World of Darkness: Divine Ascension (GM after 6 person party. VTM into Scion)

Started by vatovie, May 06, 2024, 11:33:06 PM

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Posting some tentative interest. What generation are we thinking for the characters? Also, I have very basic knowledge of the original V:tM, so I'll need some help with the 5e. I've not played Scions ever. Still...interesting concept!


Quote from: WhatLiesAbove on May 16, 2024, 08:56:23 AMPosting some tentative interest. What generation are we thinking for the characters? Also, I have very basic knowledge of the original V:tM, so I'll need some help with the 5e. I've not played Scions ever. Still...interesting concept!
Glad you like the concept and I am happy to teach or walk people through it. Just ask the questions you want to know and if you need them I will send the books. 

As for generation, I did answer the question in the past but all the way up to Ancillae. The trade of being that the later generations will have an easier time on their transition towards being a Scion. While older vampires would have a harder time going away from their nature to a new one. 


I'm curious. Where you say that the deities aren't the deities of this world do you still mean using the canon Scion pantheons, or something else?

It's an interesting idea, I'm just trying to get my head around how you envision it working, as I've played a lot of Scion.
Hairys Likes, Dislikes, Games n Stuff

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You too one day shall die
I know a thing that will never die
Fair fame of one who has earned it.


Quote from: HairyHeretic on May 17, 2024, 07:22:54 AMI'm curious. Where you say that the deities aren't the deities of this world do you still mean using the canon Scion pantheons, or something else?

It's an interesting idea, I'm just trying to get my head around how you envision it working, as I've played a lot of Scion.
So the deities on offer are the deities of Scion, (yes all of them. Even America.) but your characters won't start with a divine parent and can switch over time, based on their choices. 

More or less one specific God from a Scion reality managed to slip a touch of power in and now the others are all paying attention as the God of the World of Darkness is too hands-off to care and many factions within the world might agree with some specific Scion Gods. 

So you really do start as a Vampire. Once the players escape the first sort of intro zone and it all opens up they have a single purview and will get a single boon depending on how that intro zone area went and the choices made. 

Yes, this means a person could take fire immunity and already walk in the sun. The issue there is it just makes the burning not hurt. You would still be constantly on fire. Which is a big no-no as it is way too public. 



Hope there is still a position open as I am interested in trying my hand at this. I'm a prolific writer with confidence in my ability to provide engaging content. I'll just put out a word of warning that I am new to the site, and new to this specific type of roleplay where a system or systems are involved. I want to join in a group roleplay for the potential fun, and for the opportunity of practice it provides.

I'd be highly appreciative if I can be invited along despite this and would do my best to keep up and learn, of that I assure you.

Looking forward to your answer.
RP Request

"I touched the stars, and saw the glorious light of a thousand suns!
Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything... but dark..."


Quote from: hilou10 on May 18, 2024, 06:56:03 AMGreetings!

Hope there is still a position open as I am interested in trying my hand at this. I'm a prolific writer with confidence in my ability to provide engaging content. I'll just put out a word of warning that I am new to the site, and new to this specific type of roleplay where a system or systems are involved. I want to join in a group roleplay for the potential fun, and for the opportunity of practice it provides.

I'd be highly appreciative if I can be invited along despite this and would do my best to keep up and learn, of that I assure you.

Looking forward to your answer.
Hey there.

We all need to get our start somewhere so I am happy to help you make a character and walk you through it all. Do you know about Vampire the Masquerade at least? If not I do have a good YouTube video to explain it all.

Also as a side note to everyone, I would ideally like to not have a party of mostly male characters. A mix of different genders and mindsets makes player-on-player interaction more possible and puts less strain on me to build romance in for everyone. So far I think we have one female and one male character.  


Thank you for reaching out!

I do know it and have played the video game. Haven't played the tabletop if there is one or read any books though, but I know the general lore of the world and the various vampire clans. Anything else I can research on my own and be brought up to speed. My main queries would be about the system and how would it operate.

As for the note, I do hope I could play as male but can offer to play two characters, if need be, one male and one female.
RP Request

"I touched the stars, and saw the glorious light of a thousand suns!
Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything... but dark..."


Quote from: vatovie on May 18, 2024, 09:56:25 AMAlso as a side note to everyone, I would ideally like to not have a party of mostly male characters. A mix of different genders and mindsets makes player-on-player interaction more possible and puts less strain on me to build romance in for everyone. So far I think we have one female and one male character. 

For what it’s worth, I typically play female characters, and would for this game as well.


Quote from: hilou10 on May 18, 2024, 05:56:53 PMThank you for reaching out!

I do know it and have played the video game. Haven't played the tabletop if there is one or read any books though, but I know the general lore of the world and the various vampire clans. Anything else I can research on my own and be brought up to speed. My main queries would be about the system and how would it operate.

As for the note, I do hope I could play as male but can offer to play two characters, if need be, one male and one female.
If you can handle running to characters I am fine with it. I can link a PDF of the book. Even a legitimate one that is designed for a GM to share with players which is rare in tabletop publishing.

How the system operates is a success-fail d10 system. So you have your stat and your skill and that determines how many d10's you roll. Then every roll above a 7 is a success. Every roll of a 10 lets you take the success and roll it again. Infinitely if you keep rolling 10s. Every 1 counts against you. The 1s are counted before things like automatic successes as otherwise crit fails would be impossible at higher levels. 

In general World of Darkness systems like Vampire are designed to be small scale as far as power growth. You might gain a single blood potency, which is like a level, in a very long story path. You will get a bit more skilled but nothing world-changing. Scion meanwhile has you go from Legend 1 all the way up to 10. Not instantly mind you but you are supposed to feel powerful and special. 

So it works well as a means to make a World of Darkness plot more combat and adventure-focused. Vampires need to stay hidden and yet somehow exist and solve their personal and political and societal issues. Same with every other supernatural force all with their own goals. 

Scions meanwhile need to be seen. Need to be known about. Need to be worshiped to gain power. Scions can quietly become masters at things and be a superhuman hero. But without fame, they will never be more than that. Fame is how you get closer to godhood. In a Scion world the drama is in that every Scion and god has the same struggle and to avoid open war they all need to be discreet about it.

More mechanically speaking Xp is how you improve your stats and skills and powers and is gained by doing stuff that was hard to do. Legend is gained through fame though and determines your maximum stat or skill rank. Or what powers you can have. A Scion could fail or bumble their way into divinity and then get their shit rocked by a Legend 2 nobody who spent years training. 

In the game, players will start as Vampires and then become Scions. The big break points of legend take big actions. So players need to choose how and when they migh do those. Meanwhile, supernatural factions will all want a god in their corner. So sides need to be chosen unless you want everyone hunting you as the new threat to their way of life. 

Hope that answers some questions. Still, I will DM you a Google Drive link to the book. Getting a basic concept is a smart move but deeper character creation is a group project once I have concepts from six players. Once we get there or close to there. I make the group pages and we all chat about how your characters know each other and make a relationship web.

Quote from: WhatLiesAbove on May 18, 2024, 07:11:42 PMFor what it’s worth, I typically play female characters, and would for this game as well.
I figured stuff like that would be the case with most players but wanted to make sure it was kept in mind. I have had group games before where it was a sea of straight guys all wanting the one female player with a GM scrambling to try make them all happy. So a mix is preferred. 


Thank you kindly for the elaborate explanation, and I would appreciate those links for my own knowledge. I like the system thus far and look forward to seeing it in action.

Again, consider me interested and willing to join so let me know what the next step is forward, and I'll gladly follow.
RP Request

"I touched the stars, and saw the glorious light of a thousand suns!
Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything... but dark..."


Quote from: hilou10 on May 19, 2024, 08:09:56 AMThank you kindly for the elaborate explanation, and I would appreciate those links for my own knowledge. I like the system thus far and look forward to seeing it in action.

Again, consider me interested and willing to join so let me know what the next step is forward, and I'll gladly follow.
I sent you the link in a private message. The next step is getting a core concept down. So age, clan, rough backstory, If they are with the Camarilla, Anarchs, or Sabbat. 


Yeah figured, currently reading up on the pdf so once I have a decent understanding I'll respond to your PM with the necessary details.
RP Request

"I touched the stars, and saw the glorious light of a thousand suns!
Now, blinded by this elegance, how could my purpose be anything... but dark..."


So we have three rough concepts so far. I am giving it two more days before I move forward with making the main and sub-threads. People can join after that but joining beforehand helps me to figure out interesting connections to give your character. 



Untamed Skies


Happy to hear it though at this point we do already have a group game landing page with a few folks in the process of character creation. So you can jump on over there and post your concept as well.