Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines [System] [Closed: Players selected!]

Started by Blythe, May 20, 2020, 05:38:34 PM

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Quote from: SilkenVenom on May 28, 2020, 09:53:27 PM
So, with all the reviews done, what's the next step/phase?

At the moment, a few folks are waiting for some further messages from me for a few final fixes, but everyone did get their initial feedback PMs sent.

Over the next couple of days, the last folks I'm still chatting with in PMs will get the last of the info they need from me (this isn't too terribly much, really), and then I'll be moving into player selection after that. During the 'hang time' until player selection, people are welcome to make modifications to their sheets as needed. If a person's sheet is not finished yet (mostly this will be folks fleshing out personal character backstory or prior PC connections), it really should be after the next two days.

Though what specific day I actually engage in final player selection rather depends on when I get my next day off of work. :)

Orange Marmalade


Quote from: Orange Marmalade on May 28, 2020, 10:20:52 PM
Thank Caine the Macarena mostly died out of favor by 1996 lol

I dont know, given how much Vampires stick to the things they know, I could see a few desperately hanging on.

Orange Marmalade

Quote from: Geeklet on May 29, 2020, 04:01:28 AM
I dont know, given how much Vampires stick to the things they know, I could see a few desperately hanging on.

Good point, actually! Especially any who were embraced recently. They tend to cling to things for a bit sometimes...

Love And Submission


Name:    Samuel NewhardPlayer: Love And Submission
Clan:   MalkavianChronicle: ? ? ?
Nature:   DeviantHaven: ? ? ?
Demeanor:   Scientist   Concept: Paranoid Programmer
Generation:   12th   EXP Spent: 15

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●○○○○Charisma: ●○○○○   Perception:●●○○○
Dexterity :   ●●●●○Manipulation: ●●●○○   Intelligence:●●●●●
Stamina:   ●●●●●   Appearance: ●●○○○   Wits:●○○○○

Specialities: Tough As Nails (Stamina),Precise (Dexterity),Book Knowledge (Intelligence)

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●●●○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:○○○○○
Athletics:   ●○○○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:●●●●●
Awareness:   ●●●○○   Drive: ●●○○○   Finance:○○○○○
Brawl:   ○○○○○   Etiquette: ○○○○○   Investigation:○○○○○
Empathy:   ○○○○○   Firearms: ●●○○○   Law:○○○○○
Expression:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Medicine:○○○○○
Intimidation:   ○○○○○   Melee: ●●○○○   Occult:○○○○○
Leadership:   ○○○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Politics:○○○○○
Streetwise:   ●●●○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:●●●○○
Subterfuge:   ●●●○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:●●●○○

Specialities: Internet (Computers)

Backgrounds       Disciplines       Virtues
Resources:   ●●●○○Auspex: ○○○○○   Conscience/Conviction:●○○○○
Allies:   ●●○○○Dementation: ●●●○○   Self-Control/Instinct:●●●●○
Fame:   ●○○○○
Domain:   ●●●●○
Obfuscate: ○○○○○   Courage:●●●●●

Humanity/Path:   ●●●●● ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ○○○○○   Blood Pool:? ? ?


Merits & Flaws

- Computer Aptitude (2 Pts)
- Nine Lives (6 Pts)



Samuel Newhard has loved technology since his father bought him an Atari 2600 for his seventh birthday. At age sixteen, Newhard programmed his first video game on the Macintosh ll.

Six years later, he would graduate from the Oregon Institute of Technology with a bachelor's degree in computer science.  After a short internship in Japan, Newhard founded Hastur Industries, a software publisher in Modesto, California alongside his college roommate Bill Wright. It was here that Newhard would serve as the lead developer of Annihilation 1 and Annihilation 2: Terrible Fate, two revolutionary first-person shooters for MS-DOS. Annihilation 1 was not released without controversy however as the gore and brutality in the game would cause a stir among the news media of the time.
Despite the controversy, The Annihilation series was a massive financial success and it made Newhard an industry superstar though he would leave Hastur Industries in 1997 after the release of the  Wild West RPG Badlands.

The reason for Newhard's departure is shrouded in mystery. While Newhard has publicly stated he left the company because he had accomplished all he wanted to do in the industry, rumors about his eccentric behavior and cantankerous attitude have led to the idea that he was bought out by Wright who wanted to take the company in a less controversial direction. Newhard's retirement wouldn't last long however as he soon began investing in several web startup companies with the money he received from his buyout.

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454


Also finished!

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Name:    Charles Layton 'Charlie'Player: Khoraz
Clan:   TremereChronicle: Bloodlines
Nature:   PerfectionistHaven: Box Apartment-come-Office
Demeanor:   Judge   Concept: Downbeat Detective
Generation:   12th   EXP Spent: 0

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●○○○Charisma: ●●○○○   Perception:●●●○○
Dexterity:   ●●●●● (Quick Fingers)Manipulation: ●●●○○   Intelligence:●●●○○
Stamina:   ●●○○○   Appearance: ●●○○○   Wits:●●●●○ (Always on-the-clock)

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ○○○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●●○○○
Athletics:   ○○○○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:●●○○○
Awareness:   ●●○○○   Drive: ●○○○○   Finance:●○○○○
Brawl:   ●○○○○   Etiquette: ○○○○○   Investigation:●●●●● (An Eye for Detail)
Empathy:   ○○○○○   Firearms: ●●●○○   Law:●●○○○
Expression:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Medicine:○○○○○
Intimidation:   ●●○○○   Melee: ●○○○○   Occult:○○○○○
Leadership:   ○○○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Politics:●●○○○
Streetwise:   ●●●○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:○○○○○
Subterfuge:   ●○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:●○○○○

Backgrounds       Disciplines       Virtues
Allies:   ●●○○○Dominate: ●●○○○   Conscience/Conviction:●●●●○
Resources:   ●●○○○Auspex: ●○○○○   Self-Control/Instinct:●●○○○
Contacts:   ●●○○○   Thaumaturgy: ○○○○○   Courage:●●●●○
Domain:   ●○○○○

Humanity/Path: Humanity   ●●●●● ●○○○○Willpower: ●●●●○ ○○○○○   Blood Pool:11

Health:  ? ? ?

Merits & Flaws

Ambidextrous - 1pt
Eidetic Memory - 2pt

Tic/Twitch (Neck-cracking) - 1pt
Unconvinced - 1pt
Prey Exclusion (Law Enforcement) - 1pt

Character Bio
Determined | By-the-book | Critic | Lawful

Charlie loves his job as a detective; being a lawyer really wasn't right for him. Too many hours spent at a desk and not enough out on the streets, meeting people and doing the real leg-work. He prides himself on doing his best for whatever client walks through his door, though he would sooner give up the proverbial badge entirely than defend someone he thought was guilty.

He has a profound sense of justice, and will do everything he can to try and maintain order in his own way... a task that has become increasingly more difficult after his Embrace. His world was turned upside down that fateful night as all the rules of humanity were tossed aside like so much garbage. Suddenly there was a new set of rules to try and grapple with, and they didn't entirely fit with his old views of justice and honour.

He remains unconvinced by the pomp of the Camarilla, and by extension the Tremere. He would rather have nothing to do with vampire society if he could avoid it, but unfortunately that simply isn't an option. He's had many-a visit from Mr. Strauss, who tries to bend him to the Tremere way of thinking. Blood magic and horrendous injuries it can cause... No. That isn't for Charlie.

He wants to find his own way; to navigate this cruel and terrifying new world while holding onto what he believes is right. He won't give up his Humanity for anything - not even when the Beast begins to growl...

Rummy Tum Tum

Sheet Updated. Made some point changes and fleshed out contacts, allies, and retainer.


As a note, I know some folks are waiting on PMs--don't worry, I should get to those either tonight or tomorrow night. My next day off is Tuesday, so should have everything done on that day! (No one required such extensive alterations to their sheets that they should be worried about any delays on my end, honestly. It will be very hard for me to decide players, as every sheet has been quite excellent. :)  )


I will finish player feedback PMs tomorrow, guaranteed!

After I do that, I'll allow 48 hours for any final sheet tweaks--I do know this should have happened earlier, but I'm a bit of a scrub, so bear with me. <_<;

Apologies for the delays, folks, but rest assured we're nearing the end point soon about player selection. :)

Orange Marmalade

Quote from: Bly on June 01, 2020, 06:10:52 PM
but I'm a bit of a scrub, so bear with me. <_<;

Spending too much time hanging out the passenger side of your best friend's ride, eh? :)


Quote from: Bly on June 01, 2020, 06:10:52 PM
After I do that, I'll allow 48 hours for any final sheet tweaks--I do know this should have happened earlier, but I'm a bit of a scrub, so bear with me. <_<;

Bearing is good, so long as it like mighty Russian bear. *Flexes in Sovietese*

And being a scrub isn't that bad, unless you go chasing waterfalls.


My finished sheet!

Name:    Nikalette SarrPlayer: Amaris
Clan:   BrujahChronicle: Bly’s Bloodlines
Nature:   RogueHaven: Warren Apartments
Demeanor:   Rogue   Concept: Rebel without a cause
Generation:   9th   EXP Spent: 0

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●●○○Charisma: ●●●○○   Perception:●●●○○
Dexterity:   ●●●●○Manipulation: ●●○○○   Intelligence:●●○○○
Stamina:   ●●●○○   Appearance: ●●●○○   Wits:●●○○○

Specialties: Dexterity (Cat-like reflexes)

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●●●○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●○○○○
Athletics:   ●●○○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:●●○○○
Awareness:   ●○○○○   Drive: ●○○○○   Finance:●○○○○
Brawl:   ●●●○○   Etiquette: ○○○○○   Investigation:●●●○○
Empathy:   ●○○○○   Firearms: ●○○○○   Law:○○○○○
Expression:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ●○○○○   Medicine:●○○○○
Intimidation:   ●●●●○   Melee: ●●○○○   Occult:○○○○○
Leadership:   ○○○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Politics:○○○○○
Streetwise:   ●○○○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:○○○○○
Subterfuge:   ○○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:●●○○○

Specialties: Intimidation (Icy Stare)

Disciplines       Backgrounds       Virtues
Potence:   ●●○○○Allies: ●○○○○   Conscience:●●●○○
Celerity:   ●○○○○Contacts: ○○○○○   Self-Control:●●○○○
Presence   ○○○○○   Mentor (Nines): ●●●○○   Courage:●●●●●
      Resources: ●●○○○   
      Domain: ●●●●○   

Humanity:   ●●●●● ●○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ●○○○○   Blood Pool:10/10 (1 BP/turn)

Health: Uninjured

Merits & Flaws

- Common Sense (1)
- Daredevil (3)
- Bruiser (1)

- Unconvinced (1)
- Dark Secret (1)
- Masquerade Breaker (2)
- Vengeful (2)

Freebies & EXP

Freebies: Spent, went through chargen step by step with GM, points are good.

Personality: Nika talk shit. Nika fite. Nika smash. Nika crash. Nika protecc.

Backstory/History: Nikalette has a troubled past. Born to a single mother on the wrong side of LA. Where all the glitz and glamour was traded for gunshots and grit. Her mother had no idea who her father was and she never cared to really find out. Nikki, her mother, was (and probably still) is a severe drug user. She would do anything to get her next fix. There were always men in and out of their house along with drugs, alcohol, and many other dangers that a child should not be around. When she was eight, her mom got into a relationship with one of her dealers who became physically abusive. Nika had been unable to defend herself then but vowed that she would never be weak and helpless again.

Due to this, she was a difficult child. Rules were meant to be broken. Without ever having any real healthy authority in her life, she fought against anyone who tried to enforce it. She fought, drank, graffiti, thievery, and anything else that would show just how rebellious and unable to tamed or be controlled she was. She liked fighting it made her fill powerful in a life where she had felt powerless. So she did it. Often. If there was a way to act out - she would do so. It led her to have experienced some thrilling and also absolutely terrifying situations.

Somehow, she ended up graduating, she had various boyfriends and girlfriends throughout but her fear of commitment was obvious. It wasn’t until after graduation that she ended up with a meaningful relationship. It lasted about a year before she let the fear of trust and connection she was feeling get the best of her and she ended the relationship rather abruptly. Still if there was anyone she would call if she was in trouble, it would be Becca.

She now has a job as a bouncer, but still is as rebellious and obstinate as always. She picks fights, starts fights, and finishes fights and has a distrust of police officers and authority figures. She still harbors anger and severe resentment for her mother or anything to do with her for the various ways that woman fucked up her childhood.


Everyone should now have their final feedback PMs!
If you don't, PM me immediately.

Character submissions are now closed; I am accepting no new interest/sheets!

Within 48 hours I will have my final player selections posted and an OOC made.

Please note here if you would like to be considered
as an alternate player if you don't make it into the first round.
Alternates would (potentially) be asked to come aboard if I had a player drop.




I'd obviously prefer playing from start to finish but if that can't happen then I'm all for the "better late than never" approach so yeah, another willing alternate here should it come to that.


Definitely willing to go on the alternative list as well.

Orange Marmalade

What? Be SECOND CHOICE?! Never!

I mean, okay fine :) This concept is great, and I'd much rather be amazing and cool and picked first, but if not I think I'm in with the others that being an alternative is fine, too.

Because this is how we do it!


I have no problem going on the alternative list, if necessary.

Though obviously I would prefer to be picked first.  ;D


Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs
May you see through a million eyes.


Final Sheet. No extensive changes. Added some extra background about the two years Camille has spent in LA.

Camille Murphy

Name:    Camille MurphyPlayer: SilkenVenom
Clan:   TremereChronicle: Bloodlines
Nature:   JudgeHaven: TBD
Demeanor:   Visionary   Concept: FBI Profiler
Generation:   7th   EXP Spent: 0

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●○○○Charisma: ●●○○○   Perception:●●○○○
Dexterity:   ●●○○○Manipulation: ●●●○○   Intelligence:●●●●○
Stamina:   ●●○○○   Appearance: ●●●○○   Wits:●●●●○

Specialities: Intelligence (Logical), Wits (One Step Ahead)

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●○○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●●○○○
Athletics:   ●○○○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:●○○○○
Awareness:   ●○○○○   Drive: ●○○○○   Finance:●○○○○
Brawl:   ○○○○○   Etiquette: ●○○○○   Investigation:●●●○○
Empathy:   ●○○○○   Firearms: ●●●○○   Law:●○○○○
Expression:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ●○○○○   Medicine:○○○○○
Intimidation:   ●○○○○   Melee: ●○○○○   Occult:●●●○○
Leadership:   ○○○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Politics:●○○○○
Streetwise:   ○○○○○   Stealth: ●○○○○   Science:●○○○○
Subterfuge:   ○○○○○   Survival: ●○○○○   Technology:○○○○○

Backgrounds       Disciplines       Virtues
Generation:   ●●●●●Dominate: ●○○○○   Conscience:●●○○○
Domain:   ●●●●○Auspex: ●○○○○   Self-Control:●●●○○
Resources:   ●●○○○   Thaumaturgy (Path of Blood): ●●○○○   
Allies:   ●○○○○   Thaumaturgy (Lure of Flame): ●○○○○

Thaumaturgy Rituals

Level 1:
-Defense of the Sacred Haven

Humanity:   ●●●●● ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ●●●○○   Blood Pool:??/20 (4/turn max)

Health: Uninjured

Merits & Flaws

- Coldly Logical (1pt)
- Unconvinced (1pt)
- Vengeful (2pt) (Arturo Giovanni)
- Sleeping with the Enemy (3pt) (Damsel)

Freebie Points Spending

15 base points
+ 6 Flaws
- 3 for Willpower
- 14 for Thaumaturgy
- 2 for Resources
- 1 for Allies
- 1 for Merit

Personality Words:  Calculating. Studious. Cold. Knowledge-seeking


Camille was born in Marseille, France to an Irish businessman and a French model. They moved to the United States when she was very young where she grew up with a normal, if somewhat upper-middle class lifestyle. For the most part, Camille’s life was uneventful. She studied hard, participated in extra curricular activities, but always had a hard time making friends. And those she did make, she had difficulty maintaining them. She was harsh with the truth, which most people didn’t like, and many saw her as cold and uncaring. It wasn’t so much she didn’t care, just often had trouble expressing it. Her parents had always been strict with high expectations and she fought tooth and nail to meet them. Sometimes it meant stepping on some necks, even if she didn’t want to.

Her life’s path was chosen for her in high school when she found her mother murdered in their home. There was little evidence to the culprit and though her father was accused at first, he was eventually released. In the end, the police gave up. Camille felt that was unacceptable. She was determined to find the monster no matter what. Little did she know at the time just how accurate that description would turn out to be.

After graduating high school, she attended collage and studied criminal justice and psychology, wanting to betting understand her pray. She spent two years after graduation as an officer for the Baltimore Police before being accepted into the FBI and training at Quantico. As she went, she formed what connections she could and gaining access to her mother’s case. The trail led her through a web of organized crime, which she later discovered to be the motive. Her father had been involved with less than reputable people in order to keep his businesses afloat. When he couldn’t give them their cut, they made an example out of her mother as a warning. It turned out to be more complicated than just that; a string of similar murders drew her interest. Bodies drained of blood, but no apparent wounds. It sounded like something out of a novel. Camille had always been a bit eccentric, believing in aliens and ghosts, but her mind had a hard time processing it. And her superiors didn’t believe her, even going so far as sanctioning her for, in their eyes, a ridiculous idea. She would do it herself if they weren’t going to help her.

After years of investigation and hard work, the trail led her directly to her mother’s killer, a man who was supposed to have died 50 years ago, Arturo Giovanni. Her confrontation with him changed her life; vampire’s were real and they were even more frightening than the stories made them. She didn’t know what she was thinking, but tried to stop him anyway. It had proved to be a futile effort. Arturo mortally wounded her, taunting her, saying she wasn’t even worth feeding off. He left her on the ground for death. However, a friend she had made in her hunt had been watching. His name was Gregor and he did not let her go into the light. Instead, he took her from one world and into another.

She handled her transition into the Clan better than expected, though her Embrace outside the Pyramid, as it was called, caused problems. She wasn’t treated badly, but she could tell they weren’t exactly thrilled with the idea of having her around. Despite that, just like in life, she would work to earn their respect. The more she learned about the Tremere and the new life she had been brought into though, she started to see cracks in the glass. Questioning or trying to debate with her elders caused problems and they seemed unwilling to listen, even going so far as to threaten her. It would all amount to nothing when the blood bonds of all those at the Chantry were suddenly broken, sending the Clan members into a panic. Shortly after, the Chantry was attacked by a small force of the Sabbat accompanied by the Assamite, Vizers brought in to counteract the Tremere’s own magic. What started as a Sabbat plot turned into a massacre. Only Gregor and Camille survived, though not by chance or skill. Gregor had betrayed the Clan and used their destruction to in turn eliminate a portion of the local Sabbat and their allies. Gregor had grown tired of the politics, the backstabbing, the fear, the endless hatred. The only way he saw a way out was drastic measures. He ask one last favor of his childe; kill him and take his power; become better than he was. She refused at first, but he made a logical point she couldn’t argue with. The only way to protect herself was to kill the traitor.

She relented and granted his wish by diablerizing him. To this day, she hates him for making her do it. At the same time, it granted her some insight into his thought process.

Camille took what books and texts she could from the Chantry before setting it aflame, destroying whatever secrets the clan had left there to keep them out of the hands of those that shouldn’t have them. She traveled to Los Angeles in order to start over. Upon arriving, she turned the texts over to Strauss at the local Chantry as a sign of good faith. Though stuck in a similar position as before, being outside the Pyramid, she was unable to stay at the Chantry, though he does allow her to study there, with limited access. Maintaining a haven outside the Chantry has allowed her to interact more with the local Kindred, particularly the Anarchs, over the last two years including forming a close, intimate relationship with Damsel, a relationship she values highly considering it was not easy to gain her trust.


I have reviewed every sheet, and I have selected my final player roster.

The three reserve players--RedPhoenix, Amaris, and Rummy Tum Tum--were accepted as I mentioned they would be.

The five people joining them are:

* Khoraz
* Orange Marmalade
* Kayrax
* SilkenVenom
* Hades

This was horrendously tough for me, decision-wise, and I am sorry I couldn't take everyone. Everyone had a good sheet--very literally I was picking between 'excellent,' 'excellent,' and 'excellent.' <_<;

Khoraz, Orange Marmalade, Kayrax, SilkenVenom, and Hades, you will receive a PM from me shortly with some instructions and links!

Thank you everyone for your interest! This concludes the interest check!


Aw nuts.

Oh well, I hope those in the game have fun! Bly runs amazing games. <3