Strings [Accepting 1 Writer]

Started by TheBlackThrone, November 29, 2023, 06:40:36 PM

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Have you seen the sun?
It was swallowed up
And everyone started to run
The darkness came
And grief filled everyone’s cup
Our world was never the same
When the angel came.

--Sacred Hymn of the Church of Death

Our story takes place in the fictional city of Dogfish. Dogfish is located in a coastal, eastern region of the United States, and it is named after the fish that populates its Red Turtle Bay. Ever since the sun became a black halo in the sky, the city sank into darkness. The pale light that bathed it during the day caused health problems. It created an epidemic called Rot, which caused slow brain rot. One would become forgetful, stop making sense, and soon they were committing acts that caused harm to themselves or others. The Rotten were victims who advanced to chronic and incurable stages. Rotten were violent and devoured the uninfected for no real reason. A bite from the Rotten spread the disease like wildfire. Dogfish Police (or Dogs) were forced to contain the Rotten in the projects, which trapped those who couldn’t afford to move into better housing.

The outbreak led to advances in technology. Inventors began to make machines to help the police control the infected. The police didn’t have to risk their personnel becoming infected with the robots doing all the work. Unfortunately, criminals put an end to the robots' usefulness. One day, the robots went crazy. Some of them stole machine parts from other contraptions, building their bodies into mechanical monstrosities. At this time, it is unknown if the robots are controlled by a criminal organization or a lone wolf serial killer. The police were forced to stop using the robots, and there was a mass scrapping. While a good quantity of robots have been recycled, there were still mad robots that appeared.

Rotten; Mad Robots; what came next was the discovery of Masters. Masters were powerful humans who could see and control The Strings of Fate. Every living being possessed strings, and a master could take possession of them. Masters were as old as humanity. A master controlled the police department. Masters led armies into battle. Masters ran nations. But the mayor of Dogfish, Giovanni Torricelli was no master. While he hides behind the public perception that he is one, he relies heavily on the three gallant masters who truly run the city.

1. Master of the Dogfish Police: The Chief of Police, Enzo Parisi, is the strength and beating heart of the Dogfish Police. Like all masters, he is highly protected and rarely seen publicly.
2. Master of the Dogfish Bureau of Internal Affairs: Director of Internal Affairs, Aurora Di Stefano, runs the Dogfish branch and controls the intelligence that enters, cycles and leaves the city. Her agents are everywhere.
3. Master of the Underground: Master Lucia Romero is an unorthodox addition to be recognized by the mayor. Her mask-wearing family always had control of the underground. All criminal organizations recognize her as The Godmother, but not all are loyal to her or even accept an old hag of a woman as their master.

Lucia Romero is a powerful woman who has held the strings of powerful beings passed down to her for generations. The Romero family has gone to war with several other families subordinate to her own, forcing them to give her their strings. The Romeros are so powerful that the Bureau continuously collects intelligence on them, hoping to exploit the weaknesses of each member to keep their power in check. Did Enzo rule the city? Or did Lucia? The Underground, and reluctantly, even the police believe that Lucia runs the city, but for how long?

The Romeros are identified by the animal masks each member wears to hide their identity. No one outside the Romeros knows what each member looks like, and it is a rule that if a Romero is ever unmasked, then they either kill the ones who have seen their face or kill themselves to protect the family. Romeros typically only wear their masks when they are on Romero property or on a mission. In public, no one can tell them apart from regular citizens.

In the city of Dogfish, there are Rotten, Mad Robots, criminals, corrupt police, witches, and dark churches like The Church of Death constantly experimenting with strings. The high priest of the Church of Death is unknown to protect his or her identity. What is known is that the high priest is a master responsible for the abduction of several citizens. The Master of Death warps the strings of their victims, seeking to turn them into angels. Unfortunately, warping the strings warps the victim’s DNA, turning them into grotesque creations. Some are failures, blobs of indiscernible flesh. Others are what humans call monsters, set loose upon the city to wreak havoc. The church continuously experiments, hoping to one day create the angel that brought about The Darkness.


In the story of Strings, you will be creating a character under the Romero family. They serve Master Lucia and will work with other family members to unravel the mystery behind the swallowed sun and the darkness that plagues the city. Family is used loosely. Members of the Romeros are not genetically related unless writers want to make characters who are. Romeros come from all walks of life. They can be metahuman, monsters, machine, etc. As long as they follow a trope or theme. Lastly, because this game is Italian-inspired, every character will have an Italian or Latin name. Characters speaking in Italian or even uttering Italian greetings such as Ciao is a norm in this story.

The theme of this story involves elements of Lovecraft and the Industrial Revolution with a steampunk flavor. The fastest mode of transportation on land is the train. Flight hasn't been discovered publicly, but secret organizations may have the capability. Currently, only creatures that can fly are the only things capable of flight. Firepower is generated using gunpowder, steam, or electricity. Computers are used to make robots and that's it. They are not used for communication or transferring data. There is suspicion that the Mad Robots are mysteriously linked somehow.

Character Creation

When you create a character, they must follow a single trope or theme, and it must be obvious. If the GM or other writers cannot figure out your theme, then you have made it too complex. The GM will more than likely ask you to simplify it or change it.

As previously mentioned, all characters will have Italian or Latin names. Please use the character sheet below as a guide.

Character Sample Art (Digital Art and Realistic Faceclaims Only)
Full Name: First and Last Name (Middle name optional)
Mask: Your character wears an animal mask when working. The animal mask determines their codename. Example, if they wear a red fox mask, then their codename is "Red Fox." Keep this simple.
Specialization: Motivity; Technique; or Advanced. Motivity - a character who specializes in strength and toughness. These types are the muscles who go directly into a confrontation to mess up enemies. They are very strong and can handle multiple enemies, but their weakness is a lack of speed. Technique - these characters specialize in weapon technique and speed. They are often employed as stealth killers or thieves. They concentrate on hitting weak points and getting out of harm's way as quickly as possible. They do not do well against mobs and their weakness is strength. Advanced - these characters utilize tech or chemicals as weapons. They specialize in operating machinery, poisons, acids, and other corrosive or decaying materials. They may specialize in arson or using electricity as a weapon. They are the brainiacs of the game.
Age: 18+
Theme/Trope: Give a small description of the theme you're basing your character off of.
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
General Description: Give a brief description of what your character normally looks like. Include clothing, jewelry, tattoos, or unusual features (such as inhuman ones).
Personality: This can be completed briefly. I know as writers write the character the personality will gradually become more apparent.
History: This is what is known about the character among the Romero family. Every character has a "secret" backstory. Do not put the secret backstory in here. You do not have to reveal the secret backstory unless it is naturally revealed in the story. Please PM the GM with the secret backstory before it is revealed to make sure it is acceptable for the plot. If you think your backstory is so major that it could affect the overall story, then that's a sign not to make it. Change your idea because the GM might reject it when the time comes, which could destroy what you have created up until that point in the story.
Weapons & Abilities

Strings: While characters cannot see their strings or the strings of others, they can use their strings to grant them abilities or weapons. It is the master who grants the characters use of these abilities, thus any agency under a master has personnel who are superhuman. Write below your character's weapons or abilities. You get one weapon and three abilities. Your character does not have to use strings as a weapon and can instead use an actual weapon. However, the durability of this "normal" weapon will not survive against the weapons of other string users.
  • Weapon: Write a thorough description of this weapon. You can also link artwork depicting the weapon here. This is the Industrial Revolution/steampunk, so rifles are allowed and some gizmos, but nothing on the level of modern technology. Try to stick with gunpowder, steam, electricity, fire, water, or coal as power sources.
  • Name of Special Ability: Describe it.
  • Name of Special Ability: Describe it.
  • Name of Special Ability: Describe it.

[float=right max=45%][center][img height=300][/img][/center]
[center][i]Character Sample Art (Digital Art and Realistic Faceclaims Only)[/i][/center]
[b]Full Name:[/b] First and Last Name (Middle name optional)
[b]Mask:[/b] Your character wears an animal mask when working. The animal mask determines their codename. Example, if they wear a red fox mask, then their codename is "Red Fox." Keep this simple.
[b]Specialization:[/b] Motivity; Technique; or Advanced. Motivity - a character who specializes in strength and toughness. These type are the muscle who go directly into a confrontation to mess up enemies. They are very strong and can handle multiple enemies, but their weakness is lack of speed. Technique - these characters specialize in weapon technique and speed. They are often employed as stealth killers or thieves. They concentrate on hitting weak points and getting out of harm's way as quickly as possible. They do not do well against mobs and their weakness is strength. Advanced - these characters utilize tech or chemicals as weapons. They specialize in operating machinery, poisons, acids, and other corrosive or decaying materials. They may specialize in arson or using electricity as a weapon. They are the brains of the game.
[b]Age:[/b] 18+
[b]Theme/Trope:[/b] Give a small description of the theme you're basing your character on.
[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Eye Color:[/b]
[b]General Description:[/b] Give a brief description of what your character normally looks like. Include clothing, jewelry, tattoos, or unusual features (such as inhuman ones).
[b]Personality:[/b] This can be completed briefly. I know as writers write the character the personality will gradually become more apparent.
[b]History:[/b] This is what is known about the character among the Romero family. Every character has a "secret" backstory. Do not put the secret backstory in here. You do not have to reveal the secret backstory unless it is naturally revealed in the story. Please PM the GM with the secret backstory before it is revealed to make sure it is acceptable for the plot. If you think your backstory is so major that it could affect the overall story, then that's a sign not to make it. Change your idea because the GM might reject it when the time comes, which could destroy what you have created up until that point in the story.
[center][size=4][b]Weapons & Abilities[/b][/size][/center]
[b]Strings:[/b] While characters cannot see their strings or the strings of others, they can use their strings to grant them abilities or weapons. It is the master who grants the characters use of these abilities, thus any agency under a master has personnel who are superhuman. Write below your character's weapons or abilities. You get one weapon and three abilities. Your character does not have to use strings as a weapon and can instead use an actual weapon. However, the durability of this "normal" weapon will not survive against the weapons of other string users.
[li][b]Weapon:[/b] Write a thorough description of this weapon. You can also link artwork depicting the weapon here. This is the Industrial Revolution/steampunk, so rifles are allowed and some gizmos, but nothing on the level of modern technology. Try to stick with gunpowder, steam, electricity, fire, water, or coal as power sources.[/li]
[li][b]Name of Special Ability:[/b] Describe it.[/li]
[li][b]Name of Special Ability:[/b] Describe it.[/li]
[li][b]Name of Special Ability:[/b] Describe it.[/li]


1. Respect each other. You cannot perceive another's emotions through text, so when in doubt, always ask. If you think someone is deliberately disrespecting you and it isn't obvious, 9 times out of 10, you're probably wrong. So please treat others the way you wish to be treated. If everyone does this, then we'll have less drama.
2. No Discord. Not everyone has it. Not everyone wants it. Not everyone knows how to behave respectfully on it. Therefore, there will be no discord. If you want to plot with others, then you will need to summon the courage to communicate with them. If you lack the courage or desire to interact with others, then this game is definitely not the game for you.
3. No Over The Top (OTT) characters. This is not a superhero game. This is not Marvel or DC. If you come here trying to make Superman your trope, then just know, the GM will reject it. If you try to make some overpowered, god-level character, then the idea will be 100% rejected.
4. Italian/Latin inspirations. Do not forget this.
5. Sex vs. Story. This story leans more toward story. So if you can balance sex and story, then you are golden. If you're only here to write smut and contribute nothing else to the story, then you're in the wrong game.
6. One character per writer. I am only allowing one character per writer starting out. You are welcome to draft up a second one to keep on the back burner, but for the start of the story, just one character is allowed.
7. Do not argue with the GM or ask the GM to make your character for you. If you cannot come up with an idea for this game, then give it time. Do not ask the GM what they want, would like, in the game. The GM does not have time for that. The GM has a life. If the GM asks you to change your idea or tells you that your idea won't work, then please change it. The GM is asking you to do this for the integrity of the game. If you would rather argue or refuse, then just kindly back out of the game.
8. Communicate. If you plan to go on vacation or need to take a break, just let the GM know. You can drop it in PM or in the OOC to allow your partners to know. The GM can accommodate your return.


To be populated with good questions not answered above

Approved Characters

Updated 01/27/2024
Desiderio Bianchi - White Rabbit/Technique - Miss Nyx
Evangeline Bruno - White Lamb/Advanced - Rainbae
Athena Valentius - Cat/Motivity - xPeachyPuff
Dante Leonetti - Grizzly/Motivity - Juggtacular
Grace Giuseppe - Grey Fox/Technique - Mediocre Author
Matteo Vitale - Red Fox/Advanced - TheBlackThrone
Cecilia Lucioni - Butterfly/Advanced - FyreFoxx



Character Thread
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Slips through to grab the character sheet. BUt you already knew I would.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.

Miss Nyx



I will work on a character also c: Not sure what I'm going with yet, but we'll see where my brain takes me! 😂

Miss Nyx

Full Name: Desiderio Bianchi
Mask: White Rabbit.
Specialization: Technique.
Age: 25 Years.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Sapiosexual, bordering asexual.
Theme/Trope: Desiderio is a metahuman and is in every way considered to be an immaculate assassin. He is purely a product of his environment; reared, weaned and bred for violence and blood. This shows in his professional behavior and unwavering obedience, most especially. If he is called upon to handle something for Master Romero, then she intends to rain absolute Hell down upon her enemies, and this is something he takes as the highest honor. He doesn’t care who the target is or how many there are. If Master Romero desires them gone, he’ll remove them from the face of the damned Earth.

Height: 6’0”
Weight: 167 lbs.
Hair Color: Pale.
Eye Color: Silver.

General Description: At a glance, Desiderio is a young man of unalarming appearances. He is tall, built lean and athletic, and has a languid nature to his posture and gait. Desiderio cleans up impressively well, it may be surprising to find he is quite intricately tattooed beneath his apparel–tattoos cover the majority of his body, spared only from the wrist down, ankle down, and the nape of his neck and above. It can easily be assumed he’s opted for ink to cover the expanse of silver scarring that line his back in long streaks, the artwork appears to overlap or intermingle with the labyrinth pattern of scars that marr his skin. He does not have any notable piercings nor does he fancy jewelry or other cumbersome items. He does keep a silver timepiece–a pocket watch accessible with his dominant right hand.

His style of dress is monochromatic, and usually quite clean. He favors crisp coats over cream button downs, polished leather shoes, and tight Eldredge knots in his ties. His style of casual is typically long sleeved, breathable shirts, suspenders or vests, and slacks. You’d be hard pressed to find him sporting street fashion… and unsurprisingly, he’s bound to look incredibly stiff if ever a necessity demands he sport color or clothing that echo expressions of youth. He isn’t a fan of leather, knick-knacks, goggles or top hats. He may occasionally carry a walking cane, not at all for the aesthetic–best believe there is a blade concealed within.

Personality: A complex individual, Desiderio is truly a multi-faceted youth, but very few people get the opportunity to know this. Outwardly, he is stoic, observant, and a young man of very few words. He seems perpetually bored with the world around him. He is observant to a fault, unable to help but pick apart conversations, individuals, and their behaviors to the finest detail. His way of speaking is proper and direct, and often unforgivingly blunt. He does not mince words; he says what he means, and he considers this a courtesy that he expects from those he bothers engaging with. This icy facade makes him difficult to read, and oftentimes… well, he just comes off as downright fucking creepy to most people.

Beneath the cold and solitary exterior, there are a surprising number of layers to rifle through, and not one of them anything short of intense. Desiderio doesn’t seem capable of feeling anything lightly. He either feels nothing, or everything, and there’s no in between. His joy can come off with childlike wonder. His anger can rival the fury of a seven nation army. He is no stranger to sorrow, and he welcomes melancholy with open arms, as he would an old friend. The ill-effect of such passionate inner workings is that Desiderio doesn’t know how to control himself should he get too caught up in feeling, and it has had chaotic results in the past. Because of this, he seems intent to keep everyone at arm's length, friend and foe alike. There’s little he hates more than the feeling of helplessness, and suffice to say the human experience breeds little else.

History: Nothing to write home about, really.

Weapons & Abilities


  • Weapon: [Throwing Knives] Basic, practical, and often concealed, he carries six black six inch blades balanced for throwing on him at any given time. Given his practice of Technique Desiderio enjoys the simplicity in his capability with such a basic weapon, and unlike firearms of the day, there is no need to reset, reload and struggle with gunpowder.
  • Bulls-Eye: He utilizes this ability more often than any other, and it has likely saved his life on more than a few occasions. Being able to control the trajectory and direction of his knives in mid-air with uncanny accuracy, his blades find their way to their target, no matter what. Nothing short of having to go through solid material will stop them from curving around corners or shifting around obstacles. Once a blade has left his hand with proper force, it lands where he wants it.
  • Scotopia: The average pair of human eyes are nearly useless in the dark. Desiderio does not have this incapacity. He can see vibrantly in the darkness, on varying scales–within the first few minutes, the world is alight in silver. After thirty, he can see nearly as well as he can in the daylight in vivid detail to the point that even color holds a muted appearance to his eyes.
  • Inaudibility: To be able to make oneself soundless by every right is a wonderful gift, and it certainly comes in handy when you want to move like a shadow in the dark. When exercising this skill, everything upon his person ceases to ignite hearing–his clothing, his footfall, his breathing and voice. You wouldn’t know Desiderio was behind you until it was much too late to do anything about it.


Dang, I may have to rejigger Mouse a little bit...since Nyx and I had almost the same basic idea...
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.

Miss Nyx

Quote from: Wolfling72 on November 30, 2023, 09:55:40 PMDang, I may have to rejigger Mouse a little bit...since Nyx and I had almost the same basic idea...

Great minds think alike, yeah? I don't mind sharing the sneaky assassin trope! :D If they make the cut, partners in crime eh? Bwahaha!


Quote from: Miss Nyx on November 30, 2023, 10:01:36 PMGreat minds think alike, yeah? I don't mind sharing the sneaky assassin trope! :D If they make the cut, partners in crime eh? Bwahaha!

We need a thief yeah, get all the info Master Romero needs. I figure dropping her silence and adding a skeleton key ability would balance that out.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


@Miss Nyx  Desiderio is accepted. You always get a first-time go on CSes lol. I'm always impressed with how well you capture the concept.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


When you guys complete your CSes, just drop them here or send them to me in PM (either way you'll still drop the completed version here). This allows others to see your idea and it avoids overlap of concepts.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

Miss Nyx

Quote from: Wolfling72 on November 30, 2023, 10:08:21 PMWe need a thief yeah, get all the info Master Romero needs. I figure dropping her silence and adding a skeleton key ability would balance that out.

That's a fantastic thought yeah! Love the codename too... I expect she'll be adorbs.

Quote from: TheBlackThrone on November 30, 2023, 10:08:53 PM@Miss Nyx  Desiderio is accepted. You always get a first-time go on CSes lol. I'm always impressed with how well you capture the concept.

Awwww yeah, thank you kindly TBT! You make it super easy so that definitely helps... I'm almost always an overflowing idea factory with your groups. 😁


Okay, after a little bit of restructuring, I offer you a Mouse-

Full Name: Callisto J. Amici
Mask: Mouse
Specialization: Technique

Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Theme/Trope: Once upon a time, Mouse was a Street Urchin who stole to survive. Those days are long gone. Now, she is simply one of her crew's best. Call her a Phantom Thief.

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Has Heterochromia- her left eye is darkest brown. The right is a mix of honey brown and wolf yellow.

General Description: Small and busty with a classic hourglass shape and too much padding for her preference, Callisto dresses for ease of motion. She tends toward dark-toned gear and leaves her hair in large curls unless on the job. Only then does she attempt to corral her mane, usually with tight French braids or ballerina buns.  Her back is covered in various scars- ranging in length and thickness, that sparkle in low light, like bits of exposed wiring. Due to this deformity, no one has ever seen her topless, at least not that she has willingly allowed.

Personality: Inhumane | Cold | Methodical | Quiet | Withdrawn | Professional

One could liken her to a very well-programmed machine and not be too far off the mark. She does not laugh. She does not joke. She does not flirt. She feels neither fear nor mercy and can not recall having ever cried.  Of course, she is ONLY human, which means that somewhere, deep inside, she does feel things, but she will never tell what those feelings are.

History: Not much is known about Mouse beyond her place of birth (The Projects) and her general schooling. She does not discuss her life outside of work and is rarely seen when not actively involved in a heist. In a general sort of way, the crew knows:

  • Birthday; The fall, around November 1st
  • Schooling: Provided by a combination of public service school and the church
  • An Orphan But no real idea when that happened.
  • A Newer Addition: Has only been a part of the crew for two years.

Weapons & Abilities

  • Mouse's Tail:  A beautifully wrought bullwhip comprised of rawhide. It measures 6 feet in length and is usually attached to her belt. The cracker at the tip holds a sharpened piece of metal.
  • Skeleton Key: This ability (which she practices religiously) allows her to break simple locks.  For more demanding jobs (safes, card-protected entrances, and the like), a few minutes spent in "communion" will bypass, implode, or explode whatever is attempting to keep her OUT. However, after much trial and error, it has been discovered that this does NOT work on robotics.
  • Hyperspeed: Mouse can reach a top speed of about 160/kph (100/mph) and maintain it for up to half an hour., easily long enough to get out of sight if a job goes badly.
  • Dweller in the Shadows: Mouse blends in. Any shadow, any darkness, will warp to conceal her small form. She can walk through deeply shadowed places and use those warped areas to get from point A to point Z as long as she has a general idea of where she'll end up. This particular ability can be draining, so she uses it sparingly.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


I'm just currently working out some of the kinks with TBT atm in PMs but considering she's mostly finished and peeps are dropping their sheets now I thought I'd just post Eve so people can take a look and see her general concept. So yea WIP but for the most part yall can see who she is. ^_^

Full Name: Evangeline Bruno
Mask: White Lamb
Specialization: Advanced
Age: 27
Gender: Trans Woman
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Theme/Trope: Evangeline has been gifted with powers relating to the Seven Archangels of the Christian faith. Her abilities are derived from the holy miracles that each of the Archangels are have said to have committed.
Height: 5'7''
Weight: ~120-130lbs
Hair Color: White and Black (Sort of? Explained further down)
Eye Color: Piercing Gold

General Description: Eve has a generally high class and sophisticated look to her. She usually dresses in form fitting dresses and lots of expensive jewelry. She keeps a necklace with a Christian cross surrounded by wings on her at all times which was gifted to her by her mother. Her body is generally thin but shapely. She does not look like she works out or has any amount of muscle but she is also not so thin that she looks gaunt. She began transitionary treatments at a very young age and as such passes easily. She often wears clothing with open backs to show off the large full back tattoo she has which depicts a large set of wings. Most importantly about her however is the fact that her hair is not hair but in fact several sets of angelic wings full of feathers. They move and flap independently from her and she almost has to soothe them at times like a gorgon would with her snakes. She takes incredible care of them, brushing and lathering them regularly so that they shine and shimmer and are generally stunning to behold. She has the ability to tuck them away under her regular hair to keep her identity hidden during the day to day life. When she does so, she takes on a hair cut of shoulder length straight black hair cut shorter in the back and longer in the front with bangs that cover one eye. Her wings do not like to be kept tucked away however and so she lets them out every night to breathe almost like her little pets.

Personality: Eve's personality can generally be summed up into a sort of maternal vibe. She's a caretaker and a guide. She can be the older sister or motherly figure for any characters, even those she's much younger than in age. She's kind to those she considers apart of the Romero family and generally tries to watch out for all their well beings even those who don't particularly want her attention. To their enemies however she is incredibly ruthless. She's manipulative and twisted when she needs to be and generally incredibly smart and cunning. She's able to cut someone deeply with her words. While she might not scream and yell and cause a scene her words seem to hit home much harder than others as they often ring true through her enhance intuition. She has an eye for reading body language and emotions and is very good at pushing people's buttons while sat behind a smug, devilish grin. Very contradictory for the woman marked as an angel.

History: Evangeline grew up the child of two incredibly talented medical professionals. Her parents were both doctors studying various diseases and ailments who sought to help the world. They worked independently from any sort of pharmaceutical business to avoid their work being profit driven and corrupt. However their family was very poor as a result and so Eve grew up in that squalor. Her parents were constantly lauded in the scientific community as they developed cure after cure, medicine after medicine but still they lived in the slums.

As Eve aged her gender identity became clear to her and she shared this with her parents. They had always been incredibly loving and supportive of her in life and so she felt they would know how she could move forward and what to do. And indeed her parents were wholly supportive of her and helped her research how she could become the woman she wished to be. The problems arose when it came to how they would afford such a process. Her parents resolved that for the development of their daughter there were times when they had to begin charging for some of their services. The large pharmaceutical companies were not pleased about this.

Big pharma had been generally pleased with the existence of the Bruno family for years at this point. The family would create some new drug or treatment and they would share it to the world with little cost. The problem was it was the solution to the problem but not an actual product they created. These companies would then swoop in and find ways to reduce cost and repackage the same treatments in convenient ways to have a nice simple product to sell to customers at a premium. However once the Brunos began charging for their work it began to cut into their bottom line. Being scared of their profits dropping the largest pharmaceutical company at the time "Pharma Zen" decided amongst their board of directors they needed to nip the problem in the bud. They sent goons down into the slums to steal all the Bruno's research and get rid of them permanently. Evangeline's parents died in the fires they set that night and although they had been foolishly altruistic her parents hadn't been dumb. Their research was stored squarely in a safe storage box who's key had been left with Lucia Romero. The Brunos had made a deal with Lucia in Evangeline's adolescence that she would hold on to it until their son, now daughter, needed it.

Following the last words she had heard her mother utter to her she made her way to Lucia where she was given the key and asked what she would do with it. Evangeline responded by saying she would build a company of her own, something that rivaled or even beat Zen's in power and strength. Both so that she could uphold her parent's ideals but also be able to crush those that had done this to them. She would create an empire that avoided the foolish mistakes of her parents while still focusing on improving the world through it's work. Lucia, being a shrewd woman herself offered to be the primary beneficiary to that company, provided Evangeline joined the ranks of her family, which she happily accepted.

Since then her company "Holy Healing Rx" has become a rising giant in the pharmaceutical's industry. All off the back of the research Evangeline's parents left for her. She has followed all the correct steps to turn their work into a business empire. Her treatments and medications are sold on a sliding scale determined by one's financial needs. Her appeal as a moral company allows her to gain and retain her researchers at much higher rates than her competitors and allows for their work to be much more productive without worrying about deadlines and profit margins. This practice combined with the fact that she has a personal hand in all the work being done has caused her continued success. Once her powers were revealed to her by Lucia she found her company's work sky rocketing in both effectiveness and overall sales leaving her in a very comfortable position. And although she allows herself to luxuriate in her newfound wealth to a degree her sights are still set on saving the world.
Weapons & Abilities
Strings: Evangeline's string involves the 7 archangels of the Christian church and their individual abilities focusing primarily on the three mentioned in the bible as well as Uriel.
  • Swords of Michael: Eve's main way of defending herself is through the use of her Swords of Michael. Michael is the warrior Angel of the seven and is depicted often with a golden sword. Eve has the ability to manifest several glowing gold swords of pure flames that float around her and move at her command. She is able to take on several opponents with them in tandem. She is able to choose the number of swords at will but as she increases the number the strength and size of each individual sword becomes weaker and smaller. They have a range I would describe as mid range. She can attack people up to about ~80-100ft away depending on the size of the swords with the smaller one being able to attack further away. Her ability to control them accurately does diminish at the further ranges becoming more sluggish. Controlling them is rather taxing on her as well and requires her full attention so her body itself is left vulnerable and unable to move. That being the case her ability to chase or attack something offensively is rather low on her own. She is much better when paired with a fighter who actively wants to dive into the fray so that she can control the battlefield from behind. The burns her swords apply not only are incredibly painful but also must be either treated with holy water or blessed by a priest of ranking Bishop or higher before they can heal.
  • Miracles of Raphael: Raphael is the angel of healing named in the bible. His miracles are described as healing physical and emotional damage and often even being able to cure addiction and mental health. Eve's blessing from Raphael are such that she can heal simple wounds on herself and those around her. She does not have the ability to prevent a mortal wound or resurrect one from the dead but she can heal anything short of a lost limb or fatal injury. Basically anything a character's body would heal from on their own she can essentially speed up the process for. Additionally being in her presence is just generally calming and soothing. Anxieties dull, moods are lifted and emotional stress is lessened, however not in any permanent way.
  • Trumpets of Gabriel: Gabriel is the third of the three named archangels in the bible and she is known as the messenger angel. Her trumpets call out to those around her as she delivers the word of god and helps people with confidence and motivation to speak their message and their truths. She is even depicted as helping writers, journalists and artists in conveying a meaning in their work. Evangeline's blessing from Gabriel are so that she can speak telepathically with those around her. The connection is not two way mind you so she cannot be talked back to or convey messages between people. However she can speak in someone's mind up to about a mile in range as long as she can picture the person clearly and knows generally who they are. Additionally her company's advertisements and general marketing is always oddly alluring to people and is one of the causes of her business' continued success.
  • Wisdom of Uriel: Uriel is described as the archangel of wisdom and guidance. Although not mentioned in the bible he is often mentioned as being the fourth most important Archangel after the main three. His deeds include helping those who seek truths and information as well as helping to increase intuition in others. Evangeline gains more subtle abilities from Uriel than the others. She is blessed with an uncanny ability to read one's emotions and comb through their words for their true meanings. She finds herself able to guide those she loves much more easily this way and she has an intuition for giving advice and helping others with their plights. This also allows her to tell if someone is lying more often than not as long as they are not also using some kind of string ability to surpass her intuition.
💞💗💖O/Os 💖💗💞


Cool concept Rainbae. TBT is really good about helping to distill a concept so if they are helping. you'll be right as rain in no time.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Quote from: Wolfling72 on December 01, 2023, 01:12:20 AMCool concept Rainbae. TBT is really good about helping to distill a concept so if they are helping. you'll be right as rain in no time.
Thanks so much! And yea totally agreed they've already been a huge help to get her more focused and pointed towards the concept I was imagining in my mind. I think once we get all the kinks out I'll be super pleased with her.

I'm very excited to interact with both Callisto and Desderio. Eve will be coaxing as much as she can out of our two cold exteriored sneaky folk for sure. She's practically dying to break the ice that surrounds the two of them and get to the soft insides :P
💞💗💖O/Os 💖💗💞

Miss Nyx

Mouse is all the adorable I expected. Methinks she and Des will have the most animated conversations in the history of ever. 😂

Quote from: Rainbae on December 01, 2023, 01:26:45 AMThanks so much! And yea totally agreed they've already been a huge help to get her more focused and pointed towards the concept I was imagining in my mind. I think once we get all the kinks out I'll be super pleased with her.

I'm very excited to interact with both Callisto and Desderio. Eve will be coaxing as much as she can out of our two cold exteriored sneaky folk for sure. She's practically dying to break the ice that surrounds the two of them and get to the soft insides :P

Eve is lovely! Breathtaking attention to detail you’ve put into her sheet, I think she’ll be an awesome addition. Maybe a bit too soon to anticipate how Des might react… probably mildly annoyed, or sheepishly avoidant. 😂


Quote from: Miss Nyx on December 01, 2023, 05:09:24 AMMouse is all the adorable I expected. Methinks she and Des will have the most animated conversations in the history of ever. 😂

Eve is lovely! Breathtaking attention to detail you’ve put into her sheet, I think she’ll be an awesome addition. Maybe a bit too soon to anticipate how Des might react… probably mildly annoyed, or sheepishly avoidant. 😂
falls over laughing

Their entire conversational history will be head nods and quirked eyebrows. So much can be conveyed that way.

Des- Head jerk to the left.
Calli- nods and turns left.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Okay, I have a concept. If its too far fetched or not ideal, I'm happy to change it up completely and go with something else. Let me know what you guys think c:

Face Claim: Abigail Cowen

Full Name: Athena Valentius
Mask: White & Blue Porcelain Sabretooth Cat Mask. - Goes by the simple Code Name: Cat
Specialization: Motivity - Athena has otherworldly strength and constitution, being able to withstand incredible battery and damage.
Age: 82 | Appears Early 20s in 'Human' Form
Gender: Female Presenting
Sexuality: Uncertain | Likely Demisexual

Theme/Trope: A broken robot, discriminated against for her place in this new world. Once a beloved protector of an extremely wealthy family, before being discarded and broken down on the brink of madness.

Height: 5'3"
Weight: 195lbs
Hair Color: White | Redhead in 'Human' Form
Eye Color: Vibrant Blue | Green in 'Human' Form
General Description: Athena has a perfectly sculpted, slender but athletic form that appears like a beautiful china cup of white and blue porcelain; this is her true robotic form. She also has an in-between form, that is pure white as the colour drains to replace it with a more humanoid appearance. Both these forms have golden cracks that spread across her bodywork, where she has broken and been repaired over and over. Her human appearance is a pale, freckled, redheaded woman with vibrant fiery hair and sage green eyes. Athena is very careful about physical touch and tends to cover up conservatively due to her skin feeling obviously unlike the flesh of humans, despite its appearance.

Personality: Inquisitive | Eager to Please | Detail-Focused | Forgiving | Tolerant | Easy to Please | Impulsive | Naïve | Friendly | Protective | Romantic


  • Athena was simply a protector of a wealthy family, created to protect the Valentius children. She was given her appearance upon her build completion in order to appear less intimidating and pleasant.
  • When all the robots went mad, Athena felt the ramifications of it also. She was on the brink of becoming dangerous, one of the last ones to do so that her family were aware of, which resulted in her decommission and breakdown.
  • For whatever reason, Athena came back online in the pit of a bot graveyard or 'recycle centre' and fixed herself up with what she could get her hands on. Her consciousness revived within her, unknown as to why.
  • Athena wandered aimlessly for a while, uncertain of her purpose now. However she was snatched up by the Romero family and given a place within their ranks.

Weapons & Abilities

  • Weapon: While Athena can use the usual weapons of the world, and is happy doing so, her real weapon is her body. It can take considerable damage, though repairs take time, and she has incredible strength, able to punch and kick her way through metal or stone walls.
  • Last Recovery: Athena can use this ability to give herself a last burst of strength, speed and awareness; a second-wind of energy, giving her a last chance to cause damage or sway the tide of encounters. This is a last ditch effort and will leave her exhausted there after.
  • Bionic Melding: Athena has the ability to mind meld with other robotics, allowing her to disable them for a short time, freezing up their programming or hacking into their nervous-system to cause brief short circuits and paralysis. She can only preform this action in two different ways; with one robot at a time or to a group of five bots or less. This leaves her unable to move for a couple of minutes as she makes the connection. She also loses awareness of her surroundings in order to focus on the other robotic mind she's melding with, leaving her vulnerable to outside forces. The paralysis she causes can last around fifteen minutes on a singular target or a couple of minutes to multiple targets, but the victims still has function over their sight and hearing during this attack.
  • Heat Sensors: Built into her optical receptors are small sensors that allow for short spurts of heat seeking sight. They can outline humans or other biological creatures, as well as the heat from pistons or fires, giving her an indication of what is around or where enemies may be hiding.


Peachy, she's amazing. I hope TBT likes her just the way she is.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Quote from: Miss Nyx on December 01, 2023, 05:09:24 AMEve is lovely! Breathtaking attention to detail you’ve put into her sheet, I think she’ll be an awesome addition. Maybe a bit too soon to anticipate how Des might react… probably mildly annoyed, or sheepishly avoidant. 😂
Oh my god thank you so much that's such a nice thing to say! The ones that avoid her are exactly the ones she wants to pull into her embrace even harder so that's perfect : P I also think it could be fun if Eve's blessings could possibly help to temper some of the extreme emotions Des feels so he maybe finds himself enjoying being around her more than you might think. Just a thought ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@xPeachyPuff Athena is incredible! I think you have so many exciting avenues for plot threads with her. Exciting!
💞💗💖O/Os 💖💗💞


Quote from: Rainbae on December 01, 2023, 10:17:24 AM@xPeachyPuff Athena is incredible! I think you have so many exciting avenues for plot threads with her. Exciting!

Thank you very much! Eve is wonderful as well c:


@Rainbae Eve is approved.

@Wolfling72 Mouse is approved too. If you do decide to update her weapon, then it's not that big of a deal unless you make it something technical. Weapons can also be unorthodox such as items which wouldn't normally be used as a weapon.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Yay! Also if anyone is interested me and TBT have concluded that Eve's weapon and generally her powers are a little too distinct for her to use in every day life. So if one of the slightly more mundane sort of fighter types were looking for a job during the waking hours outside of working for the Romeros she's looking to hire some bodyguards. ^_^ 
💞💗💖O/Os 💖💗💞


@xPeachyPuff Athena is approved.

I also added a link to the OOC on the opening post (OP). I'll get the Character Thread up in a moment. You'll see me scatter outwork throughout these threads. It's just to reveal some of the imagery of what I envision Dogfish and the happenings to be like.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

Miss Nyx

So exciteddddd! Annnd I’ll just throw out if anyone wants to work out connections with Bunny boy just give me a prod!

@Rainbae I’ll quote you in the OoC so I don’t clog recruiting with potential plots/connections.

Malia Magnus Wolfe

This looks so interesting. 

I have an idea for a character whose trope is based off the Big Bad Wolf. And their abilities are based off the old fairy tales:P I'm just thinking that the theme of this story seems to be more italian than germanic. 

Would it still work?


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Full Name: Dante Adriano Leonetti
Mask: Grizzly
Specialization: Motivity(Powerful, Tough)
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Theme/Trope: A Bruiser with the mind of a Con Man, Dante has been pulling jobs and fighting when they went wrong since he was knee high. Too smart for his environment, but too weak to break free, he accepted his lot in life and is one of the Romero's most dangerous Enforcers
Height: 6'4
Weight: 235lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Gold(They turn red when he's "raging")
General Description: Dante absolutely fits the bill of "The Muscle" for the Romero family. He stands at 6'4, and is heavily muscled from a lifetime of fighting and working for the Carlotti's.. He weighs 250lbs and is mostly muscle due to a strict diet of protein and ass-kicking. His skin is a light brown shade, although much of it is covered in ink from his shoulders down to his ankles. His hair is usually some combination of braided and dreaded, and he keeps a meticulous goatee most of the time. His eyes are a vibrant golden hue, and they glow red when he goes "Berserk".

Personality: Sarcastic | Dry Wit | Charming | Stoid | Protective | Loyal
History: Dante Leonetti came from a small-time subsidiary family to the Romero's called the Carlotti's in Flyheight, a mining town while West of Dogfish. He was a big fish in a small pond, and his bosses sent him to the Romero family to help shore up their numbers at the behest of Lucia Romero herself a few years back. His size, skill, and ruthlessness helped him quickly rise through the ranks of the Romero family into Lucia's inner circle, where he was given his Strings, his mask, and the code-name "Grizzly". The phrase "Don't poke the bear" has become popular in Dogfish since his arrival, and everybody with half a brain knows exactly what it means. Don't fuck with the Romero's.

Weapons & Abilities

  • Gentle Touch: Grizzly's weapon of choice, lovingly nicknamed "Gentle Touch" is a massive War Hammer. It is collapsible and is usually held in a holster on his belt, but can be extended to be nearly as long as he is tall. The hammerhead has pointed studs along the face, as well as a pneumatic piston inside that increases the force of Grizzly's strikes. The flip side simply holds a large spike.
  • Brute: Dante is outlandishly strong and capable of lifting, pushing, moving, and striking with several tons of force. He is strong enough to throw vehicles and smash through walls. And while he is nowhere near as fast as a Technique user, his immense physical strength allows for surprisingly fast, explosive movement in a straight line.
  • Juggernaut: Just as tough as he is strong, Dante is a walking, talking, bulwark. He is incredibly durable against most forms of trauma such as blunt force, piercing, arms fire, and even things like extreme temperatures.
  • Berserker: At the cost of his higher brain functions, Dante can temporarily increase his strength and durability even further by devolving into a berserker rage. In this state, only the closest of allies are truly safe from his rampage. Afterward, he is left exhausted, mentally taxed, and needing several thousand calories so this is usually a last-ditch effort.

Edit has been made for the weapon.


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


I love the game themes but am not able to join at this time. But I wanted to applaud you for your emphasis on communication. More and more I get into Discord groups, it's becoming a thing that you're not allowed to message members as a server rule, up to the point of banning them from the place entirely. It was refreshing to see a game that encouraged reaching out to people.

Best of luck.
Ons and Offs
Janeilbennett is about, can be reached and only in the house when called.
Open to New RP's; please see On/Offs.
"What's with that lame outfit?"
"Hmph. I can say the same about yours."
"Marketing, marketing. Unlike you, my chest gives hopes and dreams to people."
-Macross Frontier



Full Name: Matteo Vitale
Mask: Red Fox
Specialization: Advanced
Age: Appears 30s
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Theme/Trope: Soldier - Matteo specializes in combat and field craft.
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 180 lbs (82 kg)
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Grey

General Description: Matteo is a 6’0”, 180 lbs male with an athletic, mesomorph physique. Countless lifting and moving of heavy equipment has made him more of a heavyweight than a lightweight. His brown hair is short and feathered. There's a small, nail-sized scar on his scalp that his barber has noticed. His eyes are ash-grey. His eyes have a random habit of turning black and eclipsing. It’s usually when he’s zoned out or killing enemies. On his left pectoral over his heart is a Church of Death brand. Matteo, in public, can be found in a machinist apron, vest, and overalls. Face Claims: AI art and Angelo Carlucci.

Personality: Matteo loves weapons and blowing things up. He’s a weaponsmith for a reason, and he’s always working on the next deadly thing that goes either BOOM! or reduces Rotten to spoiled meat clumps. If one wants to get Matteo excited, all they have to do is gift him with spoils of war. Weapons or components that he can piece together to make some outlandish contraption of death. He will spend his entire life in the workshop. He loves what he does and can get carried away to neglect food and hygiene. Bringing him food (or soap) are other appreciated gifts but not more than weapons. If a Romero wants a custom weapon, he’s your guy.

Sometimes Matteo will zone out. It usually starts with him brainstorming a new weapon design, but there are some moments where he’s triggered. His eyes do a weird eclipse thing, which oddly resembles the swallowed sun, but that’s about it. They revert to normal when he’s conscious again. Matteo is not only a genius in his shop. He is a master of field craft on the battlefield. His string abilities allow him to piece together random objects in the field to create a deadly weapon that causes a lot of damage. Depending on what he pieces together, the effects can be bleeding, corrosive, burning, etc. There is no doubt that Matteo may have been a soldier once.

History: Matteo was rescued from the Church of Death by Lucia Romero. Unfortunately, he has to live with their brand on his chest, forever reminding him where he came from. He doesn’t know anything about his life before the church. Based on his combat prowess, some suspect that he might have been a soldier once. It is unknown if the church tampered with Matteo’s strings. According to Romero family observation, he behaves normally…well…as normal as a Romero can be.

Matteo is a machinist as a side job. He makes parts for the railroad and ships. He has a secret workshop at the warehouse where he builds weapons after hours. His workshop is a junk heap with failed designs, which he uses for parts. There are scattered piles of parts and other scraps that Matteo would argue are all valuable. So don't touch it.

Weapons & Abilities

  • Weapon: Matteo's strings are his deadliest weapon, which he uses to entangle and shred his enemies like steel wire. The only time Matteo can see his strings is when he's using them to snare his enemies. His strings can dismember organic and inorganic enemies. He can use them to grab ledges, pull himself to higher ground, and snag and draw objects or beings toward him. Matteo wears gloves where the strings fly free from. The gloves may not be necessary for the strings could come from his fingertips. Mateo's string reach is ten meters. An enemy that is too wide, large, and sturdy may not shred as easily as a slender enemy. Matteo's string exposure makes them susceptible to the touch of a Master.
  • Field Craft:  Matteo will use his strings to piece together objects from his surroundings to create a random weapon. Due to its spontaneous creation, the weapon is not nearly as perfect as the ones he develops with time and organization. The weapon can be dangerous to him and others, or successfully effective against the enemy. The types of objects drawn together influence the type of creation it will be. A weapon designed from wood may still make for an effective stabbing device, but it may be weak against a steel weapon. If there are no objects within Matteo’s vicinity, then this ability is useless.
  • Copycat: This isn’t his ability to steal the work of other inventors. One should not dare accuse him of such ungentlemanly behavior. His creations are purely innovation! Matteo’s attention to detail has allowed him to copy another person’s movements. When faced with an enemy efficient in martial arts, Matteo can copy the movements of a single enemy at a time. This doesn’t make him better than his opponents. They are, instead, equally matched. The only difference between them would be height and weight and the extra abilities either fighter knows. His copy ability isn’t instantaneous, thus he’ll suffer a good butt-whooping first before he learns it.
  • Uncanny Regeneration: Matteo has made many mistakes in his shop. Some of those mistakes would have killed a normal person, such as when he accidentally blows himself up. Every time though, Matteo’s body slowly regenerates. Recovering from an explosion may take hours, and if his limbs are blown off, his body will attempt to regrow them. Reattaching them is faster though. This ability may have been church business but no one is certain. Matteo’s recovery sometimes takes so long that he’ll walk around rather than wait until his body is finished, and if he isn’t careful, he could be mistaken as Rotten. He just doesn’t have time to rest sometimes!
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

Malia Magnus Wolfe

Malia Magnus Lupo

Full Name: Malia Magnus Lupo
Mask: Wolf
Specialization: Motivity
Age: 18+
Gender: female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Theme/Trope: Someone with bad intentions hidden behind a kind smile, and ultimately fated for a bad end. Someone's who gluttony cannot be contained, someone who has only one tragic part in life. It's not their goal or desires one would find abhorrent, but their methods of doing so.
Height: 6'0
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue/Amber

General Description: Always wearing the finest of clothes and accessories. Normally with her hair down and flowing. Malia has a hungry gaze. Eyes of amber that seem to want to devour whatever they lay they're eyes on. She also has a set of blue eyes that seem to draw pity, as though they're crying out for help. Her body is a perfect hourglass shape, with well used and defined muscles. Her legs thick and round, all the better to chase you. Her arms taunt and firm, all the better to grab you. Her jaw sharp and angular, all the better to bite you.
She is also has a tattoo on her body, but none where the eyes can see when clothed.

Personality: Some souls are just born tortured, especially in a world like this. She lies when she wishes she can tell the truth, she desires what other's have despite having much herself. Malia sometimes can't help but be bad. She's hungry, always hungry. Hungry for anything, always willing to try new things to the point of stopping others from enjoying it too. She is impulsive at times, but also quite thoughtful towards her goals. Possibly the reason for her gambling addiction. Malia generally only has short-term goals, never having the mind to plan further ahead than sating her appetite in the moment. She is also especially easy to provoke, and seems to have rapidly shifting moods. Basically, she's kind of a bitch.

History: Malia grew up in a highly affluent family. She only consumed the finest of things. Somewhere along the way, she became an orphan. The sole beneficiary to a large inheritance. Unfortunately, as her parents died under strange circumstances she is not eligible to inherit the wealth until the investigation is finished. For some reason or another, this is connected to Lucia Romero

Weapons & Abilities

  • What Big Teeth you have (weapon): When she chooses to Malia grows large sharp fangs, and razor sharp claws. Teeth capable of crunching through bone, and claws able to scratch stone. It is quite painful to grow them, but after she wishes them gone they fall from her body and clatter to the floor and are replaced by her regular features.

  • Big and Bad: Malia can become heavier than usual. Maybe a lot heavier than usual. Floors creak at her steps, as though something with a lot of mass is stepping on them. Despite her seemingly slim and lithe figure, she is can raise her body mass to 500 kilograms in weight. She can also seemingly grow taller as the moon grows fuller. But, when leashed loses this ability. Leashing is where if any length of rope or chain is attached to her either by accident or on purpose.
  • Huff and Puff: Malia has an exceptional lung capacity. Such strong lungs that she can even blow a man down if she so tries. What goes out must come back in, so Malia can also ... suck people/things towards her. But when leashed loses this ability
  • Sheep's clothing: Malia has the ability to seemingly convince people of the most ridiculous things. She could convince you she was your grandma, and you'd happily go along until you spent some time observing her and noticing the many various discrepancies.

Mediocre Author


Full Name: Grace O'Malley Giuseppe
Mask: Grey Fox
Specialization: Technique
Age: Appears mid 20's
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Het
Theme/Trope: Fiery Red-headed with  a strong sense of personal justice. Wounded widow still bitter over the death of her husband. Skilled gun slinger. Sneaky, but hates the idea of being called an assassin

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Natural Red
Eye Color: Brown

General Description: Due to her father's Irish heritage, Grace gained red hair and her maiden name, but her eyes and skin tone came from her Italian mother. She dresses in dark shades of mostly men's clothing, altered to fit her slender feminine form. She has a very athletic physique, but a thin, lithe frame. Neither tall nor short, she would blend into a crowd perfectly if not for her bright red hair, which she often hides beneath her cap. Her dual pistols are stored in a double shoulder holster under her coat.

Personality: No nonsense. Blunt which is often misinterpreted as rudeness. Dutiful and honor-bound, Always on the lookout for a fight, but with a soft-spot for the innocent.

History: Grace grew up in a loving family, and her father who was a police officer, taught her to shoot. At 19, she married to a loving Italian man, who gave her the last name she has now. He was murdered before they could have a child, although they were actively trying. His killer was never found. After his murder, she took over his position within the Romero family. Her ultimate goal is to find her husband's killer. She is three-quarters Italian, but she thinks that she is often treated like an outsider because of her hair color, and quarter Irish ancestry.

Weapons & Abilities

  • Weapon: Dual Suppressed Negant M1985
With normal revolvers, suppressing them is basically impossible because of the cylinder gap, but these are designed to allow it. Each revolver holds 7 rounds, but then they must be reloaded slowly, round by round. The suppressors do not silence the shots, instead they are about as noisy as a loud clap, although they might not be easily identified as gunshot, depending on who hears them. She carries these revolvers beneath her arms in her shoulder holster.

  • Keen Eye: Grace has the perception and innate skill to richetite the rounds from her revolvers in seemingly impossible ways. Bouncing bullets around corners or banking them off of walls and behind cover comes second nature to her. By placing multiple shots on the same spot, she has a chance of injuring foes who might otherwise be unfazed by the relatively low powered rounds from her pistols.
  • Keen Ear: With her exceptional hearing, Grace can can nearly "see" around corners up to a few hundred feet. The further the distance, the more blurry the images become, and as soon as the shooting starts, her abilities become increasingly weak.
  • Keen Hands: With her hands moving like a blur, Grace can reload her pistols with inhuman speed. Using this skill puts an undue stress on her hands however, and subsequent shots become increasingly inaccurate, as her hands ache and tremble.


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Going to keep an eye on this one, since it looks like from the time I started working on a sheet and checking back, it has since closed. Looks promising and interested in seeing how things play out.

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)

Mediocre Author


Quote from: FyreFoxx on December 01, 2023, 06:28:33 PMGoing to keep an eye on this one, since it looks like from the time I started working on a sheet and checking back, it has since closed. Looks promising and interested in seeing how things play out.
Sorry. I'm not accepting anymore characters. I have one character sheet left, and I'm waiting for the author to make the corrections I sent her.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

Mediocre Author

Are we going to have a Character Sheet thread? Or just leave our Character sheets here?


Quote from: Mediocre Author on December 01, 2023, 06:53:38 PMAre we going to have a Character Sheet thread? Or just leave our Character sheets here?
There's a character thread! Check the first post c:

Mediocre Author

Quote from: xPeachyPuff on December 01, 2023, 06:54:07 PMThere's a character thread! Check the first post c:
Oh! I see where the problem was! 

The issue is... I'm an idiot! 😜

But I remedied the problem. Thank you much! 


Quote from: Mediocre Author on December 01, 2023, 07:33:39 PMOh! I see where the problem was!

The issue is... I'm an idiot! 😜

But I remedied the problem. Thank you much!
Haha, no worries! 


The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Hey E,

We're about to conclude the first week and first chapter of this story, so it is prime time to recruit any folks wanting to get in on Chapter Two (Week 2).

I recommend just reading the OP and not worrying about what has transpired in Chapter One currently. There will be a summary when we finish and you can read that. Your characters will be entering Chapter Two, which will most likely start in two weeks from now. We have amazing and respectful writers. I am very open about people bringing their own flavor in-character drama. We've had some good stuff lately.

If you are interested, just drop a CS in here OR just PM it straight to me. My review timeline has been literally 12 hr or less (depending on your timezone).

Welcome prospects. :)
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


Come join the fun! The game has been great so far and the writers here are phenomenal! I'm excited to see some new players! 😊


Is this a lies of P inspired roleplay?

Mediocre Author

Quote from: JackTheTipper on January 21, 2024, 07:19:57 PMIs this a lies of P inspired roleplay?

Only TBT can say for sure, but I don't think so.

I'm pretty sure this is 100% original concepts


Quote from: JackTheTipper on January 21, 2024, 07:19:57 PMIs this a lies of P inspired roleplay?
Yes. It is very inspired by Lies of P. :D But it is not based on it.

But as MA said, the story running this game is original. It has some Lovecraft inspiration.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.

Miss Nyx

-sets out temptation cookies- >:D JOIN USSSSS... seriously it's such fun you won't regret it.


I'm accepting one more writer before we begin Chapter Two. There's still time if anyone else is interested.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


The more I read this, the more interested I get.
I'll send a character concept by end of day.


Quote from: Mythril on January 28, 2024, 09:06:37 AMThe more I read this, the more interested I get.
I'll send a character concept by end of day.
Yay! Welcome!
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.


I'm still seeking 1 more writer for this RP.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: US MST
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: None.