The Black Network's Reach [DnD 5e, Forgotten Realms]

Started by AnneReinard, October 25, 2017, 01:57:49 PM

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Lots of interesting things so far! I'll keep an eye out for any questions to answer, especially now that I am no longer dying of plague.
Ons and Offs

Always free for a little teasing back and forth. Or suggestions to titles to make this exhibitionist squirm! I adore silly little PMs.


Would that be possible Anne? playing a were-beast?


Quote from: AnneReinard on October 31, 2017, 10:26:16 AM
Lots of interesting things so far! I'll keep an eye out for any questions to answer, especially now that I am no longer dying of plague.

Welcome back ^_^ Glad you're feeling better.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Hrm. For playing a were, I'd honestly prefer you use the Shifter mechanics laid out in Unearthed Arcana Eberron rather than having a disease. The former roots you more firmly with the other players, the latter makes things a bit more difficult to even things out with the others.
Ons and Offs

Always free for a little teasing back and forth. Or suggestions to titles to make this exhibitionist squirm! I adore silly little PMs.


Name: Tilassia 
Concept: Hatchet Handed Bounty Hunter
Physical Description: (Look Left!) Stands about 5'4 and a bout 8 stones
Personality: Brash, confident, greedy, and at times lazy. Loves work, so long as she is paid well. Loves to lavish in expensive and costly things (inn rooms, food, drink, "companions").
Ideal/Bond/Flaw: (Ideal) You see Chummer, i bring you in alive, thats 100 gold, and thats alot of gold.. (Bond) And coin is the best loyalty out there, and they paid part up front... (flaw) But they also said they would pay 75 dead, which is still a lot of coin, but saves me on cost of feeding, sheltering, and watching you.. So gonna make this easy on me..?
Brief History: Raised in a hunting party Tilassia earned her keep by helping flush game and cleaning the kills, a rather glamorous life all in all. At one point her party camped down with another group of travelers and the gossip started. One of her group, an older and thoroughly unpleasant man, was actually known to have a bounty on his head, and the other party was considering capturing him. Tilassia acted faster, drugging the man and dragging him back to town and quickly off for the reward, easily earning in a few days what their group made after months of hunting and selling pelts. So what if he was the man who had raised her?

Brief Ons/Offs: Ons; Questionable heroes making questionable choices. A chance to cut loose and be bad without having to sacrifice orphanages to elder gods. Sexy lewd adventures and down time. getting to Rip and Tear annoying NPCs that deserve it on occasion. Offs; Rape, gore With sex,
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


Alright so I've been trying to get a character together for the past few days, but now I'm wondering how exactly far past too late I am.

Zaer Darkwail

Not too late join in with a char concept :). Sheets done once accepted in.


I'm probably going to give it a little longer before I decide admittedly, because I just realized that I have to flail around in a blind panic irl.

I'll probably aim to make decisions on Nov 16th.
Ons and Offs

Always free for a little teasing back and forth. Or suggestions to titles to make this exhibitionist squirm! I adore silly little PMs.


Quote from: AnneReinard on November 01, 2017, 12:14:34 PM
I'm probably going to give it a little longer before I decide admittedly, because I just realized that I have to flail around in a blind panic irl.

I'll probably aim to make decisions on Nov 16th.

*patpats and sends couple shots of hard drink, a nice ice cold soft drink, roast bratwurst on buns, and big slice of cake to help balm panic?*
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!



Building a cleric, like i said - sorry for the delay, RL has been getting in the way. Fast question about Unearthed Arcana material though; would minotaurs (Waterborne Adventures) or the Forge, Grave, and Protection Domains (Cleric: Divine Domains) be allowed? - Irrelevant question, see below

Regardless, work in progress follows:

"Let me ask you then; does that guy offering you ten dragons for this job spend hours every morning wresting divine power from the gods themselves, just to glue your sorry ass back together every damn day? No, i didn't think he did. That's why you work for me, and let me worry about whether or not we're taking his offer."

Name: Danyriel Brownstone
Concept: Jaded priestess; see quote above!
Physical Description: Dany is a tall and well-proportioned for her slender frame. Her fair skin and dark blonde hair are typical of the northern sword coast, but the high cheekbones, almond-shaped green eyes, and upswept curve of her ears point towards elvish ancestry. She's usually wearing a stern expression; with her features this gives her an almost icy look. At her hip is a longsword of clear dwarven make, while worn on clear display is the holy symbol of Valkur, three golden thunderbolts striking from a cloud of grey iron.
Personality: She's sensible, level-headed, and long-suffering patient. Stubborn, because she knows she's right. Despite the cynicism, is actually religious about her faith; Believes zealots are best used as cannon fodder, though. Likes to present a stern, tough exterior, to mask the soft tender core stern, tough interior.
Ideal/Bond/Flaw: She longs to take to the sea again, but after being drugged and abandoned by the curs of a former crew, she's intent on doing so on her own terms - and to get revenge for that. She's prideful, almost elitist, and it's burned her before, and will likely burn her again.
Brief History: Dany never knew her father; her mother insisted the man came into port on a fine ship carved to resemble a swan in flight, though. That and the other dockside tales from the Mermaid's Lure tavern ma kept gave young Dany a longing to take to the sea herself. And when she was fifteen, she cut her hair short, called herself "Danny," and did exactly that. For years she rode the waves with one crew or another, always seeking a passage to Evermeet and never finding it. No matter, the sea brought its own concerns; Danyriel found faith in Valkur during one savage storm in the North Sword Sea; she doesn't remember hte specifics, except that the captain fell and she took the helm in his absence. The crew insisted that she had been touched by the lightning but unhurt.This was before the superstitious lot of them decided she had been the one to bring the storm, clubbed her across the head, and left her in a dockside alley in Waterdeep.
Dany's stayed in Waterdeep since, trying to bring enough gold to herself to take back to the sea and get back at the scum on board the Redwhale. She's taken on two expeditions into Undermountain; both ended in disaster and a total loss of treasure, and the experience has made her cynical and rather jaded. The offer of gainful employment and capable allies seemed like as good a reason as any to sign on with hte Zhentarim.
Brief Ons/Offs: Treasure, competence, pretty men and women who do what they're told, and the sea; getting cheated, servants of Umberlee, Hairy men who think they can bring her down a peg, and anything with tentacles (unless it's cooked well)


Just poking to say that I have not forgotten about this.

In light of Xanathar's coming to the public, I will prefer the use of the Xanathar's Guide to Everything version of previously UA material over other sources. Xanathar's also takes precedence on reprinted spells (e.g. from EE and the like).

I'll be cracking my knuckles as seeing what I like the most on the 18th, once I have a break from my panic!
Ons and Offs

Always free for a little teasing back and forth. Or suggestions to titles to make this exhibitionist squirm! I adore silly little PMs.


*patpats and cant wait for the book to show as well!*
My Ons and Offs!

You! On our wavelength! Carry our message, its heavy! Made of rocks!! Apocolypso dancing! SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! You'll want to cut your wrists with the whole knife, but you'll only need the edge!


Hi there Anne.  Are you feeling any better yet? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Apologies! One final delay on my end! I got busier than anticipated with Turkey Day Decisions.

I will make my choices on Monday morning, then give time for people to hash out exactly what they want to play before starting up post-Turkey Day.
Ons and Offs

Always free for a little teasing back and forth. Or suggestions to titles to make this exhibitionist squirm! I adore silly little PMs.


I loathe having to do this, but I don't think I see a group in the line up that strikes my fancy enough to run an extended game. I think I would rather stop at this point and not waste time further. Otherwise, I risk burning myself out very quickly on something that I can't see myself running forward with.

Thank you all for the ideas committed and I apologize for wasting your time. I wish you all the best of luck in your game searches!
Ons and Offs

Always free for a little teasing back and forth. Or suggestions to titles to make this exhibitionist squirm! I adore silly little PMs.


Sorrow, but completely understandable.  Sad as it is, it can be even worse to start a game up if you aren't sure, and it's certainly no fun for the GM who burns out.

Thanks for letting us know and being open ^_^
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


I appreciate the understanding, especially given I was having a minor panic attack when I was reviewing things this morning and feeling like I was the worst. <.<
Ons and Offs

Always free for a little teasing back and forth. Or suggestions to titles to make this exhibitionist squirm! I adore silly little PMs.


The reason I have RL>RP on my profile is because real life is more important than roleplaying.  If you have RL reasons not to do stuff, that's way, way more important than making sure folks get a game together.

*offers hugs*

And sometimes the muse just isn't there.  Nothing for it.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


  Sorry to hear that, but please relax 'til you feel better.  This place is for having fun, not for undue stress.  *hugs* 

  Hope to see you in other games soon.  :)
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: AnneReinard on November 20, 2017, 08:55:01 AM
I loathe having to do this, but I don't think I see a group in the line up that strikes my fancy enough to run an extended game. I think I would rather stop at this point and not waste time further. Otherwise, I risk burning myself out very quickly on something that I can't see myself running forward with.

Thank you all for the ideas committed and I apologize for wasting your time. I wish you all the best of luck in your game searches!

If it's any consolation I was questioning whether I still wanted to participate in this RPG given how busy I've gotten lately. Your cancelling it is actually kind of a relief. :P

Also you're hardly the first person to back out of GMing a game and it's probably best that you did it before it really got off the ground rather than afterwards.


I think the whole concept would work much better if you went backward in the timeline to before the speelplague. sadly, that would mean either a major rules rework or a simple reversion back to 3.5 rules.

In that timeframe there are enough evil influences in the city ( i.e. street gangs, Thieves guilds like the Shadow thieves, Red wizard enclaves, foreign diplomats, noble houses that dabble in slavery, the entire Skull port and pirate trade going on in the undermountain, Spies from the City of Shade ) to keep everyone busy. Waterdeep of that time period try to put on a squeaky clean image but it is little more than a façade.

I hope that you decide to revisit the concept.

Zaer Darkwail

Yeah, 3.5 rules era had lots of things going on before spellplaque. But then again nothing prevents doing 5th edition game in 3.5 era (just need stat out some NPC's differently).
