Coronavirus: Discussion and Information, Part 3

Started by Lilias, January 24, 2022, 06:19:28 AM

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Sara Nilsson

Quote from: Humble Scribe on March 20, 2022, 06:18:38 AM
A bit like that phase in the 80s when he was fronting anti-drugs campaigns.

He just wanted more for himself.


Quote from: Beorning on March 19, 2022, 07:16:19 PM
Okay, I wanted to ask: any solid info out there on when it's safe to meet other people after Covid? I'm feeling okay, just coughing a little... what I test positively for Covid tomorrow? Does it mean I shouldn't be meeting other people, as I'm still an infection risk?
I picked up Omicron back in February and it treated me similarly.  First bout with COVID to my knowledge, two or three days actively ill and only one really knocked on my ass.  Waited for 4 days after the negative test result before reintegrating myself into society, mostly symptom free.  I still had some occasional cough, but I have had a fairly consistent morning cough for a lot of years, possibly in part due to a nasty upper respiratory infection years-going-on-decades ago.

My sins are pride, wrath and lust.

Thufir Hawat

Quote from: Laughing Hyena on March 20, 2022, 05:21:52 AM
You know it is getting nuts when Keith Richards is the voice of reason on a health issue.
Yeah, the world is going mad ;D!
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Quote from: Laughing Hyena on March 20, 2022, 05:21:52 AM
You know it is getting nuts when Keith Richards is the voice of reason on a health issue.

Quote from: Thufir Hawat on March 28, 2022, 11:17:56 AM
Yeah, the world is going mad ;D!

To be fair, being a veritable health nut is probably the only way he could survive consuming as much drugs as he has.


I work with kids. Today, I was in the infant room. This little boy, one year old, had a strange rattle every time I held him or he breathed. At first I thought he really liked pretending to be a bear, because he was always growling - then I found out what I heard was the fluid rattling in his lungs, because he'd had Covid six months ago, as a six-month-old infant, and he had long Covid, and this little boy, sweetest little boy in the world, was still struggling for every breath.

I'm so angry right now I can barely see straight, and so tired of the lying and gaslighting - and for them to get away with it. I'm so tired. My fiance had Covid over Christmas, and he lost his sense of smell. He wanted to be a professional chef, we were looking into cooking schools, but he has some dietary restrictions that would make it hard to taste the food. He was a whiz at telling when meat or pastries were done, though, with his keen sense of smell.

He lost his sense of smell, and some of his sense of taste, from Covid. Now, he's given up his dream of cooking school, and often burns dishes he used to never have any problem with at all.

My uncle doesn't have to live with any consequences. He's dead - he died in the first wave.

Antivaxxers, antimaskers, are murderers. And I'm tired - sad, and mad. I'm just angry.



A/As 12/14/22: Update to Crisis Situation. | wiki | commissions & presents of my characters


Sekah - I'm sorry.  Neither you, nor that little boy, nor your fiancé, nor your uncle, deserve any of this.

I think your anger is justified.

My sins are pride, wrath and lust.