Game of Thrones Beyond the Dragon -Recruiting

Started by sweets, August 21, 2019, 08:43:02 PM

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Quote from: Aiden on January 18, 2021, 03:19:03 PM
We need more eligible bachelors for the very strong female paramount in this game.

Give us your second born sons.

Very true. ;D


Okay hat tossed into the ring, so to speak.


Very happy to have you.

We are still looking for more to join.



We are are still welcoming new characters.  Feel free to ask any questions.


Himawari’s Fields of Ideas



I am interested in this thing.

It seems like there is no prince of poor, beleaguered, Dragonstone? 

If that is true, I'd be interested in making a Targaryen who was something like Jaeharys' first or second cousin, from the line of Shiera Seastar.  She grew up abroad, in Lys (second generation). She FINALLY received news of the demise of her entire extended family and most of the population of her fabled homeland as well as notification of her new Status of Princess of Dragonstone.  She comes to the capital willing to do anything to help her island home recover; and even has aspirations to become a Power in the area. 

I was thinking a small council position, as that would put her in a position of power far beyond what the rest of the nobles would assume her abilities lie.  Like maybe Hand or Lady Commander of the Queensguard, or Mistress of Whispers


Shiera Seastar is taken as a root by me. But I don’t think anyone is using House Velaryon. There’s no one with a character that closely related to Daenerys as her son(Prince) or a Princess as a point of this version of the story as I recall since the next ruler will be chosen or elected. Not a GM but happy to help w/ connections! Wee, more people.  8-)

-excited wave-


I'm still interested, but I'm completely stumped on ideas.


Quote from: CyrodilicBrandy on February 17, 2021, 01:04:53 PM
I'm still interested, but I'm completely stumped on ideas.

My Lannister Warden could always use a banner man...or woman!


Quote from: Haloriel on February 17, 2021, 08:14:27 AM
Shiera Seastar is taken as a root by me. But I don’t think anyone is using House Velaryon. There’s no one with a character that closely related to Daenerys as her son(Prince) or a Princess as a point of this version of the story as I recall since the next ruler will be chosen or elected. Not a GM but happy to help w/ connections! Wee, more people.  8-)

-excited wave-

That’s no problem, I have a few more ideas to work out then, but I’ll make sure to read everything a bit closer this time, lol.


<3 <3 S’ok it happens! Excited to see your fun concept!  :-)


Himawari’s Fields of Ideas


Quote from: CyrodilicBrandy on February 17, 2021, 01:04:53 PM
I'm still interested, but I'm completely stumped on ideas.

Plenty of Houses still Open. Could use more from Dorne, I think we are currently down to just one House there controlled by Sweets.


I will see if I can come up with something interesting for this. I’m open to ideas for what/who to play and and character connections.


Also interested, but still need to read on the game's history and other characters to lay out a more throughout background for my planned character and their motivations

Onyx Trant

Character:  Onyx Trant

Alias:  "The YiTish", "The Half-breed", "The Hangman" (he hates all those nicknames and it will just anger him if he is called any of them)

Age:  25

Position:  Lord of Gallowsgrey, Head of House Trant

Allegiance:  House Baratheon

Appearance:  Despite being mixed-race, Onyx's features are more YiTish in appearence than Westerosi. He notably has partial epicanthic folds, black hair and much less body hair than his Westerosi father in comparison. To compensate for his lack of Westerosi looks, which is something he is self-conscious about, he grows his facial hair and maintains a mustache and chin beard. His gentle dark brown eyes usually seem preoccupied with something, as he often appears lost in his thoughts. He stands 5'11" (1.80m) tall and weighs 157 lbs (71 kg), with an athletic but not too muscular body, toned for endurance and combat rather than explosive brute strength.

Face Claim:  Remy Hii

Personality:  Onyx used to be ambitious and an aggressive fighter in his youth, and loved hunting and tourneys. An adventurous soul, he loves exploring new things and traveling, something his father allowed as he had done the same in his youth. His fantastic horsemanship gave him the opportunity to travel across Westeros and beyond, though he avoided sea travel as much as possible. However, having shed blood himself and witness so much violence during his adventures made Onyx develop a hatred of fighting and violence. He still fights and kills but reluctantly and only as a last resort, becoming hesitant and stressed about it all, which made his otherwise great swordsmanship suffer.

He is only loyal to his family and liege, but does not share his father's calm and collected personality. He is amiable and not cunning whatsoever, showing no real interest in improving House Trant's status within the realm. His father's recent death deeply affected him, making him melancholic and overprotective of his sister and mother. He also feels pressure about having to improve his father's legacy.

Motivations:  Onyx aims to find a spouse in King's Landing and establish good relations with ladies and lords of the Seven Kingdoms.

History: The grandson of Lord Edmund Trant and Lady Annabelle, Onyx is the eldest child of the recently deceased Lord Darrin Trant. His father was born and raised in Gallowsgrey, in the Stormlands, which has been the seat of House Trant for centuries. Ulrich Trant, Darrin's older brother, was supposed to inherit Gallowsgrey, which forced Darrin to seek other opportunities as the second son, deciding to travel to Essos and see the world for himself when he turned 16. After living off as a sell-sword for a several years in the Free Cities and throughout Essos, Darrin ended up in Yi Ti on his way back to Volantis from a journey to Asshai. In Yi Ti, he met Shufen, the daughter of a son-less Yitish farmer. They fell in love, and her father agreed to marry her to him as a gesture of gratitude after Darrin helped out protect his lands from bandits. Onyx was born a few years later, as Darrin embraced the quiet but steady life of a farmer in Yi Ti. Their tranquility wouldn't last for a long time, however.

After a war in Yi Ti decimated the countryside and resulted in Darrin losing an eye, the young family sailed to Westeros to find a better life. Upon Darrin's return, he realized that his brother had been killed in a shipwreck and his younger sister Shella had become the head of the House, while his father on his deathbed due to an illness. Gallowsgrey had been left in a dire state, plagued by debt and poor management since his brother had passed. His father died a few months after Darrin's return, and Shella promptly gave Darrin the title of Lord of Gallowsgrey before marrying a lord in the Riverlands, leaving it up to him to deal with the mess. Through agrarian reforms inspired by practices in Yi Ti, Darrin fixed his domain's economy and the people welcomed him and his new wife, despite her foreign roots. Onyx's sister Elenei was born not long after their arrival in Westeros.

After several years of good management, Onyx's father grew a considerable reputation within the Stormlands. He raised his children in a mixture of Westerosi and Yitish ways with the help of competent maesters and masters-at-arms. The two Trant children were almost always together, learning and training from the same teachers simultaneously. Onyx was naturally gifted, excelling in horse riding and sword fighting, but was not as clever when it came to other subjects. His father nevertheless insisted on teaching him proper administrative principles throughout his childhood, grooming him to succeed him as his heir. Becoming a squire in his early teens in Blackhaven, where he met Macgowan Baratheon, Onyx furthered his training as a knight by serving under Lord Loras Tyrell. Upon reaching adulthood, Onyx followed in the footsteps of his father before him and went on adventures across the known world. He soon realized however that seafaring was not his cup of tea, suffering from crippling seasickness very easily, causing him to travel by land more often than not.

Onyx travelled across Westeros, going as far north as the ruins of the Wall at Castle Black, as far west as Casterly Rock and as far south as Sunspear in Dorne. Crossing the Narrow Sea, he settled for a time in Myr before wandering through the Rhoyne Valley all the way south to Volantis. From there he went east along the Demon Road towards Qarth with the hope of reaching his mother's homeland, Yi Ti, and beyond all the way to Asshai. However, he would never reach Qarth, his eastward journey ending at Kosrak where he witnessed unspoken atrocities. He survived and secured his return west in Mereen, from where he sailed all the way to Storm's End. The sea travel almost killed him as he spent the whole trip sick and miserable, feeding off ginger and licorice roots to alleviate his condition.

Upon his return to Gallowsgrey, the now wiser and humble Onyx realized how much he had missed his family after being away for so many years during his teenage years. He barely recognized his own sister who, despite being a few years apart from him, had fully entered adulthood. Their reunion was awkward at first but they soon reconnected thanks to circumstances and family bonds. Most nights they would stay up very late and share stories, as Elenei was fascinated by his adventures while Onyx was interested in knowing what he had missed while he was away from home. As Elenei kept sneaking into his bed to hear his stories, what initially started as a gentle cuddle turned out to be more intimate as nights went on, both painfully aware of the magnetic pull they had on each other. It troubled Onyx who felt guilt and uneasiness, mostly afraid of their parents finding out.

Meanwhile, their father had grown increasingly frustrated at not finding a good match for his daughter, but was more hopeful for his son, as his requirements were less extensive. After a frank discussion, the two came to an agreement: his bride-to-be must be a nobleborn woman around his age who comes from a family of equal or higher prestige; a matrilineal marriage was also out of the question, even to a major house. However, many months passed and despite negotiations with a family in the Reach, Onyx remained a bachelor.

Things did not alleviate his stress and mood, as his father suddenly became sick. For Onyx, his father was a role model and infallible hero. His world thus crumbled when Darrin died a little over a month ago, turning him overnight into a Lord and the Head of House Trant. With so much responsibility falling over his shoulders, Onyx had little time to grieve his deceased father and had to keep face as a Lord. With pressure piling over him by his mother to marry and produce a heir, Onyx left Gallowsgrey under his mother's care and rode north to King's Landing to attend the Great Council. This was a perfect opportunity to find a wife and establish good relationships with lords and ladies across the Seven Kingdoms. However, an unknown variable came in as his sister joined him on his trip to the capital, having caved in to her begging at the condition that she never wanders off alone.

Sexual Identity:  Heterosexual

Rumors and Gossip: 

  • Darrin is not his actual father - False, he is his actual father
  • He is really just a bastard - False, he is noble-born even if his mom is a former peasant
  • There's something going on between him and his sister - True, they have a secret relationship (that would only be a rumor in Gallowsgrey)
  • He can't handle a drink - True, he is a lightweight
  • He is faithless - True, like his father he was not raised to believe in the Gods
  • He is a good singer - True, he likes to sing songs he composes himself

Strengths and Key Skills: 

  • Fantastic horseman
  • Great swordsman
  • Humble
  • Loyal
  • Good singer
  • Ruthless when it comes to those who wronged him and criminals to hang

Flaws and Weaknesses: 

  • His sister
  • Deep down hates fighting and shedding blood
  • Not cunning and has no political acumen
  • Is a lightweight drinker
  • Gets seasick easily
  • Melancholic since his father's passing

Character Likes and On's:  Horse riding, adventures, honest people, animals, someone he can confide to, confident people; writer's O&Os in signature

Character Dislikes and Off's:  Being used, torture, rapists, disrespectful people, bloodthirsty people, extravagances, subservient people; writer's O&Os in signature

- Shufen Trant (mother, 44): Lady of Gallowsgrey, former Yitish farmer.
- Darrin Trant (father, recently deceased): Lord of Gallowsgrey.
- Elenei Trant (sister, 21): Secret lover.

- Loras Tyrell: Warden of the South; Onyx was made a knight by him and served under him for a time during his late teenage years.


- Lyanna Stark: Warden of the North; Onyx met her briefly when he stayed at Winterfell on his way to the Wall's ruins and back south to pay his respects.
- Nymeria Martell: Princess of Dorne; Onyx met her briefly when he stayed at Sunspear on his way to cross the Narrow Sea to Essos to pay his respects.
- Alysanne Tyrell: The Flower of Highgarden; Onyx knows her from his time as a knight under her father.
- Serena Lannister: Warden of the Westerlands; Onyx met her briefly when he stayed at Casterly Rock during his travels across Westeros to pay his respects.
- Khalilah Yronwood Allyrion: The Bloodroyal; Onyx knows her since childhood, their respective Houses' seats not far from each other geographically (Gallowsgrey is generally assumed to be located between Summerhall and Blackhaven).

- Darna Farwynd: Lady of the Lonely Light and Sealskin Point; seafearer, could have met if she sailed in Slaver's Bay when he was there.
- Wynn Manderly: The Merling; they might have met while Onyx was in the North.
- Shiera Blackwood: Lady of the Lake; they might have met while Onyx was in the Riverlands.
- Kallias Blackwood: Lord blackwood; they might have met while Onyx was in the Riverlands or in Essos.
- Jeroh Mormont: Lord of Bear Island; they might have met while Onyx was in the North.

Special Notes:  Looking for childhood/teenage years connections (ie people het met while a squire in Blackhaven and young knight in Highgarden) and travelling connections (ie people het met while travelling across Westeros and Essos).

Additional Pictures:

Is gonna be looking for a spouse in King's Landing;
Perhaps could be put into a position of responsibility against his will;

Open to ideas as well


Quote from: Heartsink on February 18, 2021, 02:48:05 AM
Also interested, but still need to read on the game's history and other characters to lay out a more throughout background for my planned character and their motivations

Onyx Trant

Character:  Onyx Trant

Alias:  "The YiTish", "The Half-breed", "The Hangman" (he hates all those nicknames and it will just anger him if he is called any of them)

Age:  25

Position:  Lord of Gallowsgrey, Head of House Trant

Allegiance:  House Baratheon

Appearance:  Despite being mixed-race, Onyx's features are more YiTish in appearence than Westerosi. He notably has partial epicanthic folds, black hair and much less body hair than his Westerosi father in comparison. To compensate for his lack of Westerosi looks, which is something he is self-conscious about, he grows his facial hair and maintains a mustache and chin beard. His gentle dark brown eyes usually seem preoccupied with something, as he often appears lost in his thoughts. He stands 5'11" (1.80m) tall and weighs 157 lbs (71 kg), with an athletic but not too muscular body, toned for endurance and combat rather than explosive brute strength.

Face Claim:  Remy Hii

Personality:  Onyx used to be ambitious and an aggressive fighter in his youth, and loved hunting and tourneys. An adventurous soul, he loves exploring new things and traveling, something his father allowed as he had done the same in his youth. His fantastic horsemanship gave him the opportunity to travel across Westeros and beyond, though he avoided sea travel as much as possible. However, having shed blood himself and witness so much violence during his adventures made Onyx develop a hatred of fighting and violence. He still fights and kills but reluctantly and only as a last resort, becoming hesitant and stressed about it all, which made his otherwise great swordsmanship suffer.

He is only loyal to his family and liege, but does not share his father's calm and collected personality. He is amiable and not cunning whatsoever, showing no real interest in improving House Trant's status within the realm. His father's recent death deeply affected him, making him melancholic and overprotective of his sister and mother. He also feels pressure about having to improve his father's legacy.

Motivations:  U/C

History:  Eldest child of Darrin Trant and Shufen Trant, Onyx was born in Yi Ti but grew up mostly in Westeros, escaping a war in his mother's homeland. He is of mixed Westerosi and Yitish descent as is his little sister Elenei, four years his junior. He received a good education, and knows how to farm and take care of a domain. He was raised in a very typical Trant fashion, learning how to hang, ride and fight, in that order.


Sexual Identity:  Heterosexual

Rumors and Gossip: 

  • Darrin is not his actual father - False, he is his actual father
  • He is really just a bastard - False, he is noble-born even if his mom is a former peasant
  • He can't handle a drink - True, he is a lightweight
  • He is faithless - True, like his father he was not raised to believe in the Gods

Strengths and Key Skills: 

  • Fantastic horseman
  • Great swordsman
  • Humble
  • Loyal
  • Ruthless when it comes to those who wronged him and criminals to hang

Flaws and Weaknesses: 

  • Deep down hates fighting and shedding blood
  • Not cunning and has no political acumen
  • Is a lightweight drinker
  • Gets seasick easily
  • Melancholic since his father's passing

Character Likes and On's:  Horse riding, adventures, honest people, animals, someone he can confide to, confident people; writer's in O&Os in signature

Character Dislikes and Off's:  Being used, torture, rapists, disrespectful people, bloodthirsty people, extravagances, subservient people; writer's in O&Os in signature

- Shufen Trant (mother, 44): Lady of Gallowsgrey, former Yitish farmer.
- Darrin Trant (father, recently deceased): Lord of Gallowsgrey.
- Elenei Trant (sister, 21): Can be a playable character if anyone's interested.

Special Notes:  U/C

Additional Pictures:

Would likely be looking for a spouse;
Perhaps could be put into a position of responsibility against his will;
Trying to avoid it but I haven't figured out the cause of his father's death, so the cliché "who killed my father?" plot could be a thing I guess;

Open to ideas as well

Himawari’s Fields of Ideas


For those looking for ideas a good bit of advice is to stick with noble characters. They tend to be a little bit easier to make connections with.

If you have a favored region of Westeros based on that there is very likely connections to be made as we have characters pretty spread out.

We have a few Ironborn at this point, but will not turn someone away if they want to play one.



Himawari’s Fields of Ideas


Quote from: Heartsink on February 20, 2021, 01:22:55 AM
Is every character on the character thread active?

I believe everyone on the list is. Though we haven’t seen much of Elmo Volmark or Ashton Long in a while. Other than that...yes!


I am interested, with a character in mind! Is it too late to get involved with the story?


Quote from: stargazer on February 20, 2021, 08:46:49 PM
I am interested, with a character in mind! Is it too late to get involved with the story?

Come on in, the waters fine!!!!

Also, don’t hesitate to PM players with connection ideas. We are a social bunch!


WIP 2.1
Elenei Trant

Character:  Elenei Trant

Alias:  Little Flower (called by her brother)

Age:  21

Position:  Lady of Gallowsgrey, Lady of House Trant

Allegiance: House Trant

Appearance:  The youngest daughter inherited most of her mother's good looks. Like all her siblings, she has long straight dark brown (almost black) hair. She has the kindest and softest brown eyes. They are constantly filled with some sort of longing. A longing of adventure and companionship. She has a slender and lithe frame as compared to other Westerosi ladies. She is 1.6m tall, weighing at 56kg. She would wear clothes with softer colours that are not so bright and to honor her mother, she would wear more Yitish styled clothes.

Face Claim: Dilraba Dilmurat

Personality:  Apart from the looks, she too inherited most of her mother's personality as well. Ultimately gentle, kind and caring by nature but rough around the edges after being giving a tad too much freedom at home. Not as tactful as one expects her to be as she does tend to speak her mind often. Strong-willed and when it comes to fulfilling her duties to her house and to her brother, she would always come through.

Motivations:  Supporting her brother just as he had supported her. To see the world outside and explore it before she gets tied by a marriage. To marry the man her brother chose for her.

History:  Her entire life was spent in Westeros. She is the daughter to the Lady Shufen Trant and the late Lord Darrin Trant. She is currently the youngest in the House of Trant and the most pampered. Unlike her elder brother, Onyx, she spent her entire childhood and adulthood in Westeros and to be more specific Gallowsgrey. Being unwed and still not betrothed to anyone, she was only allowed to go horseback riding with an escort or a guard. She was not allowed to be left alone in public and was not allowed to venture further than the town's center.

Even when events and celebrations were held in the main hall of their home, she was rarely invited to participate in them. Invited guests only caught a glimpse of the mysterious Darrin Trant's daughter. But those that did actually seen (for less than mere minutes) her praised her beauty. She was very young when she had received her request of a match. However her father refused all the matches that came and announced that as long as he was alive that she was not to be engaged to anyone. He wanted to keep her innocence as long as he could. Most of the men that came to ask for her hand were men her father deemed unworthy with shady bloodlines. He wanted her to marry into the best house. However, her father did not have the right connections to the "best house" either. Darrin was not a man who has friendly ties not only due to his looks but also due to his occasional eccentric behaviours.

Ever since Onyx left home and begun his journey, Elenei always felt alone. They were inseperable as children as they trained and played together. Horseback riding was one of the many ways she got over her loneliness. The happiest day was when he returned back home. He had changed. He was not the skinny twig of a teenager she once knew. He was a full grown man including the deep voice and everything. Upon his return, she stuck to him like bees to honey. Every night when everyone else is asleep she would climb into his bed to have him tell her one of his tales of his far off adventures. It was the only way she could picture the lands, the people and know that was more than what little she knew about the world.

However, Darrin passed away not long after her brother's return home. It was very unfortunate and somewhat strange as well. It was a pretty sudden death. Saddened by the news of their father's sudden demise, both siblings sought comfort in each other behind closed doors. Not even their mother knew about it. After another month of mourning, her brother left for King's Landing in search of a wife. Wanting an adventure of her own, she begged him to take her with him and now travels with him to the capital with the promise that she would stay out of sight as much as she could.

Sexual Identity: Hetrosexual

Rumors and Gossip:

  • She's an illegitimate daughter of Darrin.
  • She and her brother are in a secret relationship.
  • She is actually a witch with magical seduction powers due to her beauty.
  • She is a strange strange girl.

Strengths and Key Skills:

  • Trained to wield a sword and bow and arrow.
  • Skilled at horse riding.
  • A tad bit too attractive (many men wants her to be their wife or would leave their wife for her).
  • An optimist.
  • A great listener.

Flaws and Weaknesses:

  • Naïve. Spent most of her life behind the walls of her home. She has not seen the outside world much.
  • Clingy to her older brother. Not as independent as she would like to be.
  • Too soft spoken that sometimes no one listens to her as much as she wants someone to.
  • Unbetrothed at her age, she should already be wed.

Character Likes: Sunshine, cherry blossoms, horseback riding, looking at the stars and the sound of rain.

Character Dislikes: When someone disrespects her family (especially her brother), to have her family (and herself) humiliated and people who are full of themselves.



  • Darrin Trant - Father (deceased)
  • Shufen Trant - Mother
  • Onyx Trant - Elder brother


  • TBD

Special Notes:  -NA-

Additional Pictures: 

It's a work in progress but she is almost done (I still have a little more to write on her history part) and I'm looking for connections but I have no idea who to connect with.
Himawari’s Fields of Ideas