- Star Wars Cravings -

Started by Letexta, December 22, 2017, 06:49:22 PM

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So I finally got to see 'The Last Jedi' tonight, and it has totally reawakened my craving for the star wars universe. Now, I'm not as clued up as it's possible to be about the setting, but I have seen every one of the movies, as well as a smattering of episodes from various other sources. The wider setting has always fascinated me, so I like to think I know enough to comfortably be able to write in any given time period within the setting, potentially with the help of wookiepedia if I get out of my depth.

At the moment, my craving is such that I could get behind just about anything within the star wars setting. I have mixed feeling towards cannon characters in general, but for the right set up I might be willing to get behind playing as, or opposite, one, although my preference is for OC's and our own creations. In terms of the stories that these characters face... Well, they could be anything. Something short and smutty, a girl ending up in a whore house on an outer rim planet perhaps, or as long and plot based as a complex exploration of a turning jedi. I have a few slightly more developed ideas that I'll make an attempt to write up here, but if you have any particular ideas within the setting that you don't see mentioned here, please don't hesitate to ask me about them.

A Jedi is on a mission, a mission that leads them to a planet. A planet where they find MC. This is the classic tale in a way, of a force sensitive youngster being discovered by a Jedi, and her path from there. Leaving this deliberately vague to allow for setting it in various different time periods and with various different potential characters.

Equally, and perhaps for a darker story, she could be discovered by an agent of the Sith/Empire/First Order. Perhaps one with revolutionary ideas about how to go about breaking down her resolve and rebuilding her as an apprentice?

Another way of taking this would be to have a girl changing sides. She's already been discovered, and is in training as a padawan. That is, until her master is killed, and she ends up face to face with YC, again an agent of the Sith/Empire/First Order. He/She is able to sense something in her, enough to not simply kill the youngster on site. Perhaps even enough to take on a new apprentice of their own?

We don't just have to follow the stories of those at the top who can utilise the force. The rest of the world can be just as interesting, as could playing those interacting with force users. Fighter pilots? Rebel fighters? Spies and assassins? Criminals? Smugglers? Bounty hunters? Politicians? Servants? The rich? The poor?

There are so many potential options within this world, so if it interests you at all, please drop me a message and we can try and work something out. Any images here are inspiration for me, not solid characters or plots, and the same can be said for an inspiration folder on my imgur account that I'm working on. Perhaps if you're a more visual person, that might be a good place for you to look for ideas, the link is in my signature.