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Alhanna's Ideas (F for M/F – Seeking fun stories!)

Started by Alhanna, March 02, 2015, 06:31:13 AM

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Alhanna's Solo Role Play Ideas

Welcome to my list of role play ideas!

If this looks a bit familiar, it's because I decided to borrow a bit from Renegade Vile's list. I liked the methodical way he listed his and am trying to sort my ideas into something more cohesive. As always, I do advise people to please check out my on/offs before sending me a PM.

My ideas are pretty much all over the place. I'm interested in a wide variety of settings and genres. I only have a few “set” characters; the rest I'm more than happy to create off the fly if someone likes an idea. I'm geared towards original characters, though I do like some canon characters.

General List
Urban Fantasy

Specific Characters
Natalie – Urban Fantasy

Captain America/Steven Rogers

Imagery for Inspiration

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen



I love fantasy. I basically grew up with it in my life. From fantasy comic books like Elfquest to Dragonlance to Forgotten Realms to Dungeons & Dragons roleplay. I've dabbled in just about all of it. I'm okay with low fantasy and high fantasy. With lots of magic (though I'm hesitant to do much of it due to difficulties) and little to no magic… with elves, orcs, humans and gods. I love it all. I'm particular towards playing elven archers myself, but I'm free to discuss a lot of it.

The Old Flame: It's been ten years since Nereia had seen her old bodyguard and brief love. But events of the world had brought them back together. Once again, he was her shadow, her protector, both desperately holding back their feelings for one another as they struggled to survive. Original setting, standard high fantasy like D&D.

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


Science Fiction

While the science of it may be difficult for me to grasp at times, I'm a sucker for science fiction. I'm a rarity, I suppose, in that I loved both Star Wars and Star Trek. I also watched Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica (I prefer the reboot), played games like Wing Commander…. I like the idea of aliens with a whole different concept for humans to adapt to. I don't mind dystopian-like stories where humanity is fighting for survival against being wiped out. I love the idea of a generational ship.

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


Urban Fantasy

The Dresden Files. Anita Blake. Trueblood. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Forever Knight. Moonlight. (Don't ever mention Twilight to me. *shudders*) Angel. I like the concept of somehow the mundies/mundanes/muggles/whatever are somehow clueless to the reality that vampires, werewolves, magic, faeries, etcetera, are real and somehow we have to maintain a careful existence between the two. Some stories have it where the magical/fantastical realms have “come out” and we're trying to merge the two very different existences together. Some stand and fight against them in secret. I even have a somewhat built character for this. Check out Natalie!

Immortal Beloved: No, not the movie. I'm a big fan of Highlander, and was particularly fond of the character, Methos, from the television series. I'd love to indulge that craving. I'm not sure of the storyline but it can be fun. I've been feeling the itch!

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen



I'm a sucker for romances. Of course, it doesn't have to be strictly romance! There can be a story to it besides just two people meeting and falling in love! I have a few ideas listed regarding this. I am flexible and open to discussing and changing these ideas.

Love and Protect: Basic premise is you play a Secret Service agent who was appointed to be the protector of my character.

Here's the general story idea: My character is in college, going for her masters. Up until that fateful day, she never knew who her father was. Then all of the sudden reports are saying she's the illegitimate daughter of the President of the United States! Tensions are high as the President is trying to negotiate a difficult peace treaty/truce and a subset of that country decided no peace. So they were going to kidnap my character to force the President to back down.

Cue your character. Suddenly he's appointed to be her bodyguard 24/7. Undercover, no less. Despite your character's youth, he's extremely skilled, capable of great calm under pressure, and has unusual talent. What started as a job turned into full-blown dedication as your character starts to like and admire mine. She's not spoiled, compassionate and a giving person.

Heart Song: Original small town setting, maybe something New England-ish. It's the type of town that has generations of families there. Almost everyone knows everyone, which is why this is almost tragic. My character would be a widow in her late 20s, early 30s. She had married her high school sweetheart, had a child shortly after. But after eight years of marriage, it was not meant to be--right on Christmas Eve, her husband and child were lost in a car accident. She's been trapped in grief ever since. She goes through the motions, but doesn't really live.

What I'm looking for: You, a musician, maybe guitar, can sing decently, come to town for the purpose of helping out your grandfather. My character used to do it but she's lost the drive to help anyone, let alone herself. The grandfather summons you for two folds--to help him with the day-to-day and to maybe see if you can reach my character and pull her out of her grief.

General idea: I can see these two bickering a lot. She's drowning in grief and alcohol, not wanting to face life without what she called her heart and soul. I'm not sure how it'd happen, but perhaps in time, her attraction develops to your character and that too hurts her. But it forces her to acknowledge life and the possibility of new love. It won't be smooth sailing or easy, so if you can handle emotional tension and arguments, this can be an enjoyable story.

Our Song: Inspired somewhat by a song by Taylor Swift, thus the song title. I envision some country setting, lots and lots of land, farms, farm life. My character is the daughter of a large farm owner. She used to be underfoot around the workers, but she was of a sweet personality, and so she got away with a lot of mischief. However, her father insisted she go away for college and so she did so reluctantly. She's returned, all changed and different from her time "in the city"... Is there anything left of the wild-riding, dirt-loving, fun girl?

What I'm looking for: You're one of the hands on the farm. Maybe handle the horses. You were there since you were 15, and you watched this gangly girl grow up into a striking woman, and harbored a longtime crush. Unaware to you, so did she. But when she comes back, it's as if she was a complete stranger. But you decide that maybe she just needs to remember who she is and where she came from, so you really get in her face, pull her out a lot despite protests...and watch a romance bloom.

General Idea: Like I listed, your character believes she isn't meant for the cities and are determined to bring back the farm girl she used to be. But she's hiding something, harboring some deep pain, and so your character'll have to push hard for her to finally admit what's troubled her. It can be fun too... because she still possesses a competitive streak. So I can see some fun challenges--riding a horse, swimming the lake, stuff like that. Not as dark as Heart Song, but there'll be challenges.

White Collar Crime: Neal Caffrey had his stint with the FBI; now it's over and he's back to his old antics. He's having fun going around Europe, devil-may-care. But when he learns one of his heists caused problems for a beautiful woman and her family, he's inclined to help out. Will sparks fly?

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen



I think there's something to be said about the rough and tumble life of the Old West. Things were simpler. People were simpler. Life was harder, and they appreciated it more. I don't know. I've seen shows like Young Riders and movies like Young Gun. Heck, even Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman made it seem intriguing. If you like the setting, like the idea, shoot me a PM and we can talk!

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen



Yes. I read comics. You read that right. But not just the Big Two like DC and Marvel; I've also dabbled in the Independents like Boom!, Image, Top Cow, Vertigo, Dark Horse, and others that are no longer in print or just individual people printing their own work (such as Terry Moore of Strangers in Paradise fame).

I like mutants. I like non-mutants doing incredible things for the greater good. I like canon characters and I like original characters. I don't have anything specific in mind other than a general idea down below.

Wolverine: WWII: There was a miniseries that involved Wolverine being active in WWII. I rather like the idea of him bumping into a fellow mutant with the same idea: take down the Nazi army. But we know Wolvie: he always fights alone. I foresee little romance here but who knows?

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


Specific Characters
Meet Natalie. Her name tends to change every couple of decades, as necessity requires it. She's half-fae; her mother was fae and her father was human. Shortly after she was born, Natalie was given to her father to be raised. She learned of her heritage when she reached adulthood and began manifesting small gifts. Her talents lies in the fine details, of weaving and unraveling spells, as opposed to the dramatic fireballs and such. I'm flexible as to the storyline!

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen



Steven Rogers. Captain America. Someone who wanted to do the right thing so much he kept trying to get into the army when his health would've put him at risk. He's the genuine nice guy. He's the one who had honor, who believed in the good. He didn't like bullies.

I quite like and prefer the movie version for now. I have to give Chris Evans props for how he's portrayed Captain America. Can take place inbetween movies.

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


Imagery for Inspiration

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


Monthly bump!

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


Bump! Added a new story idea in Urban Fantasy, Immortal Beloved.

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


Wow. Been a while. Giving a bump because I am open for stories!

The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen


The Oath of the Drake

She's real, she's deep, she's logical and mystical. She believes in kindness and oneness and romance. She's sensitive and distant, a warrior, a lover. She believes in road trips to the stars and dancing with the universe. She's fearless and gentle, wondrous and brave. She lives in waterfalls and forests and sunsets and galaxies. She's the artist, the thinker, the poem and the dream. - Creig Crippen