Interest check: Fantasy realm after the end

Started by craeric, August 28, 2023, 11:29:03 PM

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I have had an idea of seeking to GM a fantasy realm, basically, that is earth 100,000 years from now.  An asteroid hit, unleashing volcano and even super volcano eruptions, tremendous tectonic shifts, and more.  But as it was known it was coming, humanity had spared itself in a colony pod in space, a time ark.   to be cloned and memories implanted into the clones from supercomputer Neural scans.   Sadly time passed far more, and humanity had been lost.   

On earth however survivors clung together, in small bands, and evolved... into post human forms.  Forms we would call elves, dwarfs...

And the AI managing the station has finally self repaired and is ready to do its mission- but there are some problems... which it had been programed with solutions to.  Solutions every survivor had agreed to should it come to pass.

Once they land (Post Character generation, which will be played out as well- particularly if using a system, and I was thinking somehow using Anime 5E for this) the player characters would form a scout team, seeking to make contact with the natives of this time, find resources, and generally be the explorers of this new world.

would anybody be interested in this? 


Potentially yes.
Is it PvP with invaders Vs neo-natives, because I straight out don't get involved with pvp.
Is the scout team armed with weapons, so a sort of sci fi Vs fantasy?

Is there a "vibe" eg final fantasy, phantasy star,


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No.  well one potential, but my idea is that the scout team has access to 'magic' potentially (Chi awakening/psionic powers), and no.  I see it as a story/exploration, not PVP.   the only one tossing 'enemies' wold be the GM, myself- and they could be involved in diplomacy etc too.   What  the last humans, which the scouts are part of, have is KNOWLEDGE.   and training.  And a good number of the survivors perhaps had mutation of there DNA, or perhaps just luckily, had the potential Chi/Magic/psionics.

As for the feel, or vibe, maybe a sort of final fantasy vibe, but it is intended as its own world.   wasn't entirely clear I guess.   The solutions involved are a kind of reincarnation- every 'soul' (In this case a memory fork of a person) Is implanted in a new cloned body, and part of the initial character build is actually BUYING said bodies with a currancy- Shares of the surviving energy- the AI evenly distributes.  The stronger, faster, more potential for intellect, etc the genetic code of the body is, the more it costs in a kind of silent bidding.  They awaken so to speak as AI forks of themselves.  Initially.  and are in a kind of 'matrix' the super AI formed- but it is FOR, not against, humanity.
More then that I don't want to go into too many more details, as I would like it to come from the story. 

Ian Temero

This sounds interesting, though I have neither experience nor access to Anime 5e material.


It's ok, I'm thinking I might just go systemless too, but it is a debate I am having.  And would allow in part potential players to decide upon as well.  I was unsure how to do it regardless, as D&D, which Anime 5E is based on, is very tactical and grid map based anyway. 

Ian Temero

Well if you want a grid you could always use Roll20 to make the map and take a screenshot each round. (Assuming you’re not on mobile.)



Tempting! *plants interest flag* For systems, I'm down for DnD 5e, but I'm also down for Anime Campaign if someone can teach me how to play it. :)


Well seems I have a descent possible response- so a bit of a poll.  Anime or 5E strait?  Anime tends to a bit higher power, but you can be standard classes in it.  Honestly 5E might be easier, ANime more customizeable characters. 



Ian Temero

My vote is for Anime but 5e certainly wouldn’t be a deal breaker.
The Customizability is actually more attractive to me (I’ve played the crap out of 5e) but if easier is needed I’m fine with that too.


I can help with the anime material, though it will be limited access to a degree for obvious reasons- I cannot 'copy and paste' after all.

And it seems there is a very slight preferance for it, so I will go that way.  Next question is level of intensity- Would you like to explore things like slavery, rape, etc, or keep it more vanilla?  Mind i'm saying more 'background' in a way- the player characters are effectively heroes so I will request good/nueteral at 'lowest' Alignment.  But I can see ways a good man could come to own a slave girl and treat her well as well. 


I'm usually pretty "extreme" in that regard. I don't usually go as deep as full Non-Con and stop at dub con. However, "certain anime" led to acceptance of quite extreme other tastes (eg. Tentacles, and similar) which are often off the table for others. So I'm flexible with how others want to play it.


Kinda interested. If we go with a system I'd prefer vanilla 5e.


Quote from: craeric on September 04, 2023, 01:49:09 PM
I can help with the anime material, though it will be limited access to a degree for obvious reasons- I cannot 'copy and paste' after all.

And it seems there is a very slight preferance for it, so I will go that way.  Next question is level of intensity- Would you like to explore things like slavery, rape, etc, or keep it more vanilla?  Mind i'm saying more 'background' in a way- the player characters are effectively heroes so I will request good/nueteral at 'lowest' Alignment.  But I can see ways a good man could come to own a slave girl and treat her well as well. 

Cool! :)

I'd rather keep such material in the background to be honest in terms of the extreme stuff. Implied for backstories and plot is fine, but actual rp-ed non-con is just no to me. As for slavery, unless it involves freeing them with nothing expected in return, then no.


As far as extreme content goes, not particular a fan of it in active play either. My thoughts basically align with Yukina's.

Ian Temero

And Anime vs 5e is tied once again!

My feelings on the content is basically the same as Revelation’s. Iffy with non-con and tentatively okay with dub-con. Oh and I might be okay with Rev’s mentioned tentacles.

I’m also okay with the slavery topic, though I probably won’t participate in it. Probably.


Honestly I play darker often, but I am perfectly fine keeping it vanilla.  if there is slavery it might be like 'the orcs kept these'

and ya, now in the middle again. 


Regarding Anime 5e I'm not wholly against it, I just wasn't impressed with it when I made a character with it and gave it a brief try. I'll give it another go though if the DM decides to go with it.


honestly thinking if I do will be only in the begining- you can customize some at first, but are only allowed standard classes, and so on.   Plus as most don't have access anyway...

But might be a regenerating fighter, or a sorcerer with a few extra skills.  seeing the OP nature in my tabletop group, and its... ya.  But seems consensus leans towards nueteral, so that seems a good compromise, and fits my plans fine.  And dubcon at worst.  So will keep it pretty much 'vanilla'

Race: human (Story reasons for this)
Classes allowed (Again for story): Any save Druid, wizard, and barbarian. 

Those who want to join I would like the following to start-
Your characters initial name (the first 'chargen' part would possibly allow a change) and gender (Ditto), Characters Nationality
Allowed backgrounds: Noble (Mega wealthy or actual nobleman), soldier (Self explanitary), Folk hero (Farmer, blue collar worker), scholar (scientist say), or make a case for another. 


I am still interested in this.  Three weeks and no responses hurts though.  not that I have been perfect either. 

Ian Temero

Oh shoot! I completely forgot about this! I’m so sorry!

Name: Gabriella Akiyama
Nationality: American/Japanese
Background: Noble (Mega Wealthy)

Probably make her an Artificer


I thought we were still agreeing a system. And I'm sorry I missed your update.  I think it got swallowed under all the other ones. So 5th. All classes but druid, wizard and barbarian. I'll have to go digging then.

Is this going to make the party charisma heavy, because all four charisma classes are still open for play