
Started by Haibane, December 06, 2009, 07:20:41 AM

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I have seen a site member with, below their avatar where the links icons are, a small green triangle with an exclamation mark on it and beside that the word 'Watched' in green. What does this mean, please?


It's something you can see since you moderate a board, if you view them from that board.


I'm not sure I follow you. It appeared in a PM when that member was discussing something unrelated to the game I moderate.

Though they have posted in the threads where I'm a GM... but then so have many others who do not bear this flag.

Fragile Dreams

I've seen the same thing under Caeli's avatar, and I'm not moderating anywhere. I'm being watched!!! ???



I think this had best be discussed in pm with veks not on a public board, that flag is a moderater tool


I wasn't aware what it was, and while I could have asked the person by PM I thought I would ask here in case others were interested.

Veks' answer doesn't imply its a moderator tool. From what he says it implies its due to me, since I moderate certain game boards. Unless I have completely misunderstood the use of 'you' in your post Veks?

And if a moderator is watching me I have no issue at all with that, nor of others being aware that they are. I find it quite comforting actually!


Quote from: White Christmas Dreams on December 06, 2009, 08:21:43 AM
I've seen the same thing under Caeli's avatar, and I'm not moderating anywhere. I'm being watched!!! ???

You're a moderator on the mentor forums.

It is a moderator tool, yes. Caeli's being watched because the mods were having fun with it >_>

Fragile Dreams

Quote from: Vekseid on December 06, 2009, 10:26:28 AM
You're a moderator on the mentor forums.




Thank you for reminding me that. *flees in shame*



Quote from: Vekseid on December 06, 2009, 10:26:28 AM
It is a moderator tool, yes. Caeli's being watched because the mods were having fun with it >_>
That is... evil.

I was hoping Caeli was watching me.  :P

(Likes to be observed, preferably on camera illicitly)

Um... off topic. Perhaps this thread could be closed?


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