An Evil Pathfinder Campaign

Started by PhantomPistoleer, August 09, 2018, 10:54:44 PM

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Always seeking 5E games.


Quote from: Jovialtraveler on August 12, 2018, 02:54:46 AM Mythweavers

Name: Darwishi
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Shabti

   •   Ability Score Racial Traits: Shabti have powerful bodies and presences to match. They gain +2 Constitution and +2 Charisma.
   •   Type: Shabti are outsiders with the native subtype.
   •   Size: Shabti are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
   •   Speed: Shabti have a base speed of 30 feet.
   •   Languages: Shabti begin play speaking Common. Those with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Senses Racial Traits
   •   Darkvision: Shabti can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Defense Racial Traits
   •   Immortal (1 RP): Shabti do not age naturally and cannot die of old age. While some might come into being at age categories other than adulthood, they never leave their original age category. Spells and effects that cause aging affect a shabti as normal.
   •   Immune to Undeath (1 RP): Shabti can’t become undead. Spells and abilities that would transform a shabti into an undead creature have no effect.
   •   Resist Level Drain (1 RP): A shabti takes no penalties from energy drain effects, though he can still be killed if he accrues more negative levels than he has Hit Dice. After 24 hours, any negative levels a shabti takes are automatically removed without the need for an additional saving throw.
Other Racial Traits
   •   Past Life Knowledge (2 RP): Shabti remember bits of their past lives. As a result, they treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.
   •   Shattered Soul (–1 RP): Shabti who are killed are exceptionally difficult to return to life. Those who attempt to return a shabti to life using raise dead, resurrection, or similar spells must succeed at a caster level check equal to 10 + the shabti’s Hit Dice. If this check fails, the spell fails and the caster can’t return the shabti to life for the next 24 hours (though the caster can try again after this period).

Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 210
Skin tone: Red Clay
Hair Color: Dark Brown (Black)
Eyes: Grey, like wet clay

Alignment: Neutral Evil
Kinks: Blackmail, Dubious Consent, Love/Hate relationship, Pinning, Body Art (tats, piercings, and scars), athletic partners, gynephile (attracted to feminine traits, but actual gender doesn’t matter too much)
Non con: Open to giving or receiving to/from any gender
Languages: Common, Dwarven, Elvish
Class (Gestalt): Fighter (Gloomblade/Two-Handed Fighter) - Medium (Reanimated Medium) 1
Character Sheet


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).

Bonus Feats: At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as combat feats, sometimes also called “fighter bonus feats.”

Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.

Gloomblade (Fighter)

Student of Darkness (Ex): A gloomblade gains Acrobatics, Knowledge (planes), Perception, and Stealth as class skills, but does not gain Climb, Handle Animal, Ride, or Swim as class skills.

This alters the fighter’s class skills.

Shadow Weapon (Su): A gloomblade can create a shadowy weapon in a free hand as a move action. This can take the form of any melee weapon with which he is proficient. A gloomblade can have only one shadow weapon in existence at a time; creating a new shadow weapon causes an existing shadow weapon to vanish. At 3rd level, the shadow weapon acts as a magic weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus; this bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels a gloomblade has beyond 2nd, to a maximum enhancement bonus of +5 at 18th level.

Two-Handed Fighter (Fighter)

Nothing Yet! No features from this archetype until 2nd Level.


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mediums are proficient with all simple weapons, light armor, and medium armor, but not with shields.

A medium can cast a small number of psychic spells drawn from the medium spell list (see page 37). To learn or cast a spell, a medium must have a Charisma score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. The saving throw DC against a medium’s spell is equal to 10 + the spell level + the medium’s Charisma modifier.

A medium can cast only a certain number of spells of each level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table 1–2: Medium. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Charisma score (see Table 1–3 on page 17 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).

The medium’s selection of spells is limited. At 1st level, a medium knows two 0-level spells of his choice. At each new level, the medium learns one or more new spells, as indicated on Table 1–3: Medium Spells Known. Unlike his spells per day, the number of spells a medium knows is not affected by his Charisma score; the numbers on Table 1–3 are fixed. At 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, a medium can learn a single new spell in place of one he already knows. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and he must choose whether to swap the spell at the same time he gains new spells known for the level.

Knacks: Mediums learn a number of knacks, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table 1–3. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they don’t consume slots and can be used again.

Spirit (Su):
A medium serves as a vessel to channel spirits—astral echoes of powerful souls from ages past that live on in myth and legend. Each day, a medium can channel a spirit through a ritual known as a seance. Seances take 1 hour to perform and require the medium’s concentration. At the end of a seance, the medium invites a local spirit to inhabit him and serve as his spirit for that day. Each spirit arises from one of six legends, which are described further beginning on page 33. Though the medium can choose the legend to which the spirit he channels belongs, he must channel that spirit from an appropriate location. Each spirit has a favored location it usually inhabits, though spirits may also be present at other locations appropriate to their legends; such locations are listed in each legend’s Favored Locations entry. The medium gains the spirit’s listed seance boon and lesser spirit power for 24 hours. The medium also gains the spirit’s intermediate spirit power at 6th level, its greater spirit power at 11th level, and its supreme spirit power at 17th level. After 24 hours, the medium loses contact with the channeled spirit and can perform another seance.

A medium can invite his allies to participate in his seance—shared seance (see page 31) and certain spirit powers affect other participants. A character counts as participating so long as she maintains physical contact with another participating character and willfully opens herself to the spirit; unlike the medium, other participating characters can take other actions during this time. Only creatures with an Intelligence score of at least 3 can participate in a seance.

In addition to granting power to the medium, a channeled spirit can influence the medium. By channeling a spirit, the medium allows the spirit to gain 1 point of influence over him. If the medium loses that 1 point of influence, he loses contact with the spirit, though he is still unable to perform a new seance until the normal 24 hour period has elapsed since his last seance. When the spirit leaves after the 24-hour duration and before the next seance, the spirit’s influence over the medium resets to 0. Certain abilities allow the medium to gain additional power in exchange for allowing the spirit more influence over him.

When a spirit gains at least 3 points of influence over the medium, the dual impulses housed within the same body cause the medium to meld with his spirit’s consciousness. The resulting muddled sense of self and struggle for control causes the medium to take a –2 penalty on initiative checks as well as a specific additional penalty listed in each spirit’s entry. However, the spirit’s mental presence grants the medium a +4 bonus against possession effects and a +2 bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects that are not related to possession.

If a spirit ever attains 5 or more points of influence over the medium, the medium completely loses control to the spirit. He effectively becomes an NPC under the GM’s control until after he awakens the next day with the spirit gone.

During his seance, the medium can choose to channel a weaker spirit to gain its help without incurring as much of its influence. If he does so, he can forgo any number of spirit powers, starting with his most powerful spirit power. For each spirit power he forgoes, the medium can use his spirit surge ability twice without incurring influence.

Spirit Bonus (Su): When a medium channels a spirit, he gains a bonus on certain checks and to certain statistics, depending on the spirit. A 1st-level medium’s spirit bonus is +1; it increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

Spirit Surge (Su): After failing a d20 roll that was modified by his spirit bonus, a medium can allow his spirit to gain 1 additional point of influence over him in order to add 1d6 to the check’s result without taking an action. This can cause the check to succeed instead of fail. The medium must be conscious and aware to use this ability, and he can use this ability at most once per round. At 10th level, the medium’s spirit surge die increases to 1d8, and at 20th level it increases to 1d10.

Reanimated Medium

Channel Self (Su): A reanimated medium is essentially a bodiless spirit using influence to possess his own spiritless body. “The reanimated medium” refers to this spirit. Unlike a normal medium, a reanimated medium becomes more powerful the more influence it has over its body. Each day, the reanimated medium can perform a seance at a location as normal to focus on one of his potential future legends. He channels that legendary potential as strongly as possible into his body. The spirit gains 3 points of influence over his body, to a maximum of 6 points. Since he is his own possessing spirit, he doesn’t lose control at 5 or more points of influence, though he still suffers the legend’s influence penalty as normal at 3 or more points of influence. All effects and abilities that normally increase or decrease influence (such as spirit surge and spirit powers) have the opposite effect on a reanimated medium (for instance, propitiation increases influence by 1 point and spirit surge reduces influence by 1 point); this does not apply to the new abilities from the reanimated medium archetype. A reanimated medium can’t choose to channel a weaker spirit to avoid losing influence from using spirit surge. The body of a reanimated medium who reaches 0 points of influence enters a deathlike coma and is helpless for 24 hours, after which the reanimated medium reverts to 1 point of influence if the body is still alive, but can’t perform a seance for another 24 hours.

A character who selects the reanimated medium archetype after 1st level can do so only after dying; at the GM’s discretion, a dead character of another class with an intact body who has earned enough experience points to level up can take a level in medium and gain the reanimated medium archetype, and a dead medium might be able to gain this archetype. In any case, being revived from gaining the reanimated medium archetype does not impart any negative levels or other ill effects.

This ability alters spirit.

Ability Scores

Strength: 14
Constitution: 16
Dexterity: 14
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 16

Spells Known

Knacks (0 Level)
* Stabilize
* Bleed

Spell slots

None Yet!


(4+INT mod.) 6 per level
*class skill (+3 bonus)
* Acrobatics 1*
* Spellcraft 1*
* Diplomacy 1*
* Bluff 1*
* Intimidate 1*
* Knowledge (planes) 1*


From Character Level
* Power Attack
From Fighter Bonus Feats
* Combat Vigor

Combat Stats

Initiative: +2

Base Attack Bonus: +1
Melee: +3
Ranged: +3

Fortitude Save: +4
Reflex Save: +2
Will Save: +2

Armor Class: 12
Touch Armor Class: 12
Combat Maneuver Defense: 14
Hit Points: 13
Hit Dice: 1d10

Equipment and Possessions

Burglar’s Outfit

I’ll add the extra feat once you approve this character.
This character has not been submitted correctly.  Please delete or modify the submission in accordance with the conventions described in the first post of this thread.
Always seeking 5E games.


KAYAL Gunslinger/Ninja, 10 HP, AC 14, Character Sheet.
A right royal bastard in every sense of the term

Brief History: Hailing from an entirely different plane altogether, Salvador is one of the fetchling overlord's exiled bastards. Jailed for grievously offending a certain powerful nobleman. Repeatedly. And that thing with his daughter...

Kinks:  Keeping demihumans as pets, Breaking defiant streaks, Lording it up, Being served, Dubcon.

Non-Con: Likes to be in control. Open to mediating premeditated predations. Unlikely to play the victim.

Changed my race to Fetchling(they call themselves Kayal) to make it a bit more interesting. I envision this guy with kind of a Dornish flair, albeit with guns. History feels far too short...

@GM: Jovial is talking about combining two archetypes for fighter that are incompatible RAW(they replace the same feature), rather than two separate classes. Probably pretty balanced if he's willing to take fighter on both sides for it.


I’ll ditch the Two-handed fighter archetype


Quote from: Jovialtraveler on August 12, 2018, 08:46:26 AM
I’ll ditch the Two-handed fighter archetype

You need to use the correct character sheet hun!!



RACE Class/Class, ## HP, AC ##, Character Sheet.
Small note of notoriety

Brief History:  This history should not be more than two sentences.

Kinks:  Six or seven things that your character enjoys.

Non-Con:  If your character is female, please inform other players if she is down for non-con either as the perpetrator or victim.  If your character is male, please inform other players whether your character is down for non-con as either as the perpetrator or victim.


there is a place for a picture as well so yes we are ALL using that per the GM


Question. How do you get the link to say “Character sheet”?
And how do you limit the size of an image?


Jovial, what I'd do is quote one of the existing characters using the template and just copy paste the formatting block from there. Or copy paste the template itself. Point is, if you quote the post, you'll get all the fancy formatting!


Shabti Fighter(Gloomblade)/Medium (Reanimated Medium), 13 HP, AC 12, Character Sheet.
His name means “Saint”. How ironic.

Brief History:  A former knight that fell from grace, and fell hard, then fell in with a group of thugs that got on the wrong side of the law, and he died while trying to take revenge on his pal’s killer. At least, he thinks he died, yet here he is, alive and breathing in prison for assaulting and killing an officer of the law.

Kinks:  Blackmail, Dubious Consent, Love/Hate relationship, Pinning, Body Art (tats, piercings, and scars), athletic partners, gynephile (attracted to feminine traits, but actual gender doesn’t matter too much). A more detailed list

Non-Con:  Down for Non-Con, as both Perpetrator and Victim


Thank you for the tip


Thanks for helping Jovial out, everyone.
Always seeking 5E games.


And if that’s that, I think I’m going to look for that extra feat now, assuming I qualify. You said 8:00 on Monday, right? Not Sunday?


Quote from: Jovialtraveler on August 12, 2018, 10:38:34 AM
And if that’s that, I think I’m going to look for that extra feat now, assuming I qualify. You said 8:00 on Monday, right? Not Sunday?

Yes, you qualify.
Always seeking 5E games.


Zayne Aldarian
Human Unchained Monk/Sorcerer, 12 HP, AC 16, Character Sheet.
Cucked one too many noblemen...

Brief History: Disowned when sorcerous powers manifested, Zayne was left at a monastary to "find himself" and instead learned how to kick butt. Left when they tried to push religious aspect; got into trouble with odd jobs and found himself enjoying "sticking it to the man." sticking it in the man's wife.

Kinks:  Oral (receiving), Vaginal, milfs, aristocratic women/nobility, Dub-con, Non-con, Impregnation, Exhibitionism

Non-Con: Down for it as the perpetrator; will not be victim.


Human White-Haired Witch / Unchained Monk, 12 HP, AC 13, Character Sheet.
Dreadlocked warlock in the streets; gets 'em rock hard in the sheets.

Brief History: A street orphan who struck a dubious deal with an even more suspicious speaking snake. Was too flashy with her newfound powers and imprisoned on account of witchcraft.

Kinks: Tentacles, bondage, large insertions, multiple penetration, choking, orgasm control / multiple orgasms (both giving and receiving for all of them)

Non-Con: Both non-con perpetrator and victim.


Loving the art used by the two newcomers! <3


Always seeking 5E games.


So I can just toss the char into the proper thread?


Quote from: Snake on August 12, 2018, 11:09:52 PM
So I can just toss the char into the proper thread?

Yup!  Sorry, my GM-ing style is super laissez-faire.
Always seeking 5E games.


Alright! Will do so when I'm on my laptop next. Thanks to my bloodline power I'm likely the most satiated in terms of hunger mini vampire!


So, since this is open for new players, and it's just started, jumping in shouldn't be a problem if I understood correctly.

Looking over the races, Ifrit is only 6 points, so should qualify without problems.

My character, a magus/swashbucker, is ready to go, do I drop the post straight into the character thread or here first?

In Sword, Truth.


Quote from: LtFox on August 14, 2018, 01:57:19 PM
So, since this is open for new players, and it's just started, jumping in shouldn't be a problem if I understood correctly.

Looking over the races, Ifrit is only 6 points, so should qualify without problems.

My character, a magus/swashbucker, is ready to go, do I drop the post straight into the character thread or here first?

I don’t have a standing rule really.

I like for there to be activity on this thread so as to advertise the game.  Generally, you can post the sheet here AND there at the same time.  Or you can just post in the character sheet thread.
Always seeking 5E games.


Here we go then... I'll also hop over to the character thread with this.  Is it okay to put up a post in the IC thread, or wait for a GM introduction, since the game has started?

Ahji Firestarter
Ifrit Swashbuckler / Eldritch Scion Magus, 12 HP, AC 15, Character Sheet.
Surely they didn't need the church that much, it made such a nice bonfire with all the screaming people.

Brief History:  A pyromaniac from a young age, Ahji graduated to bigger and bigger fires.  Eventually, he learned to enjoy the screaming of people on fire, too.

Kinks:  Heat play, from candle wax to hot metal.  Bondage, oral, rough sex, force, pain, impregnation.

Non-Con:  Can do non-con either way.  Preference is as perpetrator, but can take it too.  Usually accompanied by bondage.

In Sword, Truth.


Please feel free to jump in the IC.
Always seeking 5E games.