Semper is seeking Free Use Agreement D/s Story [Male Character Wanted]

Started by Semper Fi, November 12, 2017, 06:15:21 PM

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Semper Fi

I am in desperate search of a Dom x sub story. I'm willing to discuss various plots. I have a number of ideas that I'm willing to share.
I cannot stress this enough: I DO NOT want this to be a revolving door of sex scenes. I want to explore the dynamic beyond just the sex scenes. Yes, there may be a lot of sex, but I want a deep and interesting plot.

I have no real life experience with D/s or BDSM, so if my partner has real life experience then please forgive any mistakes, and I'm happy to be corrected and learn more.

Please note that no matter the actual plot, my character tends to be a brat, sometimes she causes some trouble just to see what'll happen. I'm seeking a partner who doesn't want their partner to play the perfect submissive.

I have also been very interested in including a consensual free use agreement within the rp.

Here's a few of my plots that I think would mix well with a D/s Story:

Professional Dom x Professional Sub
>>Very Interested in!<<
Both our characters are professionals in their field, they know each other, see each other at work frequently, and occasionally for fun they'll pair up to have some fun. She's gotta go home for a family event and she jokingly mentions hiring him to pretend to be her boyfriend. He agrees on a whim, neither of them expecting to actually fall in love.
I've got a few ideas for this one

Mafia D/s Story

I've got a few ideas in mind, a few plot bunnies that could turn into their own stories, however mainly what I'm seeking is a Mafia romance story with strong D/s Elements in it.

This is what I'm looking for in a male character:

> Confident
>Ruthless (he's made it to the top or near the top of a mafia for a reason)
> Dominant and comfortable being that. He expects and demands obedience, professionally and personally.
> Most would consider him an asshole, and he is, no doubt about it, but there is a soft side in there, even if it's buried deep.

I've got a few ideas for who my character could be and how she meets your character, I'm happy to discuss those ideas with my partner and see which idea appeals more.

Biker x Bartender

My girl works at a bar that serves almost exclusively one particular biker gang, though nomads wander through on occasion. She's a favorite of everyone's. Your guy is fairly new to the group but he's been around a year or so There's been some fun flirting/joking between the pair, a lot of heat but they haven't slept together yet, though they both know it's coming they've been enjoying the teasing and flirting. But then my girl has a problem, a violent ex has finally tracked her down. One night she shows up at your guy's house, bruised up and seeking his help in dealing with her ex.

Soldier's Second Chance

YC is hiking up in the mountains outside of the town he lives in. As he rounds the corner, he sees a woman sitting on the edge of a large cliff. A handgun in her hand, pressed to her temple. YC manages to talk to her, learning she's also a retired soldier. He manages to convince her not to kill herself, and he helps her learn to live again, to want to live again.

This story is a bit of an off shoot from my "Soldier x Soldier - Rescued" plot, with her having been kidnapped and held hostage overseas. But this story takes place as if she did not bond to her rescuer.

MxFxM Story

I don't have a lot planned for this story, but it's going to be a polyamorous romance, between two guys and a girl. There won't be a romance between the guys, just between the girl and each guy. But they will all eventually live together. I'm thinking the guys will be brothers or very good friends, they will be well versed in sharing a woman. I'm thinking my girl will have never been in a polyamorous relationship. I have a few plot bunnies for this idea, and I'm super open to discussion. I am only looking for one partner to be willing to write two males. I've got a few ideas for this one.

Young Lady x Gunslinger

Set in the 1870s, my character travels all the way out to Twin Creeks, in the Arizona Territory, to reunite with her father after the sudden death of her mother and siblings back on their ranch in the east. Upon getting to Twin Creeks, she learns her father died of a heart attack a week before her arrival. Refusing to leave, having no where to go, she stays on the small farm her father was building, despite how far it is from town, how unsafe it is for a young lady. Your character is a well known Gunfighter, rough around the edges, definitely not the type of a man a lady should be with, and he knows it, doing his best to stay away from her, despite the attraction they feel.

Other Plots

> HOTD: Daemon x Rhaynera, doesn't necessarily have to be canon, we could go our own way, or we could fill in the blanks. I'd also be happy doing this in our own world completely and simply using the basis of the story/couple.

D/s Mafia Romance

I've got a few ideas in mind, a few plot bunnies that could turn into their own stories, however mainly what I'm seeking is a Mafia romance story with strong D/s Elements in it.

This is what I'm looking for in a male character:

> Confident
>Ruthless (he's made it to the top or near the top of a mafia for a reason)
> Dominant and comfortable being that. He expects and demands obedience, professionally and personally.
> Most would consider him an asshole, and he is, no doubt about it, but there is a soft side in there, even if it's buried deep.

I've got a few ideas for who my character could be and how she meets your character, I'm happy to discuss those ideas with my partner and see which idea appeals more.

My Plot Emporium:

You can find my F-list linked in my signature and in my O/O's.

Werewolf RP

I am seeking an rp with a werewolf and a human. I'd prefer that the werewolf has a full human form and a full wolf form, rather than that hairy humanoid form.

The exact plot is open for debate, but here's a few things that I'd like to see included:

> Non-Con to start. My human girl will not be pleased to be in the position she's in. But she will come around and begin to enjoy it. Now how long she remains resistant I'm open to, and that doesn't mean she won't enjoy things, just that she won't necessarily be willing.

>Beastiality. I don't want it to necessarily be every scene, but I have had a random craving for this lately. So I would like the wolf form to be a part of things.

> Dom x Sub dynamics. It doesn't have to be strictly defined as this, unless we want to. More like, he is a dominant and in charge sort of person, and he just expects her to be the submissive one.

> Bonus points if we do a multiple male x girl type relationship.

>A deep plot that goes beyond just sex scenes. Obviously this will be a sex heavy story, but I'm looking for more than just sex scenes.

>Whatever kinks you want to add into the rp.

I am open to tons of specific plots and ideas for this, as far as time period and what exactly happens in the rp. I can send you the link to an rp that I had going at one time that includes a few of the above elements nicely that I very much enjoyed. To sort of give you a rough idea of what I'm looking for, however I am not looking to recreate to continue that rp.


Becoming a material witness was not what this retired soldier wanted to do in her spare time. Especially when her protection detail turned out to be dirty. After barely escaping the attack on the safehouse, she bolted into the western wilderness that surrounded the cabin. But it wouldn't be long until people came after her. The bad guys wanted to kill her, and one man, a US Marshal wanted to keep her safe, but convincing her of that was going to be a tricky thing, of course, he had to find her first.

I've got a few plot bunnies in mind for this one :)

MxFxM Dom x sub Romance

This is only a rough draft, I am very open to suggestions and alterations. My rough idea is that a woman ends up in a relationship with two men, perhaps brothers or best friends. Maybe she's in a relationship with one and they suggest it, or maybe the men pick her up in a bar. Either way, the men are very accustom to sharing women, they like it and they prefer it. This will be my girl's first experience with it, she's curious but leery. I would like there to be strong Dom/sub elements between her and at least one of the guys, preferably both. Though I would like her to have slightly different relationships with both men, so perhaps one is a little rougher and one is a little gentler, that's up to you there. I'm thinking my girl will be fairly dominant and in control in her day to day life, so they will teach her to let go, to actually learn to relax. I do have various plot bunnies in mind for this, which I am happy to share. I want this story to include the ups and downs of a relationship, just different since there's three of them. I do not want any type of romance between the two men, just friendship/brotherhood.

*I am only looking for one partner, I do not want a group roleplay*
Semper's O/O's

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Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Anish Joshi

Interested. Maybe a bit discussion on the number of members, but sure would love to play.
Don't Judge!! Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans!!
Discord : Indianboy#8135

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Bump :) I've got room for a couple new stories
Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.

Semper Fi

Semper's O/O's

Semper's Detailed F-List

Semper's Quick Overview F-List

Semper's Character's BDSM Test <<This is related to sexual scenes only. My characters are often not submissive outside of the bedroom, unless that is prearranged.