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Pixi's Current Wants (F Looking for Males)

Started by Pixilicious, October 07, 2017, 06:57:54 PM

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Hello!  Since I'm back on E, I decided to repost some ideas that I had from years ago when I was here.  I've found that after being away, my tastes still runs the same as it was back then.  If anyone's interested in any of these plots, feel free to PM me. 

Some notes to consider:

  • I very rarely do nonconsensual RPs, and when I do, it's agreed upon to various extents after.  Same goes for BDSM.
  • I am looking for someone to play the male parts in all of these plots.  I have to get my bearings back for writing as male characters, for the time being, I'll be taking on the roles of the female characters.
  • It is a very RARE occasion where I write a F/F pairing.
  • I prefer plots ranging from 2 paragraphs to 4, depending on my muse.
  • I do not have a preference for my partners being either male or female, as long as you're comfortable writing your character. :)
  • Even if a story says "Taken", and you have interest in it, PM me.  I'd be happy to work out different variations of a plot. 
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Their Happily Ever After

Once upon a time, Alexandra was betrothed to a warlord brute.  Alexandra's father,  a power-hungry individual, only agreed to this marriage because Warlord Brute was one of the best warriors among his empire, and he thought that he could use Warlord's skill for capturing wealthy, land and glory for the empire. 

However, the Warlord Brute turned on Alexandra's father, forcing him to break up the betrothal.  Her father has now made a deal with the king of another nation, one who is stronger, and thinks would benefit him more.  He tells Alexandra that her marriage to Warlord Brute is to be no more. 

Alexandra is unconcerned about her father's affairs, and while she's being courted by her new betrothed, she and he fall in love.  They get married, and months later, Warlord Brute figures out that he'd been deceived, partly because Alexandra's father never told him that the wedding was off.  Now, he's come to claim Alexandra as his own, which isn't going to  happen, because she is very much in love with her new husband, and him to her.

***For this story, it will start right before Alexandra starts her courtship with new betrothed.  I am looking for someone to play the role of the "Bethrothed" in this story, and was thinking that we could both NPC the father and the Warlord Brute.***
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


To Hell & Back

This game's setting partially involves a prison in a foreign country, perhaps China or Japan.  The other half would be taking place back in the U.S..

Emma Matthews a student studying abroad there.  During the time she was there, there were a lot of groups revolting against the government, and therefore causing lots of terrorist activities.  This is the same group that captured the male character in this scenario.  In a stand, they start targeting random tourists in the country, and as a result Emma gets taken prisoner as well.

When Emma gets taken to prison, she gets put into the same cell as the male character.  What happens from there is to be seen.  But..the two characters are in prison and prison isn't fun so therefore each of them endures our own share of torture because of the terrorists trying to get information out of anyone from the U.S.

Because of the time Emma and her cell mate spent together, both characters start to grow close and dependent on each other, and eventually start to fall in love.

I would like the overall story between the two characters to be romantic, with the non-consensual stuff coming from their treatment in the prison.  There are a few more ideas I had for this, but I think this is a good start.

I am looking for the male character in this plot to be somewhat of a U.S government agent, rather than just a simple civilian, please.
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Georgia Ansenne was the girl that had everything, including a fierce competitive streak.  Since high school, he was her biggest competition.   Georgia was the thorn in his side.  They ended up at the same college and the rivalry continued.  He was not happy when she graduated at the top of their class in Law School.

The one thing that he had that she didn't have was a best friend like his, until now.  When Georgia started dating his best friend, he knew he couldn't let it happen.  That was why he came up with a plan to put an end to things between them.  It was perfect...He would pay one of their office buddies to take Aspen out drinking and then back to their apartment.  He had then made sure Georgia walked in at the opportune time...To see Aspen screwing another woman in their bed.

What he didn't expect was for Aspen to take off after Georgia, both of them taking to the roads at speeds set high above the limit.  Aspen, who had been drinking, slammed into Georgia's car from behind.  The impact killed him and left her in fairly critical condition.  It wasn't until she woke up that they would discover Georgia's memory was gone.  All of it.  He, being ridden with guilt, felt an obligation to be there for her, and to help her recover from the accident.  Of course, he didn't tell her that HE was the cause behind the accident.  No, he wouldn't do that.

However, what happens when he starts falling for the woman he had hated all his life?
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


An Affair Meant To Be
Meghyn had always been excellent in school.  She breezed through high school and finished two years of college due to dual enrollment by the time of her high school graduation.   Before her 25th birthday, she was a graduate of Harvard, and her parents could not be prouder.  Well, sort of.  Her father, James, seemed to be put off that his oldest child did not see it fit to slide into the family business of politics.  Meghyn was more free-spirited, preferring to get into the medical field, and her father did not understand.

On the night of her 25th birthday, her parents threw her a lavish shindig that doubled as a graduation party for her.  Wanting to do something wild, she met one of her father's business associates, a man that was in his mid-thirties/early 40s, and the two of them slept together.  It was only after that happened, that she found out that her mysterious stranger was married with a family.   Now, she felt like a home-wrecker, and couldn't shake her attraction for this new man.

What happens when her mystery man realizes that he feels the same way about her?
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


A Lover's Mistake & Redemption

Brianna Christiansen and Hunter Jones had been the perfect couple..They had been friends since kindergarten and dated through most of high school and the first year and half of college.  Everything had been going great up until Brianna had started acting weird. 

She no longer found pleasure and comfort in Hunter's touch and chose to shy away from him most of the time.  She was always on edge and never wanted to go out and do things that she had previously enjoyed doing.  She became very distrustful of alot of people that she used to interact with, including Hunter himself.

Hunter had begged and pleaded with her to tell him what was wrong..He knew her too well to not know when something was bothering her, but she never opened up to him and insisted that it was nothing. This had gone on for about a month after he had that talk with her. Then, Brianna did something no one saw coming. She just up and left with only the explanation that she needed to take care of somethings on her own.

Now it's two years later, and Brianna is back in town.  She thought that it would be pretty safe, because she was sure that Hunter wouldn't have stuck around here after he'd graduated.  So what happens when she runs into Hunter again in a chance encounter? And what will he make of the little girl she has with her that is calling her "mommy"?

Will all be the same as it was before?  How do you deal with the new changes in each other's lives?  Will there be feelings of anger and hostility still?  Are they both capable of loving each other like they once did?
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Paying for His Past
He had enemies.  Many enemies.  It wasn't something he was in denial about, and it was the very reason that he never let anyone get close.  Everyone would become a target, a liability, depending on who you asked.  Still, he couldn't get her out of his head.  From the minute he'd set his icy blue eyes on her, requesting aid for his team, he'd known that she'd turn his world upside down.

Quiet, intelligent and beautiful, Evangeline never saw herself as any of the last two.  A self-proclaimed workaholic, a doctor in the military; she made sure that her priority was her work, and fixing the individuals that got sent her way.  Regardless of who they were, or what they'd done, it was her job to make sure that they survived.  When he'd walked into her clinic, she'd found her ability to focus shattered.  No one had ever managed to do that, and what's more, what's sad, she didn't know if she wanted to fight it.

However, just as the two were coming to terms of what they were...What they could be, fate intervened in the most cruel of forms, and his enemies found her.

I am looking for someone to play the male role in this.  Please PM me if interested. This will need a lot of discussing and further plotting. :)
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


The Wrong One

Annalise had known them for the last four years.  She'd met them in college, during her freshmen year.  They'd technically been juniors at the time, and it was by chance that they had the same elective class together. 

Handsome, smooth, well-spoken and every girl's fantasy, these identical twins commanded the attention of every female that managed to get next to them.  Unfortunately, she'd managed to hit it off with the older of the two of them.  He didn't want to settle down, though.  Not yet.  It was college, and why shouldn't he play the field?  Life would wait for no one, though, and his brother had swept in, picked up and carried on where he couldn't.

Figuring she wouldn't get the one she wanted, Annalise did the only logical thing.  She settled, accepting the advances of the younger twin.  But, the chemistry and spark between herself and the older one never went away.  In fact, some could make the case that it got stronger as the following year and a half went on.  Not just sexual, but everything in between.  He had, and would always be, her other half.  The missing puzzle piece that fit her perfectly.

Is it possible though, that sometimes, mistakes could be fixed, and people wouldn't get hurt in the process?

Note: I am looking for someone to play the older twin.  This will start out as an affair and then grow into more.  The role of the younger twin could be split between both writers of this plot.  Lots of other things still needs discussing, so please let me know if you're interested.
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class



No plot for this one.  I've just been catching up on NCIS:LA and NCIS:New Orleans today, and I'd love to do something with military law enforcement.
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


The Issue

Her father had never been a good man.  She grew up knowing that.  But, it wasn't until Kate had seen what she wasn't supposed to, did she realize just how cruel he could be.  He decided he wanted her dead.  It was the only way to keep what she'd seen a secret, so that he wouldn't get in trouble.  He didn't have the heart to do it, so he did the next best thing. He hired someone to take care of the issue for him.  It was simple.  His hired help would take Kate away and dispose of her. 

That was the plan, anyways.

But, things don't always go according to plan. 

Especially when the one you're supposed to be murdering turns out to be the love of your life.

**Looking for someone to take on the role of the hitman in this.**
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Keeping The Throne - Taken

It was expected that she spent her time being catered to and pampered.  Such was the life of a princess.  But, Ariadne hadn't received that treatment.  Banished because her father had expected her to have been born a son, to complete the set of three he wanted, she was never given the opportunity to live the life she'd been born into.  She had been under the care of servants her entire life, barring the visits from her mother and siblings.

Speaking of siblings, she had always been fairly close to her two older brothers.  Princes, and active participants in their province's military, they made the time when they could to check up on her.  But, the world at large did not know who she was.  The citizens that her father ruled over had been told that her mother had delivered a stillborn when she was born.  At times, when she thought about it, it made Ariadne sick to know that she was that unwanted by her father.  But, in her twenty-six years of existence, she'd managed to survive just fine, and had learned the importance of work and earning what she wanted.  It wasn't always easy, but nothing in life ever was.

With her father's untimely death, chaos was wrought upon the country, and some people didn't believe that her brothers could rule together, under one crown.  That they needed something that would unite them.    And so, the idea was brought about of them sharing a wife.  The city's new Queen.  But, both men didn't have many prospects that they trusted, not in a time where everyone saw opportunities in this situation to turn against the royal family and take what was theirs for themselves. 

Ariadne was the only option.  She could pose as the wife that was being demanded of them, and she would be trustworthy enough to do what needed to be done.  It was apparent, that having grown up and away from palace life meant that she had no desire for wanting more than what she was being given in this situation. 

So, why not?

This is a very complex plot, that requires discussing of ideas.  Ultimately, I do want them to end up in a consensual, committed, menage-a-trois.  Please PM me to discuss these details further!
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Come Back For Me

In a world where the government has always been obsessed with winning, they started cheating the laws of nature.  Government experiments focused on creating the perfect breed of soldiers.  Specimens with enhanced healing abilities, and special gifts.  Trained from childhood, by the time they hit 18, they were bonafide killing machines.  The only exception to the rule had always been that they would never involve women.  The program's creator always believed that women were the inferior gender.

What they did use women for, was to test the emotional capacities of their test subjects. After being created in test tubes, by whatever donor's DNA could be relinquished for their use, the program's creators were never sure of their subjects' abilities to do things normal humans do.  Abilities like showing emotions, forming bonds, forming relationships, loving another human being...  Those had always been huge question marks seeing that the intensity of the training that these soldiers were forced to undergo was quite intense.

That's where she'd met him.  She had been accepted into the program after months of interviews and testing.  Her age of acceptance into the program?  12.  She'd befriended him, and they had always looked out for each other.  She would usually find a way to ensure that whatever task she was sent to accomplish would be done without minimal harm to him.  And when that couldn't be avoided, she paid the consequences... as did he.  She preferred that she be the subject of the agency's ire.

They'd always had plans to get out.  To go somewhere far away, make a life for themselves.  It was the first time she'd realized that she loved someone.  That she could care about someone other than herself.  She didn't know how he felt, and never bothered to ask, because of a fear for making things awkward.  In her early twenties, she knew that something had to be done.  As the soldiers had progressed into adulthood, things had become harder in terms of their training, and the experiments, and psychological ordeals became more intense.  It was no way for him to live.  No way for any of them to live.

She'd created a distraction.  One that allowed his escape, but one that ensured that she stayed behind.  She was resigned to her fate.  Of being there.  Dealing with that.  Of dying there.  She had nothing worthwhile to live for, and he had everything.  All the promise in the world rallying behind him.  She could only hope that he would, in some small way, remember her.

Note:  I am looking for someone to play the male part in this.  I understand that this is rather complex.  I would ultimately want it to start with her rescue, or even before that, with contact from him.  This story is very much long-term, but I do see a plethora of possibilities here of things that could be done with it.
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Love is Blind

Based loosely on the movie "Me Before You."

Carys Moran found herself in the middle of a horrible accident almost two years ago.  A smart-as-a-whip lawyer, she found her entire life turned upside down as a result of said accident. The one thing she'd never be able to fix?  Her sight.  She'd lost it when shards of shrapnel had embedded themselves in her irises.  The woman that once had everything, including her independence, now has to rely on others to simply do her day-to-day business.  Her family has taken enough time off to help her adjust, and cannot afford to do so anymore.  So, her mother sets out an ad for a nurse.  Someone that would be staying at home with her for most of the day, until they returned.  Their job is to care for Carys, and keep her company, and perhaps in doing so, they could restore her ability to want to engage with the world once more.

The nurse that ends up being hired is a male. One that, when comes into contact with Carys, sees much more than the helpless woman that the accident created.

**I am looking for someone to play the male role in this.**
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Picture Plots

I've decided to add a new section to my plots thread.  This section is going to be squarely for pictures that inspire some sort of plot.  While I may post something of a small blurb, these will generally not be too fleshed out, and up for discussion, and of course, plotting.

Picture #1

Picture #2
Sweetly His.

Picture #3
Intimate Possession

Picture #4
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Her Friend

Loosely based on Rebecca Zanetti's Realm Protectors Series.

Everyone always thought she was simply an orphan, though she knew the truth.

Aurora DeCourti was always described as a gifted child, with abilities. Those abilities gave her insight into the future, though she could not control what she saw, or when she saw it.  Then, at around six years old, the dreams started happening.  In those dreams, she met him; her own personal friend.  He understood her, and always advised her when things became too convoluted for her little mind to process.  He was older than her, by ten years, which she knew, and never let it stop her.  He would warn her of things, and protect her.  Whenever she had managed to escape something that could've harmed her, she always had the distinct feeling it was because of him, though she couldn't exactly prove it. 

At around age 14, he disappeared.  His visits; her dreams, they simply stopped.  Every night when she closed her eyes, she would be looking for him, except, he never came.  She never understood why, and always felt that it was something that she had done to drive him away.  When she turned 18, she blamed her self-blame on the fact that she had harbored a silly crush on a man that wasn't even real.  By the time she was 25, she was too concerned with making it in the world, to give her childhood "friend" any more of her time.

As Aurora had gotten older, she garnered more attention, though that was never apparent to her. People realized the abilities she possessed, and each found reasons why she would be useful to their own causes.

It was meant to be an ordinary night, with her walking home from her shift at the diner she had managed to become employed at.  Gifted children did have bills that needed paying, apparently.  She hadn't heard them, nor had she felt anything.  When she awoke, she was in a room, locked by herself.  Arms tied behind her back, she had no way of escaping, where she didn't know she was.  She was summoned hours later, standing in front of a group of men, who were negotiating the price that she was worth.  An explosion rocked the world around her in the next instant, and when the dust settled, she heard THAT voice.

His voice.

It was the last thing she remembered before succumbing into unconsciousness.

***Looking for someone to play the male in this.  I don't see the male as being human, but either a vampire, or a demon.***
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Beauty & The Beast Meets The Bodyguard

She'd been an embarrassment.  College had been too much for her to handle.  Drinking and partying became her life...  And it was the same two things that had caused her to lose her life...In a figurative sense.  An accident one night had been the wakeup call that she needed.  Not that she had been hurt; no.  It was the other person that had suffered injury.  She had never stopped to even inquire about the person she'd hit. She had been too concerned about herself, and how much trouble she would be in.  Luckily, her father was wealthy enough, and had enough pull in the world, to get her off lightly-- rehabilitation and community service, both of which she was going to do elsewhere.

Her father kept her tucked away for three years while she managed to get her life together.  Still, that night haunted her.  She was never able to forget.  Never able to get past the fact that she had been responsible for someone else's misfortune.  Now, it was time for her to come back home.  Her father knew better than to leave his only child to her own devices once more.  She had messed that opportunity up once, and there wasn't going to be a second time.  He was hiring her a bodyguard. Someone to watch over her, with explicit orders to make sure that she did nothing that would qualify as stupid or reckless.

While she hated the idea, her father didn't care.  He would not go through that embarrassment once more.

Her bodyguard turns out to be the person she hit while drinking and driving.  Years later, he is still harboring a need for revenge.  Before the accident, he was the quintessential rich boy.  He had the money, the looks, the ability to get the women.  Now, because of a jagged scar running down the side of his face; the result of the accident, that cosmetic surgery hadn't been able to fix, the only one of those three that he was left with, was his money. That meant, she had to pay for taking everything away from him.

What happens though, when he finds a woman that is charming and charismatic?  A woman that isn't put off by the fact that he looks like a monster?  She needed to know what she did wasn't right...but could he bring himself to be the one to teach her that lesson, when it is clear that he was falling in love with her?
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Small Town Dreams
She had always wanted to make it big.  Modeling had been a dream of hers, after just a few minor campaigns as a teenager.  She went to school, while looking for jobs on the side.  Just in case she couldn't make it to the big time. 

She had met him in college.  He was a sweetheart.  He treated her right.  Treated her as more than a pretty face.  But, she had ultimately wanted more.  More than the small town boy could provide for her.  Despite the fact that she loved him, she wasn't willing to give up on her dream.

And then an opportunity presented itself.  An agency had taken an interest in her.  They signed her, and she was on board.  She left him then, to pursue her dreams.  But, people have a way of being deceitful.  That agency turned out to be more than she bargained for.  Not just modeling, but an escort service to the elite.  And where her intentions had been pure, she was turned into someone that has to use her body, and has forgotten her worth in the world.

She was assigned to a new client.  And there was a car sent for her.  When she arrived, she hadn't expected to see him.  The same boy...No, man from her past.  He had been the one to make it big.  A multi-millionaire in his own right.

***Looking for someone to play the male role in this.  I'm looking for drama and romance.  Not a dark romance, as I don't see the male being a sinister character.  Angry that she left, maybe.  But, not sinister.  Please message to plot and work out the details***
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


The Nanny Diaries

Having just graduated in the middle of the year meant that sometimes, you didn't quite get the opportunities for jobs that you wanted.  And then, that meant, you had to be creative.  Child care seemed easy enough, and so Leighla had answered a request for a nanny.  She knew the rules.  Don't get attached to the children.  Don't get attached to the family.  Unfortunately for her, some rules were meant to be broken, whether she wanted to break them or not. 

***Looking for someone to play the male role in this.  My initial thoughts were that he's a widower, raising his child(ren).  Once again, as per the usual... Romance here! :)***
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Spouse Swap

This is based on the concept of a few different shows, but mostly the show Wife Swap.  It could either be played with one couple, or both couples, as I have no problem having multiple couples in a scenario.

Kayla and Melanie were best friends throughout their entire lives.  They have been there for each other through some very interesting life events, but also for the heartwarming life events.  This was interesting, because the two of them were opposites.  Maybe the old saying that opposites attract was true.  Kayla was the quiet one and Melanie was the extrovert.  Both women had graduated college, and had married men that were higher than their own social and economic statuses at the time.  Kayla, the therapist, and Melanie the lawyer, both had achieved success in their own rights.

Their husbands had gone on to become great friends as well, much to the delight of the two women.  They lived not too far from each other.  When it came time for a retreat that Kayla's office was hosting, she thought that the exercise would be a good, if not fun type of thing for herself, Melanie and their husbands to part-take.  It was a relationship building exercise that was being hosted for those of her clients who were in relationship jeopardy.  The purpose was to see what they had in front of them, was exactly what they should be having. And in order to do that, there would be a switch.  One spouse for the other.

So, Kayla would be left with Melanie's husband, and Melanie would be left with Kayla's husband.  The location was quite pleasing, and the amount of time was the span of a week.

***I'm looking for someone to either play one of the girls' husbands, or both.  The concept is that in having to spend time with their best friends' spouses, the mismatched couples realize that they aren't meant to be with the person they started off the retreat with, but rather, the person that they spent the retreat with.***
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Friendly Advice

The word awkward and the name Katie Daniels were synonymous.  She had never really developed into a social being in all her 24 years of existence. As for the opposite sex?  They were non-existent in her world, except for her best friend.  She'd met him during her first semester of college.  He was your quintessential All-American dude, even being part of the football team, to boot. Two years ahead of her, she had been tasked with tutoring him when his grades were starting to slip.  One couldn't play sports if they didn't have the grades to do so.  They'd become inseparable since then, though nothing sexual had ever happened.

Katie was too shy to breach that topic with him, and she truly, firmly believed that he didn't see her in that light.  Katie was a five, and men like her best friend, who was a ten on a bad day, didn't go for the fives.  Intelligence was certainly great.  Humor in the form of sarcasm was nice, but neither of those things-- it didn't complete the entire package.

She graduated and found herself a job working in an accounting firm.  Katie found herself with a coworker who caught her interest.  He, like her, was a five, and she deemed him as completely within her level of attainability in the opposite sex.  Except, she didn't know how to approach him.  How to flirt.  How to strike up a conversation.  It was her one detriment. 

After thinking about it, she came up with the idea to ask the one man in her life.  Her best friend.  She would ask his advice and for tips on how to go about flirting with a man; garnering that attention that she wanted.


***I am looking for someone to play the role of Katie's best friend in this.  What I am looking for is for her best friend to develop a slow seduction of her for himself, while under the guise of answering her questions about the opposite sex. She does have feelings for him, but she's never acted on them, because she feels that he's unattainable.  It could be that he's also felt a certain way about her, and he's also never acted on them, because she's never shown any inclinations.  Mind you, I'm not looking for him to mislead her, or turn her into someone promiscuous.  I'm looking for more of best friends discovering their feelings for each other, a  slow romance, due to a third-party circumstance.***
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


From Rags to Royalty

A handmaiden was all she was ever going to be.  Elena was resigned to her fate.  She hadn't been born into royalty, but rather worked in the royal household because her family owed a debt that would never truly be paid off.  Princess Chloe was traveling to her betrothed's country, approximately a month before they were to be wed.  A formality, and a way for her to get comfortable with what would be her new home after the wedding. 

Elena was lucky to have been introduced to Chloe's betrothed, His Royal Highness, The Prince.  There was something about him that she couldn't quite put her finger on.  He had a kindness to him that she knew Chloe did not deserve.  He was worldly, cultured, and knew how to treat everyone around him with dignity and compassion.

What she didn't expect was for that kindness and attention to turn towards her.  And at first, she tried to dismiss it as him just being polite, but she knew there was more there.  She could feel it, but she couldn't act on it.  It would not be proper.

***Looking for someone to play the Prince in this.  This would start off as a slow burn romance, that then turns into an affair, that would ultimately result in The Prince breaking off his marriage/engagement to Chloe in favor of Elena.***

Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


You're Not Supposed To DO the Job

The private security sector paid extremely well.  Sometimes, the pay wasn't enough to combat with the mundane assignments the assassins-slash-operatives were handed out.

When Colby Calister had agreed to pick up the package that had alluded him and the rest of his team for the last few months, he never thought that it would come attached to the one woman he had believed to be dead.  His girlfriend...ex-girlfriend, shit, he didn't even know now-- was supposed to be dead.  They'd told him, her family, everyone, that she'd died four years ago.  A plane crash with no survivors.

Clearly someone had gotten their intel fucked up. It made no sense.  And by the look on her face, yeah, she'd recognized him.  And Emmaline clearly didn't want to be found.

***This one is going to be a lot of action and romance, lost love.  I'm looking for someone to play the male role in this.  I've also got lots of ideas to take this in different directions, depending on the interest***
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


Two is Better Than One

Emma had been friends with them since junior high.  Friends turned into best friends, and she and they were always inseparable.  She never dated other people for long.  The men she decided to date always had a hard time dealing with the fact that the spot for most important man in her life was a shared position. It was one that whatever man she was dating, would come in third place... to them.

In college, after a night of partying, they'd end up sleeping together.  A threesome.  Drunk or not, they collectively decided that they liked it.  And so it continued for a while.  But, like turned into love, at least for her.  And love ran for both men, not one more than the other.  She'd never ask them to choose.  And she certainly couldn't choose.  And hurting them was never an option.  At least not like that.  So, she left.  Made up a flimsy excuse about having to take care of her mother, whose health had degenerated in the previous years.

Now, six years after she left, against her better judgement, she came back to her college town, figuring that they'd moved on.  It would be good to get her life back on track, and settle down.  Without them, a fresh start was needed.

Sometimes, though, life doesn't always give you what you want.

Note:  **I am looking for someone to play the two males in this scenario.   I'm looking for a long-term game, and I have some ideas about the two men, and their relationship with her and themselves.  PM me if interested!**
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class


November 20th, 2018- Opening some of these up again.
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class



Okay, so we're blaming this on (1) the fact that I've always loved Transformers, and (2) the fact that I just got back from seeing the new Bumblebee movie a little while ago.  Interested in the following types of pairings:  human*bot, bot*bot.   I don't mind original characters and canon characters, as long as the pairings are m/f, and I'd like to take on the part of the female, as noted from the original title of this thread. 

Anyone interested, please let me know.  :)
Be a girl with a mind.  A woman with attitude. A lady with class