Recruitment: DCendents: Wayne Academy

Started by Kara Danvers, November 03, 2023, 08:24:00 PM

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Quote from: RainyHigh on November 06, 2023, 05:29:21 PMI think you know, but just in case--it's a good eek!
You know me, just have to make sure.  :D


@Kara Danvers I see why you messaged me.  These sheets really are amazing, and the people submitting them are amazing, we most definitely should strike while the iron is hot.  (Because the characters are even hotter!)


OK, Kara and I have met, and here's a somewhat more structured update on the state of the game:

Characters Submitted and approved (8)
Oldedog ("Pinnacle": Annabelle Cartwright)
TheHangedOne ("Masque": Riley Roth)
RainyHigh ("Frost Witch": Aurora Fries)
Lokus ("Nefiru": Mayet Mayar)
Everlasting Starfall ("Ocean Tide": Sophie Yoon)
Yukina ("Datastream": Marida Nein)
Kara Danvers ("Superia": Kelsey Kent)
MightyMaiden ("Upsy Daisy": Lily Jaqueline Quinzel)

Interested, but characters not submitted (3)

Character submitted, not approved at this time (1)
MetroFallout ("Deadshot": Floyd Lawton)

We qualify for a 'Big Group' subforum, and we have requested one.  Last time we did that, it came through in a couple of days, so hopefully staff aren't too busy and we'll get a similar turnaround.

Deadshot is not approved at this time because Kara and I are working out how we feel about non-GM faculty.  There's also a question about whether the tone of the Deadshot sheet matches the tone of the game.  I'll be contacting MetroFallout in DMs to work out the best way forward.

In related news, I don't have a character sheet done!  I do have an awesome faculty mugshot, courtesy of MightyMaiden:

Without getting too much into what's blocking me, I'm finding creativity a bit challenging at the moment, and I'm getting satisfaction out of admin/support work.  Hopefully that satisfaction will extend to a point where the muse is with me and I participate fully in the IC.  In the meantime, I'll be doing the paperwork and acting as a sounding board for anyone who is willing to tolerate my interfering ways.

As discussed privately with a few people, the plan is to have people doing one thread per scene.  A big group subforum means that we can do this, and we don't then have to scroll past a scene we're not writing, and then forget where we were up to, and, and, and.... At the same time, the idea is that this is a group game, not just a collection of scenes.  So we're going to have a 'thread header', and we're currently thinking along these lines:

Location:  Main entrance
Start time: 8th November 2023, 8:30am

And the rule is please actually pick a specific location, and actually pick a specific start time.  That way, if people want to construct a clear understanding of who did what to whom (and when), they have a reasonable opportunity to do so.

We will pin an OOC thread, but be aware that we have a Discord server for people with approved characters, and it's an awesome place full of supportive people.  Lots of brainstorming and decision-making is happening there, and being reported here.

Opening event
Your character is ICly expected to attend the opening event, which is roommate allocation.  ICly, we will be pulling names out of a hat.  OOCly, we will be trying to create interesting situations that people can enjoy.  You can use the poll here to indicate your OOC requirements and they'll go into a spreadsheet the GMs can use to access people's answers really conveniently - don't forget to provide your name and to add any comments you'd like us to take into account in that space.  (Information provided in that space will be visible to everyone.)

Feel free to start scenes that happen before or after the opening event without waiting for it to start (let alone finish). 


As per a discussion with Blue, I have decided to shelve Floyd for later. In the meantime, I will work on an OC to join.


Due to events that have occurred beyond my control, I have decided to postpone my interest in this thread.


After much happy chatting in the Discord server, we've decided to go live with the game tomorrow, and we will ask staff to help us move the (presumably pretty limited) threads we've created into the Big Groups area after we start.  With that in mind, we have launched the Character Roster thread, if you have an approved character, please post it there.

We've also set up the room assignments, and are communicating them OOCly here.

Room Assignments
Room Assignments

201 Annabelle Cartwright + Lily Jaqueline Quinzel
205 Aurora Fries + Kelsey Kent

302 Sophie Yoon + Kelly Gerard
305 Marida Nein + Riley Roth

404 Mayet Mayar
406 Selina Kyle


304 Steve Williams + ???


The mixer event where characters receive their room assignments has been planned, and will be going live tomorrow.  We've been notified OOC of one mistake with the room assignments so far, and fixed it.  Please let us know if we made more than one mistake!


Apologies for the silence - RL has continued to be awkward.  Is it too late to sign up for this?  I don't want to do anything to disrupt a happy group.
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)

Kara Danvers

Not at all Outcast! Feel free to submit a sheet, and if you want to join the discord just PM blue or myself.
~ʜᴏᴘᴇ, ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀʟʟ~
 ~ᴋᴀʀᴀ ᴅᴀɴᴠᴇʀꜱ~


I will put a submission up ASAP


Welcome aboard Gannameade!

In 'general update' news, the E site staff have advised us of a delay in setting up a Big Group subforum for us.  In the spirit of striking while the iron is hot, we have gone live with our IC, and are absolutely delighted with the activity so far.

Our threads can be found at:

Character Roster (Approved Characters)
Game Information
IC: Welcome Event
IC: Arrival in Room 302


Is there room for 1 or 2 more characters? I'm thinking of an OC student (size changer, growth and shrink; daughter of Ray Palmer) and maybe bring on Cassue Sandsmark as a Humanities/Classics teacher.


That sounds like fun!  I'll DM you a link to the discord server to discuss further, we are working pretty closely with people as they develop faculty characters because we're in the process of working out what we want, and we're nervous that the wrong concept might have a big impact on the game as a whole.

Lovely Complex

Has anyone claimed a child of Green Arrow or Black Canary yet? 👀


A belated offering.  Hopefully it's not too terrible!

Name:  Honor Savage
Codename:  N/A
Age:  21
Parents Scandal Savage (clone of), Knockout, and Liana Kerzner.
Species:  Human / Immortal
Gender:  Female
Sexual Orientation:  Lesbian
Enrollment: Legacy / reformation.
Appearance: 5’9”, athletically curvy
Faceclaim: Fernanda D’Avila

History:  What’s an immortal warlord to do, when the only healthy child he has sired in more than forty millennia determinedly refuses to provide him with the next generation… and especially with the male heir he yearns to be able to mould in his own image?  For Vandal Savage, responses have ranged from blackmail to kidnap - but some years back he also detoured into cloning.
    As was the case with most of his plans for her, Scandal was more than a little upset when she found out.  With her wife, the Fury (or ‘New God’) known as Knockout, Vandal’s daughter raided his research facilities during one of his extended absences.  Wrecking most of what they found, they absconded with the one successful clone thus far produced.
    Named ‘Honor’ in both a pointed rebuke to Vandal, and in honour of Scandal’s favourite kick-ass actress from the ‘60s, the rescuee was raised by three ‘mothers’ - Scandal, Knockout, and their mutual spouse Liana.  From the first two, she received intensive training in combat techniques and technological developments… but the third provided a constant point of connection to the world of mundane human experience and emotion.
    Run-ins with the law were rather more common than was the case for most children, courtesy of Honor’s tendency to deal very directly with bullies and her habit of ‘exploring’ computer systems, but all three of her parents were keen to keep her out of serious trouble - not least because they were quite certain that a veritable host of organisations (both criminal and law-enforcement) would be paying close attention to her.
    It was Liana’s idea to enroll Honor at Wayne Academy, in the hope of helping her to better find her feet in the ‘mortal’ world.  Now that she’s fully-grown, her innate abilities and training combine to make her an unusually dangerous young woman: all her mothers agree that Honor might manage to have a happier life than has generally been the case for Scandal, if she can avoid becoming so isolated as her progenitor was for most of her life.

Personality:  Ferociously determined, but somewhat conflicted.  Trained by Scandal in the vital importance of “noble behaviour”, Honor has a powerful code of honour - though Liana’s gentler influence has ensured that Honor’s beliefs are rather more open and optimistic.
    She wants to be ‘normal’ in some ways, but also revels in her unconventional abilities, and is acutely aware that she shares the Savage tendency to find violence intensely appealing.
    There’s also a persistent background of apprehensive fear, now that she’s dared to move away from home.  True, Knockout and Scandal were frequently away ‘on business’ (often of a kind she was encouraged not to pry into), but the protection provided by an immortal and a ‘goddess’ was always there in the background.  Now, Honor has to rely upon herself and a rather random collection of strangers for defence - against anyone who might want revenge upon any of her parents, against her grandfather, against those who might hope to use her to manipulate Vandal, against anyone who might hope to use her as a research subject (in simple pursuit of immortality, or to try to work out how to kill Vandal)....
    And, of course, there’s the simple question of how she might manage to fit in and get on amidst a large number of strangers.  For that, Liana’s influence seems likely to be more helpful than the training provided by her other two parents…

Powers:   Like Scandal, most of Honor’s abilities are comparable to assorted ‘super soldier’ creations.  Her agility and reflexes are Olympic standard, while her strength allows her to easily pick up and run with a 500lb burden.  That power makes her acrobatic and gymnastic talents a match for cinematic special effects: she can flip and tumble (over obstacles or through combat) as if employing trampolines and wires, but cannot come close to leaping tall buildings in a single bound.  That strength also boosts her speed, though only to marginally ‘super’ levels: while wearing boots and running across rough ground, she could match an elite sprinter’s effort on a track.
    Her stamina is exceptional, even by super-soldier standards: holding a conversation while running is simple, and she can sustain high-level exertion for longer than even the majority of supers.
    Most notable among her ‘gifts’ is her (suspected) immortality.  Like Scandal, it’s unclear quite what would be required to actually kill her, but it’s presumed that her resilience and healing are directly comparable to her progenitor.  Amanda Waller, for example, once captured Scandal by having her riddled with 50-cal rounds from a heavy machine gun at point blank range: that was sufficient to allow a team to take her into custody, but didn’t even knock her out.
    Healing is painful - especially when it comes to regrowing organs - and Honor’s body is still (somewhat) susceptible to mundane damage.  She can receive injections (with enough effort and a sharp enough needle), and can certainly be shot or cut… but impact damage in particular seems to be absorbed without real harm: that machine gun punched neat holes in Scandal rather than ripping her apart, as a prime example.
    Whether Honor’s abilities are yet a match for Scandal’s is unclear: she’s aware that it’s possible that such things are still developing, and she’s keen to avoid finding out whether she can do anything major like regrow an eye or her liver.

Special Qualities:  Stubborn to a fault, when it comes to matters of honour - though not yet quite to the same levels as her progenitor.  Still, she knows the stories of Scandal doing things like leading a rescue team into Hell to save Knockout, and is aware that she probably has the potential to be as pigheaded…

Abilities: Though raised to be multilingual, Honor lags far behind Scandal’s near-century of globe-trotting experience.  Still, she is proficient in (Brazilian) Portuguese and French as well as the tribal language spoken by the remote Amazonian village in which Scandal spent the first part of her life: that last serves as a useful ‘secret tongue’ for their family.  She has spent some time studying Czech, German, Spanish, and (more recently) Latin, but wouldn’t claim to be fluent in any of them.
    Honor’s technologically proficient: one parent is a literal alien, while another made much of her money as a tech-expert for less-than-legal enterprises.  Though she’s not remotely a gadgeteer, she is au fait with most developments… and would be considered quite a skilled hacker by most student bodies.  She doesn’t expect that to carry much weight at Wayne Academy, however: it would be more than a little shocking if the systems there were vulnerable to her merely-mundane gifts!
    Where she has excelled is in physical activity: even the ‘merely human’ member of her trio of mothers was a professional dancer, and Honor has learned from all three of the women who raised her.  Given the emphasis on interacting with ‘normal’ society (in which wandering around while laden with weaponry is not appropriate), she has most heavily trained in unarmed combat - but Scandal put a lot of time into teaching her the ‘noble’ arts of the blade.  Honor has fenced and practiced kendo for longer than she can recall, but has precious little experience of using swords in real combat. Likewise, she received private lessons in using Scandal’s signature wrist-mounted Lamentation Blades, but those remain with her mother and have not been brought to the Academy.
    An area that Honor is particularly keen to explore is magic: though Scandal has thus far demonstrated little interest in such things, Vandal is a dedicated occultist with a gift for elaborate rituals.  Honor is eager to build upon her mother’s limited gifts (primarily lucid dreaming, and an awareness of and ability to resist others’ efforts to intrude upon her dreams) and explore what might be possible if she were to embrace that path.  She hopes that the Academy will be able to open up new horizons for her.

Special Equipment: Wealthy family (two of her parents are former(?) supervillains / mercenaries), but not remotely on the same sort of level as the Waynes.  Honor has an array of high-tech (but not super-grade) gear: expensive laptop, kevlar-weave biking jacket, and so on.  A nice motorcycle is one of her more prized possessions.

Limitations/Weaknesses:  Honour, eccentricity, and anger are the primary psychological quirks likely to arise in play: Honor simply doesn’t think like most other people, and even though she has softened and broadened Scandal’s rigid (and very limited) code of “noble behaviour”, she is acutely aware of the need to cling to her personal code as a way to keep the Savage temper in check.
    Similarly, her home life is too unconventional for her to have a terribly firm grasp on what counts as normality.  For every dance class Liana took her to or Disney movie the pair of them watched, she spent an afternoon being taught how to control super-strength or being put through her paces in combat practice.  And she’s never met anyone else who had three mothers, nor another clone…

Ons & Offs:  Well-informed (courtesy of her strange parental situation) but personally inexperienced in matters of romance: Honor is very much aware that it would be easy for her to accidentally harm any mundane partner if she lost control while excited.  Very much female-inclined, but not sure of a great deal beyond that.

Plot Seeds: Nothing is a requirement here - bringing someone like Vandal Savage into a game could be rather selfish, given the propensity of the immortal warlord to cause mayhem and grandstand - but plots relating to Vandal could certainly drag in Honor.  Even if Vandal has written off his daughter’s clone as a dead-end experiment, others might want to target (or study) her in hope of finding a way to overcome her creator or to manipulate her mothers.
    Via the Savage lineage, Honor is deemed to be ‘of royal blood’ by various organisations (such as the League of Shadows), and might even be considered to be part of assorted prophecies… though as an artificially-created clone, others might view her as a blasphemous problem needing to be destroyed.
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)

Kara Danvers

Quote from: Lovely Complex on November 11, 2023, 04:41:25 AMHas anyone claimed a child of Green Arrow or Black Canary yet? 👀
They have not Lovely, and I think that would be a fun addition! Excited to see what you come up with.

Outcast, Honor is approved. I you have discord and want to join the group, just PM me or BlueOrange and we will get you in there.
~ʜᴏᴘᴇ, ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀʟʟ~
 ~ᴋᴀʀᴀ ᴅᴀɴᴠᴇʀꜱ~

Lovely Complex

Quote from: Kara Danvers on November 11, 2023, 11:37:46 AMThey have not Lovely, and I think that would be a fun addition! Excited to see what you come up with.
Oooh, I’ll get something before the weekend is over. 🥰

Kara Danvers

I love it! I you have Discord Lovely, feel free to send me or BlueOrange a PM, and we can get you invited. It's a great group, and we can help with brainstorming, etc.
~ʜᴏᴘᴇ, ʜᴇʟᴘ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴘᴀꜱꜱɪᴏɴ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀʟʟ~
 ~ᴋᴀʀᴀ ᴅᴀɴᴠᴇʀꜱ~


Name: Selina Kyle
Codename: Catwoman
Age: 51
Parents Not Applicable
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Enrollment: Faculty (Physical Education / Gymnastics)

Faceclaim: Charlize Theron

History: Selina’s first life was in the orphanage, which was a very strict and oppressive environment. She hated it there, and got herself out as fast as she could.  Her second life was living on the streets, fending for herself, stealing to survive, and squatting in alleyways, on rooftops and pretty much anywhere she could get a decent meal.

Her third life was, just… super. Living in a luxury penthouse apartment, stealing for her own private entertainment, and living a life of complete freedom. Her affair with Bruce Wayne was as passionate as her conflict with Batman. The discovery that they were the same person was… confronting.

Life number four, as the happy housewife of the retired billionaire? It was what she thought she wanted. Knew that she should want, at the very least. Plenty of opportunities to laze in the sunlight by the pool. But she started to feel bored, and Bruce never stopped feeling guilty. She started stealing things again, daring him to catch her, and he did. But it wasn’t the same.

And so began life number five, as Bruce established Wayne Academy. Selina looked at what he was planning, and it seemed very much as if he was trying to give these kids the childhood he never had. Not the firm support and live he’d received from Alfred, but a fantasy of order and structure. No opportunities for growth or exploration, just perfect predictable order in a cocoon that would inevitably defeat itself.

Unless, of course, someone with a sharp claw was to cut a few breathing holes in that cocoon. Then the kids might have an opportunity for a life, not just an education. Four lives still to come…

Personality: Catlike, darling. Slow, measured and lazy so much of the time that you’d never believe the speeds and frenzied energy she could still achieve. A true ambush predator who watches and waits, picking her moment before striking decisively. A lover of affection and kindness, and a ferocious fighter. Someone who goes where she pleases, secure in the knowledge that she has a divine right to do so.

Powers: Peak human strength, speed, and agility.

Special Qualities: Master cat burglar. Expert martial artist and whip wielder.

Abilities: Nearly undetectable when hiding.

Special Equipment: Special whips, claws, night vision kit, and cat ears. (Several interchangeable pieces with appropriate capabilities for the needs of the plot.)

Limitations/Weaknesses: Past her physical prime. Aches and pains. Recently reconstructed right knee. Plays with her food. Not great on follow-through.

Ons & Offs: See signature. Also: likes powerful people who know what they want. Enjoys curling up in a warm place and being stroked gently. The line between combat and foreplay is blurry.

Plot Seeds: While she has no official power in the school hierarchy, everyone is quite aware that her husband owns the school. If you want strategic influence, she’s a valuable ally and a dangerous opponent.

Let me know if you have something that it might be fun for her to steal.


Name: Cynthia Luthor
Codename: Goddess of Evil
Age: 18
Parents Lex Luthor, Cythonna
Species: Humanoid Demigod
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Enrollment: Reform
Appearance: Tall, dark, incredibly beautiful. Dresses like an MMO character.

Faceclaim: Cara Delevingne

History: When your mother is a bona fide goddess of evil, and your father is an infamous mastermind, you have a lot to live up to. Especially when your mother’s telepathic influence is constantly reaching across the multiverse to remind you that she conquered her first planet at age 12, and what have you done, Cynthia? When you say ‘almost conquered a shopping mall’, what is a mother to think, exactly?

Personality: Entitled, bitchy, supremely narcissistic

Powers (Reliable):
These powers are available to her. But they kinda suck.

Probably Immortal The voice in Cynthia’s head says that she cannot die by any means. What Cynthia knows is that she definitely feels pain, and that she’s not keen on testing this.

Mind Control Cynthia can compel people to do things that they want to do by telling them to do it in a loud and bossy tone.

Astral Reception Is able to communicate with Cythonna when Cythonna uses her Astral Projection power.

Worship Empowerment Feels much better when people worship her.

Flights Very good at getting her father to pay for plane tickets.

Televerby Can communicate verbally and in text over great distances by using a phone.

Energy Projection Can discharge small lightning bolts from her fingers if she shuffles her feet along synthetic carpet for a couple of minutes to power this ability.

Telekinesis Can move objects with the power of her mind, provided that she is holding them in her hands and they’re not too heavy.

Immune to rational arguments able to resist any and all alternative explanations for her supernatural powers.

Writer takes pity once in a while, her powers are actually genuinely powerful. Until they’re not. The whims of the multiverse are profoundly mysterious.

Powers (Actually Genuinely Powerful)):
These powers are granted to Cynthia by her mother’s divine essence. Her mother is trapped inside a trans-dimensional prison that has been sent to the furthest reaches of the multiverse, and the forces influencing their availability are dark and mysterious. There are three walls that magic can routinely overcome, but it is only when she is able to find a chink in the Fourth Wall that she truly becomes powerful. Cynthia has developed a theory that she, and everyone else in the world, are puppets who exist solely for the amusement of a cabal of trans-dimensional beings she calls The Authors. These ‘Authors’ create reality itself through acts of will, and her access to her powers depends entirely on their whims. They live on the other side of a trans dimensional barrier called The Fourth Wall, which Cynthia is occasionally able to break.

Mind Control Gods willing, she is able to exercise genuine mind control over others. So far, she has never replicated her mother’s feat of turning millions of people into slaves who intelligently comply with her wishes. But she has been able to get people to follow instructions they don’t want to follow. The extent of her control varies wildly, depending on the whims of the Authors.

This works (or completely fails) depending on how the Author reading my post thinks it should. If Mind Control is a kink for you, then we work out how it works OOC. If you don’t like it, either in general or in the specific, then it fails.

Damage resistant While Cynthia is definitely not immune to pain, she never seems to suffer lasting injuries.

Transdimensional glimpse The Authors sometimes grant Cynthia images of faraway worlds, which appear in her mind like a video. She has learned that if she focuses on someone, she can cause them to see the vision as well.

Knowledge Outside Ordinary Capabilities Cynthia is sometimes able to access information Outside the Ordinary Capabilities of any mortal. She believes that this OOC knowledge comes directly from the Authors: that when they control their puppets in the world, they include information that cannot be obtained by any ordinary capability. She ‘reads’ this information when she can, although never in a ‘thread’ where she is not present.

Discordant sense Cynthia’s access to the Plane of Discord is unreliable at best, but she has an uncanny capacity to sense which people have the attention of the authors. These people (the Primary Channels) fascinate her, as they represent an opportunity to strengthen her links to the Authors. She is convinced that the Authors have plans for the Primary Channels, even though those plans may seem confused and disorganized to mere mortals. In theory, her Discordant Sense gives her the gift of prophecy. In practice, this seems to be limited to ‘something important will happen at the Halloween Party’ and that sort of thing.

Weave the fabric of reality If at least two authors are grasping the same Reality Thread, and all Authors touching the thread focus their energy in the same direction, Cynthia can reshape reality itself as if it were a dream. This is not reliably reshaped the way Cynthia wants, but is rather a reflection of the will of the authors.

Special Qualities:
Access to a significant trust fund.


Special Equipment:
Sometimes gets her hands on a LexCorp gadget or prototype. Occasionally, she manages to work out how to disable the safeties.

Weakened by unbelievers her powers are less reliable in the presence of skeptics and unbelievers.

Puppet Cynthia’s will is not always her own. Is it her mother, mind-controlling her from across the multiverse? Or is it the Authors, humiliating her for their petty amusements? Regardless of the true cause, Cynthia sometimes finds herself doing things she doesn’t want to do, for reasons she cannot understand. These episodes terrify her.

Involuntary mental stasis - the multiverse is not a superhighway, it is more like a series of tubes. Sometimes, those tubes get blocked, and time doesn’t flow. Most people don’t notice this, because their awareness pauses when the universe pauses. But when Cynthia’s awareness pauses, the universe keeps going. Sometimes she is frozen in place like a statue. Other times, she keeps doing whatever she was doing, unaware of the decreasing appropriateness of her actions. And sometimes she becomes extremely cooperative, doing whatever the people around her decide she should do.

Clearly insane Cynthia’s explanations of the world around her are ludicrous nonsense, and her bizarre behaviour reinforces a clear message to everyone around her: this woman is insane, and probably dangerous with it.

Ons & Offs:  See signature. Likes obedient slaves, worshippers, and people who play along with her fantasies.

Plot Seeds: Her powers actually work on YC! Wait till mother hears about this!

YC manipulates her for money and/or whatever else they can get from her.

YC thinks they can reform her.

Cynthia comes out of mental stasis to discover that YC has taken advantage of it somehow.


Name: Zatanna Zatara
Codename: N/A
Age: 50 (Doesn't look it due to magic, appearance is closer to 30)
Parents Not Applicable
Species: Homo Magi
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Enrollment: Faculty (Magic/Ancient Languages)

Faceclaim: Serinda Swan

History: Zatanna comes from a long line of stage magicians and an even longer line of mystics. Her father, The Great Zatara", was one of the greatest magicians of his day and she followed in his footsteps. Her magical abilities, a byproduct of her Homo Magi blood, allowed her to set into an even more impressive role as a superhero. She spent as much time on stage as she did saving the world and is often remembered more for her shows then her heroics. She's fought demons and dark wizards both solo and along side other heroes like the Justice League.

Eventually, she started looking for means to pass on what she had learned and when Bruce came calling with the idea of a school to train the next generation of heroes, she could pass it up. It's a bit of a learning curve for her, most of her magic she learned through experimentation and practice but now she's expected to have an organized plan in place for her students.

Personality: Despite no longer performing shows, Zatanna still greatly loves the spotlight and putting on a show. She's still adjusting to her role as an instructor at the Academy and often pushes things a little too far during her classes. Zatanna has a bit of an impish nature, a surprise to no one, so she occasionally plays pranks on her fellow staffs members and possibly the students as well but it's all in good fun.

Powers: Various magical spells, usually requiring her to speak her intentions backwards. Limited ability to alter reality through the use of magic.

Special Qualities: World class magic user. Expert escape artist and stage magician. Competent martial artist.

Abilities: Speaks and reads multiple ancient or dead languages.

Special Equipment: Numerous and varied magical items, tomes, as well as props from her stage shows.

Limitations/Weaknesses: Like to talk and occasionally grandstand. Needs to be able to speak in order to cast her spells.

Ons & Offs: See signature. Also: A lifelong career on stage has given Zatanna an exhibitionist streak.

Plot Seeds: Some of Zatanna's things have gone missing, who could be behind the thefts?


Zatanna is approved!

With that said, we are going to take a breath as GMs.  We've run a game together in the past that was wildly popular and we pushed too hard for growth and people ended up unhappy - we're committed to making different mistakes this time.

If you're already discussing a character with us, then please do continue that conversation.  If you're a new player, or an exsting player with a new character idea, then we welcome you to discuss ideas with players in this thread and on the discord, but the GMs will ignore you as hard as we can until we've had a chance to post as our characters and organize the things we want to organize.


We are pleased to advise that we are ending the character approval freeze. Please be aware that now that we’ve ended the ‘launch’ phase of this game, our highest priority will be serving the characters and players who are already in the game. Therefore, we’ll be limiting the effort we put into approvals. We’re also not going to operate a strict queue: easier approvals will move more quickly, trickier ones will be slower. ‘GM enthusiasm’ will also be a factor, we believe our excitement about playing with a proposed character is a fair indication of how the players we’ve recruited will respond.


Just dropped by to say I love the way you all have set up your game. That's all.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.