[System] Changeling the Dreaming 20th Anniversary edition: Duchy of Storms

Started by Blythe, October 17, 2019, 01:54:28 AM

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This looks really exciting! I'm glad I wandered by.

I've always had a fondness for playing trolls, but with a knight and a squire already present, I'm not sure how to link up. Perhaps a man-at-arms / commoner retainer there to help the flighty and head-in-the-clouds noble-types? Given the way the other two (I could only see two sheets, but my eyes aren't exactly great), it looks as though someone with a more social / investigation-y bent might of use? A role that trolls excel at! Honest! Er. Maybe.


I know I've been a little quiet, but I am hoping to get folks some feedback soon on sheets. :)

(Muse, I should be able to help on that BBCode hopefully tonight. Tomorrow at the latest)

Quote from: Hawkwood on October 22, 2019, 07:09:50 PM
This looks really exciting! I'm glad I wandered by.

I've always had a fondness for playing trolls, but with a knight and a squire already present, I'm not sure how to link up. Perhaps a man-at-arms / commoner retainer there to help the flighty and head-in-the-clouds noble-types? Given the way the other two (I could only see two sheets, but my eyes aren't exactly great), it looks as though someone with a more social / investigation-y bent might of use? A role that trolls excel at! Honest! Er. Maybe.

Hello! Glad you've wandered by, too!

One thing I like to let folks know is that I want you play what you want to play. If a party ends up being deficient in some area of skills/tasks, I'll likely know that this means my players want a certain type of game and will try to adjust what quests I offer accordingly. :)


Understood. My concern with system-based games - as a GM or a player - is to try not to overshadow other players. The roles I tend to go for are:

Paladin / Knight - so in this case, a troll.
Spy / thief - ???
Bard / musketeer / swashbuckler - so perhaps an Autumn Sidhe

I'm hopeful that a friend of mine (even more of a CtD nut than I am) will want in on this as well.


Name:    Kuurin ap'ScathachPlayer: Hawkwood
Chronicle:   The Duchy of StormsMotley: ---
Court:   SeelieSeeming: Grump
Legacies:   Paladin / Beast   Kith: Troll
House:   Scathach   EXP Spent: 0 EXP

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●●●●●Charisma: ●●●●○   Perception:●●○○○
Dexterity:   ●●●○○Manipulation: ●●○○○   Intelligence:●●○○○
Stamina:   ●●●●○   Appearance: ●●○○○   Wits:●●●○○

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●●○○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics:●○○○○
Athletics:   ●●○○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:○○○○○
Brawl:   ●●●○   Drive: ●○○○○   Enigmas:○○○○○
Empathy:   ○○○○○   Etiquette: ●○○○○   Gremayre:○○○○○
Expression:   ●●○○○   Firearms: ●●○○○   Investigation:●○○○○
Intimidation:   ●○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Law:○○○○○
Kenning:   ○○○○○   Melee: ●●●●○   Medicine:●●○○○
Leadership:   ●●○○○   Performance: ○○○○○   Politics:○○○○○
Streetwise:   ●○○○○   Stealth: ●○○○○   Science:○○○○○
Subterfuge:   ●○○○○   Survival: ●○○○○   Technology:●○○○○

Backgrounds       Arts       Realms
Chimera:   ●●○○○Spring: ●●●○○   Actor:○○○○○
Resources:   ●●●●●? ? ?: ○○○○○   Fae:●●●●●
[Something]:   ●●●●○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Prop:○○○○○
? ? ?:   ○○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Scene:○○○○○
? ? ?:   ○○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Time:○○○○○

Glamour:   ●●●●● ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●● ○○○○○   Nightmare:○○○○○ ○○○○○Banality:●●●○○ ○○○○○

Titan’s Power — A troll grows most in power when they’re out fulfilling their duties. A troll gains an additional Bruised health level and dot of Strength when they take up their first oath, even if that takes the Trait above 5. Upon their second oath, the troll gains two extra dots of strength and two additional Bruised health levels (with a maximum total of nine health levels). See p. 264 for more on oaths
Bond of Duty


RealLevel Chimerical
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Hurt (-1)[ ]
[ ]Injured (-1)[ ]
[ ]Wounded (-2)[ ]
[ ]Mauled (-2)[ ]
[ ]Crippled (-5)[ ]
[ ]Incapacitated[ ]

Merits & Flaws

- Blessing of Atlas (5)
- Regenerate (7)
- WINGS! (4)

- Amnesia (2)
- Mystery Disadvantage (3)
- Surreal Quality (2)

Personality: A little about your character's outlook.

Appearance: Kuurin is built with the same rugged bulk as a tank, and the shape of his face means that he usually looks like he's scowling and grumpy. When he laughs or smiles, though, the weight is lifted and his grin is infectious. His skin is the colour of home; somewhere between chocolate and coffee, whilst his eyes are radiant gold. Framing his bulk like a feathery halo are a pair of grey-white wings, like those of a sea eagle. Clothing tends to be hard to find in his size, so he's left wearing baggy, ill-fitting clothes

His mortal seaming is more lean and toned than the muscular bulk of his dream-form. His hair is dark brown and cut short in the approved martial style.

History: He had always been a troubled child; not content with having an imaginary friend, he spoke of worlds full of magic and nonsense. At first, this creativity left his parents delighted – they hoped for an artist or a poet; but he didn’t grow out of this childishness. The medication and strict regime of the boarding school seemed to beat this silliness out of him, and by his mid-teens, he had settled down into a serious-minded young man. Rather than going on to university he left the pampered shelter of his family and ran away to join the military.

He managed 4 years before being medically discharged; the same psychiatric disorders that had plagued him as a child had resurfaced. His squad had been tasked with assisting an engineer to control some of the well-fires that had broken out, but they had arrived too late - the wells were ablaze and the engineer was trapped. In the soot-black cloud that hung over the land in choking darkness, Sebastian saw a dragon. Not a cloud that looked like a dragon, but rather a coiling, hissing serpent that turned towards him and scrutinised him in the same way that a scientist might look at microbes. The dragon considered the young soldier and then yawned and looked elsewhere, turning its attention back to the fire, mayhem, and pollution it was causing. Then, on the horizon was a spark of gold - moving faster than anything elephant-shaped had a right to! Shining like justice, the small but perfectly formed elephant charged into battle against the dragon, even though it was maybe a quarter the size of the giant shadow-dragon. Training took over, and he lifted his assault rifle to his shoulder and fired off a controlled burst at the dragon’s head and the bullets did nothing – passing through the dragon as if it were smoke.

And then something clicked inside his head.

He wasn’t Sergeant Sebastian MacQueen anymore. He was once more Kuurin ap’Scathach, the herald of hope and he had no need of a gun. The combat knife at his side became a shard of sunlight in the shape of a sword.

His squadmates found him drenched in waste-oil, cradling a stuffed elephant toy, laughing to himself. The civilian engineer he had saved had nothing but uncomprehending praise for her rescuer. The military doctors diagnosed him as suffering from PTSD, and – with great compassion and care – found him quieter places to serve, and then discharged him. His parents think that he has spent the last year travelling, trying to heal himself. He has instead been fighting dragons.


Sotaba is an unlikely avatar of the virtue of courage. His mortal seeming is that of a stuffed elephant; much loved and a little threadbare. The young Sebastian was inseparable from it, and the two saw many adventures. But as Sebastian grew more reckless, more Unseelie, he grew apart from the brave little elephant, and at some point, the two parted ways. Since returning to his fae-self, Kuurin is determined to find his former companion, no matter the cost.

Music: [1  [2]   [3]  [4]

Personality: Kuu spends a lot of his time scowling. Or rather, a smile sits awkwardly on his craggy face in both seemings. But he's the kind of person who makes silly faces at babies on busses when he thinks people aren't looking, stops to pet every cat, and always has time to help. Helping might mean shopping for someone who can't, painting a house, or beating up a dragon.


hi ho there.

you should make him a knight. 

My knight is pretty atypical.  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Life is a hard game but the rewards are sweet if you know where to look.


As a note, I have begun reviewing sheets! (Muse, I should have the main BBCode done for yours done now; let me know if you ran into any issues with my sending you the coding)

In 24 hours, I will close the game to new interest in favor of reviewing what sheets I have & helping folks finish sheets as needed. If anyone was thinking of throwing their hat into the ring, now is the time. Anyone who has posted in the check thus far, whether you submitted a sheet or not yet, your interest is noted and you may still submit a sheet if you have not!:)

Current Interested List

- TheLaughingOne
- Marie Reynolds
- Muse
- HairyHeretic
- avorae
- Hawkwood


Name:    Karina Knightly   Player: Avorae
Chronicle:   The Duchy of StormsMotley: ---
Court:   SeelieSeeming: Wilder
Legacies:   Paladin / Pandora   Kith: Autumn Sidhe
House:   Beaumayn   EXP Spent: 0 / 0 EXP

Physical       Social       Mental
Strength:   ●●○○○Charisma: ●●●○○   Perception: ●●●●●(Intuitive)
Dexterity:    ●●●●●(Preternatural Grace)Manipulation: ●○○○○   Intelligence:●○○○○
Stamina:   ●●●○○   Appearance: ●●●●●●(Exotic)   Wits:●○○○○

Talents       Skills       Knowledges
Alertness:   ●●●○○Animal Ken: ○○○○○   Academics: Music●○○○○
Athletics:   ●●●○○Crafts: ○○○○○   Computer:○○○○○
Brawl:   ●○○○○   Drive: ●○○○○   Enigmas:●○○○○
Empathy:   ●○○○○   Etiquette: ●●○○○   Gremayre:●●●○○
Expression:   ●○○○○   Firearms: ○○○○○   Investigation:○○○○○
Intimidation:   ○○○○○   Larceny: ○○○○○   Law:○○○○○
Kenning:   ●●●○○   Melee: ●●●●○(Improvised Weapons)   Medicine:○○○○○
Leadership:   ○○○○○   Performance: Sing ●●●○○   Politics:○○○○○
Streetwise:   ○○○○○   Stealth: ○○○○○   Science:○○○○○
Subterfuge:   ●○○○○   Survival: ○○○○○   Technology:○○○○○

Backgrounds       Arts       Realms
Chimera: Miniature Dragon   ●●●○○Dragons Ire ●●○○○   Actor:●●○○○
Chimera: Armored Gown  (As Fae Mail)   ●●●○○Wayfare ●○○○○   Fae:●●●○○
Chimera: Sword   ●●○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Prop:○○○○○
Contacts   ●○○○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Scene:○○○○○
Resources: Trust Fund   ●●●○○   ? ? ?: ○○○○○   Time:○○○○○
Title: Knight                                              ●●○○○
Treasure: Quickchange Brooch               ●○○○○ 

Glamour:   ●●●●● ○○○○○Willpower: ●●●●○ ○○○○○   Nightmare:○○○○○ ○○○○○Banality:●●●○○ ○○○○○

Unearthly Beauty
Sidhe stand out in a crowd due to their beauty and regal bearing. Sidhe receive two additional dots of Appearance, even if this brings that rating above 5. When they invoke the Wyrd (p. 259), this beauty becomes overpowering. If a sidhe invokes the Wyrd in the presence of a character, the player must roll Willpower (difficulty 8). If that roll fails, the character can only stare in awestruck wonder at the sidhe for one turn for each dot of the sidhe’s Appearance.

Noble Bearing
Sidhe carry a quiet dignity at all times. Cantrips designed to humiliate them or make them look foolish automatically fail (that does not prevent cantrips from harming them, of course, they just don’t lose their poise when it happens). Sidhe cannot botch Etiquette or Politics rolls.

Autumn sidhe are better with mortals than their Arcadian cousins, but that carries problems of its own. Any time an Autumn sidhe successfully enchants or even meaningfully interacts with a mortal (successful use of Intimidation, Expression, Leadership, etc.), the Storyteller should roll the mortal’s Willpower against a difficulty of the sidhe’s Glamour rating. Failure means that the mortal takes an extra interest in the sidhe, which can manifest as anything from persistently offering favors or discounts to asking personal questions or sharing unwelcome confidences, or even asking for pictures or autographs. It also means the mortal has no trouble remembering every word and detail of the interaction, which can be a problem for sidhe trying to remain inconspicuous. A botch on the roll indicates the mortal either develops an unhealthy fascination with the sidhe in the case of a positive interaction, or an obsessive hatred in response to a negative one.

House Boon
   Dark Stars have uncanny senses, particularly when it comes to the nuances of the enchanted world. Beaumayn receive a free dot of Perception, even if it takes them above 5. In addition, they receive –1 to the difficulty of Kenning rolls, –2 if they involve Thallain, and cannot botch a Kenning roll.
   Additionally, once per story the Storyteller may decree that a Beaumayn receives a prophetic vision or dream. The exact nature of these prophecies varies, but as the house’s reputation suggests they typically focus on dark or disturbing events— deaths, betrayals, disasters, and so on. While they can be symbolic or represent multiple possible outcomes, these visions are never outright deceptive, and always contain some useful information. Interpreting these dreams for maximum benefit requires an Intelligence + Enigmas roll, with a difficulty equal to 9 minus the Beaumayn’s Remembrance rating.

House Flaw
   It’s said that the abyss gazes back if you stare into it too long, and House Beaumayn is living proof. Thallain and members of the Shadow Court can sense the presence of members of House Beaumayn with a Perception + Kenning roll (difficulty 7), with success indicating that they are aware of the noble’s presence. This will not reveal the exact location of a hidden Beaumayn, though it could definitely prompt a search. Unless given compelling and immediate reasons otherwise, Thallain and Shadow Court members instinctively go out of their way to harass, torment, and even outright harm Beaumayn members whenever possible. As a rule of thumb, this animosity should come up at least once per story, if not more often.


RealLevel Chimerical
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Hurt (-1)[ ]
[ ]Injured (-1)[ ]
[ ]Wounded (-2)[ ]
[ ]Mauled (-2)[ ]
[ ]Crippled (-5)[ ]
[ ]Incapacitated[ ]

Merits & Flaws

(2) Danger Sense
You have a sixth sense warning you of danger. When in danger, the Storyteller will make a roll against your Perception + Alertness; the difficulty depends on the remoteness of the danger. If the roll succeeds, the Storyteller will say you have a sense of foreboding. Multiple successes may refine the feeling and give an indication of direction, distance, or nature.

(2) Night-sight
Night blinds many eyes, but not yours. Regardless of the lighting conditions, your eyes adjust automatically, so you can see equally well at high noon, midnight, or entering pitch darkness. The adjustment is instantaneous, so if you are standing in a dark room and someone lights a candle, you’re not blinded.

(2) Sex Appeal
You put it down to your looks and charm, but the dark truth is you have a dangerous, and perhaps unconscious, level of control over your pheromones. Your sexiness and sensuality attracts lovers to you like moths to a flame. You are the irresistible center of attention at any gathering. All rolls where sexual attraction matters have the difficulty reduced by three. This Merit cannot be used to seduce someone lacking a baseline of sexual attraction to the character.

(2) Voice of the Songbird
The satyrs say your voice could charm apples from the trees. You have perfect pitch and can sing a cappella without missing a single note or going off key. Even when only speaking, your voice has a seductive quality that attracts people to you. Whenever you make a roll that involves inspirational speaking or singing, you are at a –2 difficulty.

(3) Absent Minded
Though you do not forget such things as Knowledge or Skills, you do forget things such as names, addresses, and the last time you gained Glamour. In order to remember anything more than your own name and the location of your freehold, you need to make a Wits roll or, as a last resort, spend a Willpower point. This Flaw may not be taken with the Merit Concentration.

(1) Bard's Tongue
You speak the truth, uncannily so. Things you say tend to come true. This is not a facility for blessing or cursing, or an effect that can be ruled by any conscious control. At least once per story, an uncomfortable truth regarding any current situation will appear in your head and through your lips. To avoid speaking prophecy, you must expend a Willpower point and take a Health Level (bashing) from the strain of resisting.

(2) Bizarre Quality
Mortals find something about you disturbingly fascinating. At inappropriate times, mortals stare at you and strike up conversations in the hopes of getting to know you better. Worse still, mortals of a less savory nature will choose you over other potential targets for their illicit activities.

Quickchange Brooch (Metamorphosis 1)
This brooch allows the changeling to change her features into some plausible alternatives. She could change from a woman into a man, a redhead into a brunette, make herself short or tall, or her skin tone black or white. She could even make herself look like a different Kith. The only restriction on this metamorphosis is that the changeling must change it into an alternative feature that she might reasonably possess.

Personality: A little about your character's outlook.

History: A little info about your characters' past. At least a couple of paragraphs, please?


Physical       Mental       
Strength:   ●●○○○Perception: ●●●○○   
Dexterity:   ●●●●●Intelligence: ●●○○○   
Stamina:   ●●●○○   Wits: ●●●○○   

Alertness:   ●●●○○
Athletics:   ●●●○○
Brawl:   ●●●○○
Survival:   ●●●○○
Empathy:   ●●●○○
Larceny:   ●●●○○
Stealth:   ●●●●○

Willpower: ●●●●○ ○○○○○
●●●●○ ○○○○○

RealLevel Chimerical
[ ]Bruised[ ]
[ ]Hurt (-1)[ ]
[ ]Injured (-1)[ ]
[ ]Wounded (-2)[ ]
[ ]Mauled (-2)[ ]
[ ]Crippled (-5)[ ]
[ ]Incapacitated[ ]

Attack: Bite for 3 dice plus Sleep Venom

Redes: Flight, Enchant, Venom (Sleep)
Life is a hard game but the rewards are sweet if you know where to look.


Cuddlegrim is currently going through the approval process and very much wants to join


If someone unapproved were to be approved & if I had not yet gotten the IC threads done to start the game (nowhere near that, for the record!), I would take into account that the app process might've hindered prompt posting in the interest check (hey, it happens, we were all new once!), and I will allow them to still express interest & make a sheet should they be approved. I am generally quite willing to accommodate new members. :)

Marie Reynolds

In your coding how do  you  want the background entered cause like other thing s  i see no dot bubbles anywhere for them.


Quote from: Marie Reynolds on October 26, 2019, 07:53:16 AM
In your coding how do  you  want the background entered cause like other thing s  i see no dot bubbles anywhere for them.

There is a spot for it--if you notice the sheet there's a red 'backgrounds' area. There's sections of question marks with empty dots in some table coding. (I had to set it up that way because there were too many potential Backgrounds to list them all directly on a BBCode sheet easily, so I decided to set up the sheet where the names of them could be put in by the player)



Quote from: Hawkwood on October 26, 2019, 04:51:58 PM
I wasn't sure how to enter specialties on the sheet.

You can put them in a parenthesis after the dot value. :)


Alrighty, final call on sheets; the past few days went a bit rough for me, so I wasn't able to evaluate sheets when I wished to. But hopefully that gave some folks time to finish up as needed. :)

(Note: please use the BBCode version; I do not accept Google docs. Those are generally seen as outside contact info, and this is a publicly visible board, so I'd rather those not be used. If you're having any trouble or need assistance finishing the sheet, boop me and I can help. If you did already boop me and I didn't answer, it is officially okay to start poking the blazes out of me!)


Hope things have improved for you.

My sheet's final-ish. I'm still struggling to think of specialism. Can I leave them blank for the time being?


Quote from: Hawkwood on October 30, 2019, 10:06:31 AM
My sheet's final-ish. I'm still struggling to think of specialism. Can I leave them blank for the time being?

I would allow that, yes. I'd be willing to let you decide them in game play!


Alrighty folks, I have PMed those I'm taking in the game and approved sheets; sorry about all the delays! So this check is now closed! Approved players will also receive a link to the OOC somewhat shortly.