Venture Into The Pierce Verse. (M for Any)

Started by Piercescion, December 16, 2017, 03:16:35 PM

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Writer's Foreword: Below I will be adding and updating various SL Ideas and Details of my main character Patrick James Pierce IV and his family owned company for which he is CEO Pierce Inc. I shall be continuously adding to and updating this thread so as to keep any interested parties informed as to what I am looking to play, or the sort of ideas I can work around. None of what I have here is set in stone and I am versatile enough to adjust and conform a role to fulfill both our desires.

Pierce Inc & Subsidiaries

Few would believe that the juggernaut of the Business World with a presence in nearly every market possible in the globalized world while remaining the largest privately owned business within the world got it's start as a desperate gambit from a forlorn family.....

The Business known as Pierce Incorporated began within Salem, Massachusetts only 2-years after the infamous trials where so many innocent people died to the puritanical paranoia of the townsfolk in the year 1695 a last gambit to an impoverished son of a fallen house... The scandal and details of which have been buried by the centuries and the family itself.

What can be said was the family which had once been mighty Overlords of the Irish under the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell were now only a fractured remenant, in debt, and downtrodden having used the last of their wealth and political clout to gain the Magistrate Office Of Salem... A forelorn village in a cold remote colony that no one had a desire to procure.

The Business that was little more than timber, land, and trade grew over the next 320 years into a world power of commerce, progress, and profit.

The Pierce Family who have owned and operated it from the start continue to do so now as the Executives overseeing the Leviathan the business has become stretching tentacles into every conceivable market, and every possible location both on this Earth and Beyond....

And at the head of it all stands one man... A Emperor ruling the Business Empire few could match... Patrick James Pierce IV.

Patrick James Pierce IV

Patrick James Pierce IV his birth was heralded by papers and news outlets around the world. The first son of Patrick James Pierce III renowned business mogul, and Linda Harris-Pierce youngest child of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Politicians, Dignitaries, Royals, and Famous Personalities from around the world sent gifts and messages of congratulations to the Couple.

Baby Patrick was heir-apparent to the multinational corporation Pierce Inc, the business empire his family had built over the generations growing ever larger and more powerful. So he was raised as such, being sent to the finest of boarding schools in New England. His early years were quite unremarkable, merely living the life of privilege under his father's stern eye and expectations. Young Patrick excelled in his courses, sports, and as a leader of the student body. The young man gaining the famous Pierce good looks, and charm to add to the formidable pedigree he was born to.

It was during his first years at Harvard he worked tirelessly, while keeping with his social duties, and public duties as a Pierce that he began a endless series of high profile relationships. The handsome man's featured on "Most Eligible Bachelor's" Lists and his first of many Cover Page on Forbes talking of him as the future of American Business. It was easy to see why women loved Patrick, and how he loved women. Playboy was an understatement.

When he graduated with an MBA he set to work within Pierce Inc. Holding down numerous titles as he learned the inner workings of the various branches of Pierce Inc. Managing its assets until the time came where his father’s interests and his own crossed.

Rather than to acquiesce to his father’s demands he saw the need of a need to Change Management of Pierce Inc…. Only two others know the truth behind the death of his father. The public led to believe he died when his flight went down in the Pacific.

Now Patrick stands at the helm of  Pierce Inc…. Ready to lead his empire into a new age.

More Details
Personal Dossier:

Date Of Birth: September 23, 1983
Age: 34 Years Old
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs
Build: Athletic
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Father: Patrick James Pierce III (Deceased)
Mother: Linda Harris-Pierce
Siblings: Madison Pierce (sister)

Job Title: CEO & President of Pierce Inc & Subsidiaries
Place of Residence: Pierce Manor, Los Angeles, California
Place of Employment: Penthouse of Pierce Tower, Los Angeles, California

High School: St Paul's Preparatory Academy
College: Yale (MBA)

Public Persona: Cocky, Brash, Playful, Charming, Playboy
Vices: Scotch, Women, Cars, Suits, and a Plethora of Drugs

The Truth

Patrick since his youth has cultured and encouraged a public image of himself for the world to see.. Which is that of an arrogant, aloof, trustfund kid, frat boy, douche bag more focused on pussy, and pleasure instead of business, and expanding the power of Pierce Inc.

What few know is that in reality Patrick takes great pains to keep this charade up so that his peers, enemies, allies, and even most of his friends don't see him for what he truly is. A cold eyed, utilitarian, Machiavellian who is always looking to edge out his allies and crush his enemies with a ferocious ruthlessness.

A man born with a family curse of good-looks, endless ambition, insatiable libido, and a deep sadistic thirst to inflict pain and sorrow both in the micro and macro levels... A Sociopath with deep seeded hungers to rape, conquer, pillage, and destroy.

OOC:Please Note All Ideas are predicated that Patrick and I as a writer are Heterosexual. All Male roles will be platonic, or MMF threesomes/Orgies.

SL Ideas Hub

No contact information in public parts of the site - Staff

More To Come!

Message me with interest!


Cleaned up the format with Hide/Reveal Boxes.

Added the following SL Ideas as well:

Prima Ballerina Assoluta
The Fallen Executive
The Drug Cartel Queen
The Saudi Princess
The Fashionista


April 2018 Bump

RL business acquisition took what expendable time I had but now that we are fully integrated I expect to be able to play and be available much more.


October 2021 Bump

Parenthood and OOC issues took me away from any kind of RP for several years.... But I have returned with a vengence.


Several picture changes and formatting changes with Google Doc links for SL details.

- Supernatural: Bloodline Idea added

- Metahuman Idea Added

- Executive Idea Added


June 2022 bump

Updated and stream lined SL, Ideas, and Roles to a single link to my Google Docs hub where all ideas are listed and detailed.


March 2023 Bump!

New Writing Sample: Pierce Verse Netting the Netrunner