Caravanserai [Outdoor Facilities]

Started by Flower, February 03, 2019, 03:17:47 PM

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Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: blue button up long sleeve, camera bag modified to carry a sketch pad, jeans, Australian slouch hat. 100 SPF sunscreen.

Her usual five foot five inch tall walking staff of silvery wood.

Location: inside the outer fences
Tagging: Siddhi, closed

Elizabeth pouted slightly as the beautiful sheep disdained her. Giving a sad sigh, Elizabeth turned all her attention to the tall woman.

"Aicha? That's a really pretty name, for a beautiful... Ram? What does it mean? " Blinking slowly, Elizabeth frowned slightly. "Wha... Oh." The woman was brisk, almost to the point of being offensive, but there was probably sense behind it. "Sort of like the baby bird thing? Too used to humans is bad?"

"I hope she goes free, and thrives. She belongs out there, doesn't she?" Elizabeth nodded, watching the sheep with envy. Where did Elizabeth belong? As far as she could tell, nowhere.

Smiling faintly up at the stoic woman, Elizabeth slid a little bit down her staff, doing a fairly good imitation  of a curtsey. "Nice to meet you, Sachdev the veterinarian. I'm Elizabeth Staunton, the...  Unemployed art teacher, I guess. "

Goddess, that accent was amazing. Someone was most certainly interested in hearing more of that.

Flicking a glance at her leg, the bad one, she shook her head. "I... No. I've never been in a situation where pets were allowed, or an option. I've always kind of wanted one. But, if wishes were horses, well.." she'd almost said the quote from Firefly about horses and steak, but wisely decided that the audience wasn't going to understand or be receptive to that particular bit of humor.

"Do you mind if I walk with you? I won't complain if we go a long way."


Name: Siddhi Sachdev
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: Beat up old light brown coveralls, work boots
Location: Outdoors, inside the outer fences.
Tagging: Elizabeth, Closed

"Sheep." Siddhi corrected, monosyllabic as it came naturally to her.

"Yes." She responded to the second question. Humans bad. It seemed that lesson had been learned simply enough. Good, they could move past that point. It was stated as simply as acknowledging the color of the sky or the movement of the planets. There was no debating it, it simply was. Even someone like her who spent her life working for the natural world, she was just a slightly less malicious strain of the virus that was eating this planet. There was nothing that the world could do that was worse than the presence of humanity. Nothing. Even Caravanserai, for all the good it was doing, it would spread, it would grow, it would hurt the living world around it far more than she could help. They were the plague. She hoped a cure was coming.

She snapped to, shaking her head, she was doing it again, disassociating. The longer she spent alone the more it happened. She hadn't had an assistant in some time, not since Julie left, although she was hopeful she might see the talented young woman again. Checking out wasn't a bad thing when she was alone. Even when she was working her hands kept moving, her brain kept working, her job stayed done. It was times like this, when she was interacting with a guest, these were the dangerous times. This could get her fired. A few complaints about the weird vet woman, a few disturbed guests, too much money gone....humans bad. Her eyes flickered to Elizabeth, sizing her up for the potential to cost her her spot here. She didn't seem a threat. For now.

She listened to the rest of the red-haired woman's words, not seeming to react much to any of it. She glanced back to Aicha.

"I go where she goes, until the day she goes so far she doesn't come back." Siddhi explained. She had no jeep, she had no camel. She looked down at Elizabeth's leg. She could already see what would happen. A few miles into the desert she couldn't move. Siddhi would have to run for a camel. She would come back. The woman would be too hurt if she was still alive. Then Siddhi would get fired.

"We go too far. You don't have enough water." Siddhi started to explain. "Aicha loves the deep desert and - " she turned to see the sheep had plopped down an was sitting on a small rocky ledge a few dozen feet away, chewing her cud happily and seemingly having no sense of moving at all.

"- lives to make me look like a fool." She sighed and glared at the sheep, hands on her hips, but of course Aicha cared not.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: blue button up long sleeve, camera bag modified to carry a sketch pad, jeans, Australian slouch hat. 100 SPF sunscreen.

Her usual five foot five inch tall walking staff of silvery wood.

Location: inside the outer fences
Tagging: Siddhi, closed

Elizabeth gently chewed the inside of her lip for a second, somewhat irked that so many of her questions got ignored. Of course, she was making assumptions about the other woman's English and desire for socialization. Maybe I finally found somebody more, what did Becky call it? Prickly than me?

Would Becky say that thought is me being mean?
sighing quietly in the dark recesses of her brain, Elizabeth pulled herself out of her thoughts in time to catch the glance at her leg.

"Please don't assume that my leg is the limiting factor here." She said quietly, not quite mad, but close to being irritated and hoping that it didn't show. "But you're right that I don't have the water to go much further than.." she glanced towards the Sun, calculating its angle and the heat of the day. "Five or six miles comfortably." Of course it was entirely fair to assume that most other people at Caravanserai wouldn't have the first faintest clue about how far they could walk at all, let alone out in this environment. None of the guests were likely to have put themselves through the kind of physical pain Elizabeth had needed to train herself to walk many miles in a day.

Elizabeth giggled, delighted by the sheep's stubbornness. "Well, animals are often that way. The phrase 'herding cats' exists for a reason."

She unslung her camera from the bag, careful not to point it at Siddhi. The redhead had no idea if having her photo taken would offend the other woman, but no sense in risking it. Elizabeth took a couple photos of the majestic sheep,  slowly moving to the side so she could get better angles before putting away the camera.

Trying to think of anything at all to say, the American took out her sketch pad and started penciling in a draft of the Sheep, though animals and landscapes were far from her main talents in drawing.

"I can draw you too, if you like..." She said absent-mindedly, gaze flickering from sheep to sketch pad, pale hands moving smoothly across the paper.


Name: Siddhi Sachdev
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: Beat up old light brown coveralls, work boots
Location: Outdoors, inside the outer fences.
Tagging: Elizabeth, Closed

Elizabeth got a look from Siddhi for her herding cats reference. The woman did understand this was a sheep, yes? Well, maybe she didn't. Still, Siddhi could do nothing but shake her head in a mix of frustration and amusement.

She shrugged at the question. "Draw what you like." She said, not at all caring one way or the other if her image was preserved in ink or pencil. She watched Aicha sit there like a national geographic model, majestic with her head and horns raised high, the shaggy fur resembling a beard in full profile against the sun, it would make a lovely shot if one cared for such things.

Still, while Siddhi didn't mind if Elizabeth drew her, she made no effort to be a good subject, keeping her arms crossed and her face rather detached, not realizing this was exactly the sort of pose certain consumers of the notion of stoic outdoorswomen would just simply eat up. 
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: blue button up long sleeve, camera bag modified to carry a sketch pad, jeans, Australian slouch hat. 100 SPF sunscreen.

Her usual five foot five inch tall walking staff of silvery wood.

Location: inside the outer fences
Tagging: Siddhi, closed

Elizabeth smiled at the sheep, eyes and face purely happy for once. That was an unfortunately rare expression for the redhead. "Oh you are extremely beautiful Aicha, and you know it, don't you? Majestic and so uncaring about the world around you. I'm glad I got to meet you and take your picture!"

Turning to a blank page, the artist twirled her pencil in hand, staring intently up at Siddhi, noting the muscles and the strength, the hair in tight braids but still long enough to add an interesting layer of femininity to the veterinarian's appearance. The woman was brisk and uncommunicative, but seemed more awkward around people than anything else.

Elizabeth begin to draw, glancing up from her paper occasionally. After a surprisingly short time, just a few minutes, she turned the sketch pad so Siddhi could see.

The other woman was drawn as beautiful, but that wasn't the main focus of the picture. The art of Siddhi seemed taller than she was in real life, but the amount of muscles visible on her arms was correct. Perhaps Elizabeth felt a little intimidated by the strange lady. The redhead was certainly a good half foot shorter, and had very little in the way of muscle. Elizabeth had somehow managed to draw the utilitarian work clothing stiff and protective, strongly hinting at armor.

Drawing-Siddhi's blank face wasn't disdainful or dismissive, but rather vigilant and alert. She was shown as a warrior, a warden, guarding her charges fiercely but with compassion and skill, hints of love lurking deep in her eyes for the things that deserved it.

And of course her cramped signature was tucked in the bottom, exactly the same as all her other signatures, along with the date.

"You can have it if you like..." Elizabeth said softly, ever so slightly hesitantly. Yeah, she was intimidated by the taller woman, a strange combination of attraction and hesitancy. Siddhi was the quietest person Elizabeth had ever met,  but radiated competence and skill, whereas Elizabeth always felt out of place and that her one talent wasn't all that valuable.


Name: Siddhi Sachdev
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: Beat up old light brown coveralls, work boots
Location: Outdoors, inside the outer fences.
Tagging: Elizabeth, Closed

Siddhi stood silently for a moment, then walked to a nearby boulder and sat up against it, in the shadow. Her eyes turned lazily towards the drawing, obviously not expecting much. But she paused as it came into her view. With unblinking eyes she stared at it for several long moments, drinking it in. It would be clear to anyone who knew her that Siddhi loved it. Perhaps her lack of reaction wouldn't be so obvious to a stranger, but she clearly had some strong reaction to it or she would not have looked for so long.

"I don't need it." She said simply, finally turning away after Elizabeth spoke. There was a little smile on her face, a smile that implied she would keep it in her memory and that the piece of paper held no meaning for her. She returned her gaze to Aicha for a moment, her face just a little happier than it had been before.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: blue button up long sleeve, camera bag modified to carry a sketch pad, jeans, Australian slouch hat. 100 SPF sunscreen.

Her usual five foot five inch tall walking staff of silvery wood.

Location: inside the outer fences
Tagging: Siddhi, closed

For all her impressive artistic talent, Elizabeth was pretty poor at reading faces. She fidgeted slightly under the long stare, trying not to... Shrink back or panic or limp away from the encounter and retreat to the nice quiet lonely safety of her room. The empty room, devoid of any personalization aside from the closet one sixth full of her button ups, and a single yellow dress.

At least in Savannah there was a culture of niceness, so people chatted a little bit in the line at the grocery store. Some months, that was largely the only adult socializing Elizabeth got.

"Oh... Ok." Not filled with confidence at the best of times, Elizabeth was yet again thinking this was turning into a small disaster, like they always did. Maybe it was time for a therapist? She most certainly felt like something was wrong somewhere, and the common denominator was always herself.

Not wanting to give up just yet, she searched about for a topic of conversation, willing to make one last attempt at the whole mess. Digging her water bottle out of the case for her gear, she uncapped the tough plastic and took a sip, before offering it to Siddhi.

"So how many animals are under your care at the veterinarian clinic here? What kinds? Do you have any favorites?"

She paused for a second, putting away the water bottle, then smiled, having a brilliant idea. "Do you have any good recommendations for places to hike out here? I'm always looking forward to seeing new places and things."


Name: Siddhi Sachdev
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: Beat up old light brown coveralls, work boots
Location: Outdoors, inside the outer fences.
Tagging: Elizabeth, Closed

If Siddhi noticed Elizabeth's reaction she didn't show it, continuing to stare past Aicha with that quiet smile on her strong face. For all the world it might have been that Elizabeth simply ceased existing until she spoke again and Siddhi slowly rolled her head back to regard the girl once more.

"Thirty four." She responded. She spoke slowly as normal but she obviously hadn't had to think to recall the number. To the second half of the question there was no answer. It was the sort of thing that demonstrated once more how Siddhi was just on a different wavelength than most people. The idea that any one of her patients would be a favorite was just alien to the woman. She stared at Elizabeth, her smile unfaltering, as she attempted to think of some way to humor the question. Saying something like 'all of them' was just as distasteful as the idea of picking one. Saying none of them would be dishonest. There was no answer, and thus, as typical from Siddhi, there was silence.

The next question though, she knew the answer to right away. "Inside." She said both sternly and with compassion.

Caravanserai was in the middle of the Sahara Desert, one of the most inhospitable places on earth to humans. Not only was there every chance that someone would get lost in the featureless, shifting desert, there was the additional chance that they might never be found if they did so. Siddhi had suggested that physical walls be built around the hotel to keep guests from wandering, an idea that had been met with baffled stares from the management and so Siddhi had given up on it. The last thing she wanted was for this place to shut down because some millionaire hipster wanted to connect with nature and found out the hard way what that really means.

Another moment of gazing at Elizabeth, an appraising gaze, and Siddhi made a rare decision, she decided this one could stand to hear the explanation. She got to her feet and stood in front of the woman. Siddhi's presence was casual in the moment, so she didn't so much tower or loom as merely display her height and muscular physique - even through her thick work clothes - and stand as a strong woman who needed to be heard.

"Eight thousand years ago, this is green." She said, not gesturing about herself, it was clear what she meant. "Then people come. With cows. And goats. And other animals. And they consume. More and more. And when the seasons change each year less is there to grow back. And then the soil dies. And it turns to sand. A thousand years later, it is like this."

People liked to tell themselves that climate change was a recent phenomenon, that somehow the destruction of the earth was a sin of modernity and not an inherent trait in human expansion. Siddhi knew the hard truth. Industrial chemicals and plastics certainly were accelerating things, but the idea that harmony with nature could be obtained through primitive living was a myth. A sad, unhealthy, lie.

She looked in Elizabeth's eyes, not hard, not judging, but observing. The gaze of a matriarch before her time. "We killed this land, we took its water. Now she does the same to us." There was some odd justice in Siddhi's eyes to what the desert did to people. "Stay near the hotel. Please."

The last word was the unusual part. It was Siddhi's way of showing that she'd rather Elizabeth not die out here, which elevated the woman above most of humanity in the veterinarian's eyes, even though to most people lack of interest in their death wouldn't necessarily be a sign of affection. But then again, Siddhi was used to being misunderstood.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed


Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: blue button up long sleeve, camera bag modified to carry a sketch pad, jeans, Australian slouch hat. 100 SPF sunscreen.

Her usual five foot five inch tall walking staff of silvery wood.

Location: inside the outer fences
Tagging: Siddhi, closed

The redheads face... Twitched. Instinctively, she knew pleading with Siddhi was futile, but oh how she wanted to see thirty four exotic animals!

She blinked slowly at the answer, then again at the little speech.

Elizabeth took a half step back, simply because she was uncomfortable with so much muscle and beautiful woman right in her face. Hell, the veterinarian's breasts were at eye level and as big as her head.

She took another step back, so she could more easily maintain the eye contact without craning her neck. Eye contact seemed important to the tall woman. Rolling her staff between her hands as she thought, before lowering her gaze to the side. "I.... No. I can't promise that, I'm afraid, Sachdev. " Sighing, she looked back up at the tall woman.

"I understand your point, I really do. But I can't help it, I have to walk, 2 explore... I have to see what's over the next hill, even if it's largely exactly the same as all the other hills nearby. It's..." She made a frustrated gesture and a soft noise. "It's for the same reason I feel sorry for animals in the zoo, you know?"

Elizabeth figured she'd never see the veterinarian again, but even so, found herself willing to tell the silent woman things. things that she very rarely discussed with anyone. "For so long, I didn't have a choice. I couldn't. And now I have to.... I'm calmer out here. I'd go insane if I had to stay where I could see the hotel and all it's inane spoiled, overgrown children. Out here is... Peace. "

Blushing a little... She had said more than intended... She smiled wryly. "I promise my best to not get lost, and to stay calm if I do. Hell, I think my fancy satellite phone Apollo got me gets signal anywhere. But I will try to stay safe, thank you.'


Name: Siddhi Sachdev
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: Beat up old light brown coveralls, work boots
Location: Outdoors, inside the outer fences.
Tagging: Elizabeth, Closed

Siddhi shrugged, a slight gesture. "I'm not a warden." She said, was that regret in her voice, or joy? There wasn't much of whatever it was. The meaning of her words was clear, she wasn't telling Elizabeth what she could and couldn't do, merely what was in her best interest and what wasn't. What Elizabeth did with that information was up to her. "But I can't promise I get to you in time." She added, her eyes becoming a little sad at the thought.

She glanced over her shoulder as she heard Aicha's footfalls softly on the sand behind her, the sheep walking past the two women, wandering back towards the enclosure. It wasn't a surprise. Another few months and she'd be taken out by a reintroduction team and set free north, near the coast, where the terrain was better for the animal.

Siddhi gave Elizabeth a pointed look, as if to say, look, the sheep knows better than you. It was a condescending smile, but also somewhat playful, Siddhi's face becoming a bit more expressive as time passed and she relaxed around Elizabeth.

"Peace." She repeated simply.

She turned so that she was standing next to Elizabeth, both of them looking out at the desert. The far-away look returned to her face as she stood there in a very comfortable silence.

The peace she understood.

Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: blue button up long sleeve, camera bag modified to carry a sketch pad, jeans, Australian slouch hat. 100 SPF sunscreen.

Her usual five foot five inch tall walking staff of silvery wood.

Location: inside the outer fences
Tagging: Siddhi, closed

Elizabeth hesitated, thinking over the stoic woman's words. A slow smile blossomed over her face, turning the normally subtly sad expressions to something beautiful. "You'd come look for me.. thank you, that really means a lot to me. "

Looking at the sheep butt, then back at Sachdev, Elizabeth burst into giggles. "Peace and animals who know where to find shelter. They really are smarter than us."

She took a few deep breaths, thinking, enjoying the desert. Moving her delicate artist's hand closer to Siddhi, Elizabeth indicated that she wouldn't mind holding hands with the other woman, a rare gesture of trust.

"My leg always hurts," she said softly, "but not so badly out in the heat. It feels looser, less knotted and tangled. "

After a few minutes of thinking, she nodded back in the direction of the veterinarian clinic where Aicha was going. "Don't you need to go after her, keep an eye on her?"


Name: Siddhi Sachdev
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: Beat up old light brown coveralls, work boots
Location: Outdoors, inside the outer fences.
Tagging: Elizabeth, Closed

Siddhi's look became a bit more weary as Elizabeth seemed to think she would go after the woman out of some sort of affection. Should she point out that it was her job, and her motivation would be to avoid getting the hotel sued so that her shelter could stay open? No, she realized, no need to vocalize that reality, Elizabeth seemed to live in a bit of a fantasy world and Siddhi didn't truly wish to yank her out of it, even though a few words with the veterinarian was usually enough to disillusion most folks about many things.

The hand went unnoticed, Siddhi never even so much as glancing down to see it. It seemed that if Elizabeth wanted to hold hands with Siddhi something less coy would be in order.

"Heat comes from the showers inside too." Siddhi pointed out, appropriately enough for the setting, dryly. The redhead seemed insistent on thinking that hanging about out doors was somehow good, healthy, or anything less than dangerous. Siddhi already was preparing for the headache when she went missing in the desert. At least she could say honestly she did all she could to discourage it. She could still remember one of the old shelters she worked at in London being sued over a dog bite. She could remember the lawyer telling her to say the words 'disregarded the obvious risk and the advice of professionals.' It was a strange way to say 'snuck in the cage even after everyone told her how dangerous the dog was' but whatever the judge had needed to hear. Not that it had helped, the dog was still ordered put down all because some soft-brained bint thought he was cute so that meant they had a connection, or maybe because it was a rich young woman's word against an immigrant's. Siddhi didn't want to be giving similar testimony about Elizabeth one day. 'I told her not to go into the desert. Several times. She insisted.'

She gave the redhead a look, silently begging her to be smarter than she was acting, but as usual not caring to say it outloud.

She watched Aicha for a moment, before determining that the sheep was done for the day and indeed heading back. "Yes." She agreed and walked off after Aicha, pausing after a few steps she turned and looked back and said firmly, "Don't go into the desert. Please." Before she turned back and followed the sheep towards the shelter they both called home.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth
Date | Time: When Elizabeth is out Drawing
Wearing: blue button up long sleeve, camera bag modified to carry a sketch pad, jeans, Australian slouch hat. 100 SPF sunscreen.

Her usual five foot five inch tall walking staff of silvery wood.

Location: inside the outer fences
Tagging: Siddhi, open

"Ye-es, and even better, the hot tub. But one's enclosed and.... Small, and isolated, and the other is typically full of drunk women in tissue paper trying to get laid by guys or anything with a pulse! Sometimes in the hot tub itself.

Out here, it... Doesn't matter that I'm alone. That's the point, right?"

She sighed, leaning on the staff. "See you around, I suppose. " Elizabeth didn't watch the other woman go. why do these things always seem to end in failure? What does it say about me if my second most successful encounter at Caravanserai is with an autistic lady? what is wrong with me??

Elizabeth stood there for a long, long time, staring deeper into the desert. Was she suicidal? Not... Really, right? Being willing to do dangerous things in a calculated manner was part of her life. Just walking anywhere was dangerous for someone of her limits.

Snarling softly, the redhead angrily slathered on another layer of sunscreen and stomped off.... Towards the deeper desert. Fuck the world.



Date: July 1, 2021
Starting Time: 7:00 PM

Upon arriving at Salistou Islands, you are informed by those at the Reception Area of an event beginning at sunset. While the event is targeted at newly arrived guests, those who have been present for some time at the resort are also welcome to attend.

The Beach Welcome Party takes place at Saffron Beach. As you approach the designated location, candlelight glows in various holders, casting its light against the sand as the sun fades behind the horizon. It is still hot but not nearly as sweat-inducing at the high temperatures of the day. The cool breeze coming from the lagoon, which surrounded the island, helped further dispel the lingering heat.

Comfortable pillows and other forms of seating are available. In addition, drinks are also available and ready to be served for those who require liquid courage or want to satiate their thirst. Some attendants are still in the process of setting up the main games. Based on the set-up, the big games appear to be limbo and water balloon dodgeball. But, in the meantime, people can mingle and play some of the smaller games set out for guests, such as Jenga and other board games.


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: July 1st, 2025
Wearing: As Pictured
Location: Beach!!!
Tagging: Open!

A beach party on the first night? Oh heck yeah this just kept getting better and better. Becky barely bothered a little bit of unpacking, just enough to find her bikini and plug her phone in. She had every intention of leaving it upstairs, and she did. First night of vacation no phone. Sure they got reception out here. Sure international rates were hardly anything compared to what they used to be. Didn't mean she wanted to spend all her time staring at a tiny screen while she was in paradise! It would be there tomorrow. And the next day. Unfortunately.

But what was very fortunate was a just a few moments later she had sand between her toes, a breeze in her hair, a delicious fruity cocktail with a very fancy name in her hand and total bliss in her heart.

She stood on the beach, letting the tide wash up between her feet. She spread her arms wide and let out a cheer. "Caravanserai!" She lifted her glass and turned around to face the building. "Missed you baby!" She shouted to the hotel. Okay so it wasn't the same hotel she had been at before. It was the thought that counted. She brought her glass in and took a deep sip.

And then she turned and stared back out at the ocean, soaking it all in with a big smile on her face.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 1 July 2025, 7:05 pm
Wearing: Grey swim trunks
Location: Saffron Beach
Tagging: Becky, Open

Joseph had spent several hours at Calypso’s, staking his claim on the bar as home away from home…away from home. In truth, it felt superior to The Mirage in a number of ways. But, he had dwelled on that enough. He had been informed of the beach party and decided that making an appearance wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Who knew who he would run into? Only way to find out was to actually go.

As he arrived on Saffron Beach, he would grab a drink and take in the scenery. It was definitely a beautiful place, a much more suitable location for a resort than the Sahara had been or would be. The drink he had received was definitely some sort of fruity rum drink. As his eyes scanned the beach, he saw a familiar figure. Strolling his way towards the figure, he was able to determine who they were. Now he just needed an opening line.”Hello, Miss Becky.” He simply said, deciding that saying hello would be the best way to break the ice.


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: July 1st, 2025
Wearing: As Pictured
Location: Beach!!!
Tagging: Open!

Becky turned about, her easy smile evident as she saw she was looking at a much taller man. She figured who it must be before her eyes even made it up to his face. "Well hello yourself, Joseph?" She said making sure she had the name right. She was mostly sure, but it had been awhile after all. "How's the rock star life treating you?" She moved in for a quick hug.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 1 July 2025, 7:05 pm
Wearing: Grey swim trunks
Location: Saffron Beach
Tagging: Becky, Open

Joseph gave her a nod, as if to confirm the answer to her question. When she moved in for the hug, he would nonchalantly reciprocate, hugging her with familiarity, but not for too long.”I mean, I’ve worked on several number ones, I almost got the opportunity to record a Bond movie song…it hasn’t been too bad, but to be honest, none of it compares to being back at Caravanserai.” He responded to her question with sincerity. “How’ve things been for you?” He asked in return.


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: July 1st, 2025
Wearing: As Pictured
Location: Beach!!!
Tagging: Open!

Becky leaned into the hug letting it linger for just a second before she pulled back, smiling up at the man. "A Bond movie? Well that's big time! Look at you!" She said with a congratulatory smile. "Me? Oh, you know for me Caravanserai in the desert was just the start. It helped me realize I hadn't ever really taken the time to be me. So I got all that figured and," she shrugged and wrapped her lips about her straw and sipped for a moment before continuing, "Turns out being me is wonderful and time consuming." She laughed, and left it at that for now. "Have you seen anyone else from back in the day? Who was that cutie you were talking to on the boat ride over?"
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 1 July 2025, 7:05 pm
Wearing: Grey swim trunks
Location: Saffron Beach
Tagging: Becky, Open

“Caravanserai in the desert helped me too. Yeah, turns out that I like living the lazy rich bachelor life. It agrees with me. I’m glad you were able to find yourself.” He said with a smile. When she asked about the woman he had been talking to on the ferry, he wondered if Becky was interested in her as well. “Her name is Doctor Haruka Aoi. She’s a urologist specializing in men’s health. She was definitely a fascinating person. You’d love talking with her.” The good doctor had been on his mind since he disembarked from the ferry, trying to figure her out.


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: July 1st, 2025
Wearing: As Pictured
Location: Beach!!!
Tagging: Open!

"A doctor! Wow!" Becky was clearly impressed. "Can't wait to meet her!" She took a sip of her drink and smiled. "They still make these things just as strong as I remembered." She stood there in comfortable silence for a moment, feeling the water brushing up against her toes. "Do you think it gets cold here at night like it did in the desert?" She asked. "I'm kind of hoping it stays warm myself." Becky did not want to have to go find a wrap. Or lord forbid, actual clothes. She was here for sun and sand and swimsuits.
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.


Name: Joseph Edwards
Date | Time: 1 July 2025, 7:05 pm
Wearing: Grey swim trunks
Location: Saffron Beach
Tagging: Becky, Open

”You should try the drinks at Calypso’s. If you order it strong enough, it’ll knock you on your ass. I’m sure Haruka would love to meet you as well.” He chuckled, taking a sip of his own drink. Becky seemed easy enough to figure out, unlike Haruka. Becky, at least on the surface, was a down home Southern girl with charm. Haruka was a riddle he couldn’t quite figure out. “It’ll cool down, but I doubt it’ll get as cold as it did in the desert. From what I understand, this type of area doesn’t do that wild fluctuation in temperature that the desert does. Should remain somewhat stable.” His mind would leave the temperature discussion behind. As much as he didn’t want to think about it, he would go over the regrets he had about her. But, he would quickly shake it off, it was a party after all.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth Staunton
Date | Time: July 1, 2025, 7pm ish
Wearing: , leather case for a decently large camera with an attached section for a sketch pad and pencils. Using her 5'5 walking staff of a silvery wood. Sandals
Location: Saffron Beach
Tagging:  open.

It hadn't taken long for Elizabeth to get settled in. Reception was quick and efficient... The lobby a lot less attractive than the one at desert Caravanserai, but then, the point of the island resort was not to be cooped up indoors. She tended to travel light, not able to juggle a lot of luggage. Unpacking was easy, after the hotel had delivered her one large  wheeled bag to the Nautilus villa room, mostly just hanging the handful of dresses. Then it was time for food, dressing for the party, and finding a quiet spot to watch the sunset.

The dress was of course floor-length, brushing against the soft sands, but at least the woman was trying to fit in with the spirit of the party. Her outfit was certainly bright enough to rival some of the gorgeous flowers nearby, and revealed pale bare shoulders. Scandalous! Her steps were slower, more cautious than usual, making sure her walking staff was planted firmly in the soft sand before venturing each little bit further. But at least the little sandals peeking out from underneath her dress proved that she had toes, painted a gentle lilac purple. At the other Caravanserai, Elizabeth had almost entirely stuck with jeans and her long shirts she still rather favored. At least her wardrobe was significantly more varied than before.

Deep in her own Elizabeth thoughts, she didn't pay much attention to the gathering crowd, other than idly noting that there seemed to be quite a few beautiful women around. The redhead had a goal, making her way directly to the ocean and wading a couple feet in. She didn't bother to lift the hem of her dress or take off the sandals, utterly unbothered by her clothing getting wet.. her smile at being in the new, gorgeous ocean was too blissful for any minor such concerns, Elizabeth was content to let the ocean hold some of her concerns for a minute. There would be joining the festivities soon enough, selecting a beverage to cool her throat and liven up the evening, perhaps socializing and some of the less athletic oriented games, who could tell... But for now it was just her and the ocean, gentle waves of the lagoon laughing around her legs.


Name: Becky Washington
Date | Time: July 1st, 2025
Wearing: As Pictured
Location: Beach!!!
Tagging: Joseph, Elizabeth, Open!

Becky laughed, "Oh I remember." She shook her head, "Well, sort of." She added, rolling her eyes at herself and the drunken antics she'd gotten into her last stay at Cara.

But as she laughed her eyes caught sight of that shock of red hair again. Was it? Dammit! Okay she could buy that her mind played tricks on her on her boat over here, but twice was too much. She knew that shade of red! "Elizabeth?" She called out, but the crowd was getting too numerous to see clearly, and too loud for Becky to be sure she'd be heard.

She hopped up and down a little trying to see over the mass of people between herself and where she thought she'd seen her friend. This sort movement was a dangerous proposition given what she was wearing but Becky didn't seem to mind, but she sighed in frustration as her ability to see over the gathering crowd was not near enough. Dammit. She wasn't exactly short, but she was hardly tall enough to see over a crowd. Elizabeth on the other hand, was more than short enough to hide behind, well, pretty much anything, whether the shorter woman realized she was hiding or not!

Becky set down her drink and turned and slapped her hand against Joseph's chest, gently, but enough to get his attention and convey her urgency, "Lift me up, I can't see!" Well aware of the fact that she was not exactly built like a feather, Becky wouldn't have made this request of most people. But the towering and still very in shape Joseph seemed like he could handle it no problem. Plus, it felt fun to act like a teenager at a party again.

Sure, she could have just asked Joseph if he saw her, but where would the fun be in that?
Apologies & Absences | Ons & Offs | Canon in Red
I move the stars for no one.

Elizabeth Ecsed

Name: Elizabeth Staunton
Date | Time: July 1, 2025, 7pm ish
Wearing: , leather case for a decently large camera with an attached section for a sketch pad and pencils. Using her 5'5 walking staff of a silvery wood. Sandals
Location: Saffron Beach
Tagging:  ??? Open.

Said redhead paused for a second, turning slightly. Had she just heard her name? Hard to say. It was getting noisy, and surprisingly crowded. Being true to herself, she was on the outside of the crowd, looking in at all the people. Especially being on the shorter side, looking into the candle light, she just didn't see anyone she recognized yet... If it had been the bouncy blonde or lovely musician brunette, Elizabeth just didn't see them yet. And she couldn't pick out any other familiar faces, not that she was familiar with many other people.

Giving a little shrug, she continued the careful journey to the water, where the crowds were so much thinner.