Sultry Sirens Mansion (Porn Industry/ Open To Everyone)

Started by Norsegod1839, June 25, 2018, 02:18:46 PM

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Sultry Sirens Mansion

This just in

Breaking News

We are live with breaking news. Wealthy CEO Jack Alington Hobbs has been found dead in his hotel suite from what at this time is being reported as old age. The infamous and very wealthy billionaire was famous for his high risk high rewards investments, his charisma, and the long string of highly public relations with women much younger than him. Women wanted to be with him and men wanted to be him. Most infamous of his many investments was the highly controversial porn company Sultry Siren Mansion or SSM.

SSM was coined by Jack as the "next level of adult entertainment." He was unashamed in his purchase of the Dilgario Mansion and the millions he invested to turn it into a state of the art fully monitored home.

The video cuts to a archived interview with Jack and the news reporter.

"SSM is a work of art." Jack insisted his eyes flashing despite his old age "A full interactive experience for men and women that's designed to keep them wanting for more. It's far time that the regular populace let go of its weird tell but not show standpoint on sex. SSM is going to help them do it. Reality TV with porn, actress's and actors that have no experience within the industry! Realism is our bread and butter and this shits going to sell hotter than any staged adult video."

The news program cuts back to the reporter.

"At the time of Mr. Hobbs death SSM's viewer count was at one million and rapidly ascending. SSM is in its second year on the air and the people inside of the house have reached an almost legendary status. While parent rights groups, church officials, and even the government have threatened SSM it shows no sign of stopping. Will that chance now that their captain is dead? With Mr. Hobbs having no heirs it seems only time will tell."

The news feed cut off.

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide
"Can someone get the lights?"

There was movement in the pitch black room. Seconds later recessed lights flickered on illuminating the tasteful office. Three people were currently stationed in the office two men and one women. The first man was balding with a belly to match and an expensive suit that tried to make up for it, the second man was younger with close cut blonde hair and a deep tan that gave him the look of an executive surfer.

The girl... she was a knock out. With a deep tan black hair and a body most women would die for. The outfit she wore was tasteful but sexy a low cut blouse a business skirt, Cuban stockings and topped with expensive kitten heels. Her make up was tasteful and light, and even though she was dressed to the nines there was no mistaking the intelligence in her eyes.

"If we could introduce the room please." A voice said coming in through the intercom system on the conference table.

"Of course." The first man said nervously "I'll start! My name is Jack Arlington I am the executor of Mr. Hobbs will."

He stepped back clearly to timid to say anything else.

"I bet you are." The tan man said with a snort "My name is Mark Thomas I am here representing the board of Mr. Hobbs.... more respectable companies."

He paused glancing over at the women before leaning in.

"And I want to go on record and state that the board is leveraging their shares and majority holdings on the decision that SSM be sold or destroyed."

"That decision-" Jack started to say nervously.

"Remains to be seen." The women said her Italian accent coming through as she glared at the two men. Her black manicured nails drummed against the expensive paneled oak as she leaned in to speak next.

"This is Sophie Romano." She said speaking clearly through her heavy accent "Mr. Hobbs secretary and share holder of SSM. I will be speaking on his behalf."

"On his behalf?" Mark said with a snort "Or his cock?"

"That's enough Mr. Thomas." The man on the intercom said angrily "I won't have that kind of talk. Sophie was Jacks most trusted agent as his best friend AND one of the majority share holders of his company I won't stand that kind of talk."

Mark visibly bristled before nodding his head.

"Yes Mr. McClain."

"Mr. Arlington." McClain said his voice strong "Play the tape please."

"Certainly sir."

There was a few minutes of shuffling as Arlington got the tape queued up and pressed play. The TV flickered and the news changed to that of Mr. Hobbs. His once youthful fiery appearance was gone replaced by a haggard older man who was at the end of his life. Despite that his eyes still shone with the same fire he always displayed.

"I'm going to make this quick." Jack said his voice gruff and wheezy "Every breath I take hurts at this point and my ass forgot to do this when I was more capable. So if you're listening to this then listen real good."

He paused to take a wheezy breath before continuing.

"If your listening to this I'm dead. I've lived a good life blah blah blah. I'm sure the lot of you have been circling my company since the minute I croaked like some dman hungry vultures. I'd hoped you waited until my body was cold and in the ground but.... well your a bunch of greedy money hungry pigs. Who gets my fortune, who gets my company. What happens to SSM."

He paused leaning in and narrowing his eyes at the videotape.

"Not a damn one of you."

Out of the corner of her eyes Sophie noted Mark Thomas stiffening.

"One of my only regrets in life was that I didn't get to be a father. Not because I never sired any but because I let my running a company be more important. I hid him from the lot of you because I didn't need you lot getting your grubby paws on him. My son is the heir to my company and Sophie has been tasked to find him and bring him in. I'm giving him control of SSM WITH the stipulation that he take over the rest of the company once he is ready. Until then Mr. McClain will be in charge of my other companies. While I'm sure this will upset you...."

He paused for dramatic effect.

"I don't give a damn."

The video clicked off.

"This is bull shit!" Mark said speaking the minute the screen went black "How do we even know this kid is legitament?"

"I assure you he is." Sophie replied pulling the paperwork out of her briefcase and pushing it forward to Arlington "All the paperwork is in order."

Arlington took it studying it for a second as Thomas fumed.

"Well Mr. Arlington?" Mr. McClain asked after a few minutes.

"It's legitemant." Mr. Arlington said with a nervous glance over at Mr. Thomas.

"In accordance with Mr. Hobbs will and testament the heir will take control of SSM and Dilgerio Mansion. Sophie will find him and bring him in so we can debrief him and have him sign the paperwork. Mr. McClain will take control of the rest of the operation until then."

"Good day gentlemen."


What This Game's About

The idea of this game is two fold.

1. Legacies: The idea of a young adult man finding out that the father who was never in his life left him everything and a very controversial business. I will be playing the heir in this game. He is brought by Sophie to run the buisness and gets involved with the day to day running of what is essentially a porn website. Things like managing the housemates needs, the events, and any drama that might happen between them will be prevalent throughout the story.

2. The Girls, The Men, and the porn!: The idea of being involved in a porn studio that also functions as reality TV. I will get more into WHAT that entails as I go over the rules. Basically I am looking for men and women to play the people having sex.

There is a third optional part of this whole thing.

3. Politics And Dynasty: If you read the spoiler (which will serve partly as my intro) then you will see that the other parts of Mr. Hobbs company want SSM gone. There will be antagonist in the form of corporate sabotage, movements to try and get the thing outlawed and even stalker type fans.


Do I have to play A female character?

Nope! While I think the main bulk of the people living in the house will be females there also will be a influx of male performs as well coming in for the scenes. This is open to all characters both male and female.

Do I have to play a porn star or house mate?

Nope! The day to day running of this place will leave roles open for any one. You can play a bouncer, a body guard, a driver, or even a boy friend or girl friend to one of the house mates. The limits are only to your imagination.


Any and all sexuality are welcome here.

The Rules

1. Every one is eighteen years of age or older

2. Polite and be here to have fun

3. Communication

4. Respect each other and their character

5. No god moding

Things To Know

The Stars:

1. A house mate of the SSM are chosen by recruiters and not from porn studios.

2. There given alias and even the right to wear wigs to disguise who they are.

3. They are not allowed to use drugs.

4. If they decide to go to college or some other vocation it is paid for

The Hugh Hefner Type:

Jack Hobbs was clearly a older man styled much in the way of say Hugh Hefner. He would never have demanded the girls to sleep with them BUT I imagine he was real close to them and even yes that some slept with him. The idea behind that is that there the ones who was effected the most by his dying. He was close to them all and would have helped them through whatever problems they were going through. He considered them family more or less.


Alright! So if interested please drop me a line and we can discuss from there.

Character Sheet!

[float=left][img width=400]http://IMAGE ADDRESS GOES HERE[/img][/float] 
[b]Real Name:[/b]
[b]Alias:[/b] (If applicable IE like your porn name)
[b]profession:[/b](what you do within the SSM universe)
[b]Signature Skill:[/b]
[b]Bio:[/b] A short bio of your character


Lets go for the driver/bodyguard here.

Real Name: Chris (Deandre) Nelson
Alias: Nixon Carter
profession: Driver/Bodyguard/Mechanic
Age: 28
Height: 6'2
Weight: 245 Pounds
Sexuality: Hetero
Nickname: Bigdaddy/Big Poppa
Signature Skill: Well Endowed, no refractory period

Hired primarily to be the driver.  Is known for his knowledge and protective mentality.  None of the women are to be harmed in his presence, if they chose more rough measures it hasn't been around him.  He has on occasion gotten rough but nothing he hadn't been able to handle with his martial arts and military background.  When he isn't driving he subs for the mechanic or stand in.

Anouk Daae

Tentative interest pending what other characters are applied.
It's been a while since I last played a hyper-sexualized character.

Barely 18, sweet and innocent girl-next-door type who gets recruited at a high school graduation house party.
Without a way to pay for college, she takes the job and place to live rent-free to save money, planning to get out as soon as she has enough.
Initially, she starts with solo webcam scenes and occasional girl-on-girl videos, but eventually gains a following on Twittter as more and more people want to watch someone so innocent-looking caught up in depraved, hardcore movies. Eventually, the money and fame gets to her and she falls down the rabbit hole.

Still debating PBs, but likely aiming for a Dove Cameron type.


That looks like a great concept Anouk!

I love the idea! And I think the story line you gave her is really great. By the time older guy dies and the heir takes over should we say she's been involved for about a year?



Concept: Johnny Marinetti was a staple in the underground fight circuit in New York. A gifted kickboxer with grappling skills that led to win after win and more than a little cash in his pocket. It's too bad he is a womanizer and a compulsive gambler. Not only did he manage to rack up an impressive amount of debt at the craps tables in Atlantic City, he also managed to bed the daughter of a mafia goon in the same night. Life got very complicated very quickly for Johnny as all types of scary men with guns kept showing up to keep him intimidated, and they finally gave him an ultimatum. Throw his next fight or lose his life. He had every intention of taking the dive but knew he had to throw a few punches to make the loss look good. His opponent was an awful fighter and walked right into a telegraphed right jab that dropped him to the mat.

After the fight Marinetti ran for the west coast. There was nothing else he could do. He fell on some hard times doing what he could to survive. He made his way across the nation doing odd jobs and seducing women. He ended up working as a male stripper in a Los Angeles club and got drafter by Jack before his death, all because one of the girls called him Adonis. He took up the name Adonis Popanov, dyed his hair blonde, wears a pair of dark wraparound sunglasses, and speaks with a fake Russian accent.


Anouk Daae

Quote from: Norsegod1839 on June 25, 2018, 04:17:05 PM
That looks like a great concept Anouk!

I love the idea! And I think the story line you gave her is really great. By the time older guy dies and the heir takes over should we say she's been involved for about a year?

If at all possible, I would prefer to have her as relatively new. Maybe only in it for about for about a month or so. Just starting to get acclimated when the guy dies, so she's scrambling to make sure she's got a cushion in place for if and when things might go sideways. I'd rather play her as new since she'd be a new character entirely, as opposed to a rework from some other story, that was I can feel out who she is as a character before shoving a dick in her ass while seeing the lengths she'd go to in order to get a leg up on more experienced girls or girls willing to do more for higher pay.


Quote from: Anouk Daae on June 25, 2018, 11:02:21 PM
If at all possible, I would prefer to have her as relatively new. Maybe only in it for about for about a month or so. Just starting to get acclimated when the guy dies, so she's scrambling to make sure she's got a cushion in place for if and when things might go sideways. I'd rather play her as new since she'd be a new character entirely, as opposed to a rework from some other story, that was I can feel out who she is as a character before shoving a dick in her ass while seeing the lengths she'd go to in order to get a leg up on more experienced girls or girls willing to do more for higher pay.

I love it! all that works for me! only a month into the life it is!

In the Character sheet I will go ahead and make a section that says how long they've been in "the life"

mia h

I'm thinking about writing someone who is possibly\maybe Mr Hobbs grand-daughter. So MC's grandmother would have had a close relationship with Mr Hobbs, and then suddenly she's pregnant and the rumours start. Nobody knows for sure if Mr Hobbs was the father but everyone concerned was able to use the press for their own advantage so nobody was concerned about the truth. Then years later MC's mother was able to use those old rumours as way to get a tiny bit of press attention as way to land a few 2 bit acting roles along with all kinds of photoshoots in the glossy celeb mags. So now it's MC's turn to cash in of those old rumours, that generally most people have long forgotten about but with Mr Hobbs death there is suddenly a new interest that has absolutely nothing to do with a slightly disreputable PR firm.
If found acting like an idiot, apply Gibbs-slap to reboot system.


Quote from: mia h on June 26, 2018, 11:03:08 AM
I'm thinking about writing someone who is possibly\maybe Mr Hobbs grand-daughter. So MC's grandmother would have had a close relationship with Mr Hobbs, and then suddenly she's pregnant and the rumours start. Nobody knows for sure if Mr Hobbs was the father but everyone concerned was able to use the press for their own advantage so nobody was concerned about the truth. Then years later MC's mother was able to use those old rumours as way to get a tiny bit of press attention as way to land a few 2 bit acting roles along with all kinds of photoshoots in the glossy celeb mags. So now it's MC's turn to cash in of those old rumours, that generally most people have long forgotten about but with Mr Hobbs death there is suddenly a new interest that has absolutely nothing to do with a slightly disreputable PR firm.

Hmmm I'm not against it however how would that play with my heir?  The heir is Mr. Hobbs son so that would make them related which I'm certainly not against!  We could possibly even play up a competing for the business type thing if you want. Or even an incest kind of thing if you're into it?

I like the idea! So I say go for it. Just need to figure out what kind of interaction the two "heirs" have.


I went ahead and put the character sheet up as well!

Anouk Daae

Real Name: Bailey Michaelson
Alias: Billie Jane
profession: Talent
Age: 18
Height: 5'2''
Weight: 115 lbs
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Nickname: Billie Blowie
Signature Skill: Deep-Throating (toys)
Bailey grew up in the South Hamptons, which usually made people think she was one of those pampered rich girls. In reality, her mom was a private chef and her dad was a chauffeur. They made enough to get by, it helped that their employers gave them a free place to live in their stables (which were converted to a guest house). Still, when it came time to go to college, there just wasn't enough money for it. Bails was decent in school but nothing scholarship worthy. Outside of cheer leading, there wasn't much in the way of extracurriculars.  It was maybe fate that she ended up at a party with all her school's rich kids the weekend of graduation. At the time, she was just shy of her 18th birthday, walking in to a massive mansion where a recruiter for the Sultry Sirens Mansion happened to be with a date already on his arm.
   After a few drinks and a low-key skinny dip in the pool, she managed to find herself drying off on a chaise with the recruiter's date, just talking about plans after high school. She'd been planning on going to a local community college when the recruiter walked up to join the two women. She was cute, young, with a small enough frame that he could easily see her being picked up and bent into all sorts of positions. When she didn't immediately recoil at the idea, he gave her his card and told her to call him once she was legal.

  A week before her 18th birthday, which was June 19th, she called him back and scheduled her first interview for the day she became legal. While it was a standard casting-couch interview, she made it clear that to start with, she would prefer to do solo scenes, at least until she got her feet wet. It was pretty vanilla as far as scenes went. Seeing how she gave head, if she could moan on cue, if she knew how to squirt (she didn't at the time), how well she could work with male talent. Head and body shots were taken, and she was sent to a clinic to get tested and put on birth control.

   Shortly after that, she moved into the Mansion. It's been about a month and a half. Her paypal is set up on Snapchat, and most of her work is done through a webcam in her room. The dimpled, blonde girl next door is the picture of perverted innocence, so, naturally, most of her fans are old men sending gifts to her P.O. Box for a chance to watch play with herself in her baby-pink bedroom. Though she identifies as heterosexual, she does, occasionally, perform with other girls as well during live performances. Beside her bed, she has a long shelf of all the toys she uses for viewers to choose from. Perhaps her favorite ones are the realistic dildos with suction cups to attach to walls (so she doesn't have to hold them up herself).

   Billie Blowie has, therefore, made a name for herself with her ability to slightly unhinge her jaw in order to take these (rather large) toys up to the hilt, down her throat, using multiple angles from different cameras to show the lining of it inside of her during live streams - so her viewers can see nothing is faked, throwing in some light gagging or choking for effect. She makes anywhere from a thousand to two thousand per month, just web-camming, which isn't a lot compared to most of the Talent in the house; but since she doesn't have to pay for rent, utilities, or food, most of it goes into her savings. Just when she was starting to think she could make enough to start school soon, Jack Hobbs had to go and die on her. With rumors of the company being sold off, she's scrambling to make whatever money she can, even tempted to go outside of her usual comfort zone.



I'd also (if anyone is interested) like to find someone to play Sophie! The SSM girl turned secretary!


Real Name: Jonathan {Johnny} Marinetti
Alias: Adonis Popanov
profession: Former fighter turned porn star
Age: 32
Height: 6'3
Weight: 205 Pounds
Sexuality: Hetero
Nickname: King of the Cumshot
Signature Skill: Multiple cumshots and copious loads
Johnny Marinetti was a staple in the underground fight circuit in New York. A gifted kickboxer with grappling skills that led to win after win and more than a little cash in his pocket. It's too bad he is a womanizer and a compulsive gambler. Not only did he manage to rack up an impressive amount of debt at the craps tables in Atlantic City, he also managed to bed the daughter of a mafia goon in the same night. Life got very complicated very quickly for Johnny as all types of scary men with guns kept showing up to keep him intimidated, and they finally gave him an ultimatum. Throw his next fight or lose his life. He had every intention of taking the dive but knew he had to throw a few punches to make the loss look good. His opponent was an awful fighter and walked right into a telegraphed right jab that dropped him to the mat.

After the fight Marinetti ran for the west coast. There was nothing else he could do. He fell on some hard times doing what he could to survive. He made his way across the nation doing odd jobs and seducing women. He ended up working as a male stripper in a Los Angeles club and got drafter by Jack before his death, all because one of the girls called him Adonis. He took up the name Adonis Popanov, dyed his hair blonde, wears a pair of dark wraparound sunglasses, and speaks with a fake Russian accent.

He has only had a few scenes with some up and coming starlets thus far, but it's obvious to the company he is more than just a great body and a big cock. Each scene he shoots is assured to have not one but two cumshots or more, and those cumshots are quite large. In fact directors often use this talent to get more bang for their directing buck, getting a creampie and a facial all in the same take.

Anouk Daae

Any idea when play will launch or how many people you'd like to recruit beforehand?


I'm not sure! I think we need a few more females in the house to really get things going

Since I'm not sure if Mia character is straight up going to be one of the girls or not. I am actively recruiting though and will continue to do so.


Current Post Rate: Quick to Moderate
Current Solo Posts Owed: 1/5
Current Group Game Posts Owed: 0/3

I AM AVAILABLE FOR: Groups, Solos, F/Any, posting via forums

My O/Os
My Solo Ideas [New Ideas Added!]



With Kokaine jumping aboard as well I can probably get the character sheet room up and OOC tomorrow! And then work on the first post.


Great minds Koka, I was working on a sheet myself. Having trouble settling on a model though. hehe


Quote from: CurvyKitten on June 26, 2018, 10:01:06 PM
Great minds Koka, I was working on a sheet myself. Having trouble settling on a model though. hehe

Curvy! Glad to see you as well!

I can't wait to see what you guys cook up!


Tentatively interested in joining some of my favorite people on this adventure!  Will give a definitive yes or no after I settle back in after vacation (at least 3 weeks from now).

Angel Fire

I am tentatively interested. 

Would you care for a lesbian character but can do some hetero stuff in the porn section (within her limits)?
Can you capture this fiery Angel and make her yours?!  Try before she slips away into the night... If you wish.
May we spread our wings and soar the heavens together for all time - Angel
My Theme Song - Can I be your Heart's Desire?


Sure angel! She could even be strictly lesbian if you want! I am absolutely sure that there's a market for it.