Des' Book of Secrets [M for F]

Started by rtdst, February 03, 2019, 09:40:52 AM

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Thanks for taking a look at my request thread, you can call me Des. I'm a 26 year old male and I've been roleplaying on and off for the last decade. I started with freeform roleplaying and in more recent years became involved in tabletop roleplay like D&D. I'm happy to be getting more involved in freeform roleplay again for the far greater breadth of ideas I can explore. I enjoy roleplay as a way of exercising my creativity in a collaborative setting and immersing myself into a story more completely than reading or writing independently.


I would prefer a partner who posts at least once a week, as I find the inspiration for a story wanes if as the time between posts stretches too far. I don't have a hard requirement on post length, so long as we both providing a good amount of details for the other to work with. Short posts are understandable in back-and-forth dialogue. I do appreciate not being the only one describing the details of what the characters are seeing or experiencing.

These are the standards I adhere to by default. However I am also willing to write longer and more in depth posts when it suits the type of roleplay. I am also perfectly willing to post more frequently, daily or even more than once per day. However I ask that any partners be understanding if I need to slow my responses due to my health.

Check my ons and offs for the things I won't do in a roleplay, along with some things I enjoy.

Preferences & Pairings

I can roleplay male or female characters.

I am happy to roleplay in a variety of settings. I especially enjoy fantasy, be it archaic/medieval or modern. I would like to try more scifi or post-apocalyptic, though I have less experience writing such settings.

I'm a sucker for a good romance and like to write characters who have chemistry. Building up the relationship between characters is the best part.

I'm not a huge fan of large power dynamics in relationships (e.g. boss/employee). I might be willing to explore such a plot on a case by case basis, especially if it is, or becomes, more balanced than the extremes. Princess/court wizard, for example, each has some power over the other, neither has absolute power.

I like characters around the same age as each other. Characters of disparate ages tend to lead to excessive power dynamics.

I am interested in participating in the following pairings.

Childhood Friends.


Mage & Non-Mage.

Royalty & Court Wizard.

Scientists who work together on the same team.

Scientists working together on temporary assignment.

Siblings (especially in combination with one of the above).


Feel free to send my a private message if you are interested in roleplaying with me. Preferably include "Book of Secrets" in the subject.