Sabrina's School for Special Students (Pokemon School)

Started by MelodyCake, November 16, 2019, 02:28:43 AM

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You can count her as accepted! x3
Both OOC and the IC is up =3 I'll work on adding her to the character rooster now, and in the meantime just catch up on the other characters and say hello in the OOC x3 We haven't gotten far in the IC either, so it should hopefully not be hard to just jump right in =3

Sabrina's School S4 (IC)
Sabrina's School S4 (OOC)

Anish Joshi

Don't Judge!! Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans!!
Discord : Indianboy#8135


Hey Anish!

We are still open, I just recomend having a look at the IC And the OOC/Information thread, it will give you a good idea of our current cast :)


Just noticed this. If this attempt gets actually started this time, I'd like to bring my Mismagius hybrid back!

Name: Hinawa Kagami
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 4'11" (1.5 meters)
Orientation: Bisexual
Parentage: Mismagius

Type: Ghost
- Poltergeist - A manifestation of the 'haunting' most ghost types can do, this power encompasses telekinesis, the ability to float, make lights flicker, and generally just be a nuisance - though that at least partially depends on what someone has left laying around. She isn't strong enough to lift anything but small objects. The red of Hinawa's eyes glows faintly when she uses any of these powers.
- Intangibility - By concentrating, Hinawa can use her inherent powers to phase through solid matter, even including other people if she so wishes. By making light pass through her, she can even turn invisible, though this can only be maintained for a few seconds at this point.
- Witch Incantation - By humming and singing a melody of chants nobody can understand, Hinawa can curse those that hear her incantation, causing them future or current torment. This can take many forms, from simple bad luck to creeping dread that can last for days, or even crippling panic attacks or mental anguish. By expending vastly more effort and time, she can also instead bless someone that hears her incantation, granting them incredible luck for a single thing they wish for.

What was life like prior to them arriving at S4?

Hinawa doesn't exactly know where she came from. As far as she can tell, she never had parents - either an orphan, or abandoned, she doesn't know and doesn't care anymore. For as long as she can remember, she has lived as an outsider in society, a freak, someone barely scraping by - because of her eyes. Entirely yellow sclera combined with bright red irises tend to stand out - especially when normally associated with ghost-type Pokémon. But with her abnormal eyes came abnormal powers as well. And when a child is constantly pushed away by everyone, such powers are quickly misused, so for as long as she can remember, Hinawa has been a thief, trouble-maker and general pain-in-the-ass for everyone she has ever met.
Bitter and crafty, it took quite some time for someone to catch onto her actions, hidden in the criminal underworld as she became. However, her minor powers weren't able to slip away for long when the authorities got wise to them and simply used some of their own ghost-type Pokémon to contain her, since handcuffs had the annoying habit of never staying on her if she didn't want them to be. However, she was given a choice because of this - either they'd find a way to contain her for quite a serious length of time for her constant stealing and causing more than one accident that resulted in injuries, or receive 'rehabilitation and education' at S4. So of course, the latter option was her choice.

How do they like to spend their free time? Hobbies? Interests?
Whenever she didn't spend her time bitterly throwing things at people's heads from the ceiling, Hinawa found an interest in many a morbid topic and form of entertainment, perhaps due to her ghostly heritage. Horror movies, novels, studying urban legends about everything haunted - those are her focus. However, she is not especially driven, but rather reactionary - she's just as happy just lazing a day away without doing anything much besides the absolute bare minimum. The last thing she had taken an interest in prior to getting herself shipped to S4 was abusing her powers a bit to peek in on absolutely everything she really shouldn't, from changing rooms to hidden electronic files. Though the former of those two were generally the more intriguing ones, and she certainly didn't discriminate against which ones she poked her head into. Sometimes literally, as is common when walls are more of a 'suggestion'.

What are a few things they dislike or just can’t stand?
'People' is the usual answer for Hinawa. She treats normal humans the same way she has been treated - with cold disgust and dislike, often outright hostility, and never with respect. Pokémon and other hybrids she is indifferent to and doesn't have an intense dislike to them. On a less serious side, she is not a fan of strong sunlight, can't swim (and hates being wet anyway) and is at least somewhat averse to being touched randomly, and may just phase through someone in response. She also has a supremely short fuse for anyone who doesn't just 'get to the point' - she's about as romantic as a brick wall as a result, and appreciates other people being as blunt - and unfiltered - as herself instead.

Does you character have any aspirations or goals they wish to achieve in life?
Hinawa is comparatively goal-less - she's at S4 because the alternative is worse, but sees little reason to change her behavior despite where it brought her. If nothing changes, she sees herself doing what she has always been doing - tormenting humans that tormented her, and take advantage of them at every turn to make her own life better. She doesn't think about the long-term, be it in planning or consequences.

Player Offs:

Player Maybes:

Player Ons:
-Nothing especially specific.



I can't risk you guys having a normal school life for your characters, after all. :p


Ha-HAH! As if school life would be normal with the folks we have here. xD

(And if it somehow is, I get the idea we'd somehow twist it til it wasn't)