Sin and Sensibility: A Variety of Plots

Started by Deante, August 19, 2019, 08:14:56 PM

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Hey there, I'm Diante. I've been RPing a ridiculously long time. There's an assortment of ideas here. Most short, but some could develop into a longer thing. Most of these are M/F, but there's one that's M/M and room for NB as well.

The Basics
  • Please communicate, let me know if you're no longer interested, if you can't get online for a while, etc. If something in the RP isn't working, we can stop or retool it. If I message you for the first time and you don't see anything that appeals to you, a "No thanks" is greatly appreciated over no response.
  • Your RL gender doesn't matter.
  • My minimum RP length is around 3 paragraphs, but it's typically bigger.
  • Would prefer more than one post a week, not counting issues and delays.
  • Threads/Google Docs/Emails for RP.

Important Note
I'm only interested in playing opposite anthro characters.

Note about Plot vs Smut
The primary interest is shorter-term sexual RP. My creativity gets scratched in a lot of other ways, so ultimately RP for me is for fulfilling sexual fantasies. Plot and characters still matter--the context of who, where, why is often what makes them fantasies in the first place.


The Other You
YC has strong, unsatisfied sexual desires or kinks she wishes to explore. Yet she's too embarrassed and uncomfortable to actually try them. Instead she creates a new persona, an an alter-ego to experience them. It's an exercise in pretending to be someone else, hiding behind a mask, and how that plays with her own identity. Part of the fun of this RP would be the in-RP creation of the persona.

A variant of this would skip the persona, but instead be about MC giving YC a new makeover, and training her/pushing her to change. "Sluttification" if you will.

The Mostly Pure Preacher's Daughter
What I'm looking for is that sweet, demure girl who's grown up in a strict household. So she's dressed proper and conservative, she is a Good Girl. Except that under the surface bubbles the natural sexual energy. She's also got more experience than zero. One version would have her still quit ea virgin, but she is very enthusiastic about giving handjobs. Or she's a little older and still maintaining her vaginal virginity, by way of anal.

Here's some images that give the general vibe of what I'm going for.

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Girl on the right.

Okay the skirt here's a little long, but you get the idea.

I'd see her crushing hard on someone older, rather than her age. Someone who could open her eyes to the wide world of desires. Corrupt the sweet little thing.

First Times with Familiar Faces
This story deals with a 16 M / Early 20s F and some taboo topics. So I'm going to put this in spoilers.
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The idea comes in two versions.

The sweeter, gentler option. YC used to babysit MC, and kept in touch with his parents. They contact her, and ask for a favor. They're concerned their son is a bit awkward, in need of confidence, etc. They're hoping that YC might be willing to help him lose his virginity. They might even offer to pay her. He wouldn't know, and the RP would unfold in a more natural first time experience.

The kinkier version. YC didn't just babysit for the couple, MC's parents pulled her into their sex games. She was trained to be their secret little sub. The apple doesn't fall far, as MC finding his dad's bondage porn inspired his own interests. When his parents find out, they want to pass the leash of their prior pet on to their son.

Lights, Camera, Gratitous Action
The main focus of this RP is the on and off camera details around a porn shoot. This could be set with a more traditional studio, YC with her manager, working on a set with a film crew, the action getting interrupted by the director, etc. Or looking at the more modern situation, YC starting the amateur career of her, MC and a camera, planning shorter videos with a focus to appeal to certain fans, cultivating a channel on a site and building a fanbase.

She's Making Me Gay [M/M, MxMxF]
MC's wife/GF/domme discovers he is bi-curious. She very much wants to watch him with another guy. Yet MC is incredibly timid and hesitant. Regardless she pushes him to get with another sexy boi. This would be more long term, definitely more than one or two scenes. How involved the f character here is up for negotiations. She could be an entirely background character, or she could participate to some degree, but the main focus here is on the M/M. While a NB would be possible instead of another guy, I do think it works better with M/M. This could lead to a relationship with the other guy, or further encounters push towards more than one.

A note here, the kind of male characters I'm looking for here are fembois; both being effeminate and attractive. Also for the most part I want MC to bottom.

If interested, drop me a PM!


Added a new craving, a particular character type, to the second post.


Added new plot, Life Imitates Art, trimmed some plots out.






Removed The Help, replaced it with Taming of the Shrew.




Took some out, added just two this time. Pretty niche cravings.


Refreshing this with new things, as well as consolidating a thread from last month.




