Captured thief

Started by Arhys, January 24, 2010, 02:17:07 PM

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Hello,  I'm looking for a rp to get started here.  I was asked for an idea in my approval process and figured I would put it up here in case anyone wanted to pick it up and play with me. : )

The story that comes to mind entails a darker, violent world with massive extremes between rich and poor.  My thief comes from the lower classes and had to fight to survive.  She learns and advances via a thief's guild, helped by a big brother type protector named Mikal.  He leaves her when they are young, for a secret mission for the guild, but she doesn't know that and just feels abandoned.  Years later she is shocked to find he has been living successfully within the city and among the elite and takes matters into her own hands.

I'd like to explore their history together, the confrontation between them when she is caught, their mutual anger and distrust of one another, what methods are used to mm, resolve their differences ; ) and what effect this has on the world around them.

I wrote this following bit as an example, I'll put it here but it's easily adaptable if something doesn't fit with your idea. 


Kayla crept along the roof of Mikal's keep, the distance glow of firestars at the Mayform Ball sporadically lit her way.  Of course,with her training such fitful bits of light were not needed but she welcomed following the Mayform activities from afar.  The high society guests would just now be chattering like the silly magpies they were, toasting their wealth with each burst of firestars, enjoying their own success before sitting down to a banquet that would feed the entirety Outer Quarter for a week.  Mikal would be away for hours yet, the bastard.   She hoped he choked on a bone, a fitting reward for his ambition.  His greed, she amended to herself.  Was he even thinking of the mouths that could be fed?  Likely not.

With a sudden scrape a loose roof tile broke loose beneath her feet and she cursed to herself, time to concentrate Kayla.  Her Guild would likely forgive her actions this night, but only if she returned safely and with the Charter in hand and intact.  Better to beg forgiveness than ask for permission she always thought, and when it came to Mikal the guild leaders were helpless, useless even.  She blinked again, concentrate damn it, breath held she listened to the night, but no warning cry came.  She relaxed herself, then edged forward once again--her target of the thirteenth chimney lay ahead.  She focused her mind once again on her goal, extending senses into the night while her breathing routine focused her body's energy on her task.  Ripping the Charter from Mikal's cold hands was the only thing that mattered.


That sounds very interesting, I would love to join!
awaiting your reply,


I'm working on another character profile and post needed soon, so likely by the time I would be ready to start this you'll be approved and have broader access to other games, so let's see what happens.  I have developed this idea a bit further, what's here started as a prompt in my intro thread and needs a lot more work but I would happily figure out a role for you.

Thanks though for your interest, and sorry I don't have the time in the next day or so to keep you busy while you're waiting.  And good luck on your approval process. :)


that's fine, The Shoutbox is usually where I am so you can find me there!
Thanks a ton!