Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Not guilty. Never done it - so, I've never been caught.

Ever ask for someone's number, but never call or text them?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Not guilty. If I don't want to call them, I won't ask.

Ever wanted to knock someone over the head with a frying pan?
Don't worry. That's not my breath on the back of your neck! >.>

Slaven's O/Os and some RP ideas!


Guilty times 10  :o

Ever been so tired the sheep that you were counting ignored you?


Kinda Guilty

Every had a one night stand with the same gender (Aka alcohol related.)


Not guilty.

Ever wish you could go back and redo life?



Ever wished on a shooting star?


Not guilty.....Can you believe I've never seen a shooting star?  (Maybe I should look "up" more?)

Have you ever gone out in public with clothing unzipped or unbuttoned for a long period of time, no one pulling you to the side to tell you?


Guilty and it was for a whole day.

Ever hurt someone on accident?


Guilty.......probably some I'm not even aware of

Ever cheated on a test and felt so guilty about it you caved and confessed?


Not Guilty Never cheated on one.

Every almost burnt your apartment, or house down.


Not guilty.

Ever call the police on someone you saw breaking in next door, only to find out it was your neighbor, who locked themselves out?

Linwood Badr

Not Guilty.

Ever bought more candy than you actually can eat?


Not guilty.

Ever made candy at home?


Guilty..... have made Christmas type candies....fudge, divinity and peanut brittle

Ever swallowed a coin?


Not Guilty (Swallow an insect he flew into my mouth. Like I do want to live anymore.)

Every went skinny dipping.



Ever made out in a restaurant?


Not guilty. My mouth is always preoccupied with food.

Ever tried to be a vegan?
To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.


Not guilty......I was raised eating meat.... guess I'll die eating it...(or die from eating it, one!) ;P

Ever spilled something on someone elses sofa or carpet, knowing it was going to stain it, but didn't tell them? :(


Guilty. If all else fails..."It wasn't me!"

Ever prank called your ex?
To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.


not guilty, i don't have an x

Ever tell someone they had a boogie up their nose or did you just ignore it and pretend you didn't see it? lol
"If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly ... very slowly."
                                 ~Gypsy Rose Lee~
     ~Kill me slowly, so through the pain, I will know I have lived.~

What's Yes & What's Not
Apologies & Absences
Stalled out stories: Dragon Familiar ~ Loki

Linwood Badr

Guilty of the second, not guilty of the first.

Promised yourself to sleep early and then find that the time is way past your supposed bedtime?


Guilty. All the time.

Ever drank more than 5 energy drinks in a day? (Not counting coffee)
To be matter-of-fact about the world is to blunder into fantasy - and dull fantasy at that, as the real world is strange and wonderful.


Not guilty.  I've never, ever drank an energy drink.  Had a sip of one just to see how it tasted once..but that's it.

Did you ever learn to "hula hoop"?

Linwood Badr

Sadly not guilty, tried though.

Have you ever found out later on after using a word that that word(English or otherwise) wasn't what you thought it meant?



Ever sit and watch ants?