Thera Regina’s Roleplay Request Thread (Now Easier To Read!)

Started by Thera Regina, April 06, 2018, 10:17:49 AM

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Thera Regina

How Long Have You Been Into Roleplay?
If I’m honest, I don’t really know. I started writing fanfiction when I was quite young, around Thirteen or Fourteen, and that was going well until a friend of mine said ‘Why Don’t You Try Roleplay?’ At first, I didn’t know what they meant, being in school and having to do roleplaying whilst in Drama class, I thought they meant actually acting out my stories, but no they explained to me that it was a text based thing where you play as your own character, either against other Original Characters or against a Canon character. So, I decided to give it a go. On the writing site that I used, there were places for Forums, and I made my own Forum where I started to Roleplay with other people. When I found that it was just like writing a story, just with two people, I was well chuffed and I think it was then that I got hooked.

What Was The First Roleplay Site You Ever Went On?
The first Roleplay site I started on is called Reign of Blood, a Vampire MMORPG. At first, I thought it was just a place where you can go and play as a vampire, but as I got into it I realised that no, it wasn’t just about Vampires, it was also about chatting and roleplaying with other people in real time. I did make quite a few friends there with my first account, before it got banned because another friend (who is no longer a friend) made a new account under my IP address and didn’t let me know so I could submit a family/friends help ticket.

You Said That You Were Writing Before You Started To Roleplay. Was Your Roleplay Style As Good As Your Writing Style Back Then?
They were both as bad as each other *Laughs*. At first, my Roleplay Style was simple one liners, mostly speech with the tiniest hint of an action. It was almost like I was just having a conversation, but I wasn’t having it as myself y’know. I was also pretty hesitant about doing smutty Roleplay too, because as much as I’d written Smut in my stories where people could read it, having people know what my thoughts at that exact moment and having them respond to those thoughts and actions was a bit terrifying. Gradually though, my Roleplay style became more paragraphs than one liners, and more and more detail was added into the posts and in the end I would have at least Four posts on the real time Roleplay Chat, describing my characters and what they looked like, how they felt etc. until eventually it became what it is today.

When It Comes Down To It, How Often Can You Reply To A Roleplay?
I can reply fairly quickly, as long as I’m given the right amount of stimulus to respond to. As I don’t work, I have until noon to do all of my chores in the house and once noon arrives, I have until five to three all for myself, so during that time frame I can post as rapidly as my partner can. Sometimes I’m on before that though, because I don’t usually get up until about eight AM.

How Often Would You Like Your Partner To Respond?
As often as they can really. I do understand that real life comes first, and I’ll not demand that my Roleplay partner have our Roleplay take precedence over whatever they have happening in real life. All I ask is that if possible, could they let me know if they’re not going to be around for a few days/weeks whatever. That way I don’t get worried or self conscious.

Is There Anything Your Roleplay Partners Need To Know About You?
Uh, yeah. I’m autistic, so if I come across a little pushy, please bear with me as I don’t mean to be. If you could let me know (in a polite manner), I’ll try to back off a little and give you room to work per se.

Okay Then. What Is Your Current Roleplay Status?
My current Roleplay status is: Currently Looking!

When Roleplaying, What Gender Do You Prefer To Play?
I prefer to play females. It’s not because I’m rubbish at playing males or anything, just being female myself, I prefer to play my own gender. That’s not to say that I won’t play a male character, it’s just that I have to be in the mood to play a guy and also a good argument has to be made as to why I should play that guy.

How Much Do You Prefer To Write Whilst Roleplaying?
In all honesty, my Roleplays tend to start off a decent length and then dwindle as time goes on. I try not to let that happen, but when and if a partner only does a single line or two lines or three etc. it’s disheartening and I tend to just copy them with a few longer posts situated in a sporadic manner. I would like to try to do an Roleplay where myself and my partner are doing around 2-3 paragraphs per post, but therein lies another problem of mine. I always think I’m rambling when and if I write more than a single paragraph, and I fear that it may put my partner off, which I think is why my posts also dwindle over time.

Do You Have Any Preferences Over The Gender Of Your Partner?
Nope. None. Nada. Zilch. Zip. I don’t care if my Roleplay partner is Male, Female, Both, Neither, Alien or whatever, as long as they’re okay with playing a male character, and their writing is good, I couldn’t really give a monkeys. That’s the same with sexuality, I don’t care whether you’re LGBT or even Q, as long as you have no qualms about playing a (usually) heterosexual male.

Where Do You Usually Like To Roleplay?
I can Roleplay in Threads or in PMs, as long as if we’re using the latter, there’s a clearly marked label on the message so I know it’s an actual RP and not a request. I will NOT use IRC.

How Do You Feel About Off-Site Communication?
I use Discord only for planning purposes and Out of Character Char. I will NOT Roleplay on there, nor will I answer or talk about anything that has nothing to do with the RP we are planning.

Do You Prefer Original Settings or Fandom Settings For Your Roleplays?
Truthfully, I can do either, but I do prefer a fandom based setting, with my partner playing my favourite character and I’ll play theirs. As long as I know the character they want me to play that is.

So You Prefer Fandoms. What Are Your Favourite Fandoms And Characters?
That, I will put in the next post.

Do You Have Any Ons and Offs?
I do indeed, and any potential Roleplay partner can find them here.

Other Stuff
- Fandoms and Fandom Pairings
- Genres and Non-Fandom Pairings
- Roleplay Plots
- Current, Abandoned and Completed Stories
- Character Sheets
- Actors and Actresses

Request Thread: Here
O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina


- Transformers (Bayverse & Prime)
- Marvel’s Avengers.
- Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
- DinoTrux
- Jurassic Park Film Series
- Twilight
- Trollhunters
- The Expendables
- Hellboy
- Epic
- Strange Magic
- Pirates of the Caribbean Film Series
- Rise of the Guardians
- Lilo & Stitch
- Primeval
- Knight Rider
- Deadpool
- Dragonball Z
- X-Men
- The A-Team
- CSI: Miami
- Naruto
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003-2005)
- Sonic X
- Son of the Mask
- Superman Returns
- Star Trek: TOS/TAOS
- Star Trek: TNG
- Star Trek: VOY
- Star Trek: DS9
- Gods of Egypt
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Dredd
- Alice in Wonderland
- Yo-Kai Watch
- 3Below
- Stargate SG1
- Alien vs. Predator
- Predator(s)
- Lucifer
- Once Upon A Time
- The Tick
- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
- Gormiti (2018)
- NCIS: Los Angeles
- Hobbit/LoTR
- The Shannara Chronicles
- Neverwinter
- Megamind
- Divergent
- The Witcher
- Scorpion
- The Matrix
- V for Vendetta
- Star Wars

- Optimus Prime x OC (Transformers Bayverse)
- Jazz x OC (Transformers Bayverse)
- Ironhide x OC (Transformers Bayverse)
- Ratchet x OC (Transformers Bayverse & Prime)
- Wheeljack x OC (Transformers Prime)
- Knockout x OC (Transformers Prime)
- Breakdown x OC (Transformers Prime)
- Bruce Banner/Hulk x OC (Marvel’s Avengers)
- Rupert Giles x OC (Buffy: The Vampire Slayer)
- D-Structs x OC (DinoTrux)
- Carlisle Cullen x OC (Twilight)
- Draal x OC was (Trollhunters)
- Walt Strickler/Stricklander x OC (Trollhunters)
- Angor Rot x OC (Trollhunters)
- Gunnar Jensen x OC (The Expendables)
- Anung un Rama/Hellboy x OC (Hellboy)
- Ronin x OC (Epic)
- Bog King x OC (Strange Magic)
- Captain Jack Sparrow x OC (Pirates of the Caribbean)
- Maccus x OC (Pirates of the Caribbean)
- Pitch Black x OC (Rise of the Guardians)
- Gantu x OC (Lilo & Stitch)
- Captain Becker x OC (Primeval)
- KITT x OC (Knight Rider)
- KARR x OC (Knight Rider)
- Colossus x OC (Deadpool)
- Piccolo x OC (Dragonball Z)
- Vegeta x OC (Dragonball Z)
- Logan/Wolverine x OC (X-Men)
- Murdock x OC (The A-Team)
- Horatio Caine x OC (CSI: Miami)
- Kisame Hoshigaki x OC (Naruto)
- Itachi Uchiha x OC (Naruto)
- Kakashi Hatake x OC (Naruto)
- Maito Gai x OC (Naruto)
- Raphael x OC (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Leonardo x OC (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
- Sonic The Hedgehog x OC (Sonic X)
- Knuckles the Echidna x OC (Sonic X)
- Loki x OC (Son of the Mask)
- Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman x OC (Superman Returns)
- Jim Kirk x OC (Star Trek)
- Spock x OC (Star Trek)
- Data x OC (Star Trek: TNG)
- Lore x OC (Star Trek: TNG)
- Tuvok x OC (Star Trek: VOY)
- Garak x OC (Star Trek: DS9)
- Dukat x OC (Star Trek: DS9)
- Damar x OC (Star Trek: DS9)
- Horus x OC (Gods of Egypt)
- Anubis x OC (Gods of Egypt)
- Shiro x OC (Voltron: Legendary Defender)
- Judge Dredd x OC (Dredd) -
- Mad Hatter x OC (Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton Version))
- Bruce Banner/Hulk x OC (Marvel’s Avengers)
- Roughraff x OC (Yo-Kai Watch)
- Varvatos Vex x OC (3Below)
- Teal’c x OC (Stargate SG1)
- Daniel Jackson x OC (Stargate SG1)
- Jacob Carter/Selmak x OC (Stargate SG1)
- Scar x OC (AvP: Alien vs. Predator)
- Yautja x Shifter OC (Predator(s))
- Lucifer x Human OC (Lucifer)
- Rumplestiltskin x OC (Once Upon A Time)
- The Tick x OC (The Tick)
- Hordak x OC (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- Lord Keryon x OC (Gormiti (2018))
- Lord Trityon x OC (Gormiti (2018))
- Lord Helios x OC (Gormiti (2018))
- Hurik x OC (Gormiti (2018))
- Hurricane x OC (Gormiti (2018))
- Zephyr x OC (Gormiti (2018))
- Sam Hanna x OC (NCIS: Los Angeles)
- Owen Granger x OC (NCIS: Los Angeles)
- Azog x OC (The Hobbit)
- Elrond x OC (The Hobbit/LOtR) - REALLY CRAVING
- Allanon x OC (The Shannara Chronicles)
- Makos x OC (D&D Neverwinter)  - REALLY CRAVING
- Megamind x OC (Megamind)
- Eric Coulter x OC (Divergent)
- Geralt of Rivia x OC (The Witcher)
- Cabe Gallo x OC (Scorpion)
- Agent Smith x OC (The Matrix)  - REALLY, REALLY CRAVING
- V x OC (V for Vendetta)  - CRAVING
- Darth Maul x OC (Star Wars)
- Darth Vader x OC (Star Wars)

Request Thread: Here
O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina


- Romance
- Sci-Fi
- Horror
- Adventure
- Fantasy
- Hurt/Comfort
- Action
- Angst

- Teacher/Student
- Centaur/Human
- Human/Human
- Monster/Human
- Alien/Human
- Orc x Human
- Orc x Princess
- Older Man/Younger Woman
- Virgin/Experienced.

Request Thread: Here
O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina


Roleplay Plot Number: 1
Pairing: Teacher X Student
Setting: Modern
Genre(s): Romance
Note: Roles Can Be Reversed Depending On Partner's Preference and My Mood
My Character: Student
My Partner's Character: Teacher
Plot: MC has always been a diligent student, but lately her grades have been dropping due to problems at home. YC sees this and offers to help her get her grades up, by teaching her after school and spending one-on-one time with her. A friendship develops that eventually turns into more than friendship, with loads of sexual tension and masturbation.
Content Warnings: Masturbation, Oral Sex, Desk Sex, Rough Sex, Urination (If my partner is agreeable).
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: I'd like my partner to be able to play a history/English teacher.

Roleplay Plot Number: 2
Pairing: Werewolf X Vampire
Setting: Modern Wild West
Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural
Note: Roles can be reversed depending on my partner's preference
My Character: Vampire
My Partner's Character: Werewolf
Plot: The RP is set in an old west-style town, but has a modern twist. MC is a vampire who is The Mayor, The Innkeeper, The Sheriff and The Doctor. YC is a werewolf who has been injured in a fight (How is up to you to decide) and MC is the one to patch him up. YC is grateful for the help, but isn't one who will let a good deed be done without repaying the kindness. MC tells YC that he can help with the Sheriff duties whilst she deals with everything else.
Content Warnings: Masturbation, Urination (If my partner is agreeable), Rough Sex, Transformed Sex, Blood Play
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: N/A

Roleplay Plot Number: 3
Pairing: Alien X Human
Setting: Modern
Genre(s): Romance, Extra-terrestrial, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Note: Roles Can Be Reversed depending on my partner's preference
My Character: Human
My Partner's Character: Alien
Plot: YC has been captured by the US government and taken to Area 51, where he's kept in a Plexiglas confinement area and experimented on. MC is one of the medical staff that helps to heal his wounds after the experiments. MC is also the only human that YC trusts to take the Urine samples, Blood Samples and Semen Samples
Content Warnings: Hand Jobs, Interspecies Sex, Urination, Forced Urination, Accidental Urination, Accidental Ejaculation
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: N/A

Roleplay Plot Number: 4
Pairing: Knight X Princess
Setting: Medieval
Genre(s): Romance, Fantasy
My Character: Princess
My Partner's Character: Knight
Plot: MC is constantly sneaking out of the palace/castle to go and enjoy the company of commoners in the taverns around the town/village. The King employs YC to keep tabs on MC and hopefully tame her enough for her to get married. What the King doesn't count on, is our characters falling in love and eventually wanting to get married.
Content Warnings: Pregnancy, Rough Sex, Making Love, Urination (If my partner is agreeable), Oral Sex, Wall Sex
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: I'd like it if my partner could have the Knight being a rough/outlaw type of person.

Roleplay Plot Number: 5
Pairing: Human X Human
Setting: Based on the Jurassic Park Universe
Genre(s): Romance, Action, Adventure
Note: Will contain scenes of Animal Mating and will contain violence and gore, as well as sex
My Character: Human Female
My Partner's Character: Human Male
Plot: 10 years ago, a ferry sunk off the coast of Isla Nublar, killing several of the passengers on board. Whilst the other survivors were rescued, a young girl was washed up on the beach of Isla Nublar. Left to fend for herself on an island full of prehistoric creatures, she managed to survive by hunting the only food source available to her. Dinosaurs. Now, 10 years later, a research team has heard about the woman who lives with dinosaurs, and one of them has orders to bring her home. But what if she doesn't want to come home? Who will help her stay with the only family she's known for 10 years?
Content Warnings: Animal Mating, Blood, Gore, Violence, Unreal possibilities.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: I'd like for my partner to play the researcher who helps MC to stay on her home island.

Roleplay Plot Number: 6
Pairing: Centaur x Human
Setting: Modern/Medieval/Fantasy
Genre(s): Romance, Fantasy, Magical
My Character: Female Human
My Partner's Character: Male Centaur
Plot: MC is training to be a warrior, but because most of the trainees come from wealthy backgrounds, they all pick on MC because she's the daughter of a farmer or something. One day, the 'entitled' warriors take MC into the Dark Forest, claiming that they were going to help her get her strength up or something, but they end up tying her to a tree and beating her almost to death. YC is out hunting/foraging when he stumbles across the scene and he scared the 'entitled' warriors away, before rescuing MC and taking her back to his house where he takes care of her whilst she recovers. She could then ask him to teach her and he reluctantly agrees, and from this a romance is born.
Content Warnings: Smut, Urination (if my partner is agreeable), feelings
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play a handsome Centaur.

Roleplay Plot Number: 7
Pairing: Human x Vampire
Setting: Modern/Fantasy
Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural, Mild Horror
Note: Roles can be reversed depending on my partner's preference
My Character: Vampire
My Partner's Character: Human
Plot: In the not too distant future, Vampires rule the U.S and do so with iron fists. Any human who is not 'owned' or 'claimed' by a Vampire or clan is deemed to be fair game for clanless Vampires to feast on. One night, whilst YC is walking home from work/school he/she is jumped by a gang of 'The Lawless' who all try to drink from YC without their permission. MC happens to be passing by and steps in, claiming YC and therefore making them untouchable by any other. At first YC can be either happy about it, or not so happy about it, especially when they learn about what 'The Claiming' is and how it is done. Things can go from there.
Content Warnings: Smut, Blood Play, Violence, Maybe some Gore, Urination (if my partner is agreeable).
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play a human who ends up being 'claimed' by MC.

Roleplay Plot Number: 8
Pairing: HumanxHuman
Setting: Modern Day
Genre(s): Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
My Character: Female
My Partner's Character: Male
Plot: After finding out that her boyfriend had an accident whilst climbing and is no longer able to produce children, a young woman places an advert for a baby daddy. The boyfriend agrees to allow his girlfriend to have sex with one other man as many times as it takes for her to get pregnant. What he doesn't count on, is his girlfriend falling for the other man and the other man feeling the same.
Content Warnings: Pregnancy, Open Relationship, Voyeur (perhaps), Romance.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play the guy who starts off as the baby daddy, but then becomes the boyfriend and eventually husband.

Roleplay Plot Number: 9
Pairing: Alien x Human
Setting: Futuristic with a bit of Fantasy
Genre(s): Romance, Futuristic, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Note: WILL contain urination and an instance of a Golden Shower
My Character: Alien
My Partner's Character: Human
Plot: In a world where space travel is as easy as stepping into your hovercar, one man will change an entire planet’s way of thinking. Regarded as ‘primitive’ and ‘unworthy’, Shifters look like humans and they sound like humans, but they don’t act like humans and are as far from human as one could get, or so people think. Your character will change people’s way of thinking by forming a relationship with one of the Shifters, the heir to the Panthera Clan throne no less.
Content Warnings: Urinary desperation/wetting, Golden Shower, Masturbation, Mating Cycles, Marking, Claiming, Public Fornication
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play the human who will change the outlook of Shifters[/i]

Roleplay Plot Number: 10
Pairing: Male Devil x Female Human
Setting: Modern Day
Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural
Note: Based LOOSELY on the TV series Lucifer
My Character: Female Human
My Partner's Character: Male Devil
Plot: The Devil decides to take an indefinite break from Hell and makes a life for himself above ground, where he meets the stunning, beautiful and strangely immune to his charms Alicia Lennox. Alicia doesn’t like him at first, but as time goes on, they start to develop less than just friendly feelings for one another.
Content Warnings: Watersports (if my partner is agreeable), smut, BDSM (if my partner is agreeable), pain-play (if my partner is agreeable).
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play The Devil.

Roleplay Plot Number: 11
Pairing: Human x Human
Setting: Modern Day
Genre(s): Romance, BDSM
Note: I want to try playing as a Sub, so obviously I need a Dom to play against CRAVING!!!
My Character: Submissive Female
My Partner's Character: Dominant Male
Plot: MC has wanted to try being a pet for a long time, but she’s never found the correct Dom to help her. YC is a seasoned Dom who’s more than happy to show her the ropes. Literally and figuratively.
Content Warnings: BDSM Elements, Watersports, Smut, Smutty pictures.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play the Dom. I’d like for my partner to use either Tom Ellis or Robert Carlyle as their face claim.

Roleplay Plot Number: 12 All Knocked Up With Nowhere To Go
Pairing: Older Man/Younger Woman
Setting: Modern
Genre(s): Romance, Slice Of Life
Note: Mark Hickman's Face Claim is Brent Spiner!
My Character: Alisha Fenway
My Partner's Character: YC
Plot: Four weeks ago, whilst at a party, Alisha Fenway gave her virginity to her boyfriend. Two weeks ago, she told her boyfriend that she was pregnant. He left her. One week ago, her mother kicked her out for being pregnant out of wedlock. Enter Professor Mark Hickman, lecturer at Saint Rose's College. Recently Divorced, he helps Alisha through her pregnancy, developing feelings for her along the way. Can Mark and Alisha make it through the ups and downs of parenthood?
Content Warnings: Pregnancy, Birth, Emotions that equate to real life
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play Professor Mark Hickman.

Roleplay Plot Number: 13
My Character:
My Partner's Character:
Content Warnings:
What I'd Like My Partner To Do:

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 1 - From My World to Yours
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x OC
Fandom: Lucifer
Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural, Extreme
Note: CRAVING. Also, willing to play Chloe Decker, Mazikeen Smith, Dan 'Douche' Esperanza or Ella Lopez.
My Character: Emily Francis & Canon
My Partner's Character: Lucifer Morningstar & OC (Perhaps)
Plot: Two friends who are hooked on the TV Show Lucifer, are somehow sucked into the Lucifer Universe, where they meet with their favourite characters. They soon come to realise, that life in this world isn't as easy as the TV show made it seem, and being friends with their favourite characters may not be as wonderful as they thought. There's a deeper purpose behind why they were taken there, but what is their purpose? How do they get home? Do they even want to go home?
Content Warnings: I'm most certainly going to be craving Piss Desperation in this one, and there will be Wing Play, Blood Play, BDSM Elements and a bit of Painplay, as well as some instances of non-con
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play Lucifer Morningstar and an OC (If they prefer) against my OC and a canon of their choice (From the top note)

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 2 - I Give You My Word
Pairing: Rumpelstiltskin x OC
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Genre(s): Romance, Fantasy, Magical
My Character: Alexis French
My Partner's Character: Rumpelstiltskin
Plot: When Rumpelstiltskin is called upon to help Avonlea be rid of the Ogres by the youngest French daughter Alexis, she finds out that all magic comes with a price, one that she may not enjoy paying. Rumple's price? Alexis herself, as a servant of his Dark Castle. He expects her to refuse, he expects her to try and escape whenever she can, he expects her to hate him...he doesn't expect her to do the opposite of all of those things
Content Warnings: This is Rumpelstiltskin AKA The Dark One that we're talking about, so there's gonna be some pain play, some BDSM, but also some softer moments too.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play Rumpelstiltskin

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 3- The Tick and the Shifter
Pairing: - The Tick x OC
Fandom: - The Tick
My Character: - Alexx (OC)
My Partner's Character: The Tick
Plot: TBA
Content Warnings: First Time, Pee Desperation, Wetting (Maybe), Premature Ejaculation.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play The Tick

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 4 - Life on The ARK
Pairing: Female Survivor x Male Survivor
Note: It doesn’t matter if you’ve never played the game, as I will be posting pictures and/or links to the creatures I mention
My Character: Female Survivor
My Partner's Character: Male Survivor
Plot: Three years ago, Emmie was ‘Chosen’ to be part of a life simulation game with a twist. She was taken to an unknown place and hooked up to some machine. When she woke up, she was on a beach with...dodos walking around her. Turns out she’d been dumped into a game called ARK: Survival Evolved, with the intention of the creators seeing how well people are able to survive. For three years, Emmie had no-one to talk to aside from the creatures she’d managed to tame, that is until YC is dumped in the middle of a Terror Bird hunt.
Content Warnings: None I can think of
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play the male survivor who’s rescued by my female survivor

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 5 - The Teaching of Agent Smith
Pairing: Agent Smith/OC
Fandom: The Matrix
Note: Agent Smith is Fully Functional and Anatomically Correct, though he is inexperienced in human sexual and non-sexual intimacy.
My Character: Thera Regina (OC)
My Partner's Character: Agent Smith
Plot: The Mainframe of The Matrix instructs Agent Smith to learn about human intimacy. It just so happens that an unplugged has taken an interest in the stoic agent. At first, the Agent isn't very happy about having to cohabit with a virus, however he soon begins to feel things that he didn't know he could.
Content Warnings: EX, BON, Loss of Male Virginity, Feelings.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play Agent Smith to the best of their ability. This WILL be a slow burn.

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 6 - Love in The Shadows
Pairing: V (V for Vendetta)/OC
Setting: V for Vendetta
Note: For those who are familiar with the universe, you'll know that V was created in Larkhill, and has burns over 90% of his body. The headcannon is that he is functional down there, but that arousal is generally pleasurable with a small bit of pain due to the stretching of scar tissue etc. I'd imagine that V's skin looks very much like that of Wade Wilson in Deadpool. You'll also know, that V has an advanced awareness of his limbs and their positioning (Kinaesthesia), as well as advanced speed and strength.
My Character: Thera Regina
My Partner's Character: V
Plot: What if V didn't die on the night of the bombing of parliament? What if he never told Evey that he loved her? What if he didn't love her, and instead loved someone else? This is the story of how things could've gone if the movie had gone differently, if V had only come to care for Evey Hammond as a friend, or even as a sister and had fallen in love with a woman who was equally shunned for being different.
Content Warnings: EX, BON, Watersports, Body Dysmorphia, Skin Problems.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play V to the best of your ability.

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 7 - Red Rivers of Rivendell
Pairing: Elrond x OC
Setting: The Hobbit/LOtR
Note: This RP probably WILL contain some version of Watersports (though if my partner prefers, we can fade to black in that part)
My Character: Thera Regina, a Shifter (sub-species of Skin-Changer)
My Partner's Character: Elrond Peredhel
Plot: Along with the group of Dwarves and a Halfling/Hobbit, Gandalf brings a Shifter to Rivendell, a Shifter that Lord Elrond knows well. It's no secret that she has romantic feelings for him, but at the time of her confession, his wife had just passed, and he was grieving. Now, she has returned and he's ready to return her feelings. However, something sinister is also on the uprising, and a poisoning of the Lord of Rivendell is blamed on none other than Thera. She is imprisoned while Elrond fights the venom, ending up in his chambers, the reasons for which shall be discussed in PM.
Content Warnings: Watersports, Non-Consensual Drug Use, False Imprisonment
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play Elrond to the best of their ability

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 8 - My Mate Is A Tiefling
Pairing: Makos x OC
Setting: Neverwinter
Note: This will probably be a slow burn
My Character: Alexx Knox, a Shifter from the Cult of Malar
My Partner's Character: Makos, a Tiefling Warlock
Plot: While on his way back from a quest, Sergeant Knox finds a baby on the side of the road, the adult that was with it had been killed, leaving the defenceless infant alone. On a whim, he dismounts his horse and picks the child up, taking it back to Protector's Enclave, where he shows it to Lord Dagult Neverember. The Protector reveals that the child is not only female, but she is also a refugee Shifter from the Cult of Malar who are based in Wyllowwood. Knox decides to keep the little girl, naming her Alexx.
Content Warnings: One instance of a Golden Shower, one instance of Piss Desperation, LOTS of male/female masturbation, heat cycles/in heat
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play Makos to the best of their ability.

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A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina


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Thera Regina


Full Name: Emily Francis
Nickname: Em, Emmie
Race: Human
Ethnicity: White British
Nationality: English
Age: 25
Hair Colour: Mixed (Black, Brown, Ginger, White)
Hair Length: Pixie Cut
Eye Colour: Greenish-Brown
Skin Tone: Slightly Tanned
Height: 5'4"
Build: Curvy
Distinguishing Marks: Tattoos on her arms and one on her left ankle.
Clothing/Style: Emily usually just wears whatever she feels comfortable in, whether that's just Jeans and a vest, or her jammies.
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Unemployed
Education: Level 3 Diploma in Animal Management equivalent of 3 A Levels
Residence: England, UK
Likes: Emily likes a multitude of things; she's mildly autistic so, her likes change depending on what she's interested in. Right now, she's very interested in Lucifer.
Dislikes: Animal Abusers, Religion, Politics, People
Hobbies: Emily enjoys writing fanfiction and playing on her PS4
Friends/Allies: Emily doesn't really have any friends, in fact the only friends she has are the ones she made online and a friend that's more like a brother who she's known since childhood.
Enemies/Rivals: None to speak of.
Family: Emily lives with her mother, her auntie, her dad and her sister.
Romantic Interest: Lucifer Morningstar
Stories Used In: Alternate Universe/Universe Swap Stories.
Notes On Character: Before deciding on the current picture, I used Four different pictures of different actresses.

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A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina


Dolph Lundgren

Michael Ealy

Karl Urban

Idris Elba

Hugh Jackman

Tyler Hoechlin

Brandon Routh

Anthony Head

Henry Cavill

Tom Ellis

Robert Carlyle

DB Woodside

Colin O'Donoghue


Manu Bennett

Robert Patrick

Hugo Weaving

Brent Spiner

Michael Shanks

Christopher Judge

Megan Fox

Halle Berry

Anne Hathaway

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

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Thera Regina


Favourite Male and Female celebrities for face claims
Added two new fandoms
Added two new pairings.

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A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina

Monthly Bump.

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Thera Regina

Bumping the thread.

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Thera Regina


New favourite actor for Face Claim Manu Bennett

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Thera Regina


- New Pairings
- New Craving

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Thera Regina


- 3 New Pairings
- Made The Thread Look Much Better & Added Back To Top buttons

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A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina


- New Favourite Actor Picture (Updated one of the pictures too)
- New Favourite Fandom (Scorpion)
- New Favourite Fandom Pairing (Cabe Gallo/OC)
- New Non-Fandom Pairing (Older Man/Younger Woman)
- New Genre (Angst)

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O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here


love #3

Quote from: Thera Regina on July 08, 2019, 09:30:27 AM

Roleplay Plot Number: 1
Pairing: Teacher X Student
Setting: Modern
Genre(s): Romance
Note: Roles Can Be Reversed Depending On Partner's Preference and My Mood
My Character: Student
My Partner's Character: Teacher
Plot: MC has always been a diligent student, but lately her grades have been dropping due to problems at home. YC sees this and offers to help her get her grades up, by teaching her after school and spending one-on-one time with her. A friendship develops that eventually turns into more than friendship, with loads of sexual tension and masturbation.
Content Warnings: Masturbation, Oral Sex, Desk Sex, Rough Sex, Urination (If my partner is agreeable).
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: I'd like my partner to be able to play a history/English teacher.

Roleplay Plot Number: 2
Pairing: Werewolf X Vampire
Setting: Modern Wild West
Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural
Note: Roles can be reversed depending on my partner's preference
My Character: Vampire
My Partner's Character: Werewolf
Plot: The RP is set in an old west-style town, but has a modern twist. MC is a vampire who is The Mayor, The Innkeeper, The Sheriff and The Doctor. YC is a werewolf who has been injured in a fight (How is up to you to decide) and MC is the one to patch him up. YC is grateful for the help, but isn't one who will let a good deed be done without repaying the kindness. MC tells YC that he can help with the Sheriff duties whilst she deals with everything else.
Content Warnings: Masturbation, Urination (If my partner is agreeable), Rough Sex, Transformed Sex, Blood Play
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: N/A

Roleplay Plot Number: 3
Pairing: Alien X Human
Setting: Modern
Genre(s): Romance, Extra-terrestrial, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Note: Roles Can Be Reversed depending on my partner's preference
My Character: Human
My Partner's Character: Alien
Plot: YC has been captured by the US government and taken to Area 51, where he's kept in a Plexiglas confinement area and experimented on. MC is one of the medical staff that helps to heal his wounds after the experiments. MC is also the only human that YC trusts to take the Urine samples, Blood Samples and Semen Samples
Content Warnings: Hand Jobs, Interspecies Sex, Urination, Forced Urination, Accidental Urination, Accidental Ejaculation
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: N/A

Roleplay Plot Number: 4
Pairing: Knight X Princess
Setting: Medieval
Genre(s): Romance, Fantasy
My Character: Princess
My Partner's Character: Knight
Plot: MC is constantly sneaking out of the palace/castle to go and enjoy the company of commoners in the taverns around the town/village. The King employs YC to keep tabs on MC and hopefully tame her enough for her to get married. What the King doesn't count on, is our characters falling in love and eventually wanting to get married.
Content Warnings: Pregnancy, Rough Sex, Making Love, Urination (If my partner is agreeable), Oral Sex, Wall Sex
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: I'd like it if my partner could have the Knight being a rough/outlaw type of person.

Roleplay Plot Number: 5
Pairing: Human X Human
Setting: Based on the Jurassic Park Universe
Genre(s): Romance, Action, Adventure
Note: Will contain scenes of Animal Mating and will contain violence and gore, as well as sex
My Character: Human Female
My Partner's Character: Human Male
Plot: 10 years ago, a ferry sunk off the coast of Isla Nublar, killing several of the passengers on board. Whilst the other survivors were rescued, a young girl was washed up on the beach of Isla Nublar. Left to fend for herself on an island full of prehistoric creatures, she managed to survive by hunting the only food source available to her. Dinosaurs. Now, 10 years later, a research team has heard about the woman who lives with dinosaurs, and one of them has orders to bring her home. But what if she doesn't want to come home? Who will help her stay with the only family she's known for 10 years?
Content Warnings: Animal Mating, Blood, Gore, Violence, Unreal possibilities.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: I'd like for my partner to play the researcher who helps MC to stay on her home island.

Roleplay Plot Number: 6
Pairing: Centaur x Human
Setting: Modern/Medieval/Fantasy
Genre(s): Romance, Fantasy, Magical
My Character: Female Human
My Partner's Character: Male Centaur
Plot: MC is training to be a warrior, but because most of the trainees come from wealthy backgrounds, they all pick on MC because she's the daughter of a farmer or something. One day, the 'entitled' warriors take MC into the Dark Forest, claiming that they were going to help her get her strength up or something, but they end up tying her to a tree and beating her almost to death. YC is out hunting/foraging when he stumbles across the scene and he scared the 'entitled' warriors away, before rescuing MC and taking her back to his house where he takes care of her whilst she recovers. She could then ask him to teach her and he reluctantly agrees, and from this a romance is born.
Content Warnings: Smut, Urination (if my partner is agreeable), feelings
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play a handsome Centaur.

Roleplay Plot Number: 7
Pairing: Human x Vampire
Setting: Modern/Fantasy
Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural, Mild Horror
Note: Roles can be reversed depending on my partner's preference
My Character: Vampire
My Partner's Character: Human
Plot: In the not too distant future, Vampires rule the U.S and do so with iron fists. Any human who is not 'owned' or 'claimed' by a Vampire or clan is deemed to be fair game for clanless Vampires to feast on. One night, whilst YC is walking home from work/school he/she is jumped by a gang of 'The Lawless' who all try to drink from YC without their permission. MC happens to be passing by and steps in, claiming YC and therefore making them untouchable by any other. At first YC can be either happy about it, or not so happy about it, especially when they learn about what 'The Claiming' is and how it is done. Things can go from there.
Content Warnings: Smut, Blood Play, Violence, Maybe some Gore, Urination (if my partner is agreeable).
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play a human who ends up being 'claimed' by MC.

Roleplay Plot Number: 8
Pairing: HumanxHuman
Setting: Modern Day
Genre(s): Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Angst
My Character: Female
My Partner's Character: Male
Plot: After finding out that her boyfriend had an accident whilst climbing and is no longer able to produce children, a young woman places an advert for a baby daddy. The boyfriend agrees to allow his girlfriend to have sex with one other man as many times as it takes for her to get pregnant. What he doesn't count on, is his girlfriend falling for the other man and the other man feeling the same.
Content Warnings: Pregnancy, Open Relationship, Voyeur (perhaps), Romance.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play the guy who starts off as the baby daddy, but then becomes the boyfriend and eventually husband.

Roleplay Plot Number: 9
Pairing: Alien x Human
Setting: Futuristic with a bit of Fantasy
Genre(s): Romance, Futuristic, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Note: WILL contain urination and an instance of a Golden Shower
My Character: Alien
My Partner's Character: Human
Plot: In a world where space travel is as easy as stepping into your hovercar, one man will change an entire planet’s way of thinking. Regarded as ‘primitive’ and ‘unworthy’, Shifters look like humans and they sound like humans, but they don’t act like humans and are as far from human as one could get, or so people think. Your character will change people’s way of thinking by forming a relationship with one of the Shifters, the heir to the Panthera Clan throne no less.
Content Warnings: Urinary desperation/wetting, Golden Shower, Masturbation, Mating Cycles, Marking, Claiming, Public Fornication
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play the human who will change the outlook of Shifters[/i]

Roleplay Plot Number: 10
Pairing: Male Devil x Female Human
Setting: Modern Day
Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural
Note: Based LOOSELY on the TV series Lucifer
My Character: Female Human
My Partner's Character: Male Devil
Plot: The Devil decides to take an indefinite break from Hell and makes a life for himself above ground, where he meets the stunning, beautiful and strangely immune to his charms Alicia Lennox. Alicia doesn’t like him at first, but as time goes on, they start to develop less than just friendly feelings for one another.
Content Warnings: Watersports (if my partner is agreeable), smut, BDSM (if my partner is agreeable), pain-play (if my partner is agreeable).
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play The Devil.

Roleplay Plot Number: 11
Pairing: Human x Human
Setting: Modern Day
Genre(s): Romance, BDSM
Note: I want to try playing as a Sub, so obviously I need a Dom to play against CRAVING!!!
My Character: Submissive Female
My Partner's Character: Dominant Male
Plot: MC has wanted to try being a pet for a long time, but she’s never found the correct Dom to help her. YC is a seasoned Dom who’s more than happy to show her the ropes. Literally and figuratively.
Content Warnings: BDSM Elements, Watersports, Smut, Smutty pictures.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play the Dom. I’d like for my partner to use either Tom Ellis or Robert Carlyle as their face claim.

Roleplay Plot Number: 12
My Character:
My Partner's Character:
Content Warnings:
What I'd Like My Partner To Do:

Roleplay Plot Number: 13
My Character:
My Partner's Character:
Content Warnings:
What I'd Like My Partner To Do:

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 1 - From My World to Yours
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x OC
Fandom: Lucifer
Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural, Extreme
Note: CRAVING. Also, willing to play Chloe Decker, Mazikeen Smith, Dan 'Douche' Esperanza or Ella Lopez.
My Character: Emily Francis & Canon
My Partner's Character: Lucifer Morningstar & OC (Perhaps)
Plot: Two friends who are hooked on the TV Show Lucifer, are somehow sucked into the Lucifer Universe, where they meet with their favourite characters. They soon come to realise, that life in this world isn't as easy as the TV show made it seem, and being friends with their favourite characters may not be as wonderful as they thought. There's a deeper purpose behind why they were taken there, but what is their purpose? How do they get home? Do they even want to go home?
Content Warnings: I'm most certainly going to be craving Piss Desperation in this one, and there will be Wing Play, Blood Play, BDSM Elements and a bit of Painplay, as well as some instances of non-con
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play Lucifer Morningstar and an OC (If they prefer) against my OC and a canon of their choice (From the top note)

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 2 - I Give You My Word
Pairing: Rumpelstiltskin x OC
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Genre(s): Romance, Fantasy, Magical
My Character: Alexis French
My Partner's Character: Rumpelstiltskin
Plot: When Rumpelstiltskin is called upon to help Avonlea be rid of the Ogres by the youngest French daughter Alexis, she finds out that all magic comes with a price, one that she may not enjoy paying. Rumple's price? Alexis herself, as a servant of his Dark Castle. He expects her to refuse, he expects her to try and escape whenever she can, he expects her to hate him...he doesn't expect her to do the opposite of all of those things
Content Warnings: This is Rumpelstiltskin AKA The Dark One that we're talking about, so there's gonna be some pain play, some BDSM, but also some softer moments too.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play Rumpelstiltskin

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 3- The Tick and the Shifter
Pairing: - The Tick x OC
Fandom: - The Tick
My Character: - Alexx (OC)
My Partner's Character: The Tick
Plot: TBA
Content Warnings: First Time, Pee Desperation, Wetting (Maybe), Premature Ejaculation.
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play The Tick

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 4 - Life on The ARK
Pairing: Female Survivor x Male Survivor
Note: It doesn’t matter if you’ve never played the game, as I will be posting pictures and/or links to the creatures I mention
My Character: Female Survivor
My Partner's Character: Male Survivor
Plot: Three years ago, Emmie was ‘Chosen’ to be part of a life simulation game with a twist. She was taken to an unknown place and hooked up to some machine. When she woke up, she was on a beach with...dodos walking around her. Turns out she’d been dumped into a game called ARK: Survival Evolved, with the intention of the creators seeing how well people are able to survive. For three years, Emmie had no-one to talk to aside from the creatures she’d managed to tame, that is until YC is dumped in the middle of a Terror Bird hunt.
Content Warnings: None I can think of
What I'd Like My Partner To Do: Play the male survivor who’s rescued by my female survivor

Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 5
My Character:
My Partner's Character:
Content Warnings:
What I'd Like My Partner To Do:

Clear Skies and Safe Flying!

Thera Regina


Added: Roleplay Plot Number: 12 All Knocked Up With Nowhere To Go - CRAVING!!
Added: New Favourite Actor

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O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina

- Added: New Star Trek Universe.
- Added: Three New Star Trek Pairings

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O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina

- Added: Fandom Roleplay Plot Number 5: - The Teaching of Agent Smith[/i]
- Added: Fandom Roleplay Plot Number 6: - Love in The Shadows[/i]
- Added: New Favourite Actor - Hugo Weaving
- Added: New Favourite Actor - Michael Shanks
- Added: New Favourite Actor - Christopher Judge

Request Thread: Here
O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here

Thera Regina

- Added: - Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 7 - Red Rivers in Rivendell
- Added: - Fandom Roleplay Plot Number: 8 - My Mate Is A Tiefling

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O/O’s: Here
A/A’s: Here