Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Not Guilty - I like panties, and mine are cute.

The next person enjoyed incredibly beautiful weather today.

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP

Prefect Mos

I hate the sun. so ... no.

the next person actualy likes it being hot.. the bastard.


Right and Wrong!

Guilty... I love being hot... not always the sun doing it ^.~
Not bastard tho... sometimes I can be a bitch!

The next person doesn't really wake up until they had thier morning shower!

Prefect Mos

Guilty as sin.

The next person would not go outside dressed as they are now.


Not guilty. ~laughs~ I was out in what I wear now.

The next person loves shoes!

Prefect Mos

I like them, but I don't collect them them... and i usualy buy quality.

The next person thinks [you] is sexy!


Oh goodness, I find [you] very sexy!

[you] wonders why we are talking about them:


Yes, yes I do. For a moment I tought I was in that thread with the "you" tag so when you read it your name shows up.

The next person is guitly of likeing to eat french fry's and (REAL) soft serve icecream together.

P.S. Thats not a bad things to be guilty of, I my self am.

P.P.S. By real soft serve ice cream I mean not McDonald's
Wait for the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heart beat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you are just as pretty without makeup, one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you, the one who turns to his friends and says, "That's her."
O/Os (currently under construction)

One-Eyed Jack

Not guilty, although it does work well with Wendy's Frosties.

The next person is burning dinner while playing here



The next person has a sexy voice.

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP

One-Eyed Jack

some say so

the next person secretly likes the New Kids on the Block


*laughs*  um - NO!

Are you a Justin Beiber fan?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP

Linwood Badr

>< Oh God no

The next person likes piercings?


yes I do

The next person likes tattoos
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Guilty but don't have one yet.

The next person rides horses.
In the end, all we have left are memories.

Roleplays: alive, done, dead, etc.
Reversal of Fortune ~ The Hunt ~ Private Party Suites ~ A Learning Experience ~A Chance Encounter ~ A Bark in the Park ~


I've only ridden once.

Do you have ever stood someone up?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP


Not guilty, I at least called to say I wouldn't be there.

The next person likes to sing in the shower.

In the end, all we have left are memories.

Roleplays: alive, done, dead, etc.
Reversal of Fortune ~ The Hunt ~ Private Party Suites ~ A Learning Experience ~A Chance Encounter ~ A Bark in the Park ~

Prefect Mos

not guilty.

The next person would like to see [you] and Me getting it on.


Yeah, baby. You and [you] would be so hot!

The next person is so addicted to E they spend several hours on it a day even if they have nothing specific to do.


Does anyone have specific things to do on E?  I thought it was a total playground with a decided lack of responsibilities.  So, I must be guilty :)

Have you ever made an obscene phone call?

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP

One-Eyed Jack

No, but I HAVE been tempted.  I have, however, gotten obscene with telemarketers . . .

The next person is debating what to have for breakfast.

One-Eyed Jack (formerly flyfshr44)


Ah hello Jack nice to see you. I like your new name.

Yes I was but I am eating a pastry right now that is making me very happy.

The next person is a card player?
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

One-Eyed Jack

Yes!  Bridge, Hearts, Canasta, you name it.  Only rarely poker, though.

The nex person has a sweet tooth?

Linwood Badr

/hides twix/ It's a lie? /munches/ Okay Guilty.

The next person likes uniforms?


Depends on the uniform  ::)

The next person is a chronic procrastinator?
"How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days."
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