Colours vs light/dark themes

Started by Al Terego, August 20, 2019, 11:57:48 AM

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Al Terego

Hello good people!

In the past I used to format headers as [color=brown] (example in bold) and text that I wanted to stand out as  as [color=navy] (example in non-bold).  However, those colours turned out to be illegible for people that used dark themes.

I did some testing and came up with a subset of colours that, in my opinion, work reasonably well for both light and dark themes.  I will appreciate your comments and/or suggestions, especially if you are using a non-default theme.


Thank you,
-- Al

The Green One

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Al Terego

Any preference for the colours Liam?

The Green One





These 4! I believe they look amazing with the October theme


Can you share the codes?

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The codes are the names of the colors in this case.   ;D

The Green One

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Al Terego

My intention was to put a post in Steffy's Magic Shop, but I wanted to QA it here first.

The full list of codes is available here (behind a spoiler).

Edit: And the post is live!


Bolding helps some of the higher luminosity colors stand out - like the rosybrown, goldenrod and hotpink.  I use the default theme for reference.
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I use the pink and gray theme. "rosybrown" is better than default pink, but still pretty low contrast. "hotpink" isn't great either.

Al Terego

Than you Syene!
Is that the "Lilac" theme?

Edit: reposting the table on an odd-numbered reply, since backgrounds alternate.



No, it's called "amberpinkgray." As far as I can tell, it's only available through the "look and layout" section in your profile.

Al Terego


Sara Nilsson

All those look great on the black and blue theme. Thank you for the work, it is always difficult with colours when you dont know what the other person uses.
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Al Terego

It would have been good if BBCODE allowed us to use "logical" colours optimized for each theme.


Thanks a lot for sharing this !!


I made beige, green, lilac, rainbow, pink and grey and springtime (based off the original widescreen theme). At the time I would've checked the colours on the dropdown, but there are other colours than those listed too. What I do remember is I made the themes on my laptop and the colours in some cases translated poorly over to desktop machines (it's why green and lilac are so bright). I'd change those if I could.

I use springtime, and on this one rosybrown, hot pink and medium purple are hardest to see at a regular size. However all the colours are visible.

I'd be happy to overhaul these themes sometime, but I'm not sure if the site's still moving to other forum software.


Quote from: AmberStarfire on August 22, 2019, 09:37:38 AM
I made beige, green, lilac, rainbow, pink and grey and springtime (based off the original widescreen theme). At the time I would've checked the colours on the dropdown, but there are other colours than those listed too. What I do remember is I made the themes on my laptop and the colours in some cases translated poorly over to desktop machines (it's why green and lilac are so bright). I'd change those if I could.

I use springtime, and on this one rosybrown, hot pink and medium purple are hardest to see at a regular size. However all the colours are visible.

I'd be happy to overhaul these themes sometime, but I'm not sure if the site's still moving to other forum software.

Thanks for doing this!

I also use Sprintime and agree, the regular font size in normal and italic of many of those colours is harder to see but for me Goldenrod and Orange are the most difficult. I don't feel like rosybrown, hot pink and medium purple are as much of a struggle for my eyes. It could also be the attached monitor I'm using (so I can have it up higher than with the laptop. It's not as good as the actual laptop monitor and the colours are less adjustable in general.) That said, I feel the same colours are not as easy to read even on the higher quality LT monitor.
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I'll send Vekseid a PM and see what he says about it.

It's hard finding colours that work with all of the others, but if I bring them down lighter and closer to grey (in the background of the sections where the main content will be) that would likely help.


I'm going to be holding off on themes until such a time as we're using Elkarte, then the plan is to work on some new themes.