(EXT) Animorphs RP, need at least one Male char for M/M

Started by Braioch, March 05, 2010, 01:03:07 AM

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Nevermore of blood ravens

Nevermore of blood ravens

Name: Victor  Terynchenko
Gender: male
Age: 20

Rebel Faction: Ergo Paranoia. Born of the sons and daughters of former KGB agents, Ergo Paranoia certainly lives up to its name. They are Based out of the underground rail yard beneath Pripyat Ukraine inside the exclusion zone around Chernobyl NPP. The yeerks cannot touch them for they do not know the way through the irradiated wastelands surrounding it.

Personality: Victor can be described as icy at best, although fiercely passionate towards what he believes in.
History: Born in the vaults below the abandoned city of Pripyat among a network of spies Victor has learned to keep his secrets, and feelings close. As a member of Ergo Paranoia he was sent into the world to gather intelligence on the Yeerk threat. Victor has no known prior lovers and tends to keep to himself acquiring only a small network of allies in his wanderings.

Current Morphs (3 maximum for now) :
Kodiak Bear
Russian Boar

Misc Info:
Theme Song:   L'AME IMMORTELLE - Love is Lost (1999)


Looks good, just one more char sheet and I'll throw up the IC thread
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



I am thinking on it I swear....damnit. Though I am not sure now what to play....guess I could just be a guy to go along with everyone else......or perhaps the only girl.....


Well if you go with a woman char, one of the other two will have to take up with that one obviously.


So you go ahead and work on that, we'll wait
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want


Nevermore of blood ravens


Blast, I hope I'm not too late to get in on this one!  This is a huge nostalgia rush for me, good gravy.  I still have all...gosh, did it break 100 books during its run?  Not to mention all those side books.  Shame that television series was so low budget, but the books were certainly enough for me!  It's been ages since I actually read through them, but I do remember it being surprisingly violent for a series aimed at younger teens.

Anyway, just checking in to see if there's still a spot open.  If not then I suppose dem's the breaks, but if so I'd probably be making a male "survivalist" kind of character.  The sort of person that somehow managed to fall in with just the right people to get access to morphing technology, but has otherwise been solely concerned with personal safety.  Living just to see the next dawn, that sort of thing. 


Would you allow a single female character? Or would you like another male yet?


Shihong and Nantang, you can post a character each, but after that no more lol

So post your characters and we'll get going hopefully pretty soon ^_^
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



Name: Isaac Cartwright
Gender: Male
Age: 31

Rebel Faction: The Stragglers

Considered the lowest of the low among the ranks of those who have thus far resisted Yeerk control, the Stragglers are concerned with nothing more than personal survival.  They are derisively referred to as The Cowards by nearly all other rebel groups; perhaps the only ones that actually respect them are the Yeerk's themselves, admiring their tenacity and will to live while appreciating the lack of drive that forces so many others to actively fight back.  Unlike the other factions there is no centralized membership.  Stragglers can be found in all parts of the globe, sometimes living together in isolated communes, others opting to eke out a meager and stressful existence on their own.  Whatever their nationality or creed, they all share a single motto:  "Eat, Breathe, Live.  There is nothing else."

Stragglers are known for their extreme paranoia and difficulty trusting others around them, as most of them are relatively ignorant of all the details behind the Yeerk occupation.  For this reason gatherings are fluid and infrequent, and often spontaneous to avoid the possibility of an ambush.  Those that remain together too long often fall victim to Yeerk raids, unable to distinguish the Free from the Controlled.  But until the human race itself is taken over in its entirety, there will always be those that scrabble desperately at the fringes of society, too strong to die but too weak to fight.


Caution and patience are two traits that Isaac holds in very high regard.  The same primal instinct that has kept him from getting into harm's way like the other factions has also kept him from becoming panicked and stupid like so many other Stragglers.  He is marked by a defeatist stance, and fully believes that any resistance against the Yeerk's is an act of futility.  Survival itself seems laughable under such conditions, but the hopelessness that weighs down upon his shoulders has not quite beaten him just yet.  Though he has thus far refused to fight the occupation directly, some part of him considers his own continued freedom to be the precious act of defiance that keeps him going.

Everything is to be scrutinized carefully.  Nothing is to be trusted with one's own eyes.  If approached it is extremely likely that he will flee, only to find some safe position to watch from afar.  It pays off to be suspicious of everyone and everything, but his own curiosity and desire for human contact keeps him from shunning everyone completely and disappearing into the wilds.


Isaac prefers to play things very close to the chest.  On those rare occasions that he does not spurn company he will often choose to refrain from speaking of his past. both before and after the Yeerk Occupation.  Everyone is to be held at arm's distance, lest he get too close to someone that may end up betraying him later on down the line.  When he does speak it is in lies, weaving tales of grand escapes and abusive childhoods to keep others entertained or intrigued.  Creating sympathy for himself can be important with new acquaintances, particularly if there is the slightest chance that they might try to attack him for food and other supplies.  Stimulating guilt can provide just the slightest bit of hesitation, more than enough time to fight or flee.

Other Stragglers know him well, for he passes through many territories across the globe with a frequency that can scarcely be explained.  There are some who suggest he may be a Controller, and thus able to use Yeerk transportation.  But to certain trusted individuals he speaks of another method, one fraught with danger but preferable to the alternatives.  He relates a singular tale of a chance encounter in the woods, a location that he refuses to reveal.  A man came to him, wizened and frail yet somehow possessing a strength that gave Isaac pause.  He spoke very little, but offered a gift more priceless than all the gold on Earth.  He allowed Isaac to place his palm upon an unassuming blue box, and from it he attained the power necessary to survive in this new age of slavery.  Once the gift had been explained in detail, the old man was gone, and Isaac has never encountered him since.

Current Morphs:

Chameleon:  Eager to test his new abilities, Isaac immediately set out to find the one creature that suited his lifestyle perfectly.  Finding the lizard was an understandably difficult affair, but the payoff was more than worth it.  The creature's natural camouflage allows him to hide in plain sight and escape detection from would-be threats.  In times of desperation, it also becomes an easy (if revolting) way to catch meager amounts of food.

Red Fox: Isaac's primary means of travel.  Not exactly much of a threat in a fight, it was chosen simply because it is an extremely common animal found all over the globe.  The alternatives, wolves or various species of wild cats, did not quite have the diversity of territory required to remain inconspicuous when traveling the globe.

Black Mamba:  The highly dangerous African snake is Isaac's sole combat morph, obtained on a harrowing journey through the largely untamed continent after much trial and error, and more than a few near-death experiences.  Isaac prizes it more for its ability to escape threats quickly than its incredibly lethal bite, but the latter has proven useful on many occasions.  Measuring in at just over ten feet and capable of rearing up to nearly look an average man in the eyes, intimidation often proves every bit as useful as a venomous injection.


Hitman Contracts - Jesper Kyd - Sanitarium


Nantang, you may post a female character, I know at least a few people here wouldn't mind a female character to have fun with >:) so go ahead, male or female character it's up to you.

Shihong, I like, you're good to go when the other two post there's and I get the thread up ^_^
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want



Ok so I know I am going to be playing a female but the personality and such eludes me at the moment. I suppose that you could post the IC thread and I honestly could read and maybe even post along..perhaps some posts will help me come up with a character concept.


Alrighty, I'll try to throw up the IC thread either today or tomorrow so you guys can get a feel for the thread and what not to see how it develops.
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want


Nevermore of blood ravens


Efer and I were the originators of the thread (I was just the one who typed it up cuz she's lazy :P kidding btw) so I talked to her about it and she didn't mind two more people. No more after that though because there's no way I can handle watching over anymore people.


That a problem?
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want


Nevermore of blood ravens

Heh, its good bye me. More to sleep around with. At least potentially...


I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want


Nevermore of blood ravens


I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want


Nevermore of blood ravens


I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want


Nevermore of blood ravens


That's right, you didn't, my mind is dirtier apparently

No problems there for me >:)
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want


Nevermore of blood ravens

Heh, I doubt it. I just got distracted by the pile of guns at the foot of my bed


You have your guns, I'll take the sex jokes and innuendos anyday xD
I'm also on Discord (like, all the time), so feel free to ask about that if you want
