Dungeon World: Second Chance Club (Closed)

Started by pdragon, August 20, 2022, 07:47:51 PM

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Valna definitely adores teasing Juro about his ears and calling him cute. The way he gets pleasantly embarrassed makes it even better!

Having lots of bonds with existing characters is definitely good. Characters here are expected to have a history together of some sort.


Quote from: Rummy Tum Tum on August 22, 2022, 07:09:47 PM
Yay! Thanks Wolfling ;D

I just follow where all the best ideas are...I never HAVE ideas of my own for stuff like this so I have to read those of you who do.
Wolfi Recommends- changes weekly
Keep it vampirated and melanated.


Thanks pdragon. I think I worked in something interesting with the info you gave for her backstory. I know there's still the bonds to figure out, buuuuut I wanted to make sure we were square on the other stuff first

WIP a little added!
Grella Bonecrusher

Level:Xp: x/x

Armor: +1
Hit points: 23
Damage: D10
Str: 16 (+2)   Dex: 13 (+1)    Con: 15 (+1)
Int: 9 (-)    Wis: 8 (-1)  Cha: 12 (-)
  • Body: Brickhouse
  • Eyes: Challenging
  • Decoration: Pierced with the bones of her great hunts!

Alignment: Neutral - Teach someone the ways of your people.
Bonds: N/A (For Now)
Race: Outsider (Elc nobility posing as Barbarian)
Equipment Load: 4 Coin: 0
  • Two-handed Sword (close, +1 damage, 2 weight)
  • Adventuring Gear (5 uses, 1 weight) and Dungeon Rations (5 uses, ration, 1 weight)


Unencumbered, Unharmed: So long as you are below your Load and neither wear armor nor carry a shield, take +1 armor.

The Upper Hand: You take +1 ongoing to last breath rolls. When you take your last breath, on a 7–9 you make an offer to Death in return for your life. If Death accepts he will return you to life. If not, you die.

What Are You Waiting For?: When you cry out a challenge to your enemies, roll+Con. • On a 10+ they treat you as the most obvious threat to be dealt with and ignore your companions, take +2 damage ongoing against them. • On a 7–9 only a few (the weakest or most foolhardy among them) fall prey to your taunting.

Herculean Appetites: Others may content themselves with just a taste of wine, or dominion over a servant or two, but you want more. Choose two appetites. While pursuing one of your appetites if you would roll for a move, instead of rolling 2d6 you roll 1d6+1d8. If the d6 is the higher die of the pair, the GM will also introduce a complication or danger that comes about due to your heedless pursuits.
  • Mortal Pleasures
  • Fame and Glory

Musclebound: While you wield a weapon it gains the forceful and messy tags.


Grella was never quite right. Born Lilandra Proudtower, she was the “runt” of the litter, only in that she was born last. Her status as nobility within The Orisian Empire was never in question, but her ability to carry on the duties that such nobility entailed? That was seen as suspect, to be kind about it. Prone to starting fights growing up, she was a person better suited to the past. The days where violence and fighting prowess held the keys to riches and powers. Where the term War Chief still meant something. Lilandra would oftentimes find herself looking outside the vast and beautiful walls she’d called home, wondering why she seemed to be the only one looking outward. She would ask her papa about the raids of their forebears, and he would try to dissuade her from knowing more by telling her tales of bloodletting and savagery. Of Orcs that seemed out of myth, standing amidst battle like walking fortresses.

If his idea was to scare her, he failed miserably, though he likely understood this the moment she’d ask to hear the story of Jlor the Stained. It was said when the battle was over, he was so drenched in blood that he was literally bloodstained for a month! His greenish skin held onto the copper of the blood until he was finally washed clean. It was said that he took the cleaning to mean that he needed to pick up his sword and fight once more! But fate had taken him, as it took so many other heroes, before his time and before his goal was reached. It was with that tale and others that Lilandra took to weapons. Each one eventually taken from her, until her family had a closet full of weapons and no inclination to use them!

Through it all, the years had passed, and she matured. The outside world had been her trainer. Each animal she hunted was bigger and deadlier than the last! Her weapons were cobbled from nothing. The bones of the vanquished used to pierce and rend. Her true strength was found outside of her walls. She may not have been able to sit still long enough to read a bunch, but she could stalk her prey with the patience of an ancient, and spring when the moment was right! Lilandra knew that her life would be spent out there somewhere, making a name for herself. Adopting the name Grella, she took to heart the barbarian ways of those before her without looking back. And for a while, she did well!

Then she took on a job without understanding what the best was she was sent to kill, or why even the strongest guild in the area left it alone. She awoke to find herself in one piece when she shouldn’t be, now tied to a group that was farthest from fame, and /or glory. Which made Grella sad inside.

Story Lottery Profile
Here’s my O/Os!

I don't know who this Muse person is, but if it explains away the voices in my head, then I'm all for it!

Rummy Tum Tum

I like her! I could definitely see Grella and Juro bonding over boasts and tales of bloody battles before her death. And down the line I could see em bonding about being misfits in their respective societies.


Alright, I think we've given it enough time. After some brief consideration I've decided to accept both Revelation and Writersblockade's characters into the game. So look forward to having two new members of our freaky family. I'll be sending out discord invites shortly. The next thing to do is to finish up your character sheets and post the final versions in the OOC thread so I can give them a last glance over.
What a thrill...with silence and darkness through the night....

Request Thread

Rummy Tum Tum