Poke` Girls! The RPG!

Started by setojurai, February 28, 2009, 03:55:11 PM

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I had an idea:

People are obviously going to want a more sex oriented kind of fight than the standard fireballs and thundershocks. So I was thinking about letting every poke'girl have the {Struggle} ability (Whatever that one is called when they run out of moves.)

But they didn't have to wait for any lack of moves (If you use PP) it's just for all attacks sexual. It does so much damage standard to every poke'girl. If the one being struggled uses struggle herself then the struggle breaks.

Get it?
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.



Quote from: setojurai on March 01, 2009, 08:16:47 PM
Wait... what?

I thought instead of coming up with all these sexually based attacks you just lump it under struggle. Get it now? If not forget I ever opened my mouth.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


LOL, oh, okay.  Well I wasn't thinking about having ATTACKS be sexual... unless it was incidental, like the "Flash" move or any other move that can be punned into being sexual in nature.


This concept seems very intriguing to me...  I imagine not all "Pokegirls" could be tamed or even captured solely through the use of sexual gratification.  Hell, some would probably just be rather pissed off by it...  Assuming there's still room (and that this is still going to happen), I'd be interested in participating at some point.