Caravanserai [Abalos Spa]

Started by Flower, July 08, 2018, 09:31:07 PM

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Name:William B. Fine
Date | Time: June 11 | 1pm
Wearing: In picture
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Chloe, Breezy, Becky/ Nicolas (m)

“NO sorry you will be here on time or you owe me kisses!”  He snapped to his new sidekick with a wink.  He was only kidding considering he was no taskmaster and they were supposed to be working together. 

"As long as you are here, I am good.  Kinda hard to do a couples massage with only one person.  Oh yeah, they are here but I haven't brought them into the room yet.  Fresh air or semi-lit, don't know about their order so much as they wanted to be together.  You can have the hot chocolate one."  He said as he looked at her.  He couldn't promise he would remain completely professional with that one!  But he did secretly have a fascination for redheads too.  He couldn't explain why if he had to but those lips and that bright red hair tangled in his fingers.  He could only hope she didn't ask for a scalp massage it would be extremely long and he wouldn't even charge her.  He understood why a lot of his previous classmates got into trouble with their....'Happy endings.'   

"You do know you have to open the door to see our clients right?  Unless you have some secret power you didn't tell me about and if so I am waaaay out classes on this one."  He realized he liked working with Chloe she was fun easy going, she was like a sister...some people had fantasies about their sisters.  And they weren't truly related, but he enjoyed their new partnership too much to mess it up with that.

He chuckled at her words.  "I must say between the guests and my co-workers, I am going to need you to rub on my neck from getting whiplash out here.

"Yes, my dear sweet though.." as he pulled her close and kissed her cheek lightly since she had just washed her hands. he knew she was particular about those.  "The last person to put their client to sleep gets to buy ice cream."  He said as that was their treat for when their shift was over.  Besides their own couples foot massage, it was nice to have a partner to work those kinks out.  They hadn't been together along a few days, but they got along like 'peas and carrots'.  Only another person that he had such a close relationship with was his brother and he chuckled as he was sure given the chance Nicolas' wouldn't turn him down for that particular connection either.  If he swung that way.  But he would check on his brother later too...their relationship was that Nico, always gave him leftovers were it not for the fact that he worked out so much he was sure his brother's rich concoctions would make him fat.

He walked out with Chloe.  "Good afternoon ladies, I am William and this is Chloe and we are in charge of your relaxation therapy this afternoon would you come with us please."

"We want to make sure you enjoy this experience enough to come back.  So if the music is too loud or soft, too much light, not enough light.  Please let us know we are here to attend to your every need while you with us."  He said in his smooth tenor voice as he worked on enveloping the two ladies into the experience of the moment as he led them into the room.


Name:Chloe Foster
Date | Time: June 11th, 1 PM
Wearing: Tan coloured Spa uniform with brown sash and white loafers
Location: Abalos Spa | Massage Room
Tagging: William / Breezy  / Becky

Chloe rolled her eyes at the suggestion of her supposed psychic powers. "Yes, or maybe I read the roster for today. Brielle Garin and Becky Washington? You really ought to pay more attention, mister Fine."

Her lips widened into a smile as William pressed a kiss to her cheek. He was a charmer, all right, and while in the good ol' UK sexual harrassment lawsuits were at an alltime high, here people were a lot less frigid about showing affection on the workfloor. Chloe liked not having to be on her toes the entire time about what was and what wasn't appropriate, and she laughed as he suggested a bet. "And when have you ever won that bet before?" she asked, amused. "You're going to be buying me a double scoop chocolate mint cone, mister. With sprinkles!"

Her playful expression faded into something more professional as Chloe followed William into the massage room. With two beds and a whole lot of extra space, it was perfect for couples' massages, although it had only been used a handful of times since Caravanserai's opening. She listened to William's explanations and suggestion, but cast the two women a friendly smile. They looked relaxed, a little giddy too, and the perpetual, girlish smiles on their faces made them all the more likeable. Chloe offered her hand to both of them by manner of introduction.

"Hi," she chimed, "I'm Chloe Foster, I hope you've been enjoying yourselves so far." She turned to Becky, gesturing to the rightmost bed. "If you could please lie down here, Miss? You can give your robe to me and I'll put it away." Chloe politely smiled, holding out her hand to accept the robe. "I'll be taking care of you the next hour and a half. We have a variety of massages for you. I can do a Swedish massage, Shiatsu or hot stone. Or, if you have any specific aches, I can do a deep tissue massage."

She turned away with the robe, hanging it up before grabbing one of the soft, light towels. She'd warmed it up by leaving it on the stone heater for a couple of minutes; Pelin's example, back at the pool, had not been forgotten.


Name:William B. Fine
Date | Time: June 11 | 1pm
Wearing: In picture
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Chloe, Breezy, Becky/ Nicolas (m)

“I do pay attention, Ms. Foster.  I just like pushing your buttons as if you didn’t notice, that is what big brother’s do!”  He realized why things didn’t work out back home, he was supposed to be here with Chloe having fun…cause being with her and rubbing on gorgeous women damn sure wasn’t work!

He didn’t have a problem being affectionate, his problem was not being.  Chloe seemed to be willing an open, to his hugs, his kisses, and touches.  He made it a point not to go too far, but only cause they were co-workers not because she wasn’t worth the effort.   “Don’t act as you have always won cheeky.  I have my days.”  He said sticking out his tongue realizing she did win more than she lost.  “You just like the way I scoop anyway.”  He said stealing one more side hug before they disappeared outside of their private alcove and put their game faces on.

William found he liked Chloe’s heated robe example and followed suit as he extended his own hand to Brielle.  His focus now even though the woman Becky truly caught his attention he focused on the lovely redhead woman before him whose body screamed to be taken.  ‘If only.’  He needs to find one to garner his attention when he was off-duty and he would be fine.

He knelt before her as if he were her subject.  “So what can I do to please the lady the most today.  Did you have something in mind or would you like to see our services again?”  He asked extremely politely, if he were any sweeter she would get a cavity.  He knew what he was doing and his focus was either to get her to come back or tell her friends and family back home.  As no clients no money…and right now nothing made him want to go back home.


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, early afternoon
Wearing: fluffy white robe
Location: Oasis Spa - Massage Room!
Tagging: Breezy, William, Chloe

Becky let go of Breezy's hand with a wiggly goodbye and walked towards one of the tables as the two masseuses came in. She wasn't sure which one was better looking than the other, both made her mouth 'wow' to herself. She found herself happy as the woman approached her and she grinned as she handed over her robe.

"Oh wow you do everything!" She said hearing all the options. "Let's start with Swedish!" She then leaned into Chloe and whispered, more out of a sense of decorum than truly caring if Breezy heard, and it being more of a girl thing it seemed right to whisper it with William in the room, "I'll need the pillow."

She was of course referring to the boob pillow, as she'd always heard it called. She was sure there was an official name for it but darned if she could remember. It was a glorious invention that had changed her opinion totally about massages once she'd learned it was an option - the I shaped instrument that large chested women needed to enjoy lying down on a massage table.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Lady Sakura

Name: Nyasha Von Koli
Date | Time: June 11 | 11amish
Wearing: In picture
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: William

At the sound of her name, her head rose, and she looked up. At the sight the gentlemen before her had all of Nyasha’s senses tingling. It was almost embarrassing really. How attractive he was really. It caught her extremely by surprise that she found herself smiling brightly, not knowing if it was because she was that type of person, or if it was the sight before her. She stood from her seat and walked over to him.

She held out her hand to give his a firm shake but he in turn brought the back of her hand to his lips and kissed it. She felt her heart pump a rush of blood throughout her body. If she was whiter you’d might even see a blush upon her cheeks. “Pleasure to meet you.” Her tone of voice was light and when he asked her if it was alright; she gave him a soft nod of her head. It was more than alright. “Yes, of course.” She whispered as she then followed him towards the room he’d be bring her too.

“How are you today?” Nyasha asked him curiously.


Name:William B. Fine
Date | Time: June 11 | 11am
Wearing: In picture
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Nyasha

William just had to say he loved his job, he wasn't expecting to run into so many exquisite specimens of elegance and decadence.  He wasn't the type but he could surely be smitten by each one.  He was glad he wasn't color struck as that was the only thing that might possibly turn any of them down.  But alas he was weak and each one held a spark of beauty as if touched by the divine.  "No Ma'am the pleasure is all mine.  I assure you.  What may this humble servant do to make Madam feel as lovely as she looks."  He said as he moved to arrange the room as single massage the room was only lightly lit but he turned the lights up for them to talk so that he could find out what she wanted first, before setting the mood for her alone.

"Me?  I am truly delighted to be in the presence of such beauty."  He said as he breathed her in thinking that dress did nothing to mask any of her beauty, but he on the other hand reached for a towel.  "I would offer you a robe, but you won't be in it for long.  Did you see a spa package that you wanted or would you like to create your own what would the lady like to be done to her today?  Hard, medium, soft.  Swedish, deep tissue, any spots or kinks your want me to get rid of?"  He asked rather attentively.


Name: Brielle "Breezy" Garin
Date | Time: June 11th, early afternoon
Wearing: a tan v-neck shirt with white low slung cotton pants, sandels, and a scarf as shown
Location: Spa
Tagging: Becky, William

Becky was ready for some calm relaxing time after her 'shower encounter' with Becky and gave her good friend a wink and a returned little wave. But then her focused move to the amazingly handsome man who was actually... kneeling at her feet. "Oh.. oh my, hello there. I'm Breezy." Earlier she would have been convinced that she was blushed out - completely incapable of being embarrassed again with no more adrenaline reserves to fuel the pinking of her cheeks. She was wrong.

Putting a hand to her cheek to calm down a bit, she tried to focus on his question while she handed over her robe. "Oh, um, I am not really that picky. I would like to try the hot rock therapy but specifically, my neck and shoulders are pretty tight." That was where she held all her stress - and of course, those were the muscles that had to hold up the massive weight of red hair on her head. "So... whatever works with that." Breezy moved to sit on the leftmost bed and waited for directions. It had been a long time since she had a massage.
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore


Name:William B. Fine
Date | Time: June 11 | 1pm
Wearing: In picture
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Chloe, Breezy, Becky

William stood to look at her.  "I will get the items you need My lady."  He said as he moved quickly to turn on the hot rocks it wouldn't burn her as he had it set he thought of a wax as well.  She did tell him what he needed to know.  He left the room and came back handing the pillow to Chloe.  "So tell me Breezy, what are your three favorite scents?"  He asked as he loved his job and he worked to be very attentive, he focused on Breezy, but Becky most definitely caught his eye and under different circumstance he would give her several free massages.  But they would not be professional so Chloe saved him on this one

He moved around the room but he was truly listening to Breezy as he set the music for calm ocean and with the light mist being set in the room he put the large oil at the head of the table.  He looked at her again and moved towards her.  "I am going to need the towel now Madame, please lay face down."  He leaned in and whispered in her ear.  "If you fall asleep I will wake you gently when your time is up."  He doubted she would as he would still have to massage both sides of her body, but he was pretty sure one he reached her scalp and ran his fingers through that lovely red mane...she would be out like a light.  Truth be told, he had to admit that even he was looking forward to that.  Besides rubbing over her lovely body, he was looking forward to running his fingers through her hair and that was saying something even for him.  As long as she felt relaxed after leaving him then he would have nothing to work about, cause she would not only be back but anyone she spoke to would come to see them as well. 

He winked at Chloe still focused on their bet, he sized up Breezy and wondered if she was a foot woman, which made him very nervous briefly cause if she was she was going to be out cause he was damned good with the feet.  Either way he would take care of her.


Name:Chloe Foster
Date | Time: June 11th, 1 PM
Wearing: Tan coloured Spa uniform with brown sash and white loafers
Location: Abalos Spa | Massage Room
Tagging: Becky / William / Breezy 

Sometimes she really wondered if William had any professionalism in that pretty head of his, and the covert roll of the eyes Chloe sent his way spoke volumes. She sure wondered how Miss Sharp felt about giving this kind of special attention to their guests. Perhaps they should bring it up at the staff meeting at the end of the day? The very thought of it brought an absent, cheeky little smile to the girl's features and she gracefully accepted the so ungracefully described boob pillow from her partner. There was really no better name for it though, and with a stoic face she placed it down, making a conscious effort not to look at Miss Washington's chest area too much. She grabbed the towel and held the two ends in her hands. "If you would lie down please, Miss," she said in what was a far more composed manner than her male counterpart, "And let me know if you're uncomfortable. This is all about making you feel good, after all."  She carefully draped it over Becky's lower body, folding it over the curve of her backside.

"So I trust you enjoyed your mudbath?" she asked, in the hopes of distracting herself. This was the only reason why she didn't like to do couples massages so much; William had a way of making it so intimate that even Chloe had trouble sticking to her professional role. She'd heard about what had happened though, or at least some rumours; news travelled fast among Caravanserai personnel, especially here in the Spa, and even as Chloe had rushed here she'd picked up a few amused complaints from her fellow workers. "I hear it can be very relaxing."

She went to the shelf, looking at the various coloured bottles there. "What kind of oil would you prefer, Miss?" she asked. "We have mango, coconut, lavender cedarwood and uhm... rose vanilla." Chloe glanced over her shoulder back at the lying down Becky.


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, early afternoon
Wearing: fluffy white robe
Location: Oasis Spa - Massage Room!
Tagging: Breezy, William, Chloe

Becky climbed onto the table, handing her robe to Chloe as she did, but making sure the other woman slid the towel over her as she was laying down. Although she was clothed below the waist still it was just force of habit to at least affect modesty. She didn't seem at all worried about being topless as she lay there, after all if you don't give the masseuse your whole back they can't really work can they?

She sighed happily and started to relax. A process that was entirely short-circuited by Chloe's first 'innocent' question. In response to asking how the mudbath once Becky burst out into a quick little giggle, glancing over to Breezy as if the two were a pair of guilty schoolgirls that had just been asked why they smelled like cigarettes. Which was something Becky had never actually done in school, so this was perhaps one of the first guilty schoolgirl giggles of her life. Hey, everyone has to start somewhere.

"Yes, it was ah, a lot of fun." Becky grinned, eyes sparkling at Breezy before she managed to restrain herself. She took a deep breath and started relaxing again, letting herself calm down as she prepared for the massage that was to come. She crossed her hands under the pillow beneath her chin, thankful for whoever invented something in this shape, it kept her chest just elevated enough just so she could lie down comfortably.

"Oh." She said nothing for a beat, not realizing she'd have to make choices here. "Oooh uhhhh coconut!" She decided.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Pelin Arwan
Date | Time: June 12th, After 5PM
Wearing: Red scarf chased with gold, grey abaya, sandals
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Chloe / Open

"Chloe?"  Pelin called from the doorway where she had paused to slip her sandals off.  The Kurdish girl wore a loose grey abaya that covered her from neck to ankle and wrists and had a red scarf chased with gold embroidery over her hair.  Not guite a hijab but an expression of modesty or at least a desire to not invite the eyes of men to linger.  Brown eyes met their equals across the distance and a smile accompanied the direct look.  "I checked your schedule in the," she paused to think of the word, her right hand miming as if typing, "the computer.  You are not working now it prophesied."  A cotton bag emblazoned with the hotel's logo, commonly used by guests to take towels and suits back and forth from the pool, hung heavily from her left hand.

She'd found Chloe in one of the rooms just off the main spa, accessed by a wide open arch in the wall.  It was covered in soft reed mats and had a low table made from ribbon striped sabele wood, suitable for kneeling at or sitting on one of the firm cushions that were artfully scattered about the room.  "I am not working either and so we can have tea," her left hand briefly raised the cotton bag.  Pelin walked closer to Chloe, leaving her sandals in her wake, and never looked away from the beautiful, slender girl's face.  Her right hand, closed in a fist, was held to her chest and she briefly and shallowly bowed when she was close then held it out towards Chloe. 


Name: Brielle "Breezy" Garin
Date | Time: June 11th, early afternoon
Wearing: a tan v-neck shirt with white low slung cotton pants, sandels, and a scarf as shown
Location: Spa
Tagging: Becky, Chloe, William

"Oh, um, favorite scents?" Breezy was trying to focus on William's questions but Becky kept giving her googly eyes and it made the redhead blush a little, trying not to eavesdrop - but then they were about to be half naked on tables only a few feet apart. She was able to glare at her friend with a soundless giggle as the very accommodating make turned to heat up the stones for that part of her massage. "I like vanilla, patchouli - but not too strong, and mint." Now her laugh came out soft but nervous as she wrinkled her nose. "I'm not sure if those would go very well together though."

Reverting to her awkward-girl self, Breezy did her best to lay down on her stomach and relinquish her towel without exposing too many of her freckles. Once she was comfortable and covered, she piled all of her curls on top of her head out of the way and shot Becky a "yay!" type of grin. "Oh, heh, it's probably more like when, not if - me falling asleep. Just lie to me if I snore." Once Becky was also laying down, she would reach out her hand to at least try to connect with her friend.
"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher
storm, but to add color to my sunset sky." - Rabindranath Tagore


Name:William B. Fine
Date | Time: June 11 | 1pm
Wearing: In picture
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Chloe, Breezy, Becky

William looked at her and he was still aching to run his fingers through that crimson mane.  He was sure whomever her boyfriend…or by the looks of things girlfriend was truly lucky.  “Hmmm, lucky for you I am a chemist.  I think I can make that work for you madam.”  He said as he popped the wheels on the table moving them a bit closer, enough for Chloe and him to move between while letting them touch when they wanted too.  He pulled up a small mixing bowl and began to stir in her scents, mostly vanilla, a bit more mint than the other, they were kind of the same and he didn’t want to burn her with too much mint.  He dropped one of the hot stones within to enhance the air as it was in front of a low fan, he lit some incense and began to pull the hot oiled stone out an place it on the small of her back.  The oils flowed over her hips as he made sure they trailed to both sides.

“No worries madam you sound like a sweet angel.”  He said he knew she didn’t snore as loud as Mr. Wilkins that left so she was perfectly fine.  He moved to coat his hands with her oils as he started at her lower back that was the warmest, just before putting two more hot rocks upon her one on each shoulder as that is where he would be going next to let that heat radiate there before he reached those spots.  “If I am too hard do let me know please.”


Name: Chloe Foster
Date | Time: June 12th, 5 PM
Wearing: Tan coloured Spa uniform with brown sash and white loafers
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Pelin

The day had been far from arduous, and every meeting with the guests of the uniquely located and designed hotel only seemed to serve to persuade Chloe that this was a place worth staying. Even if doing so meant being hundreds of miles from her family and old friends, every new person she got to know, every single one of her coworkers made her feel welcome and as if she'd found her place - at least for now. Still, she didn't mind being alone, and as she was cleaning and tidying up one of the small rooms, which served as a lounge space more than anything else, Chloe was quietly humming to herself. Somewhere in the adjacent room the calming sounds of ocean waves and seagulls could be heard; somehow she didn't easily get tired of the relaxing music, not even after a day of hearing it pretty much non-stop. With diligence she put away the magazines and cleaned the surface of the table, then grabbed the sample package they had received from one of their suppliers. William was nowhere to be found, and Choe could only wonder where he had gone off to. It didn't matter though; Chloe was all too happy to try out freebies herself, and she'd been in the process of figuring out how to open the delicate little box when her name was called out by a melodious voice, carrying an accent that was, though unmistakeable, surprisingly gentle. Her subconscience had figured out who it belonged to well before the rest of her did, and Chloe turned around, meeting eyes with Pelin and lighting up in a moment of pleasant surprise.

"You came!" she exclaimed, which perhaps gave away more than she had meant to. Chloe cast her gaze down if just for a moment, embarrassed by the unintentional suggestion that she had not expected Pelin to come here, nevermind so soon. It was quickly forgotten when Pelin explained the why and how of her arriving here, and Chloe set down the parcel, padding over to her instead. She halted in confusion when Pelin greeted her with a light but graceful bow, unsure of how to respond to that. Despite her ancestry not being completely dissimilar to her present company's, per se, Chloe was raised like your average British girl, for as much as such a thing existed, anyway. And so she eagerly did what she had done the first time they had met, and took Pelin's hand in her own, wrapping her soft, slender fingers around hers.

"It's good to see you again," she professed, and the smile she cast Pelin did nothing but enhance that statement, leaving no doubt as to whether she meant it or not. Chloe's hand tightened briefly around Pelin's, and though it was by professional instinct alone, she could not help but notice the roughness to Pelin's hand. The coarse nature of her knuckles were testimony to a beginning awareness that the two women, though alike in the colour of their hair and eyes, were from vastly different backgrounds, and with it Chloe found herself curious to find out just where Pelin came from, and just how she had managed to end up in Caravanserai, too.

"You're right, I am off for the rest of the day," she said, gesturing towards the cushions. "Come, sit down. I just finished up here, and the rest can wait until morning."  Chloe led by example, and she settled onto one of the seats, folding her legs under herself. Her eyes sized up Pelin's new attire, and she couldn't help but feel underdressed by comparison, even though she was still in her work uniform. Remembering that she was now off-duty, Chloe reached up and undid the clip in her hair, allowing her dark tresses to spill from the loose bun she'd donned that morning.

"How are you?" she inquired, and was immediately struck by the underwhelming nature of that question. Her brow lightly knitted together for a moment as she considered what could possibly be wrong with asking someone about their wellbeing, and she ended up gesturing to the cotton bag. "So what kind of tea is it?" she inquired, not without curiosity.


Name: Pelin Arwan
Date | Time: June 12th, After 5PM
Wearing: Red scarf chased with gold, grey abaya, sandals
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Chloe / Open

Pelin nudged a pillow aside then knelt, tops of her feet flat on the floor and her bottom resting comfortable on her heels.  "God is good and we have tea," she answered Chloe's query and added a smile.  Without haste, and using only her right hand, Pelin unpacked the contents of the bag.  First a thermos that undoubtedly held the tea and two cups, neither with a handle.  She poured them both glasses, filling Chloe's to the rim so that it would be difficult to pick up without spilling it, then sat it across from her.  A strong smell of cinnamon came from the cup.  "Black tea, with cinnamon.  Not so black as Iraqi chai but we drink more of it than they do so it is less strong.  Theirs can be like syrup."  She also sat out a small saucer then added sugar cubes to it from a twist of waxed paper. A tea towel folded up and over a plate was unwrapped to reveal a selection of cookies.  "Please," she gestured to the treats then took a sugar cube with her right hand, put it in her mouth, and sipped her tea through it.

After the sugar cube slumped and spread out in a sweet coating in her mouth, dissolved by the tea, Pelin continued.  "I always like how it smells in here.  All the oils and things, like a spice merchant's rugs in the souk.  I bet you can smell it in your hair," she gestured towards Chloe's unbound tresses.  "It is very pretty, so thick and dark.  Your family, they come from where?" the girl asked.  While she waited, Pelin reached up and removed the scarf from her own hair but sat it close at hand in case she needed it again.  Like Chloe's it was dark and black but fell in straight lines down from her scalp without the pretty volume of Chloe's tresses.  Chloe had no way of knowing but it was a sign that Pelin felt safe to let her hair down here, in this place that a man could walk into with little notice.  A lifetime of custom and then years of living under a regime so strict that it defied imagination had brutally beat rules into Pelin's soul but the Yazidi girl had survived them and not been broken by them. 


Name: Chloe Foster
Date | Time: June 12th, 5 PM
Wearing: Tan coloured Spa uniform with brown sash and white loafers
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Pelin

As Pelin busied herself with placing thermosflask, cups and everything else she had brought onto the low table, Chloe took her time to covertly study the outlandish woman. Although that wasn't perhaps the right way to describe it; of all of the people Chloe had met here, Pelin seemed more in sync with the world around them than anyone else. Her attire was chaste but graceful, and Chloe was reminded of the instructions she had been given when she, and some of her fellow workers, had made the journey on camelback to Caravanserai. Covering yourself up not only protected against the sand, it also shielded you from the relentless sun and if the correct garments were donned, it was actually less unbearingly hot than in shorts and a t-shirt. She found herself curious, on the verge of asking if that was why Pelin would wear something that covered her from her collar to her ankles but in the end decided against it, simply because she didn't dare.

"I don't recall the last time I had cinnamon tea," she said, taking the small glass cup between the tips of her thumb, index and middle finger. With her other hand she steadied the bottom of it and brought it to her lips. Rather than drinking from it immediately however, she closed her eyes and let the spicy fragrance fill her nostrils. "Oh, this reminds me so much of my jedda," she mused. "If only she were still alive, she would have loved to hear about this." Chloe carefully sipped the smallest amount of the spiced tea before lowering the glass  to her lap. "I fear a lot of my family's traditions have faded over the years."

She smiled when Pelin complimented the Spa, but the gesture turned almost shy when she also expressed admiration for Chloe's long hair. Chloe wasn't sure why; Pelin wasn't the first to tell her so, and while Chloe was far from a vain person, she did take a lot of care to make sure her long, wavy hair retained its healthy, glossy nature.

"Thank you," she said, demurely, and in a need for brief distraction sipped from the tea again. "I love the scented oils we have, although I admit that when you spend all day in the Spa, you stop smelling them as much. It's a pity, really."  Chloe fell silent as she caught Pelin undoing her scarf; she was surprised by the length of it, and realised only then that she hadn't actually seen Pelin without anything to cover her head before. "Your hair looks lovely too, you know," she said with so much sincerity, no one would dare to think she was only being polite. She'd almost skipped over the question Pelin had asked her, and Chloe's dark eyes widened slightly as she went from distracted, back to paying attention to the conversation.

"Oh," she responded, "I have Saudi grandparents. They moved to England when my mother was still very little. My father is a Londoner though, and I've only been to Saudi Arabia three times in my life. If it wasn't for me looking the spitting image of my mum, then you wouldn't even know I had any Eastern roots at all."

Chloe smiled forgivingly, and she finally picked up one of the sugar cubes, following Pelin's example and popping it into her mouth rather than letting it dissolve in the cup. She took her time drinking the remainder of her tea, which didn't mean that she wasn't interested in Pelin. On the contrary, and soon she put down the empty glass and curiously regarded the girl sitting in front of her. "And where is it you come from, Pelin?" she inquired.


Name:Chloe Foster
Date | Time: June 11th, 1 PM
Wearing: Tan coloured Spa uniform with brown sash and white loafers
Location: Abalos Spa | Massage Room
Tagging: Becky / William / Breezy 

A subtle smile of approval curled the corner of Chloe's lips as she took the gracefully curved bottle  off the shelf. "That's a great choice," she said, and while she likely told that to all the people who came here, it was, in fact, Chloe's personal favourite. Unscrewing the cap, she let a few dollops of the rich oil pour into her palm. Slowly she rubbed her hands together to warm it, then looked Becky over for a moment. Her skin was smooth and beautiful, and when she began to apply the oil to her lower back, using the flat of her hands to spread it all along her spine, her shoulderblades and towards her neck.

"Smells lovely, right?" she commented, her voice softer now. Her eyes darted over to the other table for a moment, catching William's gaze and raising her eyebrows knowingly. Chloe was very dedicated to her task, and if anything, the look was a playful, but not entirely insincere warning. She averted her eyes a moment later though, and positioned herself carefulyl at the head end of the massage bed. Her fingers applied a little more pressure as she started from the neck, going down on either side of the spine towards the small of her back. As her hands slipped to Becky's sides, she looked down for a moment. "Let me know if you prefer me to be more firm or more gentle. Right now I'm warming up the muscles of your entire back, but once I start focusing on each part of you separately, you'll find that it will be a little more intense."

Chloe took care to apply the oil to the entire area, letting Becky get used to her touch whilst increasing her bloodflow.


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: June 11th, early afternoon
Wearing: fluffy white robe
Location: Oasis Spa - Massage Room!
Tagging: Breezy, William, Chloe

Becky reached her hand back and took Peri's in it, giving it a friendly squeeze and wrapping her fingers into the other woman's, then letting the held hands rest between them. She closed her eyes and tried to finally relax.

And relax she did, very quickly, as Chloe's wonderful hands went to work with the coconut scented oil. "Ooooh." Becky couldn't help but exclaim in appreciation as her muscles seemed to start to just let go of what they'd been holding onto. "Ohhhhhhhh yeah yeah it smells great." She said smiling as she kept her eyes closed and felt a bit like she was floating. "Wow you're good."

"Firm." She said quickly. "I mean, once it's ready. But like, yeah, don't be shy about getting in there." She said wanting the full deep massage, one of those that coaxes every last bit of stress out. "This is my first massage since," she paused, not wanting to say the D word outloud and provoke all the normal response, "well, in awhile." She finally settled on. "I've been carrying a lot for too long. But this is already feeling good." She sighed happily, her fingers still laced in Breezy's or they probably would have fallen out by now.

She made a mental note to come back and ask for Chloe again. This woman was magic!
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Pelin Arwan
Date | Time: June 12th, After 5PM
Wearing: Red scarf chased with gold, grey abaya, sandals
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Chloe / Open

"The lands of the House of Saud are vast.  Vast and full of wealth," Pelin mused.  "I have never been there, it was for to the south of where I was born and later," an elegant shrug of her shoulders suggested a complicated story that wasn't something worth mentioning at the moment.  "Let me show you.  I brought the map," Pelin said, pride in her voice for both remembering it and procuring one.  Once again the bag provided and she pulled out the many times folded map then spread it out after pushing the plate of cookies over to Chloe's side of the table. 

"It is hard," she said and hesitated over it.  "I don't read very well and it's upside down.  That I can fix," she laughed and rose.  Pelin's hand automatically picked up her scarf and brought it with her as she went and knelt on Chloe's left side, her shoulder pressing into the other woman.  "Africa," the word came out with a long e sound where the i lay as she pointed to the continent,  Pelin's finger traced up across Egypt then, like Moses, crossed the Red Sea.  "Here, the lands of your people.  Your...ancestors?  I think this is the word," she pointed to Saudi Arabia.  "Iraq," Pelin pointed then drew her finger far, far up to the northern portion past Mosul.  "Here."  She put her pinkie on the paper.  "The map, she doesn't show it but my village was somewhere under my littlest finger.  It was very, very small.  Saddam, he didn't like it when too many Kurds lived together so it was safer to stay up in the hills and away from the roads and villages.  We farm, we have goats, we have our faith.  I was happy and didn't know anything else."

Pelin looked up from the map to smile at Chloe.  "If you had grown up with me we could have had such fun.  In the summer the date palms are heavy and pregnant, no...not pregnant.  Ripe?  Ripe," she corrected herself, "with sugary dates.  There were pears too, tiny tart little things but so good even if they did make the," her hand rubbed at her stomach, "ache if you ate too many.  Mine ached a lot," she laughed.  "Or we could chase fat see-sees and throw rocks at them and maybe take one home to cook over the open fire for dinner.  But most of all, we could have been little girls together and that is something that you can never have once it is past."

Pelin briefly reached out and touched Chloe's wrist with her hand, squeezing it for just a moment before releasing it.  "But, maybe it is better you weren't.  When ISIS came," brown eyes went dark with some emotion, "everything good died.  That is why I was here," she put one finger on where her village was, "and now I'm," Pelin's voice made a whooshing sound and her finger traced a looping arc across Syria and Jordan, across the ocean and then across a great swath of North Africa before coming to rest approximately where the Caravanseria was, "here.  With you and we have tea and cookies and I think it is better I have you as a grown up friend than a growing up friend.  She, that little girl you would have been, it is best she never knew ISIS.  Better she knew London I think."

"One day maybe I go there with you?  What is it like?"


Name: Chloe Foster
Date | Time: June 12th, 5 PM
Wearing: Tan coloured Spa uniform with brown sash and white loafers
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Pelin | not really closed but kind of

She couldn't argue with Pelin's description of her grandparents' native country. They had been wealthy when they arrived in England, and their work had been the main reason for moving in the first place. Somehow it was more of a reason to feel guilty than proud though, and it would be a sentiment that was gradually enhanced as Pelin explained to Chloe her own heritage.

The rustling of the map as it was unfolded was soothing. Chloe had always enjoyed the sound of sheets of paper moving against each other; it reminded her of reading books and sketching anything she saw. Chloe had never possessed any real talent in drawing, but had loved it regardless. Now, she couldn't remember the last time she'd even owned a sketchbook anymore.

There were so many details in the words, often spoken so matter-of-factly that Chloe almost failed to heed their hidden significance. She didn't ask why Pelin couldn't read, but she wondered, although a few more moments of listening to her narrative already offered quite the explanation. Chloe had never been to Iraq, and no Westerner without a missionary-complex would ever dream of going to such a high-risk country either. Somehow Chloe hadn't anticipated the revelation, and it had her regard Pelin with uncertainty and new eyes. The war torn countries, reason for so many American and European military missions and UN efforts, had always been distant news. Not something that she had ever thought to be faced with, and to find someone who had lived those struggles here, in this luxury resort of all places, it caused a small short-circuit in her mind. Despite her appearance, Chloe truly was a Westerner. A modern, wealthy and sometimes so very clueless Westerner.

But no, the first memories Pelin described were sweet ones, and gradually Chloe began to feel more at home in the stories, to the point where she could almost taste the sweetness of the fruits in her village on her tongue, and pictured herself in those hills, playing and enjoying a much simpler life instead of dragging herself to school in the black-and-white school uniform she'd worn throughout her childhood years. She didn't know what see-sees were, but somehow her imagination envisioned them like little meerkats, skittering about the sandy plains. She wanted to tell Pelin that she would have liked that, that she wanted to have plucked the pears from the trees and ate them, played in the hills and known  Pelin when she was three feet tall and had no idea of the bad things in the world. But then Pelin reached out to her and touched her wrist, and Chloe was distracted and a little speechless, and she bore her eyes into the map, not wanting to look too flustered.

Then, before she even remotely regained her composure, Pelin's story - or at least a small glimpse of it - took a grim turn. Chloe's eyes were practically glued to the map, following the tracing finger that suggested Pelin had made a journey far more challenging than the few squares of paper depicted on the map suggested. Suddenly mentioning dates and pears felt wrong, and Chloe's face grew dark with a profound feeling of empathy. When she finally reacted, her voice sounded a little pinched, hoarse with the emotion that Pelin failed to express in a way that Chloe could pick up on it.

"I'd-- I'd love to take you to London one day," she said quietly. Chloe made a visible effort to smile again, and her deep brown eyes settled on Pelin's delicate features as she continued in a lighter tone. "I will show you the city. I will show you how the river Thames cleaves it in half, and the bridges that make the city whole again. I will show you how the old buildings and the new ones have this unlikely harmony. You'll see all the markets and the old statues, the fountains and the hundreds and hundreds of stores. You'll smell how everything smells like old machinery and soot, and like roasted chestnuts and cheese pasties. And we'll walk through the parks and visit the museums and..."  Chloe's voice trailed off. She realised the eagerness with which she was making such promises, and realised that perhaps she was overdoing it. Still, she found that she meant every single word of it, and though her smiled turned apologetic, she made no effort to take it back.

"I hope I can show you one day, Pelin," she said sincerely. Her gaze was cast down again, and as she followed the invisible trail that Pelin had drawn once more, her hand reached out, taking her newfound friend's with her own. She made no effort to release it.

"I can't imagine what your life has been like before you arrived here," she confessed with naive honesty. "I really can't. But I wager it was nothing like my own. Would you tell me more? No, wait," Chloe corrected herself, and she gestured with her free arm about herself.

"Would you maybe take up my offer on that free massage after all? It would really not be any trouble, I promise."


Name: Pelin Arwan
Date | Time: June 12th, After 5PM
Wearing: Red scarf chased with gold, grey abaya, sandals
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Chloe / Open

Never refuse something directly.  That habit of her culture was as much a part of Pelin as her dark hair and eyes and she didn't even think about telling Chloe no.  That didn't mean she told Chloe, sweet girl that was so generous with her heart and her time, no either.  Pelin simply deflected it.  Pelin was ugly, ugly beneath her clothes in a way that she knew Chloe wouldn't understand.  It would evoke horrible emotions in the sweet hearted woman and it would likely change the entire dynamic of their budding friendship.  Already Chloe felt pity for Pelin, felt bad for what she'd gone through.  That was not wrong but it was something she sensed Chloe would beat herself up with.  Compare Pelin's past to her own and somehow feel guilty and responsible for what Pelin had suffered.

It was enough she had suffered it.  She would not let another feel it even by the touch of her hands or the gaze of her eyes on Pelin's body. 

"When you talk it's like you fly me there.  To London," she said instead of answering Chloe's question.  "In the mountains we had little streams?  Streams.  They would be milky blue when the snow melted and muddy brown when it rained.  And I've seen the Tigris," she said with a little pride.  "It was very green, but...flat green?  Not the bright green like the trees and canes that grew along it.  Chloe," Pelin said with excitement in her voice.  "The Americans they built a bridge in less than a day over it for us to use.  So many soldiers but they weren't like Saddams.  They were, well no soldier is not scary but they were less scary.  And nice.  They gave us food too, pink plastic pouches that had so much food in them even if it was different.  America they blow up everything like all soldiers but then they give you food instead of taking it.  I think I love Americans," she said. 

"But I would rather live in London I think, where you live.  And look at Tim's River.  Who was Tim?  Was he a Prince?" she asked.


Name: Chloe Foster
Date | Time: June 12th, 5 PM
Wearing: Tan coloured Spa uniform with brown sash and white loafers
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Pelin | not really closed but kind of

She wanted to tell her yes; yes there was a prince named Tim in England, and they named a river after him and all of Pelin's so disarmingly unknowing questions were spot-on. Chloe couldn't find it in herself to really lie to her though, and though her smile persisted, the light shake of her head was a regretful one. "No Princes in England, I'm afraid," she said. "There's one called William and one called Harry. But they're all married and--"  She kept from saying old, but they weren't technically that old. Just... balding.

"Anyway, I think you should come live in London. It's a wonderful place." That it had its shortcomings was something that Chloe gladly ignored for now; compared to wartorn countries and perilous boat trips across the Mediterranean sea, pickpockets and swindlers were hardly a real problem. "There's no soldiers there, scary or no. Just bobbies," Chloe chuckled. "And fancy men in red uniforms and massive hats. Some of them get to be on horses, too. You'd like them, I bet. Everyone does."

It wasn't that Chloe had been completely oblivious to the fact that Pelin had ignored her question, all the more because she'd already been quietly bracing herself for the possible rejection. But when she didn't answer at all, it raised questions in Chloe's mind, and she wondered if she had been too forward. Or perhaps not forward enough.

She wasn't going to ask again though, but Chloe had a healthy amount of Western insistence inside of her. Reaching out to the low table, she retrieved the small parcel she had been sent and began to carefully unwrap it. The tiny vials within looked so appealing even before she had opened any of them, and Chloe made a point of studying each of them for a moment, offering Pelin perhaps a bit of respite, and herself the chance to gather a bit more courage.

"Oh, I love this brand," she said, and after some contemplation unscrewed the silver looking cap on one of the slender bottles. She brought it up to her face, inhaling the scent. "Orange blossom and honey," Chloe confirmed, and she put the tiniest dollop of cream on the top of her finger. With the dedication of someone who clearly worked with lotions, creams and oils all the time she rubbed it into a small spot on the back of her hand, considering the texture, the moisture, and just how her skin felt afterwards.

"I think I like this one," she said, and only then did her actual intentions become clear. Chloe squeezed a little more cream onto her fingers, then held out her other hand, palm upwards, for Pelin to rest her own in.  "You want to try this?" she asked innocently, then, without skipping a beat, "Come. I promise you won't regret it."

Lady Sakura

Name: Nyasha Von Koli
Date | Time: June 11 | 11amish
Wearing: In picture
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: William

Seriously, could she take him home with her? What woman wouldn’t want a man catering her to her aching body. Take all her stress away? 90 minutes wasn’t long enough. That was how long she had him for.  His words she could make it sound so sensual, however, she understood this was a profession and he was simply being good therapist. However, she did not mind his charming personality. He was almost radianting that she could not wipe the smile from her face even if you told her her cat died.

“Your words are very kind. Thank you.” She mused being a good listener and taking in everything he had to say. She did not even notice him grabbing a towel, she simply held eye contact. She pondered the services he spoke of. “A deep tissue sounds amazing. I am an artist/fashion designer. I sketch and sew a lot so I’m always hunched over my desk.” She began rubbing at the small of her back. “So my lower back could use some attention, my shoulders, and my forearms would be wonderful, please.” She informed him of all her problem areas.


Name:William B. Fine
Date | Time: June 11 | 11am
Wearing: In picture
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Nyasha

William did his best to be a good servant.  He was not as focused on her beauty but he did see it and she was very lovely.  He moved to set a generic oil  that he would mix for her.  His chemistry background helped him in this role to provide the proper scents for the experience.  "So please tell he two or three of your favorite scents and we can get started."  He stated as he helped her on to the warm table and placed his rocks.  He listed to her making a mental note of the areas that she stated were the most problematic then pondered what areas of her feet to press on based on his reflexology chart that he had memorized then he would begin working on those areas once the rocks and oils were heated.  He put on some Sade' as background music and awaited her responses.


Name: Pelin Arwan
Date | Time: June 12th, After 5PM
Wearing: Red scarf chased with gold, grey abaya, sandals
Location: Abalos Spa
Tagging: Chloe

"I would have to have a visa," she told Chloe.  "I have papers," she added.  "The aid workers helped us get them.  They said that many Western countries allow you to use them like a passport but I am still a refugee.  A, how did they say?  A stateless person."  The grey material of her abaya shifted across her shoulder as she shrugged then fell back into place.  "They said, the aid workers?  They said to tell the government of a country that I could not go home and feared persecution.  That I would be killed or tortured.  That is easy enough to prove," the young woman added in a flat tone.  "A Kurd and a Yazidi and a woman?  Any of those would be enough, or should be."

A little lost in her past, Pelin watched without comment as Chloe unwrapped the package.  Chloe was so graceful and calm in her movements, not hurrying just to get done with it and without a trace of greed in her eyes unlike many of the other women Pelin had known that were from the West.  It must be hard for her, she thought, to live between worlds.  To be a Western woman but with an Eastern heritage and looks that would make any who saw her assume things about her ancestry and customs.  Much as they did Pelin.  But then how could they know for example she wasn't a Muslim for all she'd pretended to renounce her faith and submit to Islam.  It was either that or die, the same with the customs she'd learned for survival such as wearing the abaya and hijab.  Saudi religious police might scold, arrest, even strike a woman who broke the law but ISIS murdered them, sometimes in terrible ways.  None of this was Chloe's world but Pelin knew ignorant people might think so and felt sorry for the sweet girl.

A hesitation, then Pelin reached out and put her hand in Chloe's.  Pelin wasn't averse to physical contact, especially since it was with another woman and not a man, but neither had she much been the recipient of it these last years.  Her hand, work roughened, drank up the cream like the sands did the rain, leaving little trace that it had ever been there.  Slowly though her skin became saturated and filled out, smooth and with a glow of health it hadn't had before.  Unaware of her smile, Pelin watched as Chloe continued to rub cream on the back of her hand.

"When guests leave the lotion bottles behind with some left, or throw them away, I sometimes use them.  But the cleaning it takes it right away.  They have gloves," she mentioned, "but I don't like them.  I don't need them.  Why would I be afraid of dirt or cleaning?  Caravanserai is the most wonderful place I have ever been and the cleanest.  And -" she looked up with her eyes only, lashes hiding them, "I have made a friend.  A wonderful friend."