Best Friends (AAA111 & angeli)

Started by angeli, December 31, 2009, 09:29:41 PM

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Tristan stopped and put Lauren at arm's length, surveying her critically from head to toe. "Lauren, there is nothing wrong with you," he said. "You look normal, healthy, and perfectly fine to me. In fact, you look great!" It was the truth; Tristan had always hated the message that women got, that they needed to be stick-thin to be beautiful, Lauren was the prime example, as always trying to lose a few pounds that she didn't need to lose.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


"Maybe I'm healthy and maybe normal though sometimes you would beg to differ but i'm still having a little bit of fat on me. I'll get a seat while you get your food" She says as she finds a seat and sits down waiting for him. She smiles adoringly up at him trying to show him that she is fine. Put up a fake facade that she is happy when she is really kind of depressed. She is good at tricking people. Sometimes she is able to trick Tristan too.


Tristan shook his head in defeat. He understood the self-esteem issues most women had about their weight, and he never teased his mother, his sister, or his best friend about their bodies.  But no matter how much he defended them and complimented them, they always took it as false flattery and continued on their diets and weight-loss regimens. He could tell that Lauren was upset--that faked smile told him more than she was voicing.

But he moved away, quickly ordering the burger and drink that she wanted as well as food for him: two burgers, a large order of fries, and a large Frosty. He came back to the table with a full tray and picked up the conversation as if he had never left. "I want to see where this so-called fat is," he said, setting down the tray in the center of the table. "I don't see fat anywhere on you!"

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She laughs at him as he sits down. "Well right here to be exact" She says pointing to the skin underneath her neck where really it is non-existent but she thinks there is

"I was just wondering why did you stop answering my texts when I wanted to hang out with you. I know I know I said I would stop nagging but it is something that has been bothering me for awhile. I just need to know" She says smiling up at him. Giving him that puppy dog smile that normally wins him over.


OOC: really sorry for the delay. been busy at work!!!!!! I hope you want to continue!!

Tristan immediately dug into his food with enthusiasm, mentally making note not to tease Lauren about her neck. He couldn't spot any fat there, but he knew how sensitive women could be about their bodies.

He took a big bite of his sandwich and looked at Lauren, noticing the puppy-dog smile that always made him smile back. "You know I have other things going on right now, Lauren. With Amy and all..." His voice trailed off as he mentioned his girlfriend.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


OOC: Oh but of course I would LOVE to continue..if you are still up for it? :-)

She looks up at him and shrugs "Yeah I guess all that is more important than your so called best friend" She says sarcastically. She really misses Tristan and she really doesn't know what to say to him. She takes a small bite out of burger and a small sip of her drink. She is very frustrated and kind of sad at the same time. He knows when she is not being herself at all.


OOC: Of course! Thanks for the WB.

Tristan was getting angry himself. "Look, Lauren, you need to snap out of this. We've said several times already that we weren't going to harp on this past year and how we haven't been talking, but you seem to keep going back to it." He could tell that she wasn't herself, but he was also tired of being treated like the bad guy all the time. It wasn't as if she had been blowing up his phone with messages. She had sent one or two and then stopped texting him. Not that that was an excuse, and he wasn't saying that aloud.

"If you're going to act like a little girl, then I'm going to head home. You can go home and sulk, and we can talk later." He finished the last bite of his burger. Although he was frustrated with her attitude, he could still worry. She hadn't eaten anything, and she looked miserable as hell. But sometimes, Lauren needed some tough love, and this was one of those times.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She looks at him in complete awe. He hasn't ever really talked to her like that before and it kind of surprises her. "I wasn't harping on were talking about how you have other important things going on in your life. I took that as meaning you won't have much time for me know a days. I'm not a baby either. And I did text you a couple times and i got a text back from you saying that you think it would be better if we weren't friends anymore so that is why I ignored you." She shrugs as she takes a bite of her burger. She has been really depressed since her and Tristan stopped talking.


"Well, I'm going to make time for you," Tristan said, his anger gone as abruptly as it had come. "That was the promise, right?" His brow crinkled in confusion. "And what do you mean, I said we shouldn't be friends? Why would I ever say that?" He only remembered getting one, maybe two texts from Lauren in the past year. Yeah, he had told her he was busy at the time, but he wouldn't say that they shouldn't be friends.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She looks at him and smiles "Good. It has been so rough not having talked to you in the past few months. Utter torture actually" She says laughing. She grabs her phone and fumbles through all the text messages in her inbox until she gets to the text that he sent her saying they shouldn't be friend. "It is right here. See" She says handing him her phone so he can see that it is there.


Tristan might have been able to pass off Lauren's comments as exaggeration, but when she showed him the text message, there was no denying the fact that the message had come from his phone. But he hadn't written it.

Tristan could feel a sinking sensation in his stomach. Did this explain Amy's unwarranted jealousy toward Lauren? He had barely mentioned his best friend to his girlfriend, but she had always sounded so... well, bitchy... about the topic of best friends in general and Lauren in particular.

His voice was soft when he returned Lauren's phone. "I didn't write that. I'm sorry that the message caused you so much pain." Now he understood why Lauren was acting the way she was. With a message like that, she had to be wondering about his intentions.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She looks at him. "You didn't send that? I mean it came from your phone. I thought you wanted me out of your life forever. I mean I never heard back from you after that so I just figured it was true and you didn't want to be friends anymore. It hurt alot and so I guess that's why I never came home. I was too scared of seeing you and knowing that you weren't my best friend anymore. I thought maybe I did something wrong. Normally I do." She says as a single tear runs down the side of her face. She wipes it away hoping he didn't see it. But in the back of her head she knows he probably did. She hates being so babyish in front of him.


"No, I didn't send that." Tristan's voice was decisive and sincere. He had an idea of how that message had been sent to Lauren, but it wasn't from him. When Lauren began to pour out her feelings, Tristan felt the weight of guilt settle onto his shoulders. He walked around the tiny table and pulled a chair closer to his best friend. When she wiped away the tear from her cheek, Tristan turned her face toward him. "I'm sorry," he said, giving her a tight hug. "No wonder you've been asking me about our relationship." Then he leaned back and gave her a stern look. "But don't say that you did something wrong. You don't 'normally' do things wrong. Why do you always put yourself down like that?" He gave her another hug, letting her lean her head on his shoulder. "This is my fault. I'm going to fix it later."

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She leans her head against him resting on his shoulder. She loves how he has always made her feel better. He is the only person who ever will be able to do that for her. She looks up at him "Because it is true. I'm obviously the one who is alone so obviously I did something wrong. And you are the best friend I have ever had. I think that is why it hurt so much when I got that text. I thought maybe I made you mad at me or something. What are you gonna do?" She asks as she looks up at him.

She has always had sort of a little crush on him but she would never ever admit it to anyone including Tristan.


P.S. It is WONDERFUL that you are back..I've missed this roleplay. I'm having a ball with it..Hope you are too! :-)


OOC: I'm having a great time! It's good to be back!

"You know what? I'm going to apologize every five minutes until all of the hurt inside of you goes away. Because all of this is my fault. You can't take the blame for it. It had nothing to do with you. And I didn't have you, either, so how can you say that I wasn't alone?" Amy didn't count--he had never considered her his best friend.

Abruptly, Tristan realized that he had always felt that way about Amy, no matter how much wheedling and whining she had done. And now, he knew why. Because his best friend was sitting right here, and it felt right. Regardless of what Amy had done to try to destroy their relationship, at least they had found each other again.

He was already scripting out what he would say to Amy later. "Don't worry about that, kiddo. I'll take care of it." He hugged her tight and said, "I'm sorry." There was a smile on his face.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She looks up at him and smiles "You weren't had someone else in your life to keep you grounded and normal. You have Amy. I don't have that Tristan. I wish I did but I don't." She says as she shrugs looking up at him. She has missed her best friend so much that she just puts her arms around him as she rests her head on his shoulder. They have always been super close. Sometimes a little too close according to other people. Everyone thought they dated or should be dating. They complemented each other but it never happened. She couldn't admit to anyone how she really felt about Tristan.

She looks up at him "Just don't do something you will regret mister" I say smiling at you. Finally happy for once in a long time.


Tristan almost let out a snort at Lauren's words. Grounded? Normal? AMY?! Not likely. The girl was High-Maintenance with capital letters. They had good times, sure, but if there was a temper waiting to explode at the littlest thing, that was Amy. He had always been on his toes around her, keeping her happy. It had been an emotional rollercoaster, and now that Lauren was forcing him to see their relationship based on these text messages that he had never sent, he was seeing Amy in a completely different light.

Tristan's hand began stroking Lauren's hair as she leaned against him. "The only thing I regret is that we lost each other." He had never thought about Lauren as anything more than his best friend--a little sister, maybe. But it just felt so right for them to be together again, reunited after a year apart. It seemed like they were picking up where they left off, no hitch in their stride.

"Did I say 'I'm sorry' yet?" Tristan asked with a grin.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She looks up at him and laughs "Yeah only for about the millionth time. I should have contacted you. It is my fault" She says as she begins to blame herself again. "You have a new life now I don't have to be a part of that. Maybe we did grow apart" She tells him. She is always trying to push people away when she needs them the most. She just doesn't think she deserves to be happy. For some reason Tristan is the ONLY PERSON who knows her inside and out. Not even her parents know her that well. The bond her and Tristan have is super close.


"Nope," Tristan said lazily. "I'm the one who didn't contact you. So it's my fault, and you can't claim that you did something wrong." His hands continued to move against her hair, enjoying the silky strands as they spoke. "If we grew apart, then what are we doing here now? It seems that we are getting along great just like we always did. We didn't grow apart." That was all reasonable enough. Sometimes Lauren frustrated him so much--she always took everything to heart, and the little things hurt her more than it should have. He didn't know how to break her out of it except to keep repeating him and hope that she would eventually hear him. He knew, deep down, that he was the only confidante she had. he guilt of leaving her was almost eating him alive.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She smiles up at him. "You are the best Tristan. You are the best friend I've ever had. I've been so lonely and alone for the past few months without you. I shouldn't tell you that. I don't want to make you feel bad." She says smiling as her rests her head against him. He always seems to make her feel better. He is always so good with his words. She sighs trying to just be happy knowing that she finally has her best friend back.

She looks up at him and tells him "Thanks. Mom was asking what happened to you. She says she missed seeing me happy and seeing you around the house. SHe missed you too"


"Well, I already feel bad, so I guess it's okay. I'd rather you told me all of this anyway." And that was the complete truth. It had taken a bit of digging, but now that he knew what had REALLY happened, he planned to take steps to fix it.

Lauren's weight against his shoulder felt so nice. He had missed it, too, he realized. Luckily, his best friend's voice interrupted his train of thought, and Tristan smiled a bit ruefully.

"I think that's an invitation," he announced. With a quick glance at her face, he asked a bit tentatively, "How about I come over and cook you and your family a big dinner tonight?" He still remembered how she had shot him down yesterday.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She smiles up at him as she tells him "Yeah I would love that. Mom and Dad were gonna make me cook but I'm sure that would much rather have you cook and well I kind of would too. I want you back in my life again" She tells him. Just then her phone rings and she tells Tristan. "Sorry let me gets this"

"Um hi what do you want?"
"Shut up we aren't dating anymore. So why don't you leave me alone."
"None of your business what I'm doing"
"I put up with your shit for so long Chase."
"Yes I'm hanging out with Tristan"
"God your such an asshole. FUck off"
"No I'm not leaving. I don't owe you a damn thing"
"Wow your really gonna pull that"
"I'm done..bye"

she slams her phone down in annoyance. He basically told her he wanted her back but she doesn't want him back. He basically thinks that Tristan and her are hooking up and she got pissed and threw her phone at the floor and it broke in a million pieces. She puts her hands in her face and starts to ball.


At first, Tristan politely didn't listen in on Lauren's conversation, but after Lauren's voice begins rising in anger, Tristan looked at her in concern. He caught a name--Chase--so he easily made the connection to Lauren's ex. When Lauren slammed her phone to the floor in a fit of anger, he stares in shock. He had never seen Lauren get that angry! Normally she kept thing inside, but she definitely was venting this time around.

Some people were looking at them strangely as they walked past the scattered remains of Lauren's phone. Tristan glared at them and pulled Lauren into his shoulder, so they wouldn't be watching her crying her eyes out. He didn't say anything, just patted her on the back as his T-shirt got soaked with moisture.

I want your love and I want your revenge
You and me I could write a bad romance

ONs & OFFs
Apologies & Absences [09.25.2014]


She continues to cry into his shoulder "God I hate him..He was saying crap that he was stupid to leave me and that I was probably with you hooking up with you and that I was a slut and all this other stuff. God maybe I do deserve to be alone forever"

She leans her face into his chest not wanting to look anywhere else. Just wanting to feel safe. She is always felt safe when she was in Tristan's arms.