Mass Effect:- Malady {Open Recruitment, now on Omega.}

Started by Malrunar, January 21, 2021, 11:31:54 PM

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Tentatively:- We have the opening for ONE more spectre position. How's that for a golden carrot?


Useful positions for the crew:-

A spectre (pending approval! This would have a more active role within the game.)
Members of Aria' T'loak's team on Omega.
Citizens of Omega
Mercenaries on Omega
Pretty much anyone who might currently call Omega home.

All races are also open at this time! But we could certainly use some more Drell and Turians and Krogans. ;D

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»  Unito Roen  «

Name:- Unito Roen

Age:- 29

Sexuality:- Pansexual

Race:- Drell

Birthplace:- Kahje

Occupation:- Thief/Infiltrator

Personality Traits:- | Sarcastic | Clever | Flirty | Curious | Spiritual | Risk-Taker | Independent | Mischievous |

Unito’s parents both died of Kepral’s Syndrome early on in her life on Kahje. First it was her father at around age 7, and then her mother a few years later when she turned 10. The memory of them both on their death beds are things that she’d never forget, though it was far from an uncommon story. The Hanar had set up orphanages for children in similar situations. By 11 she was working for one of the Hanar. As such a young girl she was viewed as being relatively harmless, but with her memory and a natural ability to sneak from place to place she made an excellent spy.

The Hanar, named Qaol, was simply a merchant which made her spying relatively safe. It wasn’t long before she was stealing things along with her spying. At first they were simply trinkets to memorialize the time, but eventually they became more extravagant and expensive. She was discovered, finally, by a security detail for a human merchant. Once caught they beat her nearly within an inch of her life. One of them smelled strongly of cigars, another had a grating, gravelly voice, a third was practically soaked in alcohol. It took her some years to get over the memory, but of course she became useless to Qaol now that she had a reputation circulating. She’d made some money for herself at least, and by 16 she had moved on. She left Kahje behind without looking back.

In the following years she travelled around. The Citadel, Earth, Thessia, Palavan, just to name a few of her brief destinations. She took up freelancing for mercenary groups, usually using her skills to “acquire” things that they wanted. Of course she didn’t usually stick to one place for too long. Her wanderlust could have put a Quarian to shame. Though she didn’t stay in any one place for too long, she made a good impression on some people—though frequently also made a bad impression on others.

Despite what some might call a lack of morality on her part, she is still deeply spiritual and worships the Drell deities in her own ways. In a way her spirituality has been her only steady companion throughout her life.

Skills:- Tactical Cloak | Recon Mine | Decoy

  • Thief – From card-shark to pick pocket to sneaking into places she’s not supposed to be, Unito is extremely skilled at the various arts of getting things she’s not supposed to have, which has made her adept at circumventing security measures, stealth, sleight of hand, and subterfuge.
  • Weapon Familiarity – While she has no formal training, Unito is particularly skilled with sniper rifles, as well as pistols. If neither of them are available she prefers to use a knife.
  • Well Travelled – Unito has travelled through most of the developed worlds, and (for better or worse) knows at least a couple less-savory people in each place.

Weaknesses and Flaws:-

  • Gambling – Unito likes to gamble, and she likes to cheat, which has a tendency to get her into various kinds of trouble.
  • Eidetic Flashbacks – Strong triggers can cause her to lose focus as she vividly recalls a memory, typically scents set this off more than others. These are usually traumatic moments in her life or otherwise extremely emotional memories.
  • Owes the Wrong People – While Unito has made a few friends in the galaxy, she’s also left behind a few enemies as well…usually because she owes them money (see: Gambling).

Kinks:- Ons/Offs Generally flexible, if something isn’t clear feel free to PM

Notes:- As a Drell, Unito has a mild hallucinogenic venom in her skin, eidetic memory, and can see near-UV light, though has trouble differentiating dark reds from simply black.



Useful positions for the crew:-

A spectre (This would have a more active role within the game, but I will be rather particular on -who- plays this role since it is rather powerful.)
Members of Aria' T'loak's team on Omega.
Citizens of Omega
Mercenaries on Omega
Pretty much anyone who might currently call Omega home.

All races are also open at this time! But we could certainly use some more Drell and Turians and Krogans. ;D

Also, a new update on the crew

Updates on the members of the crew!

Humans (3)
Asari (2)
Turians (2)
Salarians (1)
Krogans (1)
Drell (1)
Quarians (2)
Batarians (1)


»  Telari Veran  «

Name:- Telari "Tel" Veran

Age:- 27

Sexuality:- Bisexual

Race:- Turian

Birthplace:- Oma Ker

Occupation:- Mercenary

Personality Traits:- Telari tends to have two sides to her. Sober, she's a trustworthy ally, and quite friendly. Never has more than a snark to say about any situation, but even then, her snark tends to be limited. She's the rare mercenary who cannot be bought once she's committed to a contract as well. The term "available to the highest bidder" is not only something that doesn't apply to her, but she is more than open about her distaste for mercenaries who allow their loyalties to change just over a matter of credits.

When she's had a bit to drink, however...the story changes a bit. Her snark gets more venomous, and while she can still be trusted to at least have her heart in the right place, she's a lot more headstrong when under the influence, rather than "Whatever you say, boss." You'd think a few bar fights would have taught her a lesson, but she's a stubborn one. Once she sobers up, however, she'll be the first to attempt damage control, with honest contrition for any lines she may have crossed...although the sheets she goes under she has no apologies for.

Synopsis:- Her story started like most turians. Grew up, joined the military life, and then it all went wrong. When her commanding officer turned up deceased and half-nude in her quarters, not everyone bought her claims of self-defense. Even after an investigation cleared her, and in fact corroborated her claims, the simple fact was that she was a young private who had shot her captain, and the cloud that formed over her seemed to follow her from post to post. In frustration, and after several reprimands for drunken brawls, she left the military life, going from planet to planet hiring herself out as a mercenary. For the right price, or the right motivation, she was open to just about anything. The more illegal, the pricier, but that just let her have more discerning tastes in alcohol. On Omega, she feels more comfortable than most of her other "posts". No one cares who she is, all that matters is what she will do. And most bars even still let her drink as long as she pays the repairs.

The reason that so many put up with her occasional drunken brawls is simple. Omega is full of mercenaries who will do anything for credits, but Telari is not one of those. She has gone on record as turning down any contracts or jobs that involve the harm of innocents, even if that harm is incidental to the main task. While she has taken on assassination contracts in the past, the only people she's killed for money are those who would be arrested on any world that had a functioning legal system. Despite her acrimonious departure from the military, Telari has maintained her moral stances and feels it's her duty to step in if the law can't or won't, not to cross the law herself.

In addition, there are rumors that she'll take contracts for next to nothing if they have an altruistic purpose. While she's been sure that no one can confirm the rumors still on Omega (after all, being a soft touch on Omega is being a target), there is a quarian that will tell anyone on the Fleet that all she had to do was ask for some help when the going got tough on Omega, and a turian lady offered her services as a bodyguard for room and board, even assisting her during the Pilgrimage (marking one of the few times Telari has ever left Omega since arriving 5 years ago).

Skills:- Overload, Incinerate, Concussive Shot

Weaknesses and Flaws:- Her struggles to deal with her past has led to her having a fondness for drinking, and when she drinks, she can get fairly mean. If her snark ever goes from teasing to venomous, it's a warning that she should be cut off, or at least gently encouraged to drink some water. In addition, while it rarely has come up for her, she tends to react very negatively to any attempt to grab her by the neck, due to what happened with her commanding officer. While she can generally keep her cool under most circumstances, even in battle, she's been known to have a panic attack if that particular move is attempted. 

Kinks:- Please provide a link to your On's and Off's like: Roleplay Preferences (up to date, unlike the description)

Notes:- While she is decent in a fist fight, her skill set is intentionally set up by her training to specialize in weakening the enemy to set them up for others to finish off. For that reason, she tends to prefer working with someone than solo. In addition, she has several scars thanks to her previous bar fights. Finally, she has a nervous tic involving running a hand over her throat, which tends to be the only sign that she's troubled.

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!
