Suicide Squad: Super-Villain System Game M&M2E

Started by PhantomPistoleer, January 05, 2019, 06:26:52 PM

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This is a grittier version of the DC Universe.

You may incorporate DC characters into your history.

You may incorporate them freely, with the caveat that I haven’t created a history quite yet.

Yes, you will interact with DC characters.
Always seeking 5E games.


Sorry kiddos. I’m going to have to bow out. I know 3rd Edition and can’t find anyway to reverse engineer the sheet without a copy of 2nd.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



Quote from: Brittlby on January 16, 2019, 08:34:13 AM
Sorry kiddos. I’m going to have to bow out. I know 3rd Edition and can’t find anyway to reverse engineer the sheet without a copy of 2nd.

A PDF of the rules is available off of a Google search, B.

At any rate, I'm sure that one of us can help you reverse engineer a character from 3rd to 2nd if need be.
Always seeking 5E games.


Heyo, @Ampere.  I went ahead and put Fix down in this format.  I'm going to work through @Ixy's sheet shortly.  I have a few questions at the bottom.  I came up with a 151 total.  I will providing all characters with at least 1pp's worth of equipment points (like a comlink).

Feel free to make any changes!

I really like how your image juxtaposes with Ixy's image.

Mistress of Seduction; Fix PL 10 (150 PP)

Real Name: Yuliya Voronova Identity: Public
Alias: Fix Occupation: GRU Agent, Criminal
Bases of Operations: Mobile Affiliation: Rossiyskaya Federatsiya

Attributes (22 pp):
STR 10 [+0] DEX 16 [+3] CON 10 [+0] INT 14 [+2] WIS 12 [+1] CHA 20 [+5]

Skills (5pp/18sp):
Bluff 1 (+6/+18*), Concentration 4 (+5), Diplomacy 1 (+6/+18*), Gather Information 1 (+6), Perform (dance) 1 (+6), Sense Motive 9 (+10), Sleight of Hand 1 (+4). *Attractive.

Feats (14pp):
Attractive 3 (+12), Distract (Bluff), Fascinate (Perform), Wrestling Finesse, Fighting Style - Wrestling (Chokehold, Improved Escape, Improved Grab, Improved Pin, Power Attack), Teamwork 3

Combat (20pp):
Bab: +5;
Grapple: +8;
Damage: +0 [Unarmed];
BdB: +5 [+2 Flat-footed];
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex);

Saves (6pp):
Toughness: +0; Fortitude: +0; Reflex: +4; Willpower: +6

Powers (81pp):

Fix's Power Absorption "Ahegao"
  • Fatigue 10 [Power Stunt:Sedation] DC Fort 20, 2pp/rank (21pp);
  • Boost 10 [All Powers, Side Effect Arousal, Tiring], 1pp/rank (10pp);
  • Immunity 10 [Emotion Effects] 1/rank, (10pp);
  • Drain 10 [All Powers]; DC Fort 20, 3pp/rank, (30pp);
  • Emotion Control 5 [Subtle, Uncontrolled DC:15], 1pp/rank, (5pp)
  • Power Detection [Power Stunts: Preternatural, Ranged] (5pp)

Attributes 22pp + 5pp [18 ranks] + Feats 14pp + Combat 20 pp + Saves 6pp + Powers 81 = 148 pp

Boost:  Boost is a standard touch attack of instant duration.  You can gain boost yourself or other characters by touch.  Each rank of boost improves the targeted trait by 1 power point.  These temporary points fade at a rate of 1 per round until they are gone.

Fatigue:  Fatigue is a standard touch attack of instant duration.  You can inflict fatigue on a target. Make a melee attack roll.  The target makes a Fort save (DC 10 + power rank).  A failed save means the target is fatigued: -2 to STR and Dex, -1 to attack and defense, and cannot move all out.  If the save fails by 5 or more, the target is exhausted: -6 to Str and Dex, -3 to attack and defense, and unable to move faster than normal pace.  If the save fails by 10 or more, the target becomes unconscious.  Targets immune to fatigue are unaffected.  Already fatigued characters suffer another fatigue result become exhausted, while exhausted characters who suffer another fatigue result become unconscious.

Fix can keep targets rendered unconscious by Fatigue effect from regaining consciousness.

GM Questions
1.  What trait does Progression modify on Fatigue?  Area, range, mass, subjects, or what?

2.  I couldn't find "Leech" in either the game manual or Ultimate Power.  What does "leech" do for Drain?

3.  Why is the Will Save DC 15 on Emotion Control?  I noticed that you took a flaw here, reducing the cost of the power to 1pp/rank.  However, by adding it to your power suite, you already reduce the power to 1pp/rank.  So you could also add a modifier to this power, and it would still be a 1pp/rank.

4.  What do you mean by "preternatural" in Power Detection?  I feel like you're paying way too much for it if it's at 10pp.  I put it down to 5pp, and may even go down to 4pp.

5.  About the sums on skills, I'm still not precisely sure what's going on with them.  For example, do you have three ranks in stealth, or is that your total?

I really like this character, BTW.  Thank you for submitting her.

Edited at 1:35 p.m. because I noticed a math error in the attributes.
Always seeking 5E games.


I used Hero Lab and this is the breakdown without equipment:

PP on abilities 22
PP on skills 5
PP on feats 14
PP on powers 83
PP on combat 20
PP on saves 6


As to questions:

1) I think I misunderstood progression (as I can't think of what I intended to improve with it) - so please just cut that one out.

2) Leech is just a nickname for the drain power, sorry for confusion.

3) I'm not sure what the mechanics are for the DC's (I have the 3rd edition rulebook but I'm using Hero Lab to do the 2e grunt work for me). If I lose progression and add subtle to emotion control then I should still have the right balance of points.

4) I want her to have a Caliban-lite power to feel where people with superpowers are. I didn't think it was psychic in nature, but more of a side-effect of her affinity for other people's powers.

5) The value should be ranks + attribute mod (so no ranks in stealth but a +3 dex mod, but 9 ranks in sense motive and a +1 wis mod)

And I've shifted the drawbacks around to more properly fit the backstory - so now she has side effect (2) arousal when she drains, and the tiring modifier to her boost ability.

Hope that helps, I should be able to send a copy of the Hero Lab file if that would be easier?
Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.



    Ixy, you know I am always a fan of your characters.  This one's really no different.  Jin's also the type of character that I'd play--an enhanced human with a taste of some powers, but nothing too crazy.  There's a lot happening with her, though, so it's going to take me a while to go through her.

Freelance Assassin; Krait PL 10 (150 PP)

Real Name: Jin Huán Shé Identity: Public
Alias: Krait Occupation: Freelance Assassin
Bases of Operations: Mobile Affiliation: None

Attributes (14 pp):
STR 10/16 [+0/+3*] DEX 16/26 [+3/+8*] CON 14/18 [+2/+4*] INT 12 [+1] WIS 10 [+0] CHA 12 [+1]; * Enhanced meta-human ability.

Skills (14pp/56sp):
Climb 8 (+11), Computers 4 (+5), Disable Device 9 (+10), Drive 2 (+10), Escape Artist 2 (+10), Knowledge (Current Events) 1 (+2), Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+5), Knowledge (Tactics) 9 (+10), Knowledge (Technology) 9 (+10), Pilot 1 (+9), Sleight of Hand 1 (+9), Stealth 2 (+10), Swim 1 (+4).  Languages: English, Thai, French, Chinese (Mandarin).

Feats (4pp):
Attractive, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, Attack Focus (Ranged)

Combat (40pp):
Bab: +10 melee, +11 ranged;
Grapple: +13;
Damage: +3 [Unarmed];
BdB: +10 [+5 Flat-footed];
Initiative: +8/+16(+8 Dex, +8 Super Speed);

Saves (15pp):
Toughness: +10 (+10 flat-footed); Fortitude: +9; Reflex: +13; Willpower: +5

Powers (59pp):

Krait’s Reptilian Physiology
  • Regeneration 7 [Power Stunt: Persistent, Regrowth]; 1pp/rank, (9pp);
  • Enhanced Strength 6; 1pp/rank, (6pp);
  • Enhanced Dexterity 10; 1pp/rank, (10pp);
  • Enhanced Constitution 4; 1pp/rank, (4pp);
  • Super Speed 2?

POWER[2] Super-Speed
[a] [2] Leaping
[a] [2] Quickness
[a] [2] Swimming
POWER[3] Super-Senses (Acute olfactory)
[a] [3] Super-Senses (Infravision)
POWER[6] Protection
ARRAY[4] Concealment (Blending)

Base Move: 30 ft/60 ft/120 ft
Leaping: 65 ft/30 ft/15 ft
Speed: 220 ft (25 mph)
Super-Speed: 220 ft (25 mph)
Swimming: 450 ft (50 mph)

Light: 76 lbs, Med: 153 lbs, Heavy: 230 lbs
Max: 460 lbs, Push: 1150 lbs


Abilities 14 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 4 + Powers 59 + Combat 40 + Saves 15 – Drawbacks 0 = 150 / 150


1.  At first, I was a little confused with your skills because I kept coming up with 57 skill points.  It turns out that you were just adding your free language into the mix.  I'm glad I figured it out!

2.  For your feats, you put down 8 feats, but I only had 4.  Power feats should go in your powers.

3.  How are you allotting your regeneration points?

4.  I'm not sure what's happening in Super-Speed.  Super-Speed usually costs 5pp/rank, but since it's built into your suite, it'll cost 4pp/rank.  Each rank nets you one rank in Quickness and Speed, so you already have two ranks in each.  You tacked on swimming and leaping, but I'm not really certain that you're doing it right.  If you spend eight points for Super Speed, you can then use eight points for either leaping or swimming if you're using a dynamic array off of it.

So, it would look like this:

Super Speed 2 (8 pp);
-- Leaping 8 (1pp);
-- Swimming 8 (1pp);
-- Quickness 8 (1pp);

With the caveat, of course, that you could only use only either Super Speed, Leaping, Swimming, and Quickness 8 in a round.

Ugh, I gotta go now, but I really love your char, Ixy.  I will work on her a bit more later.
Always seeking 5E games.


Don't worry, Ampere.  We can work it out.  I'm positive that we'll be able to get your character up and running shortly.

Honestly, I think that you'd get more bang for your buck by limiting using dynamic arrays.  But we can talk more about that later.

I really like your character, and I'm sure that we will be able to work out the kinks soon!

Quote from: Ampere on January 16, 2019, 12:30:18 PM
I used Hero Lab and this is the breakdown without equipment:

PP on abilities 22
PP on skills 5
PP on feats 14
PP on powers 83
PP on combat 20
PP on saves 6


As to questions:

1) I think I misunderstood progression (as I can't think of what I intended to improve with it) - so please just cut that one out.

2) Leech is just a nickname for the drain power, sorry for confusion.

3) I'm not sure what the mechanics are for the DC's (I have the 3rd edition rulebook but I'm using Hero Lab to do the 2e grunt work for me). If I lose progression and add subtle to emotion control then I should still have the right balance of points.

4) I want her to have a Caliban-lite power to feel where people with superpowers are. I didn't think it was psychic in nature, but more of a side-effect of her affinity for other people's powers.

5) The value should be ranks + attribute mod (so no ranks in stealth but a +3 dex mod, but 9 ranks in sense motive and a +1 wis mod)

And I've shifted the drawbacks around to more properly fit the backstory - so now she has side effect (2) arousal when she drains, and the tiring modifier to her boost ability.

Hope that helps, I should be able to send a copy of the Hero Lab file if that would be easier?
Always seeking 5E games.


Thanks for your help Phantom... I always thought that MnM was kind of a puzzle, so I used a generator in the hopes of not screwing it up.  However I will get back to the draft tonight to revise as needed to ensure I'm not going off track
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


Quote from: Ixy on January 16, 2019, 12:59:21 PM
Thanks for your help Phantom... I always thought that MnM was kind of a puzzle, so I used a generator in the hopes of not screwing it up.  However I will get back to the draft tonight to revise as needed to ensure I'm not going off track

Your character looks pretty good, though.  I think you did a good job so far.  I was just confused.
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on January 16, 2019, 10:36:26 AM
A PDF of the rules is available off of a Google search, B.

At any rate, I'm sure that one of us can help you reverse engineer a character from 3rd to 2nd if need be.

Righto. I’ll take another crack after work. Lol
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



Reptilian Assassin; Krait PL 10 (150 PP)

Real Name: Jin Huán Shé Identity: Public
Alias: Krait Occupation: Freelance Assassin & Mercenary
Bases of Operations: Mobile Affiliation: None

Attributes (14 pp):
STR 10/16 [+0/+3*] DEX 16/26 [+3/+8*] CON 14/18 [+2/+4*] INT 12 [+1] WIS 10 [+0] CHA 12 [+1]; * Enhanced meta-human ability.

Skills (14pp/56sp):
Climb 8 (+11), Computers 4 (+5), Disable Device 9 (+10), Drive 2 (+10), Escape Artist 2 (+10), Knowledge (Current Events) 1 (+2), Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+5), Knowledge (Tactics) 9 (+10), Knowledge (Technology) 9 (+10), Pilot 1 (+9), Sleight of Hand 1 (+9), Stealth 2 (+10), Swim 1 (+4).  Languages: English, Thai, French, Chinese (Mandarin).

Feats (4pp):
Attractive, Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, Attack Focus (Ranged)

Combat (40pp):
Bab: +10 melee, +11 ranged;
Grapple: +13;
Damage: +3 [Unarmed]; +5 [Unarmed/Super Speed];
BdB: +10 [+5 Flat-footed];
Initiative: +8/+16(+8 Dex, +8 Super Speed);

Saves (15pp):
Toughness: +10 (+10 flat-footed); Fortitude: +9; Reflex: +13; Willpower: +5

Powers (52pp):

Krait’s Reptilian Physiology
  • Regeneration 7 [Power Stunt: Persistent, Regrowth]; 1pp/rank, (9pp);
  • Enhanced Strength 6; 1pp/rank, (6pp);
  • Enhanced Dexterity 10; 1pp/rank, (10pp);
  • Enhanced Constitution 4; 1pp/rank, (4pp);
  • Protection 6 [Extra: Impervious 6]; 1pp/rank, (6pp);
  • Concealment 4 [All Visual Senses]; 1pp/rank, (4pp);
  • Super Senses 4 [Infrared Vision, Acute Olfactory, Scent]; 1pp/rank, (4pp);
  • Super Speed 2 [Speed 2, Quickness 2, Strike 2]; 4pp/rank, (8pp);
  • Alternate Power: Enhanced Movement Suite: Swimming 4, Leaping 2, Sure-Footed, Wall-Crawling; 1pp/rank, (1pp);

Base Move: 30 ft/60 ft/120 ft
Running Jump: 80 ft.
Standing Jump: 40 ft.
High Jump: 20 ft.
Speed: 220 ft (25 mph)
Super-Speed: 220 ft (25 mph)
Swimming: 450 ft (50 mph)

Light: 76 lbs, Med: 153 lbs, Heavy: 230 lbs
Max: 460 lbs, Push: 1150 lbs


Abilities 14 + Skills 14 (56 ranks) + Feats 4 + Powers 52 + Combat 40 + Saves 15 – Drawbacks 0 = 143 / 150

Ixy, I'm still not really sure what's going on with Regeneration.  I went ahead and fixed things and tried to make your character a little bit more efficient with her powers.  Additionally, I added "wall crawling," "sure footed," and "scent" to your character's abilities.

The character's super speed has been changed as following:  Krayt can use super speed, or she can use her super movement powers, but she cannot do both.  So, if she's running super fast, she can't use sure footed.  But if she's running slowly, she can use sure footed.  If she's running super fast, she can't wall-climb.  And she's not super-fast when she's swimming, although she swims super fast.

Sure-footed is kind of like that ranger ability that lets you traipse around ignoring difficult terrain.

She now has seven points to put anywhere she wants.  I'd recommend that you purchase equipment, like a rifle or what have you.  Also, maybe consider abilities that will allow her to breathe/exist underwater.  All in all, I'm really pleased with her.
Always seeking 5E games.


Mistress of Seduction; Fix PL 10 (150 PP)

Real Name: Yuliya Voronova Identity: Public
Alias: Fix Occupation: GRU Agent, Criminal
Bases of Operations: Mobile Affiliation: Rossiyskaya Federatsiya

Attributes (22 pp):
STR 10 [+0] DEX 16 [+3] CON 10 [+0] INT 14 [+2] WIS 12 [+1] CHA 20 [+5]

Skills (5pp/18sp):
Bluff 1 (+6/+18*), Concentration 4 (+5), Diplomacy 1 (+6/+18*), Gather Information 1 (+6), Perform (dance) 1 (+6), Sense Motive 9 (+10), Sleight of Hand 1 (+4). *Attractive.

Feats (14pp):
Attractive 3 (+12), Distract (Bluff), Fascinate (Perform), Wrestling Finesse, Fighting Style - Wrestling (Chokehold, Improved Escape, Improved Grab, Improved Pin, Power Attack), Teamwork 3

Combat (20pp):
Bab: +5;
Grapple: +8;
Damage: +0 [Unarmed];
BdB: +5 [+2 Flat-footed];
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex);

Saves (6pp):
Toughness: +0; Fortitude: +0; Reflex: +4; Willpower: +6

Powers (71pp):

Fix's Power Absorption "Ahegao"
  • Fatigue 10 [Power Stunt:Sedation] DC Fort 20, 2pp/rank (21pp);
  • Boost 10 [All Powers, Side Effect Arousal, Tiring], 1pp/rank (10pp);
  • Immunity 5 [Emotion Effects] 1/rank, (5pp);
  • Drain 10 [All Powers]; DC Fort 20, 3pp/rank, (30pp);
  • Emotion Control 5 [Lust Extra: Subtle, Flaw: Uncontrolled DC:15], 1pp/rank, (5pp)
  • Super Senses 8 [Extended 3, Detect Meta-human 2, Tracking 3], 1pp/rank, (8pp)

Attributes 22pp + 5pp [18 ranks] + Feats 14pp + Combat 20 pp + Saves 6pp + Powers 74 = 141 pp

Boost:  Boost is a standard touch attack of instant duration.  You can gain boost yourself or other characters by touch.  Each rank of boost improves the targeted trait by 1 power point.  These temporary points fade at a rate of 1 per round until they are gone.

Fatigue:  Fatigue is a standard touch attack of instant duration.  You can inflict fatigue on a target. Make a melee attack roll.  The target makes a Fort save (DC 10 + power rank).  A failed save means the target is fatigued: -2 to STR and Dex, -1 to attack and defense, and cannot move all out.  If the save fails by 5 or more, the target is exhausted: -6 to Str and Dex, -3 to attack and defense, and unable to move faster than normal pace.  If the save fails by 10 or more, the target becomes unconscious.  Targets immune to fatigue are unaffected.  Already fatigued characters suffer another fatigue result become exhausted, while exhausted characters who suffer another fatigue result become unconscious.

Fix can keep targets rendered unconscious by Fatigue effect from regaining consciousness.

Heyo, Ampere.  All right, I took everything that you told me and I cleaned her up a bit.  By my estimation, she has 9pp left.  I would put some of it towards purchasing equipment (specifically, buying armor, pistols, etc.), and getting you some fortitude.
Always seeking 5E games.


Timeline of Events

For simplicity's sake, this game takes place in 2018.  The setting is similar to the DC Universe as depicted in the Young Justice cartoon, with some modifications.  Like in Young Justice, events from a number of alternate universes have already happened in this universe.  Consider this universe to be an amalgamation of the Young Justice universe, as well as Wildstorm, Charlston, Milestone, Vertigo, and the Watchmen.

Distant Past
-- Around 48,000 BC: Vandal Savage is born.
-- Around 2000 BC: The Blue Beetle scarab arrives on Earth.
-- Around 1,300 BC: Teth-Adam is born.

12th-15th century
-- Around 1100: Wotan is born.
-- Around 1200: Fall of Camelot.  Jason Blood becomes the Demon.
-- 1310-1410: Ra's al Ghul is born.

19th century
-- 1845: American Civil War.
-- 1899: Wild West is tamed.  Heroes like Jonah Hex are forgotten.

20th century
1938: Crimson Avenger becomes the first public Mystery Man.
1939: Dan Garrett finds the scarab in Bialya and becomes the first Blue Beetle.[9]
1940: Justice Society of America is formed, and disbands in 1951.  The team consisted of the Sandman, Green Lantern, Red Tornado, Wildcat, Dr. Fate, Atom, Hourman, and Dr. Mid-nite.
1941: The All-Star Squadron is formed, and disbands in 1946.  The team consisted of Wonder Woman, Liberty Belle, Mister America, Blue Beetle, Dr. Occult, Johnny Quick, and Judo Master.
1955: Martian Manhunter is transported to earth in a Zeta-Beam accident.
1977: Keene Act passes, outlawing superheroes.
1980: Atlantis is re-discovered.
1984: Stormwatch founded.  The team consisted of Apollo, Midnighter, Jack Hawksmoor, Engineer, and Swift.  The team is still in operation.
1992: The Authority is founded.  The team consisted of Jenny Sparks, the Doctor, Freefall, and Grifter.  This team staged an unsuccessful coup d'etat on the United States.
1997: Keene Act repealed.
1998: Superman starts his career at the age of 21.
1999: Batman begins his career at the age of 21.

21st century
2001: Diana (Wonder Woman) returns to her crime-fighting career.
2003: The Justice League is founded by Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter.
2004: Green Arrow, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman join the Justice League.
2006: After the tragedy at Haly's Circus, Robin (Dick Grayson) begins his career at age 9.
2006: The Justice League becomes known to the public.
2008: Gorilla City is discovered.  Zatara, Captain Atom, Black Canary, John Stewart, Captain Marvel and Red Tornado join the Justice League.
2010: The Justice League establishes the Teen Titans, an off-shoot superhero team of teenagers.  Doctor Fate, Plastic Man, Icon, Atom, and Red Arrow join the Justice League.
2011:  Ted Kord is killed by Deathstroke and Sportsmaster.  Rocket and Zatanna join the Justice League.
2016:  Kid Flash dies.
2017:  Fire, Ice, Hardware, Engineer, Batwoman, and Katana join the Justice League.  The Justice League splits into two forces: terrestrial and intergalactic forces.
2018:  Nightwing forms the Outsiders.  Batman forms Batman, Incorporated.
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on January 16, 2019, 02:41:25 PM
Heyo, Ampere.  All right, I took everything that you told me and I cleaned her up a bit.  By my estimation, she has 9pp left.  I would put some of it towards purchasing equipment (specifically, buying armor, pistols, etc.), and getting you some fortitude.

Thank you, it looks good and I'll spend those extra pp's, making her a little more survivable.
Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.



I know a Young Justice timeline when I see one. Season 3 has been wonderful so far. Really excited to see what comes next.


Quote from: indarkestknight on January 16, 2019, 04:02:19 PM
I know a Young Justice timeline when I see one. Season 3 has been wonderful so far. Really excited to see what comes next.

I am OBSESSED with that show.  :d
Always seeking 5E games.


Thank you for your help on my character sheet.  I'll have it finalized ASAP.
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


Master & Commander; Viper PL 6 (90 PP)

Real Name: Elizabeth St. Croix Identity: Private
Alias: Viper Occupation: American Special Forces
Bases of Operations: Washington, D.C. Affiliation: U.S. Army

Attributes (23 pp):
STR 12 [+1] DEX 18 [+4] CON 12 [+1] INT 12 [+1] WIS 14 [+2] CHA 14 [+2]

Skills (21pp/84sp):
Acrobatics 8 [+12] (Mastery); Bluff 8 [+10/+14] (Mastery); Climb 6 [+7] (Mastery); Diplomacy 6 [+8/+12] (Mastery); Disable Device 6 [+7] (Mastery); Disguise 6 [+8] (Mastery); Drive 4 [+8]; Handle Animals 8 [+10] (Mastery); Knowledge (Arts) 6 [+7]; Knowledge (Current Events) 4 [+5]; Notice 4 [+6]; Profession (Soldier) 6 [+8]; Sense Motives 4 [+6]; Search 4 [+6]; Stealth 8 [+12]; (Mastery);

Feats (26pp):
Attack Focus (Ranged) 3, Attack Specialization (Pistol) 1, Attractive, Challenge (Perfect Balance) 1, Defensive Attack , Defensive Roll 3, Dodge Focus 6, Equipment 3, Evasion 1, Fascinate (Bluff) 1, Improved Initiative 2, Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Handle Animals and Stealth) 2, Sneak Attack 2, Taunt

Combat (8pp):
Bab: +2; +5 [Ranged]; +7 [Pistol]
Grapple: +3;
Damage: +1 [Unarmed]; +4 [Pistol]  +2 [from Sneak Attack]
BdB: +2 [+8 w/ Dodge Focus, +1 Flat-footed];
Initiative: +12 (+4 Dex; +8 Improved Initiative].

Saves (6pp):
Toughness: +4 [+1 Flat] Fortitude: +5; Reflex: +8 [+11 Optional] Willpower: +6

Powers (1pp):
Delicate Build Super Movement 1 (Permeate) Flaw: Limited (Only thigh places) [-1]; 1pp

Catsuit Super Movement (Wall Crawling)
Brass Knuckles Strike 1 Feat: Mighty
Heavy Pistol
B&E Tools Lockpick, Comlink, Gasmask, Night-Vision Goggles

Attributes 23pp + 21pp [84 ranks] + Feats 26pp + Combat 8 pp + Powers 1pp + Saves 12pp = 90pp

Biography:  Viper is a secret agent attached to the U.S. Army.  She heads the Convict Reformation Division, which is otherwise known as Task Force X.  Aside from that, not much is known about her.
Always seeking 5E games.


I know at first I'd mentioned something Iron Spider inspired but the more I thought about it the more I realized tentacles are probably more appropriate for a naughtier game like this one (unless anyone here favors spider legs over tentacles).

For the other players and GM, while it won't change the stats, would you rather the tentacles be more classic Doc Ock or more soft robotics like Spider-verse Doc Ock?


Mistress of Seduction; Fix PL 10 (150 PP)

Real Name: Yuliya Voronova Identity: Public
Alias: Fix Occupation: GRU Agent, Criminal
Bases of Operations: Mobile Affiliation: Rossiyskaya Federatsiya

Attributes (22 pp):
STR 10 [+0] DEX 16 [+3] CON 10 [+0] INT 14 [+2] WIS 12 [+1] CHA 20 [+5]

Skills (5pp/18sp):
Bluff 1 (+6/+18*), Concentration 4 (+5), Diplomacy 1 (+6/+18*), Gather Information 1 (+6), Perform (dance) 1 (+6), Sense Motive 9 (+10), Sleight of Hand 1 (+4). *Attractive.

Feats (14pp):
Attractive 3 (+12), Distract (Bluff), Fascinate (Perform), Wrestling Finesse, Fighting Style - Wrestling (Chokehold, Improved Escape, Improved Grab, Improved Pin, Power Attack), Teamwork 3

Combat (20pp):
Bab: +5;
Grapple: +8;
Damage: +0 [Unarmed];
BdB: +5 [+2 Flat-footed];
Initiative: +3 (+3 Dex);

Saves (8pp):
Toughness: +0; Fortitude: +2; Reflex: +4; Willpower: +6

Powers (78pp):

Fix's Power Absorption "Ahegao"
  • Fatigue 10 [Power Stunt:Sedation] DC Fort 20, 2pp/rank (21pp);
  • Boost 10 [All Powers, Tiring, 2pp/rank (20pp);
  • Immunity 5 [Emotion Effects] 1/rank, (5pp);
  • Drain 10 [All Powers]; DC Fort 20, Side Effect[2] (Arousal), 2pp/rank, (20pp);
  • Emotion Control 5 [Lust Extra: Subtle, Flaw: Uncontrolled DC:15], 1pp/rank, (5pp)
  • Super Senses 8 [Extended 3, Detect Meta-human 2, Tracking 3], 1pp/rank, (8pp)
  • Mind Reading 6 [Limited - Only Sexual Desires, Subtle], 1/2pp/rank + 1 feat (4pp)

Fix's Morph Sheath (Armour) (15ep/3pp)
Armor Protection 4; (8pp)
Nomex Immunity 6 (Environmental Heat; Fire Damage) Limited (Half effect); (5pp)
Nanites Morph 1 (2pp);

Fix's Armor is a combat suit that can change color, tint, transparency, and texture.  It can wholly recede into any fashionable accessory.  The only limitation to the combat suit is that it must be skin tight.

Attributes 22pp + 5pp [18 ranks] + Feats 14pp + Combat 20 pp + Saves 8pp + Powers 78 = 150 pp

Boost:  Boost is a standard touch attack of instant duration.  You can gain boost yourself or other characters by touch.  Each rank of boost improves the targeted trait by 1 power point.  These temporary points fade at a rate of 1 per round until they are gone.

Fatigue:  Fatigue is a standard touch attack of instant duration.  You can inflict fatigue on a target. Make a melee attack roll.  The target makes a Fort save (DC 10 + power rank).  A failed save means the target is fatigued: -2 to STR and Dex, -1 to attack and defense, and cannot move all out.  If the save fails by 5 or more, the target is exhausted: -6 to Str and Dex, -3 to attack and defense, and unable to move faster than normal pace.  If the save fails by 10 or more, the target becomes unconscious.  Targets immune to fatigue are unaffected.  Already fatigued characters suffer another fatigue result become exhausted, while exhausted characters who suffer another fatigue result become unconscious.

Fix can keep targets rendered unconscious by Fatigue effect from regaining consciousness.
Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.



Quote from: indarkestknight on January 16, 2019, 09:29:09 PM
I know at first I'd mentioned something Iron Spider inspired but the more I thought about it the more I realized tentacles are probably more appropriate for a naughtier game like this one (unless anyone here favors spider legs over tentacles).

For the other players and GM, while it won't change the stats, would you rather the tentacles be more classic Doc Ock or more soft robotics like Spider-verse Doc Ock?

I want you to play what you want.
Always seeking 5E games.


As an aside:

The Red Light Initiative.  The United States passed the Red Light Initiative in 2016.  The law permits the government to prostitute convicts to qualified individuals, like government officials, entertainment moguls, and wealthy oligarchs.  Proceeds from the service go towards national victim restitution funds, but the convict also receives marginal canteen funds for their service and gets to experience some freedom while on call.  This program is only meant to add a texture of smuttiness to the game.
Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on January 17, 2019, 07:19:36 AM
As an aside:

The Red Light Initiative.  The United States passed the Red Light Initiative in 2016.  The law permits the government to prostitute convicts to qualified individuals, like government officials, entertainment moguls, and wealthy oligarchs.  Proceeds from the service go towards national victim restitution funds, but the convict also receives marginal canteen funds for their service and gets to experience some freedom while on call.  This program is only meant to add a texture of smuttiness to the game.

That’s a cool idea.
Nitpicking naysayers barking like beagles, through the tall grass of poisonous tongues
Slide down your throat like an antidote you can quote...



It is completely player-optional, though.  Opt in if it sounds fun!  O/O’s will always be respected.
Always seeking 5E games.

Callie Del Noire

I suck at M&M2e a concept I want to apply with but having no luck