Heroine Humiliation [F seeking M] [Discord]

Started by OliviaLing, July 31, 2010, 12:18:43 AM

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[Update] My stories are constantly in flux, and really depend on the partner, so the below listed scenarios are suggestions/ideas. I do highly recommend you read my O/Os to get an idea of what I enjoy! https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=89794.0

Hello!!  Below are some fantasies that I'd love to play with a partner. My superheroine profile can be found in my O/Os.  I suggest reading it to get an idea of what I like!

These days I mostly am hanging out on Discord.  I'm particularly craving one story right now:

The Leader
This one is a bit out-there, but it's based on a TV series called Outlander. The gist is a theme where an independent, intelligent woman is sent back in time and, in order to survive, ends up being subservient to powerful men in the new environment.

A breeding cult captures me and sends me back in time. A powerful tribe of warriors is waiting for me; they're the progenitors of the cult and have been receiving women from the future for some time, which has strengthened their bloodlines and intelligence. This time, however, they know that receiving me will be an important, prophesied event.

When I arrive, I'm claimed by the tribal leader, who takes me to his private cave to train me to be his brood mate. Having long prepared for my arrival and knowing I am special, he alternates between primal, dominating force, and gentle, pleasurable sexual conditioning, teaching me to associate pleasure with the feeling of his cum in me.

Themes to capture:
- Training through sexual conditioning.
- His primitive limits in communication, only understanding his lewd body language and tone.
- His nature as a tribal warrior, where his society wouldn't even consider me as anything over than a mate.


Greetings:) I was curious if you were still looking for someone to RP with:)



I really like your racist redneck scene, and would love to hear more about it!

In addition, would you want to run a longer game in which I play your superheroines nemesis, and we take turns gaining power over each other and humiliating each other? Sexual or otherwise? Your ons match mine in that category and I think switching it up could be quite fun!

Hit me up if any of that interests you!


sounds sort of like a text version of final fight...with a carnal twist.






Made some changes, particularly interested in the Headmaster scene right now!






I like the Kidnapped and Slave Girl games and PM'd you.






I am interested run the Supergirl vs nazis rp. Which supergirl do you have in mind? The confused teen from Kripton or the steady Superman sidekick?

