Temple of Luminescence (High lvl Pathfinder Recruitment)

Started by indarkestknight, October 08, 2018, 05:59:13 PM

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Baudziel "Bezi" Voyed
In the city of Nex,  the great Keleshite known as Lord Voyed was among the best-seated arcanist societies in the city, his accomplishments in magic considered invaluable to the ruling order.  Some say he was close to unraveling the fabric of magic itself, and that he was developing a touchstone that would open the fabric of the planes and allow the unlimited channeling of magic through a single conduit.   Already in his hundredth year of development on this project, his unnaturally long life (as no one could measure his exact age) and limitless vigor seemed a testament to his vision, and his relatively young elven wife was bearing their third child-- undoubtedly destined to join the ranks of the Voyed nobles as a magic scholar of the highest degree.

Thus, it was a bit of a surprise when the child's birth was followed with no grand celebration-- only a quiet announcement and a request that the family be allowed minimal visitors, as the birth's complications had required their arcane skills and intervention to prevent loss of life, and that the babe and mother were healthy but required rest.  "And a-thank you for your understanding, good fellows of the court."

The babe, who was named Baudziel, was kept sequestered from her siblings visited only by a her parents and a single nursemaid whose identity was kept secret by a complicated combination of spellcraft and monetary expenditure.  Despite their embracing of all things arcane, Lord Voyed knew that to admit that his own child had somehow been born... different... would spell disaster for his project.  Was it the influence of extraplanar forces on his pregnant wife?  Or had something come across and... influenced her prior to conception?  Worse still, had she conceived the babe with someone... something... else?  For in the crib, sitting without bawling and picking the seams from a woolen doll, sat a golden-skinned little girl with stubs of horns on her head, and a sinewy, and thrashing, tail.

Lord Voyed's magics to modify her form proved... painful... for the baby.  And despite his attempts to enforce permanent change, they always wore off.  He knew that any attempts to conceal her difference would be immediately apparent to his magus peers, some of whom even excelled his ability.  He would either have to keep her concealed a chamber warded against scrying, or he would have to be rid of her.

And so Baudziel learned in that tower, taking magic with her milk.  She did not learn it the same as other mages, and was slow with many of her lessons, but she possessed great aptitude once it took.  Yet still, she longed for the world outside, a world she learned of in books and images but had never seen on her own.

Then, on her eleventh birthday, her true Father came for the gate.  Having a link of blood between the material plane and his own having weakened that bond, he sieged the touchstone llike a gate with an army of demons behind him, and in the ensuing battle, her birth family was wiped out... along with their keep, their servants, many town watch, and more than a few able mage-knights.  But the gateway was closed, and the touchstone destroyed... everything gone but the one magically sealed and warded room in which she dwelled, which the watch-captain opened cautiously with a spell at the ready.

The Voyed's survivors were cast out of Nex, and Baudziel-- now nicknamed "Bezi"-- was turned over to them.  With equal measures revulsion, guilt, fear, and pity, Bezi was taken back to the Keleshite deserts where she would be raised.  There, she learned that she was not special, not some jewel to be locked away in a high, warded cabinet.  Nor was she a monster-- not trash to be buried, not a beast to be spit upon or driven to the ground.  She was a Voyed, and she should carry the name well.

She learned the blade and honed her magic, she knew battle and killed killers, she understood that death had taken her parents and she learned what pain could be-- finally she was alive and in the real world, and it was like boiling water in an open wound.  She was mad for it and anguished at once, only finding peace in the iciest of cold desert nights under the black skies.  And soon she found that peace in other places-- in her tent, curled among her compatriots, in a cavern among the dead scorpion nest that had plagued a nearby village, over the pleading, mewling forms of a soon-to-die raider lord among his gold piles.  That peace came more and more, and soon she did not care how she cound it, so long as she could bring death and know the silence after... all that the Voyed needed do was point at a target and she would attack.

Eventually, she understood that the losses others felt were like her own.  She could feel no "good" in the world, find no joy in creation-- only momentarily enjoy the distractions of earthly pleasures.  She was become a tool of vengeance, and when an elder of the family awoke one midnight babbling of a place they had once been, deep in the desert-- a salt-flat called "The White Death"-- and Bezi was certain who she would meet there.


Following the vision, they traveled to the place, and Bezi kept vigil amid the cracked salt and broad, empty skies, naked and without water or food for two days' heat and two nights' freezing cold.  At the peak of the sun on the third day, she heard a rustling upon the wind-- sand blowing against the rocks with a constant noise, it seemed... it persisted, louder, until it not unlike the buzzing of a hive.  And then it was clear.

Striding from the white horizon as a wavering black ghost, moving closer in an agonizingly slow fashion, the black spot of a form transluscent in the heatwaves was still sinuous and beautiful.  Upon reaching her, the woman was unlike anything Bezi had ever seen... impossibly tall, impossibly beautiful.  Sweat like honey glistened on her skin, and the buzzing sound roaring ever louder.  Full lips like caligraphy curled to a smile-- a smile so genuine it had to be wicked.  The woman crouched, her long fingers on the stone-like salt, and she crawled closer.  Then, upon reaching Bezi-- so close that the strands of her hair tickled the Tiefling's thigh in the warm, dry breeze-- she clenched her hand into a claw, tearing up a chunk of the packed salt with impossible strength.  Serve. The voice echoed, half-whisper, half-shout, as she drug the jagged white crystal, brown and gray with dirt, scratching a long track between Bezi's breasts to her navel, breaking the skin and sending a warm thread of blood down her lower belly.  And be served.

The cut burned with the sting of salt and sweat, worsening like the fire of wasp venom, the fire of it spreading through her skin as Calistria's face watched, looked up at her writhing, and laughed.  Soon she fell, the fire spreading through her stomach and chest, working toward her arms and legs, and the visage of the goddess straddled her bare hips and pinned her down.  Pain and pleasure... you are free.  It became impossible to think through the pain, and Bezi could only react, thrash, squirm under the powerful woman who was, suddenly, like iron atop her, pinning her prone.  The mouth lowered, covered hers, and as she screamed out in horror and terror, a swarm of wasps flooded into her mouth--

And then she woke, standing as she was on the cracked salt, with blood drying on her mound and stomach from the fresh, glowing tattoo on her midsection.  The silvery ink was indellible and shone like the moon, even here in the full desert sun, on her golden-hued skin. 

"I serve," she said, and placed her hands together once.  "And in service I am free."

Baudziel "Bezi" Voyed
CN Outsider (Humanoid)
L15 (14 Black Blade Magus/Hexcrafter Magus, 1 Unchained Rogue)

Reference link to my latest rolls

Size Medium.  HP 101
Speed 30, Run x4, Fly 60ft (good)
STR 10   DEX 26   CON 14   INT 20   WIS 12   CHA 8
BAB 10.  CMD 33.  CMB 12.

Acrobatics 10, Appraise 5, Bluff 8,  Climb 2, Diplomacy 3, Disable Device 12(14), Disguise -1, Escape Artist 12, Fly 28 (35 check w/Hex), Heal 1, Intimidate -1, Knowledge (Arcana) 22, (Dungeoneering) 15, (Planes) 15, Linguistics 9, Perception 25, Perform (Dance) 4, Ride 6, Sense Motive 7, Sleight of Hand 10, Spellcraft 22, Stealth 18, Survival 1, Swim 6, Use Magic Device 3 (*=boosted +1 from headband of vast intelligence)
Languages: Infernal, Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Ignan *, Celestial * (*=granted from headband of vast intelligence)

Black Blade (+4 Scimitar) (spell combat) +20/+15, 15-20/x2, 1d6+12 S (Cast Spell w/empty hand)
Black Blade w/o spell combat +22/+17

AC: 30.  Touch 22.  FF: 22
Saving throws: Fort 16, Ref 19, Will 16

-ARCHETYPES: Bladebound, Hexcrafter
-ARMOR PROFICIENCY: Light, Medium, Heavy
-WEAPON PROFICIENCY:    Simple, Martial, hand crossbow, scimitar
-MAGUS ARCANA: Empowered Magic, Hasted Assault, Maximized Magic, Flamboyant Arcana, Rod Wielder
-HEX MAGUS: Flight 14 minutes/day (+35 FLY)
-BLACK BLADE - X'all C'thosi - +4 Scimitar, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA 12, EGO 16, BB Arcane Pool 4, Knowledge Arcana 5, Languages common, Abyssal, Aklo, Draconic, Chelaxian, Vishkanya
-BLACK BLADE ABILITIES: Alertness, Black Blade Strike, Telepathy, Unbreakable, Energy Attunement, Teleport Blade, Transfer Arcana




Ring of Arcane Mastery - "Voyed Signet Ring"
Ring of Protection +3 - "Betrothment Ring"
Rod of Metamagic - Quicken Normal
Headband of Vast Intelligence +4
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4 "Doe's Sash"
Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Cloak of Resistance +5
Handy Haversack
Eyes of the Eagle
Pearl of Power - Level 1 -x5
Pearl of Power - Level 2 x1
Dweomer's Essence x5
Buffering Cap
Hat of Disguise (carried)
Daredevil Softpaws
Ioun Stone - Dusty Rose Prism
Wand of Blade Tutor's Spirit


Courtesan's outfit
Myrrh x3
Granite and diamond dust vials x3
Tent (medium)
Anti-toxin x5
Anti-plague x5
Scroll of Identify x5
Scroll of Keep Watch x10
Scroll of Bed of Iron x0
Hot Weather outfit
Night tea x7
Liquid Ice x6


Level 0      
Read Magic      
Dancing Lights      
Detect Magic      
Disrupt Undead      
Ray of Frost      
Mage Hand      
Acid Splash      
Arcane Mark      
Ghost Sound      

Level 1      
Blade Lash      
Blurred Movement      
Chill Touch      
Shocking Grasp      
Long Arm      
True Strike
Reduce Person
Color Spray

Level 2      
Flurry of Snowballs      
Euphoric Cloud      
Mirror Image      
Frigid Touch      
Scorching Ray      

Level 3      
Vampiric touch      
Dispel Magic      
Sleet Storm      
Elemental Aura      

Level 4      
Dimension Door      
Invisibility, greater      
Caustic Blood      
Solid Fog      
Ball Lightning

Level 5      
Cone of Cold      
Wall of Force      
Bladed Dash, Greater      


Read Magic      
Mage Hand      
Detect Magic      

Intensified - Shocking Grasp   
Intensified - Shocking Grasp   
Intensified - Shocking Grasp   
Intensified - Shocking Grasp   
Intensified - Shocking Grasp   
Intensified - Shocking Grasp   
Intensified - Shocking Grasp

Mirror Image      
Mirror Image      
Rime - Frostbite
Rime - Frostbite

Rime - Flurry of Snowballs      
Rime - Frigid Touch      
Vampiric touch      
Dispel Magic      

Invisibility, greater      
Caustic Blood      
Dimension Door      
Dimension Door      

Cone of Cold
Cone of Cold

Calculations and Rolls

HP Rolls: 1, 5, 5, 7, 7, 1, 5, 5, 3, 2, 6, 4, 8, 4
AC: 10+6 armor + 0 shield + 8 dex + 0 size + 2 nat + 3 defl + 1 misc
CMB 10 BAB + 8 Dex + 5 misc + 10
CMB 10 BAB + 2 Misc
Saves: Fort 9 base+ 2 con + 5 misc.  Refl 6 base + 8 dex + 5 misc.  Will 9 base + 1 wis + 6 misc

Skill/Power Uses Remaining

Redirect Attack: 1
Wand of Blade Tutor's Spirit 50
Buffering Cap: 1
Metamagic: Quicken rod: 3
Ring of Arcane Mastery: 4
Flight: 14
Maximized Magic: 1
Empowered Magic: 1
Arcane Pool 14
BB Arcane Pool: 4
Attempts to siphon BB arcane pool: 1

Additional Modifiers

AC: +1 dodge - against an opponent when you are the only one threatening them. (Artful Dodge)
Concentration: +4 - when casting teleport spells (Dimensional Agility)
Disable Device: +2 circumstance - when using masterwork tools (Thieves' tools, masterwork)
Endurance checks: +2 circumstance - when an elf only eats this for a week (Rations,  Elven Trail (per day) [Medium creature])
Fortitude: +5 alchemical - on Fortitude saves against disease for one hour after drinking (Antiplague (vial))
+5 alchemical - vs poison for one hour after drinking (Antitoxin (vial))
+2 - when wearing and used to resist warm or hot weather (Hot weather outfit [Medium creature])
Perception: +1 - to locate traps (Trapfinding)
Saving Throws: +1 willpower
The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.


Quote from: Roleplay Frog on October 11, 2018, 07:25:25 AMRandom note on character creation.. while 25 point buy is the safe option, a  dual set of 4d6, drop lowest is, statistically, superior,.. if you like to gamble. Which I do!
Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide

Roll Result: Sunny party time rolled: 4d6, keeping 3 dice
Result: 4, 1, 4, 1,
Total: 9

Result: 2, 4, 4, 6,
Total: 14

Roll Result: Sunny party time rolled: 4d6, keeping 3 dice
Result: 3, 1, 1, 3,
Total: 7

Result: 6, 5, 6, 5,
Total: 17

Result: 2, 1, 3, 2,
Total: 7

Roll Result: Sunny party time rolled: 4d6, keeping 3 dice
Result: 2, 2, 3, 6,
Total: 11

Hooh jinxed it. I think I'll have a look at those DM rolls too. *chuckles.* Honestly, I am kinda tempted, I never got to play a character this bad.

11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17.

Roleplay Frog

Quote from: indarkestknight on October 11, 2018, 03:09:06 PM
11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17.

Hard choice.. So what would you vote, nice or naughty frog?

Also! what do you think of the radiant house publishing archetypes for occultist inspired characters? Basically, they are the binder from ToM 3.5, giving a martial type some variation at the cost of some of their usual class-goodies. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/radiance-house/occultist/


I'll work on a cleric (with one level dip into sorcerer), probably put him together tomorrow.   Expect a human male with Pharasma for a diety (unless it's a different realm than Golarion).

Edit: I can't decide between these two pictures....


Setting: not partial to any particular one, never played in any of them.

Crafting: generally not in favor of it

Special Magic Items: case by case.

It will be Saturday before I can sit down and make a character.     Are we playing an evil campaign?  I have a paladin(good) mostly designed that I want to see how well it works at high level and can easily modify history, but not really for an evil campaign.
By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H

On/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=335439.0

Roleplay Frog

Quote from: Hunter on October 11, 2018, 04:11:28 PM
I'll work on a cleric (with one level dip into sorcerer), probably put him together tomorrow.   Expect a human male with Pharasma for a diety (unless it's a different realm than Golarion).

Edit: I can't decide between these two pictures....

I'd go with young Viserys Targaryen, personally.


Could I please get a GM set of rolls?  Mine were horrendous.
Always seeking 5E games.


I don't recall if I mentioned it but I post on the average of at least once a day.     What, other than a completed character sheet and a picture do I need to submit?


Quote from: Lockepick on October 11, 2018, 09:50:45 AM
Is this game still recruiting? If so, I'd love to plant some interest.

Yes. Still recruiting.

Quote from: Roleplay Frog on October 11, 2018, 03:22:09 PM
Hard choice.. So what would you vote, nice or naughty frog?

Yes. *mathematician's answer*

Quote from: Roleplay Frog on October 11, 2018, 03:22:09 PMAlso! what do you think of the radiant house publishing archetypes for occultist inspired characters? Basically, they are the binder from ToM 3.5, giving a martial type some variation at the cost of some of their usual class-goodies. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/radiance-house/occultist/

I'll need some time to review this before I can approve it.

Quote from: keyotess on October 11, 2018, 04:19:07 PM
Are we playing an evil campaign?  I have a paladin(good) mostly designed that I want to see how well it works at high level and can easily modify history, but not really for an evil campaign.

That is up to the playerbase. The module could certainly allow for it, as many evil characters would still have a stake in keeping the planet at a comfortable temperature.

Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on October 11, 2018, 04:35:03 PM
Could I please get a GM set of rolls?  Mine were horrendous.

7, 10, 10, 11, 13, 14

Quote from: Hunter on October 11, 2018, 06:53:24 PM
I don't recall if I mentioned it but I post on the average of at least once a day.     What, other than a completed character sheet and a picture do I need to submit?

That should be adequate for now.


Yours are considerably better than mine, which are:

5, 1, 5, 1,  = 11
1, 2, 1, 2,  = 5
4, 1, 6, 3,  = 13
1, 4, 3, 4,  = 11
2, 3, 3, 1,  = 8
3, 2, 2, 3,  = 8

But both sets are too awful for me to proceed with character creation.
Always seeking 5E games.


Dice bots universally hate me.   I'm going with point buy.


Quote from: PhantomPistoleer on October 11, 2018, 09:27:36 PM
But both sets are too awful for me to proceed with character creation.

I'm sorry to hear that, PP. If you change your mind, you'll be welcome.


Quote from: indarkestknight on October 11, 2018, 03:23:12 AM
Original post has been updated. Please check for information regarding Character Creation and Houserules.

I am aware I left a handful of rather significant subjects up in the air. That is because I have not yet come to a decision regarding either of these subjects. I would like to encourage the potential playerbase to voice their preferences with regard to these two subjects.

Setting: Contenders at the moment are Golarion, Forgotten Realms, Nentir Vale, Tal'Dorei, or Greyhawk. Discuss.

Crafting: While crafting midgame is unlikely, to what extent should crafting be allowed? This is tied into the issue of custom magic items to some extent, and if it weren't for custom magic items, I'd be tempted to limit crafting feats to Brew Potion, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, and Scribe Scroll and call it a day.

Custom Magic Items: Should they be allowed at all, or, as with 3rd party material, evaluated on a case by case basis? What restrictions should be placed on their accessibility, if any? Should they only be available to those who take crafting feats? Should they cost their full value in gold pieces, rather than the usual half when crafting?

I’m inclined towards Golarion. It was built to work with PF, no conversion, no sweat.

Crafting…It’s very powerful for characters that don’t need every single feat, and oddly enough many of those are already quite powerful classes. I’m kind of against it. Kind of.

Custom items can get really OP really fast. In a way, needing a hand free for it is part of a wand’s balance. Making a ‘shield +3 of wand of fireball’ with ‘sword +3 of wand of spell penetration’ gets a bit crazy. I think custom items should probably be given the once over by the GM.

Working on a point-buy kitsune sorcerer, because despite hearing a lot about them I’ve never actually played one.
My current O/os (need work)

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Hunter on October 11, 2018, 09:28:40 PM
Dice bots universally hate me.   I'm going with point buy.

Safe bet, doing same as well as 4d6 x 6 is bit too low for against 25 point buy which gives generous stats overall :).


I haven't put in the character's hit points but everything else is done, I think.   I'll upload a copy to my 4shared account once he's approved.
Tolha Darkfist


Zaer Darkwail

So far leaning to use Brazen Deceiver archtype for my char (which is a bard). Need choose between pics (background wise he is consort to queen but is truth masterful evil mastermind behind the throne). Pic also influences race choice.



Keep in mind that if the adventure is set in Golarion, this archetype explicitly makes you an agent or former agent of the Council of Thieves.

QuoteBrazen deceivers’ techniques come from a dark source. During the reformation of the Council, Sabriune and Aspexia acquired the shattered fragments of an ancient relic called the Totemrix, which belonged to the long-deceased demon lord of shadows, Vyriavaxus. This particularly intrigued Sabriune, for it was her demonic patron Nocticula who slew Vyriavaxus. Drawing upon Sabriune’s heretical faith, Aspexia’s psychometric mastery, and Westcrown’s lingering psychic trauma from an oppressive shadow curse that plagued its nights for many years, the Council leaders were able to coax remnants of power from the broken artifact. All brazen deceivers are imbued with a fragment of that power during their initiation—not enough to damn a soul or shift alignment, but just enough to give these bards access to the sinister energies they need to deceive.

Zaer Darkwail

Ok, I can fit it into background story if game takes place in Golarion.


I'm having trouble with the dicebot, it seems.

1d6 Result: 4
13d8 Result: 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 2, 6, 1, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3,
Total: 54

Roleplay Frog

To ease your consideration DM, I'm going for a particular prestige, The Rakshasa prince, but only if evil. Basically give you babies first time stop and I definitly do now that to play something Dio inspired *cough*

I can do other stuff too , mind yous.


The big print giveth, the small print taketh away.

Callie Del Noire

Still looking? This weekend is Cayden’s Crawl, our local con for PFS, but I’d like to do a high level character if I could

Zaer Darkwail

Quote from: Ixy on October 12, 2018, 01:33:21 PM
Ok, my draft is up for review.  Please be gentle.

Background story is nice read :). Not sure of crunch (did not take closer look).


Decisions have been made regarding Setting, Custom Magic Items, and Crafting, and the original post has been updated accordingly.

Quote from: VonDoom on October 10, 2018, 02:32:52 AM
I'm interested and hoping to offer up a bard character of the pragmatic evil persuasion - who is out for fame, wealth and power by pretend - acting as a heroic figure.

However, from the looks of it, Temple of Luminescence is pretty much just a dungeon crawl, which is about my least favourite aspect on the intrigue/combat/exploration side of things. If I'm mistaken and it has plenty of social opportunities, please let me know, otherwise my preference is strongly towards anything with a social/intrigue focus.

Temple of Luminescence does afford some unique RP opportunities, but it is designed primarily as a dungeon crawl, yes. Pity. The character sounds quite entertaining. If I pick up a more social/intrigue heavy game in the future, however, you will be quite welcome to participate.

Quote from: Roleplay Frog on October 11, 2018, 03:22:09 PM
Also! what do you think of the radiant house publishing archetypes for occultist inspired characters? Basically, they are the binder from ToM 3.5, giving a martial type some variation at the cost of some of their usual class-goodies. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/3rd-party-classes/radiance-house/occultist/

Quote from: Roleplay Frog on October 12, 2018, 11:45:05 AM
To ease your consideration DM, I'm going for a particular prestige, The Rakshasa prince, but only if evil. Basically give you babies first time stop and I definitly do now that to play something Dio inspired *cough*

I can do other stuff too , mind yous.

Having given it some deliberation, I'm going to give a tentative go-ahead. I'll be examining the components of your character carefully when you submit your character sheet.

Quote from: Lockepick on October 11, 2018, 09:50:45 AM
Is this game still recruiting? If so, I'd love to plant some interest.

Quote from: Callie Del Noire on October 12, 2018, 01:48:47 PM
Still looking? This weekend is Cayden’s Crawl, our local con for PFS, but I’d like to do a high level character if I could

There's still room.

Quote from: keyotess on October 11, 2018, 04:19:07 PM
It will be Saturday before I can sit down and make a character.     Are we playing an evil campaign?  I have a paladin(good) mostly designed that I want to see how well it works at high level and can easily modify history, but not really for an evil campaign.

So far we have a TN and a CN character. It sounds like there's at least one evil character in the works (Zaer's bard) and one character that could go either way (Roleplay Frog's pact magic occultist).

Quote from: Hunter on October 12, 2018, 11:06:13 AM
I'm having trouble with the dicebot, it seems.

1d6 Result: 4
13d8 Result: 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 2, 6, 1, 1, 1, 3, 6, 3,
Total: 54

1d6 Result: 6
13d8 Result: 8, 5, 3, 3, 8, 3, 8, 3, 4, 2, 8, 2, 5,

So that'd be
8, 7, 6, 6, 8, 3, 8, 3, 4, 2, 8, 6, 5
Total: 80

Ixy, Hunter, I'll review your sheets over the weekend. *charsheet accountant mode*

If I've missed anything from anyone, please don't be shy about nudging me.


Quote from: indarkestknight on October 13, 2018, 02:16:22 AM
Ixy, Hunter, I'll review your sheets over the weekend. *charsheet accountant mode*

If I've missed anything from anyone, please don't be shy about nudging me.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you.     I'll probably swap the magic backpack and the current wand for character created versions of same; I'll give you time to look him over before I make that adjustment.