the sensation of eyes boring into their backs.
Sensory Distrust: Her scream erodes the victims' trust in their own senses, distorting their perceptions of reality. Colors might seem distorted, sounds echo strangely, and even familiar scents become unfamiliar or even sinister. This sensory manipulation amplifies the disorientation and fear, making the environment seem surreal and unnerving.
Social Amnesia: Victims experience a jarring disconnection from their social connections. Memories of friends, family, and familiar faces become elusive or vanish entirely, leaving individuals adrift in a sea of strangers. The profound sense of disorientation and isolation can induce immense distress as individuals grapple with the loss of their social identities and connections.
Prosopagnosia: Those affected suffer from face-blindness, an inability to recognize familiar faces, including loved ones or acquaintances. Every face appears indistinguishable, featureless, and seemingly hostile, intensifying the sense of isolation and distrust. 

♜ Dancing. From ballet to modern dance. Used to dance as a kid.
♜ Lock-picking. Do with that what you will.
♜ Knitting. Yes, she makes ugly sweaters and socks. Thank you for asking. 

Physical Strain: Her sonic scream ability isn't audibly painful to those around her, but it does hurt Issy's ears and gives her a migraine for as long as her ability is in effect. This has symptoms of light sensitivity, nausea, dizziness, and, of course, an intensely painful headache. If she uses her ability in rapid succession, she is rendered temporarily mute for a few hours.
Unintended Harm: Issy cannot exclude people from her sonic scream, which means she is just as likely to hurt her allies.
Twin Nullification: Her twin brother's ability nullifies hers, and her presence nullifies his. On that note, he is also completely immune to her powers.
Sensitivity to high-frequency sounds.

Likes: rats (waaay more than people), social media stalking, gloomy weather, dancing, wild pattern socks and ugly sweaters, her twin
Dislikes: morning, traditional romance, sports, nature, not a fan of people

Player's Link to On/Offs Thread: Link
Top 5 Ons for Issy: Teasing, oral sex, mutual masturbation, penetration, quick-witted adversaries
Top 5 Offs for Issy: Grand romantic gestures, clinginess, physical contact / PDA, strong cologne / perfume, sentimentality 

Other Important Information:
♙ An average student, who could excel if she actually cared to apply herself.
♙ A bit of a social pariah, juxtaposed to her brother, a popular social butterfly. Most people interact with her either due to her brother or in a bid to get his attention.
♙ Low ranking, due to a lack of attention to social media, academic studies, and her not participating in the Thunderdome.
♙ Has five rats, all female: Biscuit, Gravy, Marshmallow, Havoc, Mayhem. She is heavy invested in their care. Seriously, it's where most of her passion goes.

A/A updated 05/31/24


Be on the lookout for another approved character, this one from Cold Heritage.
Welcome, Michael Campbell (Knockaround) to God U!
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker

Miss Nyx

• ◦ Supermassive Black Hole by Muse ◦ •

Character Name: Gabriel Collins
Super Hero Alias: Wild Card.
Writer Name: Miss Nyx.
Faceclaim: Mark Becher.

Age: 20.
University Year: Sophomore.
Roommate Preference: Double room; rooming with his twin, Issy Collins.
Gender Identity: Cis-Male.
Sexuality: Heteroflexible, and monogamous… mostly.
Role: Student.

Physical Description: Tall, lean and athletic. Gabriel has no noticeable markings on his body due to the fact that well, he can't exactly be marked. He's been the same height and build now since he was around sixteen years of age, and for the most part nothing really changes except for his willingness to do something about his hair... most of the time he really doesn't seem to care and only bothers to cut it or shave when someone else makes mention of how unruly it's getting.

Height: 6”
Eye Color: Blue.
Hair Color: Ginger-blonde.

♟ Social Butterfly. Gabe gets along with everyone. The guy doesn’t seem to make enemies, he seems to have a perpetual ‘life of the party’ energy surrounding him and he’s long since learned to just lean into it.
♟ Easy-Going. He seems to have his head in the clouds more often than not, often caught day-dreaming or ‘slacking off’, napping in a comfy chair in the library or people-watching in the park. Gabe takes moments anywhere he can to stop and enjoy the little things.
♟ Competitive. He’s been competing since he was born, so naturally Gabriel is highly competitive to the point it’s… hard not to be a sore loser sometimes, even with all of the otherworldly unfair advantages he seems to have in most cases.
♟ Studious. Gabe is highly intelligent, it comes naturally and effortlessly. Not having to try though doesn’t stop him from pushing well beyond his potential. Gabe loves to learn, and knowledge is most certainly power.
♟ Charming. Playful, conversational, unlawfully charismatic… that million dollar smile paired with his leisurely habit of being unfairly suave? Yeah, he’s hot shit, and he most definitely knows it.
♟ Devious. You don’t end up with a ‘skill-set’ like Gabe’s and find yourself always able to resist temptation. His devious habits are mostly harmless of course, he likes to consider his moral compass relatively sound.
♟ Capricious. His Jekyll and Hyde switch can catch you off guard, especially since it doesn’t seem to come with any provocation. Gabe can go from sunshine to unspeakably cruel, and it seems those who are closer to him catch the brunt of this full force… he doesn’t feel the need to maintain that ‘perfect’ mask around the people who are closest to him, so when that dark side rears its ugly head it does so with a vengeance.
♟ Sociopathic Tendencies. Pretty self explanatory here. Gabe’s ability to affect how just about everyone sees him makes it really hard sometimes to be considerate of others emotions, to not take advantage of them, and to not secretly view himself as vastly superior.

Biography: The older twin of Isabelle Collins by two minutes, Gabriel has lived a relatively charmed life, and of he and his twin it seems their parents have gone all in to make him their poster-boy for greatness. Living vicariously through their children took full tilt toward Gabriel when he manifested much more promise than his twin sister after receiving Compound V as infants. They went all in from the moment he was toddling around their manor home placing Gabriel competitively in any and everything they could think of and enlisting top of the line tutors to devote his focus into martial arts and college level academics before he was out of grade school.

The disparaging divide has given him quite a complicated relationship with his parents and drawn him very, very close to his twin sister, with whom he feels is the only person he is truly himself around. Gabriel has spent his entire life shouldering the weight of their parents' expectations, piling on more and more if only to draw their ire from his twin, and give her the opportunity to lead a peaceful life unburdened by their parents' delusions of grandeur. Of course, this has made for some rather unhealthy emotional attachments and a bizarrely co-dependent relationship.

Academically there isn’t much Gabriel has not achieved, in fact he expects he could very well teach several classes at God U, but his parents have given him very specific instruction and naturally there wasn’t much of an option on whether he attended. As he had with every Ivy League school for young, promising supes, he refused God U without Isabelle in attendance with him and he’s certain no small amount of pulling strings and an outrageous sum of money went into their enrollment. He’s got high hopes that the opportunity might help Issy break out of her shell a bit and find something to put her passion into, even if it’s not being the next greatest Superhero the world has ever known.

Super Powers:
♞ Pherokinesis: He has the innate ability to manipulate pheromones in himself and those in his immediate vicinity enabling him an array of psychological manipulation tactics that border mind-control. Gabe’s trademark is to lower inhibitions–being around him extruding the usual potent pheromones give those in his presence feelings of euphoria, excitement and even arousal. This makes people highly susceptible to agreeing or being ‘easily convinced’ to do things they might not otherwise consider if they were not being manipulated on a chemically psychological level. Alternately, Gabriel can manipulate pheromones to send other sorts of signals; invoking fear, drowsiness, anxiety, and even inspiring territorial reaction and behavior.
♞ Toxicity: His saliva, blood, tears and other bodily fluids all secrete a compound that has adverse effects on those around him, similar to neurotoxin. He can control the potency of his toxicity, meaning something as simple as a few minutes of kissing might feel like you had a few shots of premium liquor… or could leave you paralyzed. Limb weakness/numbness, loss of memory, vision and/or intellect, uncontrollable obsessive or compulsive behaviors, delusions, headaches, cognitive or behavioral problems and extremely heightened or non-existent libido are all side effects of his toxicity… as is addiction, if one happens to be frequently exposed to it.
♞ Ability Mimicry: Reliant on physical touch he has the ability to imitate the abilities of other Supes to a degree… he has to touch the other supe to imprint their abilities and he has to remain within’ a half a mile radius to mimic their abilities. The farther he is, the weaker his mimicry, and he can only mimic one other individual’s powers at a time. Gabriel does not ‘retain’ the knowledge of their abilities once he no longer has an established connection with them. When mimicking someone else’s powers, Gabe cannot put focus into controlling own abilities, making several of his powers unpredictably dangerous while mimicking.
♞ Manifestation (Illusory): The ability to manipulate audio, physical and visual perception of those in his immediate vicinity is pretty self explanatory. He can make it seem like it’s storming indoors. He can make it appear as if he is someone else… or if there are five of himself. He can make it seem as if a swarm of kittens have invaded the library. The catch: the bigger the illusion the harder the sell. Large, complicated illusions take a lot of focus, so some things may be skewed (semi-transparent, semi-tangible, vanishing or shattered illusions if it’s too much). His illusions cannot be perceived by smell, or taste.
♞ Superhuman Invulnerability: Pretty self explanatory; Gabriel is extremely hard to injure and even harder to kill. He is highly resistant to physical damage (cutting, piercing, heat and fire, explosive, high impact, etcetera) and impervious to disease. While Gabriel is very, very difficult to injure, he does in fact FEEL the attempts.

Gabriel has an IQ over 200.
He’s a triathlete, competing in Swim, Taekwondo and Track. Gabe dabbles in several other martial arts styles, as well as fencing, archery, and knife throwing.
Origami, mahjong, chess, most forms of artistic mediums (charcoal pencil sketching is his favorite).

♖ Physical Limitation: The manipulation of pheromones is reliant on proximity (up to five feet) and works best in closed spaces. It takes a small amount of time for someone close to feel the effects of altered pheromones, but the moment they have gained distance they will no longer be influenced by this superpower.
Likewise for his toxicity–to be affected you have to ingest or be otherwise exposed to Gabe’s bodily fluids to fall prey, he cannot poison someone simply by touching them.
♖ Mental Limitation: Incredibly strong minds may find it easy to combat against the mind-altering ability of pheromones, as such he finds himself at an expressive weakness against telepathic or other mental-strength based Supes when it comes to pheromone manipulation. All of Gabriel’s superpowers aside from his invulnerability are reliant on his ability to mentally focus himself–if Gabe can’t concentrate or is in a state of heightened emotion, his control over potency is questionable at best.
♖ Mimic Limitation: As previously mentioned, he can mimic one person at at time, he has to touch them to mimic them, he has to stay close to them and he cannot control his ability to manipulate pheromones, how potent his toxicity is or his illusions when mimicking. It’s anyone’s guess when his doppelgänger talents will wear off even if he’s close to the supe he’s borrowed them from (as such he has a few things he leans away from: flight, phase/shape-shifting, moving between dimensions, and altering his molecular structure).
♖ Twin Nullification: His abilities are nullified by Isabelle’s presence, making him virtually no different than the average human being within five feet of distance to Isabelle Collins. If he's out of the 'dead zone', his powers work fine against other supes. His toxicity remains potent, but only if the poison has been extracted before being anywhere near Issy. Isabelle is completely immune to Gabe’s superpowers, and her superpowers do not work on him.
♖ Sensitivity to high-frequency sounds.

Likes: His twin, mental stimulation, tutoring his peers, people-watching, rainy days, flaky pastries, house parties, chill vibes, playing guitar, mischief making, singing, meeting new people, healthy competition, chemistry and biology, flirting, cute baby animals, snow-boarding/sky-diving/other extreme sports where you can maybe die, Netflix and Chill.
Dislikes: Black-tie events, having to be ‘perfect’ all the time, bullies/show-offs, anyone trying to one-up him really, losing his temper, snobs, prudes, most stereotypes or cliches, monotony, anybody getting too friendly with his twin.

Player's Link to On/Offs Thread: Revamping this, basically anything goes outside of scat, vore/gore, mutilation, fisting, age-play or certain extreme/unusual fetishes. If you’re unsure, feel free to ask.
Top 5 Ons: Aesthetically pleasing (he’s got a thing for red-heads), Roughness (Lip biting, hair pulling, scratches, tearing clothing and breaking shit), Passion, Teasing, Begging.
Top 5 Offs: Lack of intelligence, Lack of engagement, Poor Hygiene, Clingy, Romance.

Other Important Information:
He qualifies for a full academic scholarship, but declined it in hopes that the offer would go to a less well-off student, opting instead for his parents to pay full tuition.
He’s almost always trying to find ways to involve his sister in his world, despite the fact that she seems to be more than happy to never have anything to do with his glowing social presence.
Pretty prominent social media presence, Wild Card can boast being a semi house-hold name and holds most of his popularity with his audience well balanced between genders and between the age brackets of 14-35. He livestreams daily with rigorous attention to peak activity times, typically at the start of the day “Get Ready With Me”, of his daily sparring/training/work out routine, and his evening social interactions.

Operated as a member of the So-Cal teenaged supe team Swift Justice from thirteen to seventeen, before falling out with their speedster front man Alexander Brahms [Whiplash], and ultimately breaking off. He was quickly taken underwing as a sidekick and mentee beneath Vought-backed, San Diego based super heroine Katya Black [Black Arachne] from seventeen to nineteen just before enrolling in God-U with his twin sister, Isabelle Collins.


Quote from: Foxy DeVille on January 05, 2024, 10:57:23 AMBuffy will turn her nose up at whatever the other characters choose and go back to her Petula Clark records.
Some students might be happy that their elders/teachers/professors disapprove of their choices. I'm not saying it's Jun, but it might be Jun.

Quote from: Miss Nyx on January 05, 2024, 11:27:42 AMCharsheet

How well-known is it that Gabriel can influence brain chemistry or that he has addictive saliva? What about his mimicry?


Updated the current powersets among the approved sheets thus far. Can now be found here: Link.

OOC thread is finally open!

I decided to work on this today while I have some time.

Just a reminder that this group game will NOT have a discord server, so this thread will come in handy.
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker

Miss Nyx

Quote from: inkybus on January 05, 2024, 11:29:04 AMEDIT:
How well-known is it that Gabriel can influence brain chemistry or that he has addictive saliva? What about his mimicry?

His pheromone manipulation and toxicity are both discreet, you wouldn’t know unless he told you directly or you happen to be a Supe whose talent lies in mental prowess. To keep the reins on the godmode safe to assume Gabe doesn’t abuse this/he keeps the levels to a “personable” low unless you the writers want your character to be affected. 😊

His mimicry is probably his “prominent” power, the one everyone knows about… the one he takes to the Thunderdome, because kicking people’s asses with their own superpowers is just too much fun.


Quote from: Miss Nyx on January 05, 2024, 12:06:29 PMHis pheromone manipulation and toxicity are both discreet, you wouldn’t know unless he told you directly or you happen to be a Supe whose talent lies in mental prowess. To keep the reins on the godmode safe to assume Gabe doesn’t abuse this/he keeps the levels to a “personable” low unless you the writers want your character to be affected. 😊

His mimicry is probably his “prominent” power, the one everyone knows about… the one he takes to the Thunderdome, because kicking people’s asses with their own superpowers is just too much fun.
Fair enough: should our characters interact I will keep it in mind.


Calling all writers with approved characters, please navigate them over to this thread whenever you get a chance to. :)
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker


« Damned If She Do by The Kills »

Character Name: Emily Voss, currently goes by Jessica McAllister
(Anti) Hero Alias: Sable
Writer Name: Andronica
Faceclaim: Abigail Cowen

Age: 22
University Year: Junior
Roommate Preference: Went in with the intention of a single room - but dealer's choice!
Gender Identity: Female
Sexuality: Pan-Demi and domme leaning, uncertain about poly or monogamous status
Role: Student

Physical Description: A petite ginger with delicate features that suit her roughly 115lb frame, but belie something powerful beneath. Emi has notably large eyes and a smattering of freckles across her nose. She's pale enough that she would probably burn at a midnight fireworks show. Enjoys wearing a dark red lip and has a wardrobe that leans toward almost exclusively black, mildly gothic attire which is her preference with few exceptions.
Height: 5'4
Eye Color: Grey-green
Hair Color: Strawberry blonde

♟ Aloof
♟ Clever
♟ Patient
♟ Distrustful
♟ Manipulative
♟ Resourceful
♟ Focused
♟ Insecure


Emily doesn't remember her childhood without aunt Elise, who was the closest thing she had to a mother figure she had. Elise provided them every comfort a lower-middle class job could afford in the heart of Chicago. Her father was apparently never in the picture or at least if he was, there was clearly something left wanting that her aunt chose to exclude him from the narrative entirely. It took little time for Emily to notice the way Elise would grimace when she asked about her mother. Elise was not one to shy away from expressing deep discontent - hatred even - of Supes' and Vought, and some of that rubbed off onto the young impressionable Emily.

While Elise was a great provider and friend to Emily growing up, her aunt had a boyfriend who shared her opinion of compound V enhanced individuals in a more extreme way. Tony was obnoxious, often drunk, and as she got older it became harder to ignore the way Elise flinched around him when he was in a mood. One night when she was fifteen, Tony flew into one of his signature rages but this time turned it up a notch to lay hands on Elise. Emily tried to intervene though was understandably too weak to help. Tony easily knocked her away with a blow that made the side of her face light up with white hot pain. When she reoriented herself, she wiped the blood dripping from her nose and glared hard at Tony. Emily wished every horrible thing upon him and... then he chortled and passed out.

Panting beneath her crossed arms Elise peeked out to Emily and they both exchanged a startled, dumbfounded look. All of Elise's plants around the living room were withered and black. Immediately her aunt's gratitude was contorted into anger and Emily only remembered her screaming, 'Get the fuck out!' over and over again until her feet hit pavement for miles until she found herself in the seedier part of downtown Chicago. Emily had no idea what to do. She spent the next few weeks living on the street begging for spare change, staying overnight in shelters and then, made the poor decision to try and steal from the wrong person. The would-be target was dubbed Mme. Delphine. A rough lady who ran a lavish club with happy endings called High Rise. Admiring Emily's bravery, or maybe that innocent face, she took in the teen.

Emily wasn't the right brand of curvy plastic beauty that Delphine bankrolled but she was good at cleaning and quick to grab bottles for VIP clients with a smile, so Delphine lent her a room in the upstairs apartment for free. Over time, Emily opened up about things she heard and saw. People let their guard down around her and she blended in with that smooth, silver tongue. Del realized she could turn a profit on Emily's disarming charm so had the idea to take her uptown and billed her out to expensive clients under the stage name Sable. Emily suggested, extorted, and edged her way through gangsters and politicians with a touch of their arm while murmuring spoon-fed questions from an ear piece 'til she got good enough to spin the leading conversations herself. All they ever suffered was a hangover the next day even when they got in too deep before a drop of Azul hit their tongues.

She felt an increasing numbness over the years to her job as she cushioned the blow of unravelling people by reminding herself they deserved it, and she deserved better. Until Tony showed up.

He looked almost the same, except his head was shaved and she could clearly see a thick scar running down the side of his skull. Emily panicked. She grabbed a bag from her room and stuffed it to bursting with money, clothes, and only a few other essentials before she ran to the nearest greyhound stop and bought a ticket to the opposite coast. After nearly a day en route to drowsily plan her next move, she stopped on the outskirts of NYC and entered a little coffee shop. Across from the front counter the Godolkin welcome message beamed like it was heaven sent. It gave her an idea, and thankfully she had bridges aplenty to burn for one last favour...

Super Powers:

Biokinesis - At its most raw, Emily's primary power is manipulation of living organisms fuelled by their life force. Humans, animals, and even plants are susceptible - so nothing inert like objects - while larger sentient targets require more concentration. In close proximity with a human for example, their blood becomes a catalyst to facilitate physical telekinesis, allowing Emily to lift, push, break, and rupture as she sees fit. Plant life is more easily controlled with greenery grown rapidly to be made an extension of her will, or withered to serve a healing/empowering purpose.
Pherokinesis - Through the use of volatile biochemical compounds similar to those secreted by certain plants, Emily can manipulate emotions and stimuli via proximity or direct touch to lower inhibitions, induce hallucinations and more. Emi can give the impression of being easily trust worthy or cause the worst trip of your life.

♜ Pretty little liar. She's very good at it, powers aside
♜ A really apt baker
♜ More to come!

The Blood is Life - Physically, she's an anemic slip of a girl and therefore easy pickings for those physically stronger (pretty much anyone) who may be around to take advantage of her in a vulnerable, tired state. This typically occurs when she has a very strong target she's trying to control which can drain her energy quicker than most.
Parting the Veil - Her pheromone based ability to affect the emotions and senses of others can be withstood by powers of extraordinary perception or fortitude to resist her illusory influence. On a good day she'll get a nosebleed for her trouble or at worst, go down with a debilitating migraine.
The Tower - Emily's been on the wrong side of the waiting game most of her life and it makes her uncomfortable when she lacks direction and control. She can come off as being rather pushy about her goals, and not surprisingly she puts herself first and appreciates privacy.
Gotta Move - Never learned how to drive due to living in such a densely populated city.
Brain Bleed - High frequencies will cause her to break down immediately.

Likes: Italian ice, strawberries... anything light and sweet - greenhouses - puzzles - cats - starry nights - fragrant candles
Dislikes: Being touched - surprises - messiness - loud belligerent people - Chicago style deep dish pizza

Player's Link to On/Offs Thread: As above, so below
Top 5 Ons: Sensual domination - Control / orders (giving) - worship (receiving) - teasing/edging (giving) - light restraints / leash & collar (giving) - oral (receiving) - roughness (giving)
Top 5 Offs: Filth - sadism/pain (receiving) - not having control - being collared - hair pulling (receiving)

Other Important Information:
♙ Enrolled at Godolkin just in time for the fall semester. Most definitely acquired the 'affordable' $70k tuition through less than legal means, likely identity theft or by pulling strings with old contacts. If anyone found out she wasn't who she says, things would get messy fast.
♙ Wants to know who her father is and why was Elise was insistent on not talking about him
♙ For all the ways Emily is trying to blend in with other supes, there are people she owes who are looking for her...
♙ TBD. Open to connections and plot bunnies!


Dammit...as if I didn't have enough games already. Now I have a character concept that's digging in my brain....


Hey Rainy! So sorry for the switch up, but can I please drop Sabrina Carpenter and instead claim Josephine Langford? I plan to work on my sheet tonight! 

O/O | A/A | MM


Be on the lookout for a new character sheet recently approved for Primarch.
Welcome Conor O'Sullivan (Warden) to God U!

@Mellific I updated that FC reservation for ya!
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker

Cold Heritage

Character Name: Michael Zachariah Campbell
Super Hero Alias: Knockaround
Writer Name: Cold Heritage
Faceclaim: Alan Ritchson

Age: 21
University Year: 1
Roommate Preference: Single
Gender Identity: Cis-Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual, monogamous.
Role: Student

Physical Description: Michael is a big guy. His body is covered with iron-like muscles. It is notably free from scars and blemishes, and his skin bears no tattooes or foreign markings. All of his clothes are fairly bland and generic, coming from big and tall stores and beggars cannot be choosers so Michael has to take what he can get.
Height: 6'7"
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blond

♟ Reasonably Affable
♟ Maudlin
♟ Self-Effacing
♟ Determined
♟ Copes Easily With Trauma
♟ Does Not Want To Hurt Others, But Does Not Feel Very Bad About It, Either
♟ Hates To Lose

Biography: Michael's parents are rather successful farmers. They own a large farm in a small, rural town. Born in a hospital owned by a Vought subsidiary, Michael received Compound V along with many standard childhood immunizations common in the first world. Further immunizations also included Compound V and were administered in Vought owned clinics. He was the most promising subject in his generation, and was a genetic anomaly even before the Compound was administered. The two branches of Michael's family had mutations of dubious benefit: his father's side had what is popularly known as the 'Hercules Gene,' which allows for incredible muscle growth, and his mother's side had a gene that causes far greater bone density than normal.

As a youth, Michael played hockey and was fairly skilled. Not the sort of celebrated prodigy marked for great things, but more technically skilled than the other players in his age group. This skill was hard won through dedication and practice. Combined with his stature and Michael was the star player in his league. He was the proverbial fish in a small pond. As he grew older, he earned the nickname 'Beaver' - a cumbersome nickname that alluded to a defunct building supply chain named Beaver Lumber, in reference to Michael's propensity for rough play: he gave them - i.e. the opposing team - the lumber.

Because Michael was being monitored clandestinely by Vought, he received information about Godolkin. While he wanted to go somewhere else of just try and go pro with hockey, working his way through the minors in hopes of getting called up to the Show, his dreams came crashing to a close when his powers were revealed. During a brawl on the ice another player end up end over end his skate slashed Michael's neck. This would have likely been a fatal, tragic accident if Michael where not saturated with V. He lived, but could not play anymore. Championships won with him on the roster were revoked. With few other prospects, Michael ended up enrolling in Godolkin, just as his case manager intended.

Super Powers:
♞ Michael's body is incredibly resilient and durable. His bones are essentially unbreakable. His immune system is incredibly robust, quickly defeating foreign bodies. Viral infections are essentially an impossibility, as they cannot penetrate the cell walls. Toxic and cytoxic substances do not have deleterious effects upon him. It is extremely difficult to cause him harm, let alone grievous harm.
♞ Michael does not heal any more quickly than a normal person does, but what his body does do is repair itself perfectly. If he is cut, he does not scar. When his cells divide, they do so without degradation. In theory if he were to lose a limb it would slowly regenerate in a long process.
♞ Michael is very strong. As a baseline he is superhumanly strong, and because of the underlying durability of his body, he can employ more of his strength because his body is better able to withstand the strain and damage of exerting that strength. His strength allows him to leap to great heights and achieve a high speed while running.
♞ Michael is capable of prolonged periods of physical exertion without fatigue.

♜ Michael is pretty good playing hockey. Dirty dangles and all of that. Michael can run 'em up and fill 'em in. Better at the latter than the former.
♜ Michael is proficient at sharpening knives.
♜ Michael is good at cooking beef. It's always pink, rosy centers and satisfying crusts.
♜ Michael knows how to operate a manual transmission.
♜ Michael knows a little bit of French, but not much.
♜ Michael is more familiar with the metric system than the average American.
♜ Michael can jump (and dunk).

♖ Michael's body tissues are much more dense than those of a normal person. He is not buoyant and would sink even in the Dead Sea. It presents a difficulty in receiving medical attention - subcutaneous, intravenous, and intramuscular routes are extremely difficult to administer without specialized equipment, and most imaging technologies are not calibrated to compensate for the increased density of his tissues.
♖ Michael's body does not process most painkillers. While it precludes addiction, it leaves him bereft of analgesia. Many 'recreational' substances are likewise not processed. Michael will never know the 'joys' of being drunk or being high.
♖ Michael has difficulty sleeping. His indefatigableness means he often does not feel tired and so he often will not go to bed to try to sleep, and sometimes that means he stays awake for days at a time. While physically not deleterious, the mental side effects of going without sleep are very real and affect Michael as they would any other individual.
♖ Being big has numerous downsides. Common, every day objects are frequently too small for convenient use. There is never enough leg room. He is constantly asked to reach things which are high up.
♖ Michael is a Canadian citizen, born and raised in the land of the Maple Leaf. It is his gift and his curse. At any time his secret might be revealed in a colloquialism, a childhood experience not shared by Americans, a slip of the accent, a 'zed,' the inclusion of a 'u,' a roll of the 'r.' Once he is outed as a Canuck, the fallout could be immeasurable.
♖ ALL Supe characters have a weakness to high frequencies, no matter their power level.

Likes: Steak. Hockey. Duck. Pink clothing (for women). Power metal. Older pro wrestling (from pre-2000s).
Dislikes: Cinnamon. E-drama and social media. Liars. Bok choi. Marijuana. Losing (hates it).

Player's Link to On/Offs Thread: Link to CH's On/Offs
Top 5 Ons: Giving cunnilingus, giving rimming, size difference, giving cum facials.
Top 5 Offs: Urine, Scat, Sex without emotion, receiving fellatio, being penetrated.

Other Important Information:
♙ Michael is a Canadian citizen.
♙ Theme: Stomping Tom Connors - The Hockey Song Alt Theme: Blind Channel - Sharks Love Blood
♙ Baskin Robbins has a secret 32nd flavour. Michael knows about it and has consumed it - the proof is on his cell phone in the form of a video of him in the act. There are powerful forces at work in the world that strongly desire the suppression of this information.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Edit: Mel's character is also approved!
Be on the lookout for Solaris (Phaedra Solace) in the approved section soon!

Be on the lookout for a new approved character from Swashbuckler.
Welcome Sebastian Batanero (Shadow) to God U!
Rainy's Ons and Offs
Currently NOT open for solo stories
Rainy's Scene Tracker