Mars Attacks: Resistance. (F/Any. GURPS)

Started by Lustful Bride, December 31, 2019, 12:05:29 PM

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Lustful Bride

No one would have ever guessed how quickly the world could go to hell. In less than the blink of an eye, everything we thought we knew about the world was tossed into the garbage, to be buried under piles of ashes and rubble. Some had knew that it was coming, that they had been watching us for centuries. They took steps to protect us from the incursion and study samples of alien technology but, it wasn't enough. They were not ready when the invasion began. The best that those secret defenders could do was slow the invasion and stem the tide of warships that came, and foil the plans of infiltrators who had snuck themselves into the deepest parts of our society. We had always looked to Mars as the dark twin of our little blue planet, and when they came, they intended to make sure our planet was as red as their home, as it ran with our blood.

It all happened so fast one Monday morning. A typical day for most that changed so quickly. The Martians had studied us for so long they knew how to play upon our differences and how to manipulate us as their spies and assassins got close to people of power and influence. Presidents, Crime Bosses, Religious leaders and well known scientists. Aside from the Assassins they also had agents and strike teams ready to destroy Airbases, missile silos and Submarines. They had worked in secret and planned for decades to decapitate Human leadership and orbital defenses in an instant.

The result was countless countries and groups that could have formed a resistance were suddenly finding themselves without leadership. It was so quick that everyone was scrambling to figure out the line of succession and had no time to report the actual deaths. Some of the leaders set up for assassination survived though. Either by luck, by their own personal skill, or by the actions of bodyguards or bystanders. The same had occurred with military installations. Though in that case, the Martians found less success. The bases were better able to handle infiltrators, and at the first sign of trouble Submarines went deep underwater and ran silent. The bases also had help from Novus Vira. A secret organization that had been fighting Martians (and other aliens) since the 1950s. Made up of spies, soldiers, scientists and engineers from all over the world, they put aside petty ideological differences, for the survival of humanity. They had hoped to have a proper defense in place when the Martians came, but they  were only able to ruin some of the Martian plans before the next wave of the invasion began. Still, at least now we had a real fighting chance (however slim).

As the Martians made their next move, they decided that the time for secrecy had ended. It was time to go loud, to rain destruction upon the Earth and let the chaos that came be so loud as to be heard by the stars themselves. The entire world had been stunned when the first shot was fired, staring at their TV screens, phones, and computers as they read the headlines, about how the International Space Station had been destroyed in a giant terrible fireball. One of Earth's greatest efforts had been destroyed and the blow was a heavy one, so much so that reports of flying saucers in various areas and reports of destruction were ignored. Most people thought it was just some kind of hoax, or sick joke by internet trolls, until they heard the terrible blasts of Martian death rays and began to see the fighting themselves as Martians proudly and openly moved in the streets.

The soul crushing laughter of the Martians echoed out as they gleefully committed genocide against humans on every continent. The skies were filled with Martian saucers and Human fighter jets as they held pitch battles for aerial dominance over vital areas or major population centers. Missiles soared out of Submarines and from Silos to strike down larger saucers, tanks moved through the streets and fighting was everywhere. For some people the best thing to do was just to hide in place and pray.

It wasn't long until a terribly bloody and brutal war that raged in every single corner of the globe. From the United States down to Chile in South America, from Russia to Japan, Egypt to South Africa. There wasn't a nation on Earth that wasn't fighting against the Martian aggressors in some capacity. Only one month into the war and the battle lines were impossible to tell anymore, so most ignored them. Communications between the continents and various countries soon became regulated and mostly accessible only to the governments still there to do so. But the news wasn't good. In the US the human forces had been pushed back with its central command now residing at NORAD. In India, half the country was under Martian rule. No one heard anything out of Australia anymore and some weren't even sure if some countries even existed anymore.

But despite all this, the fight was not over. The hearts of mankind would not concede, no matter what the cost. In every corner of the globe, there were those who fought on even when surrounded on all sides by Martians or with no hope of aid. Much ground might have been given to the Martian Menace, but the battles were still being fought by brave heroes who wouldn't give up our planet without taking some Martians with them.

In some cities the Martian advance was even stopped by local Police and SWAT who refused to give ground, fighting on to the very last bullet. Some even had more curious encounters as they fought off the martians in their own way or bought time for others to escape and find safety.

Even within the Martian occupied territories, where Humans were being sent to death/labor camps and experimented on, there resided seemingly endless amounts of resistance fighters. It didn't matter who they were before, be they police officer, criminal, office worker, dentist, street cleaner. None of it mattered anymore, not politics, not race, not religion. For now they were all united together in their hatred of the Martians and their desire to see their world free of this terrible evil.

While the Martians may have control over several parts of the world, there are still places that they fear to travel alone, knowing the humans are ready to make them suffer as they have suffered. The cruel, green skinned, invaders will soon discover that this primitive world they sought to make their own will reject them with all the fury of an immune system fighting off an foul virus.

The people of Earth will unite to form a true resistance and alliance against the Martian efforts, and even discover that there are alien allies willing to help them. The Tiger Corps may arrive late to the game, but many have a reason to hate the Martians just as much as the Humans. Many worlds have been raided by Martians and some smaller, weaker, species have suffered as humans suffer now. They may be from different species and worlds, but they are happy to join Earth in its fight for survival.

Even if this is to be the very last gasp of Earth, the end of Humanity, then we will give the Martians a fight worth remembering, to make the Martians hope that we never get to Mars and plant the flag of Earth upon it wild declaring that 'Mars will be no more'.

Mars Attacks, but Earth Resists!

So after that setup I'm going to get down to the nitty gritty, I have the Mars Attacks GURPS book and I want to play within it and do battle with the Martians. It doesn't have to be super serious, I kind of enjoy the dark humor and it can be wacky at times (if done right). I have never played GURPS before so feel free to teach me if you know it while we play. I'm looking for someone who can help run it as a GM with some system elements and wouldn't mind helping teach me the system but I am also okay with going rules light/lite if need be. I am also perfectly alright with using other GURPS books as well, such as Warehouse 23 (I have that one as well), and whatever other GURP books you think could work for this as well.

Normally I would include large bits of Character concepts but I will keep it light this time and only give short snippets.

For play during the initial invasion:
Novus Vira Agent

During the main brunt of the invasion/Fighting:
Resistance Fighter

Humanity may have a few tricks up its sleeve to help even the odds.

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A Tiger Corps volunteer coming to Earth to help fight the Martians.
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A small town sheriff/deputy responding to strange calls from local farmers of something killing their cattle, mere days before the true invasion begins.
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A Secret Service agent responding to a Martian assault on the Capitol.
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Lustful Bride

4/7/2020 Bump: Looking for this game again. Also fixed up the initial post and added in several new character concepts.