Out of the Dark - a Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments game recruiting!

Started by Cold Heritage, October 16, 2022, 12:25:51 AM

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Cold Heritage

Quote from: Outcast on November 06, 2022, 12:52:33 PM
I am meant to be trying *not* to sign up to new commitments until I get on top of existing ones... but seeing the proposed characters is making this all the more tempting. ;)

You're quite welcome, but don't overburden yourself, Outcast. :)
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Quote from: Andronica on November 06, 2022, 12:56:53 PM
Join usssss

You are a bad, bad influence! ;D

I had been vaguely considering a Fairchild - off on a collateral branch to the ones at the heart of the TV show's story, but almost certainly suffering more than a little fall-out from someone of their surname marrying the head of the Circle (and, if memory serves, a family mansion burning down with multiple members inside).  The Shadowhunters do seem to love to blame families for the perceived failings of their relatives. ;)

I'd also wondered about some sort of 'mixed' heritage (late on in the TV show, we're
Minor Spoiler
shown a half-fae Shadowhunter!
), but I was thinking that I should keep anything of the sort comparatively low-key.  E.g. rather than an additional heritage to call upon for magical abilities, it might be a more distant familial connection... or something like her parents having wed and had children for duty, but one of them having had a Warlock paramour.  - so she grew up with a Downworlder around (and being kind to her), rather than having any Downworlder heritage herself.

But I'm meant to be resisting temptation.  Really!   :P
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)

Cold Heritage

I saw that! I've finished the show a little bit ago, and I've stumbled upon a few other examples of mixed heritages on the wiki, but my preference is to keep things comparatively low-key too.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Cold Heritage

I'm still hoping to get this going. Is there anyone else who might want to join the fray and be part of our Shadowfam?
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


I'm totally stoked for this too. I'll ask people I know.



Andro and I were just discussing this! If it doesn’t get more bites, would we all be down for a smaller group maybe?
I can now be found on scripturient


I would be fine with a smaller group. Groups shrink all the time.

Cold Heritage

If it's just we four, then that's fine too. I'll give it a bit more and then if it's still just us by next weekend I'll get on kicking things off.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Cold Heritage

No system. It's just based off of a television show that's in turn based off of a series of novels.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


@Cold H: got that, but was more intrested of the system used for the game. Which there is none. Not fan of freeforms myself. Have a good game .


Name: Nakia Steele
Age: Twenty six
Sex: Cis-gender
Gender: Cis-gender female, she/her
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Type: Werewolf - Alpha of the pack

Appearance: Wolf Form | Gif
Faceclaim: Marie Avgeropoulos

History: Nakia lived a regular mundane life. She was a bit of a trouble maker and had a tendency to have a bit of a temper, but her family was plain and simple. They lived in the same town as Denise and Delilah and met the two by chance. Nakia was inseparable with Delilah, acting as an older sister. That is, up until she was bitten at the age of twenty. Surprisingly, she welcomed the change, enjoying the life of a wolf despite the difficulties. However, she drifted from everyone after the bite in order to protect them, living with her new pack, and only contacting Delilah through text.

It wasn't until she heard of Denise's passing that she reached back out to Delilah, only to find the woman a complete mess and needing someone to look after her. This caused some tension with her pack since she had to live a double life in order to keep Delilah safe from her truth. She wanted to tell her, but her Alpha wouldn't allow it.

Eventually, Nakia challenged the Alpha and fought him to the death to take over as the new pack leader. With her newfound leadership, she was able to allow Delilah to know her truth, but kept her safe from the pack and ensured nobody would tell her about the ins and outs of the Shadow World. She didn't need to know.

Despite her high status and incredible skills as a fighter, Nakia is far from professional, known for her sarcastic and moody personality. To some, they get to see her softer side, but it's rare.

Personality: Brave | Feisty | Powerful | Jaded | Aggressive | Smart mouthed | Loyal

Powers: Regular werewolf powers. Has great control over her shifting, but does have anger issues.
Abilities: Usual werewolf abilities, but is also skilled in human-form for hand to hand combat.
Equipment: She favors the good old fashion weapons like swords, etc. when fighting as a human, but will usually shift to werewolf form. She's the most skilled on four paws.

Limitations/Weaknesses: Anger issues. Big time.

Ons/Offs: Player's ons/offs. Nakia is a switch, but she enjoys rough sex with fight for control/power.

Character Theme: Glitter & Gold
Plot Seeds: Is close friends with Delilah. Her father had been family friends with the Weavers since Denise fled. Nakia took Delilah in after her mother died and she was alone and messy. She doesn't see Delilah a lot now being busy with the pack, and has no idea about her being Nephlim. However, the moment Delilah finds her after she finds out, she'll be able to tell from her scent.
I can now be found on scripturient


oh nice, two characters...hmmm may have to go there too

I'd be thinking a vampire


I'll whip up a mini CS for my secondary characters, Theo and Lydia, after I get caught up on much owed posts! :)


Name:  Melody Fairchild-Harrow
Age: 20
Sex: Cis-Female
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation:  Lesbian
Type: Shadowhunter

Appearance: Long hair dyed a striking red; marked inclination towards Gothic style even by Shadowhunter standards.  Tall, pale, athletic.
Faceclaim:  Revena (a.k.a. Katarzyna K)

History:  Born into a remote branch of the Fairchild family, Melody spent much of her childhood roaming the globe as one or both of her parents were assigned to various Institutes.  Their name and lofty breeding were sufficient to make the family a decorative addition to various staffs and events, without any need being felt by the leadership to invest meaningful trust or power in the nomads.  The strain of being repeatedly sent from pillar to post on the whims of others, and the disdain many felt towards those bearing a name so closely linked to the Circle, gradually tested the bonds of an arranged marriage, until Melody's parents began to increasingly often request separate appointments... with the number of children with each parent changing with each new job.

For Melody and her younger siblings, this all helped to ensure a decidedly eclectic education.  Naturally, they were all trained in the essentials of Shadowhunting, but Melody relished the chance to dip her toe into an array of cultures, try to pick up an assortment of languages, and pursue the most interesting runes she could find at each Institute.  But now that she is an adult, Melody receives postings in her own right... and has recently been attached to the Vancouver Institute.  Mostly, of course, she is there as a neophyte in need of practical experience... but she hopes that she might be able to win recognition for her eclectic studies, especially in rune-lore.

She has uncovered old suggestions that the Harrow line might have intermarried with the sidhe on multiple occasions in the past - but she is unsure whether those tales were created as slanders from rival houses, or if any of those unions (if they are real) were actually in her own ancestral line.  For romantic reasons she would like to think that they were, but has precious little evidence for it.  More tangibly, one of the few near-constants in her life has been a Warlock - a loyal ally of her mother's since the young Miss Harrow took the trouble to prove an 'obvious suspect' innocent of the serious charges laid against her, she has portaled in to visit Melody in almost every city to which her family were posted.  Though precious few secrets of Warlock magic were shared, Melody implicitly trusts her, and has unusually favourable instincts regarding the demon-blooded sorcerors.

Personality: Nerdy | Brave | Curious | Aspiring Peace-Maker | Idealist | (Usually) Perky Goth

Powers: An enthusiast for some of the more rarely-seen runes, particularly relating to perception.
Abilities: Driving (motorcycles and stick shifts; automatics only with reluctance).  Fencing (enjoys the sport more than 'live' combat, though there's a guilty thrill to doing well in the latter).  Languages (Fluent in French and Latin; competent in Ancient Greek; smatterings of Italian, modern Greek, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish).  Whistling (her one genuine musical talent, though an array of instructors have left her with rudimentary competence with and a mild distaste for an array of instruments). 
Equipment: Stellae.  Slender seraph blade.

Limitations/Weaknesses: Optional field. Only put something here if you are interested in playing such things out.

Ons: Libraries, learning, rock and Goth music, swordplay, the smell of books both old and brand new.  Long hair, pretty smiles good, legs... and an embarrassing weakness for stockings, corsetry, and such things.
Offs: Being judged for the reputed misdeeds of her father's kin.  Being pressured to marry in the hope that an alliance might redeem her family name.

Character Theme: Purely, highly optional.
Plot Seeds: Melody would love to find a parabatai... but frankly has no idea how to set about doing so.
More to be added.

Work in progress - I was supposed to be resisting signing up to new things!   ;D
My Ons and Offs  My A/A (updated 12/5/24)


@CH - Wihle I'm not worried about a shortage of faceclaims, I'm just going to plant my flag of interest too use Charlie Hunnam for my warlock, Theo Fray, and Katheryn Winnick for my veteran Shadowhunter, Lydia. I plan to play these two in a secondary capacity as needed. Is there a small NPC character sheet you'd like me to fill out, CH?

@Gamora - Based on our chat about Delilah's background, is it still in the cards to have Theo fill that spot? I'm totally down to share him as an NPC if you want, too.


Quote from: Andronica on December 07, 2022, 06:48:38 PM
@Gamora - Based on our chat about Delilah's background, is it still in the cards to have Theo fill that spot? I'm totally down to share him as an NPC if you want, too.

Yes, of course!!
I can now be found on scripturient

Cold Heritage

Quote from: Andronica on December 07, 2022, 06:48:38 PM
@CH - Wihle I'm not worried about a shortage of faceclaims, I'm just going to plant my flag of interest too use Charlie Hunnam for my warlock, Theo Fray, and Katheryn Winnick for my veteran Shadowhunter, Lydia. I plan to play these two in a secondary capacity as needed. Is there a small NPC character sheet you'd like me to fill out, CH?

Uh, I guess you could use the regular CS but just fill out the name, age, type, appearance and history fields, I suppose.
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.

Cold Heritage

Hey everyone! As promised, threads!

General IC thread! (I've added some modest lore and a header to the first post!)

OOC Thread!

Accepted Character thread!

Everyone who's posted a CS so far may consider their character accepted! :) Let's go make some words!
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Name: Ken Nightshade
Age: 523
Sex: Cis-Male
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Hetero
Type: Warlock

Appearance: Mark: Violet eyes, tiger stripe tattoo on back, shoulder and upper arms
Faceclaim: Charles Melton

History: Before being chained and trapped in Duduael, Azazel was at the point in his life where he was thinking of his legacy. He was a prince of Hell, the Forger of Weapons, but without an expanding power base that meant little. He charged his followers to find him a suitable vessel. He didn't care about such things as titles or lineage on her side, it was him that mattered. All she needed were the skills to be able to educate his child when they were growing up in the mortal world and developing their power.

That is where Ken's life begins. The day was spent with his mother learning mortal things like schooling, etiquette and playing. He would sleep and be awoken by Azazel along with an endurance boost to learn his fathers lessons. First, there was violence. Ken was to be Azazel's body guard. Just because Ken was his son and he wanted to pass along his gifts and knowledge of weapons making, didn't mean it came for free. Having spent the last two centuries in Japan, he taught Ken the fighting arts of the culture he was in along with the burgeoning powers that came from being the son of a Prince of Hell.

Of course that was only part of his night. After fighting, Ken learned magic and weapons crafting. Was it a good or bad childhood? It was hard to say. He had the full attention of his parents. Slept about two hours a day and trained or studied the rest of the time for almost a century. It was the only life he knew. When the Shadow Hunters came for his father, his still young mother died in the attack throwing herself in front of a crossbow bolt meant for her son. She told him to run but his father was still fighting. And so he joined the battle. Was it to save his father or avenge his mother? Those feelings were hard to process as he brought fire down upon his attackers.

And then there was an explosion and things went dark. When he woke up his father was gone and so were the Shadow Hunters. He buried his mother and went out into the world. His understanding of concepts like good and evil changed as the centuries went by. He could have lived a comfortable life being a master smith. Anything he forged once he could use his magic to replicate perfectly, he just needed some raw materials, anything really. In the beginning he maintained what he knew, he found himself a retired academic and continued his studies. He also ventured into the big cities and found other downworlders. It was strange to be hated by the beings he had the most in common with.

Azazel never taught him to detest the others. Vampires, werewolves, fae...they were all people that would possibly need his favours and weapons. They on the other hand kept mostly to themselves unless the Shadow Hunters showed up. He met Kaida a few centuries ago. She was a foreigner and clumsily asking around about warlocks. It got her attacked and nearly beheaded. Ken stepped in and nearly sliced the man's arm off only to be stopped by the foreigner. She was a healer at heart and didn't want the man permanently injured.

They became friends. She taught him how to heal and about glamours. He taught her how defend her self. There were many debates along the way and she had become his life long friend. They pick a university once a century, spend a decade learning what is currently relevant and catching up and teaching each other any new spells. She helped him see that his father only ever treated him like a weapon, much like her father treated her. Ken moves around every thirty to forty years and has seen some of the greatest cities of the world. Now he is newly moved in Vancouver and getting to know everyone.

Personality: Curious | Fierce| Charming| Brave | Knowledgeable| Protective| Friendly | Perceptive | Snarky

Immortality: as per all Warlocks

Spells [Mostly combat support-healing, evac, warding]
* Pyrokinesis: can control fire, uses this in battle and when forging weapons

Conjuration - can create mundane items (e.g sword, teddy bear, food) needs matter to work with, still trying to figure out enchanted weapons

* Healing: can completely heal the injured

* Glamours can change the appearance of objects, people, and even locations.
* Shield classic transparent magic shield
* Warding  put up powerful barriers of magic that can protect buildings/locations

Summoning - hasn't learned any of these yet
Tracking - hasn't learned any of these yet

* Portal Opening:  can open portals or a dimensional doorway that can be used as a means for rapid travel all over the world.
* Teleportation: can magically teleport people and items from one place to another.

Necromancy - refuses to learn
Possession - refuses to learn

Academics Attends top universities once every century…ish. Knows stuff
Athletics Keeps in shape as part of his regime
Close Combat His father used him as a body guard to pay for the lessons being taught

Craft Capable weapon smith, good handyman
Empathy   Can almost sense emotions like an animal
Occult He's a fricken wizard…warlock, whatever. He knows the magic lores
Persuasion Naturally charming from his father, manners from his mom
Potion Brewing found a teacher to teach him healing magic, can also brew paranormal potions that have supernatural effects/properties

Equipment: None, unless you count a mansion, cars and stuff like that

Culture Keeps up with modern culture but magic takes up most of his time
Drive/Pilot Yeah, that is what teleportation is for…or an Uber
Leadership Can make himself heard and understood, doesn't seek this kind of power
Larceny Can make stuff like gold, doesn't need thief skills
Marksmanship   Crossbow killed his mother, hates guns by default
Medicine Uses magic, has forgotten the practical
Subterfuge Can lie the normal amount to pretend he's "normal" doesn't like lying
Survival Can teleport home, really hasn't explored this

On/Offs: Bowen's O/O's

Character Theme: Song
Plot Seeds:
* Needs friends
* Willing to work with Shadow Hunters
* Wants to discover how to actually make magic weapons (not demonic ones)


Name: Has a lot of names, Kaida, Dr. Ashley Underwood
Age: Appears in her 20’s, actual age: 407
Gender/Sexual Orientation: Female/Hetero
Type: Warlock (NPC)
Appearance: Smart, pretty, long hair, green eyes
Faceclaim: Michelle Argyris

History: Her father was Astaroth, if he had any plans for his daughter Ashley, he either forgot about them or got busy doing demon stuff. Her mother was a wise woman in Ireland, they all thought she was a witch—she just knew about medicinal herbs and healing. After her mother died, Ashely decided to get out of her small village and explore the world a bit, looking for others like herself. She taught herself magic through trial and error, learned mostly about healing and travelling. Most warlocks were sort of self centered and somewhat cruel. She did learn the basics from one after she healed his spouse and garrison from a disease. She met Ken in Japan, he was open minded and they became life long friends that learn from each other.

Personality: Brilliant | Nurturing | Insightful | Curious | Empathic | Bad jokes you laugh at anyway | Open Minded

Academics: many years of formal and informal learning
Athletics: Running, tennis, yoga, dance
Close Combat: Aikido, Jui Jitsu, very good at throwing and getting away
Doctor: multiple specialties but usually sticks to one for her current identity
Empathy: very attuned to others, hard to lie to
Linguistics: Speaks Celtic, English, Japanese, Russian, Latin and German
Occult: she’s cast spells her whole life and learns about stuff like a sponge
Potion Maker: taught Ken
Subterfuge: always takes theater/drama in school, very good at portraying a part

Equipment: Rich people stuff like mansions, cars, also doctor stuff

Spells: Healing, Protection, Sensing, Travel (note: good at growing plants/herbs due to healing)

Limitations/Weaknesses: Not good with the violence, bad singer

Cold Heritage

Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Big fan of the Shadowhunters show

Are you still recruiting or have you decided to stick with the group you have? And if you are recruiting should I post a character sheet here?

Cold Heritage

Still recruiting! My preference is for you to post a character sheet here, but if you're more comfortable sending it to private message you may do so! :)
Thank you, fellow Elliquiyan, and have a wonderful day.


Quote from: Lyrical on December 11, 2022, 06:58:20 PM
Big fan of the Shadowhunters show

Are you still recruiting or have you decided to stick with the group you have? And if you are recruiting should I post a character sheet here?
Hell yes! Join