Uncanny Avengers V2: intrest check (full for now)

Started by VoluptuousVixen, April 14, 2017, 09:53:56 AM

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OK, Spider Man is done, I am just waiting on an ok by Silk on if I need to tweak anything. ^^


Hero Name: Spiderman

Legal Name: Peter Parker

Origin of Powers: After a radioactive experiment he was bitten by a spider effected by the results. Changing him forever. (Or perhaps beyond his knowledge, he was meant to be bitten by that spider? ;) Perhaps the spider and the incident it'self was more then it seemed. )

Age: 22

Sexuality: Hetero Sexual

Description (Appearance): Despite the fact he is, well nowadays at least, very fit and athletic. He try's to keep up appearances as good old, nerdy Peter Parker. He wear's his glasses despite not needing them. Keep's his hair short and brown, as well as keeping his posture generally meek as to appear less then what he really is.

Powers: Strength Proportionate to a human sized spider, enhanced reflexes and athletics. Adhesion, Sharpened senses (Poor eyesight was in fact cured when he got his powers.) As well as a Spider like Sixth sense which warn's him of impending danger, just not what exactly is going to happen. Oh! And witty banter ;) .

Special Skills and Other: Peter is a gifted scientist and engineer for his age, he is no award winning scientist but he is extremely handy with a tool and crafty in his own ways. With enough ingenuity to create his own web shooters as well as a home made adhesive chemical that imitates a spider like web. Hard as concrete yet flexible, Oxygen exposure allowing it to solidify. After further oxygen exposure, it goes through a process of evaporation into a harmless gas in the air, which leaves no trace behind. He is light on his feet and while very much capable of tactically assessing a situation, is best on his feet developing a strategy as he asses's the villain and his situation. With his witty banter he is an expert at crawling under peoples skin, second only to Deadpool. And when the need arises he is a pretty swanky, dorky and not so lovable dancer.

Equipment: Carefully, self designed Web shooter's. Enhanced holo lenses grafted onto his mask, which provide night, as well as most band's of spectral imaging (Including but not limited to Infrared) and magnified vision options. courtesy of Tony Stark.  (In spectral imaging, different field's of vision such as Infrared are referred to as : Bands.)

You all know this part of the story.
Peter Benjamin Parker was born in Queens to CIA agents Richard and Mary Parker. While Peter was still an infant, his parents were assigned to infiltrate the Algerian based spy ring controlled by the communist agent, the Red Skull (Albert Malik). The moment the Red Skull learned that Richard and Mary were double agents, he had them killed by one of his agents, the Finisher, in an airplane crash overseas and then framed them for treason. Peter went to live with his uncle and aunt, Ben and May Parker, in Forest Hills, New York; they became Peter’s surrogate parents and raised him as if he were their own son. Over the next nine years, Parker grew to be extremely bright in science and became a high honors student at Midtown High School. Parker's shyness and scholastic interest often made him a social outcast and a target for bullies, primarily football star Flash Thompson.

While attending a public exhibition demonstrating the safe handling of nuclear laboratory waste materials, sponsored by the General Techtronics Corporation, the 15-year-old Peter Parker was bitten on the hand by a spider that had been irradiated by a particle accelerator used in the demonstration. Unbeknownst to him, after the spider fell from his hand, it bit a girl, Cindy Moon on the ankle before it died from the radiation. Making his way home afterwards, Peter was almost hit by a car; when Peter jumped out of the way, Peter discovered he had somehow gained incredible strength, agility, and the ability to cling to walls, spider-like traits that he immediately associated with the spider bite. Encountering an ad offering a cash prize for staying in the ring for three minutes with professional wrestler Joseph "Crusher" Hogan, Peter decided this would be a good way to test his powers. As well as earn a bit of money he could use to maybe impress Gwen Stacey? Wearing a mask to avoid potential embarrassment in case he lost the match, Peter easily defeated his opponent. TV producer Maxwell Shiffman observed his performance and convinced him to go on television with his 'act.' Designing a full costume and fabricating a fluid similar to a spider's web and wrist-mounted web-shooters, Peter called himself the Amazing Spider-Man, becoming an immediate sensation.

Following his first TV appearance, Peter failed to act to stop an escaping thief, claiming that it was not his responsibility to do so. Peter forgot the incident as his fame rose, but days later he returned home at night to find his Uncle Ben had been murdered. Learning the police had the burglar responsible holed up in a warehouse, Peter changed to Spider-Man and easily captured him only to discover he was the same thief he had allowed to escape earlier. Filled with remorse, he realized that when someone has power, he has an obligation to use it responsibly. Becoming a hero.

His first hurdle as Spiderman was in dealing with the Russian criminal and master of disguise known as the Chameleon, who used Spider-Man's identity to steal defense missile plans.  Spider-Man caught Chameleon in a helicopter before he could reach a soviet submarine and handed him in to the authorities, clearing his name. Soon after, he began having run in's with his biggest villians, Green Goblin as well as Dr Octavious. Peter finally found a way to make money when the Daily Bugle asked for photos of the winged criminal known as the Vulture. Not only did Spider-Man defeat the villain, he also found a way to take photos, which caused J.J. Jameson to hire Peter to get him pictures of Spider-Man, under the condition that the publicist would not ask Peter how he took the pictures. Eventually, Peter was ready to graduate from high school as valedictorian. His life was looking good, despite having faced so many villains over the coarse of three years. Despite the few rocky roads he had between Mary Jane Watson, the girl his Aunt may thought he should date and his now girlfriend Gwen, the girl of his dreams all throughout high school. He had been cuaght like a fly between the two girl's ever since he became spiderman. Gwen noticing him and the changes in the way he acted, Mary being introduced into his life by his aunt May. Gwen and Mary were always just friends, just as close as his own best friend Harry. But He wanted to be more with both of them, he was always just to indecisive and life just kept getting in the way. Until he finally took the plunge with Gwen...Life? It was looking up.... Until. On the day of their graduation, The Goblin took Gwen from him forever. Spider Man went to fight Goblin head on at that bridge. And Spider M-... Peter Parker, learned two things that day. To be aware of his surroundings as well as the people within them. Gwen was on that bridge, he did not know it but she was. First he failed to save her father and now, this. Goblin dropped her from high above the bridge. Spiderman couldn't drop down to grab her, she couldn't survive the fall, all he could do was use his webbing. All he could do was uselessly pray.... Swik, Snap. Those were the only sounds running through his then blank mind as time stood still. The Goblin, pleased with himself scurried off as he seemingly defeated the hero. But more so then the villain anticipated... He did not defeat the hero, he almost destroyed the man. After a few moments he quickly pulled her up by the webbing. The girl he was in love with limp in his arms. There was no denying it, no ignoring his own culpability: Gwen died as a result of his own carelessness, his own ignorance. His own mistakes as well as his own best intentions. Inevitably, it was not the fall that killed her. But it was by the snap of her soft neck, that she died by his own hand. The Goblin killed her, but it was Peter who dealt the blow. And if he had done anything differently, she may still be alive today.

Needless to say... He did not make it to his graduation to accept his diploma, or give a speech. He hardly made it to the funeral weeks later... He almost stopped being spiderman. But it was Mary Jane who strengthened his resolve. She to knew he was Spiderman over the years. She gave him a strong lecture about wallowing in this pitty party he set up for himself. Convinced him that Gwen would want him to keep going, and for the first time; Mary Jane Watson kissed Peter Parker. Nothing happened that day, especially because he was still so hurt and angry about Gwens death. But that kiss was the spark of something more between the two. Years go by and Peter has been on and off with Mary. She was a fiery red head, hard to please but always so understanding of his lack of time being Spider-Man. Even though it gave them their own fair number of arguments. Recently, Spiderman and Mary Jane were broken up, for the second time so far in 4 years. Now 22 years old, he had developed a more robust gallery of his own villains. And while he may mainly operate in New York, he has been a valuable asset for the Avengers to call upon. He has been quiet for a few weeks however, still trying to recover from the Symbiot incident. The now named, Venom is still at large. However not for long if Peter had anything to do with that.

== Character Extras =
Played By:[/b] Prosak
Face Claim:  Dylan O'brian
Ons:  Oral Fixation, water/bathing sex, pleasing his partner (Foreplay/servicing), being serviced (Breast's/handjobs etc) His partners scent. Sharing (MFF+/MMF+) Clothed sex, Anal, More odd: Rimming and hotdogging.

Offs: Typical extreme stuff, ask me via pm if you really are concerned with a kink you want to use.


It's over when it's Over: By falling in Reverse


Ant/Giant Man
Hero Name: Ant/Giant Man

Legal Name: Jacob (Jake) Lewis

Origin of Powers: A suit that can grow or shrink his size at an atomic level. Chosen by Janet AKA the wasp as her late husbands predecessor.

Age: 23

Sexuality: Bisexual

Description (Appearance): Tall, standing around 6 foot 5. If you had seen Jake 6 months ago you would have never looked twice, as tall as he may be he was actually pretty average in his physique. But, ever since Janet chose him to become the new Ant man, she put him through a rigorous training schedule. She herself sparring with him to teach Jake how to fight. Now, 6 months later: He has practically transformed from the man he was. To the man he is now. Hard work that he indeed appreciates.

Powers: By being the ant man as well as the Giant man, he can change size at an atomic level. Either condensing his size to that of an ant and keeping his level of mass. (Allowing him to effectively carry his human strength into the ant size.) But he can also increase his size, effectively allowing his mass to equalize his strength with his massive height. With his helmet he is able to effectively communicate with ant's through a series of brain waves. Making them amazing helper's when the need arises.

Special Skills and Other: He has become quite the student of Kick Boxing courtesy of Janet. He is no tactician nor is he a scientist. But he does make good split decisions when the time comes. Some times his ideas can be unorthodox but sometimes outside the box thinking is necessary. Unfortunately his minor in history and Major's in Economics may be more or less useless for the team but hey, if Tony ever wants his Tax's done? :D

Equipment: Aside from his super powered suit. Ant man also has disk's that upon impact can shrink or even grow thing's in size. This effect is very useful for disorganizing opponents, changing object's and or barriers within the landscape and Creating barriers within the landscape.  As well as making something harmful or otherwise harmless and benign an extreme threat if need be. (Over sizing a compounds attack dog's sounds not so friendly for even the guards ;) .)

History: Highschool, the part of your life where you are meant to be most prepared for the future. Where your teachers 'Should' send you down the right path. Help you intelligently decide your future... Well, it does not work this way for everyone. Jake at first tried to peruse becoming a historian in college, but luckily for him. Unlike other poor fool's who make poor poor choices for a major. Or worse, fall into one. Jake early on realized there was no real future in that. Quickly he began to realize he really was good with numbers, a natural talent. So the man finished college in economics and counting. But, what does this have to do with anything? Well, it has to do with whom he became an accountant for... Wilson Fisk seemed fishy at first, but he payed very well. Astonishingly well in fact! Jacob rarely asked questions about the mans money, where it came from or where it was going to. But after a while, something ate at him. Something felt wrong about it all, really wrong. Soon, thanks to the effort's of heroes such as Spider Man, Daredevil and the Punisher. Much of Wilson Fisk's illegal proceedings were being brought to the light. And rumor's had it, that Wilson Fisk was the famed King Pin. The juggernaut of a criminal behind much, if not all, of new yorks organized crime.

Jake tried to play the good employee. But eventually his conscious ate at him. The first turning point was when the entrance to the building was barred by protesters, men and women who Fisk's many enterprises had hurt. The second turning point was a break in by Daredevil. Likely looking for evidence against Fisk... The last straw was when the Punisher brought 'world war three' into the company building. Jake inside while it happened! At this point, Jake turned to the one thing he knew he to do. And to the one person he knew can put it to use. It was no secret that the small time lawyers, Nelson and Murdock were after Fisk with a passion. Downloading the account information Jacob had for over a year onto a flash drive, Jake did one thing he could never come back from. Something that risked his life and the lives of anyone he knew. He betrayed his employer: Providing the nail in the coffin the two partnered lawyers needed to take Fisk down. Tax Fraud, like Al Capone Fisk was taken to prison, at least for now. By Tax fraud. It did not shut down his company, it did not take out Fisk forever. But it hurt his public persona irreparably, it brought him behind bars for at least a time. At least until his lawyers or his money can get him out. And lastly, it sent a clear message that even he was not untouchable. Jake tried to stay out of the papers, but nosy journalists, namely J.Jonah Jameson of the Daily Buegal, were all over him as the man who took down a king. Jake was afraid for his life. Wilson could retaliate any given time, send a message. But unbeknownst to the young man, he caught a womens eye. Janet Van Dyne. The Wasp. She was trying to find some one who can replace her late husband Hank. It had not to do with skill's or strength or fighting ability. She needed some one with the ball's to do what was right. And to her, Jake fit the bill. When she first contacted him he thought she was crazy. But she spoke to the good in him, the willingness to help others. Not only did she convince him he can but she convinced him that by becoming the Ant Man, he can also fight against his crippling fear of Wilson Fisk. That as Ant Man, Fisk only holds power over the man if he allows him to.

== Character Extras =
Played By:[/b] Prosak
Face Claim: Kellon Luts
Ons: Oral Fixation, water/bathing sex, pleasing his partner (Foreplay/servicing), being serviced (Breast's/handjobs etc) His partners scent. Sharing (MFF+/MMF+) Clothed sex, Anal, More odd: Rimming and hotdogging.
Offs: Typical extreme stuff, ask me via pm if you really are concerned with a kink you want to use.


"This game shall soon reach its inevitable conclusion, and the final triumph shall belong to Doctor Doom!"

     Victor von Doom

     Human Sorceror



     Magic:  Doctor Doom was introduced to the mystic arts by his mother (who was of Romani and Latverian blood). He further developed his abilities by studying with Doctor Strange and traveling through time and learning lost Dark Arts from individuals such as Morgan le Fey. After Dr. Strange stepped down as the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth, Doom was amongst the candidates considered suitable to replace him. However the majority of his powers came from the Hazareth Three, and upon angering them most of his sorcery was removed and he was trapped in Hell as punishment. While they enhanced his powers he could achieve the following:
  • Mystical Blasts
  • Mystical Force Fields
  • Invoke Entities
  • Spell Casting
  • Summoning
  • Teleportation
  • Foot-Diving
  • Dimensional Travel
  • Mystical Ensnaring
  • Mystical Portals


     Mind Transference: By training with an alien race, Doom has gained the ability to switch his mind with that of another nearby human being with whom he has made eye contact, a process which he learned from the alien Ovoids. However, Doom prefers his own body and only uses this transference power as a last resort.

     Hypnotism: Doom is able to hypnotize individuals, as he did with Aquaman.

Ego: It has been shown in the past that Doom can be manipulated by pandering to his sense of superiority, especially over Reed Richards. Spider-Man was able to gain his assistance concerning unknown technology by saying Reed could not figure it out. This ego is also the main reason for his vendetta against Reed, as he cannot accept that Reed understood his equations better than he did.

Deal with Mephisto: Doom made a deal with the demon Mephisto; he was allowed to summon and challenge Mephisto once a year and try to win back the soul of his deceased mother, but each time he fails the people of Latveria will grow to despise him more and more.

Super-Genius Intellect: Doctor Doom's most dangerous weapon is his intellect. He is one of the top mortal minds on the planet. Doom even cured Ben Grimm of his Thing form. Doom has constructed hundreds of devices, including a working time machine, devices which can imbue people with powers, and many types of robots. His most frequently used robots are his Doombots, exact mechanical replicas of himself. They look like him, talk like him, and even act like him. Individually, Doombots have an advanced AI (artificial intelligence) so that each one believes itself to be the real Doom. As a safety measure, each Doombot has a dampener program that is triggered whenever the real Doom (or another Doombot) is nearby. These "body doubles" appear when Doom cannot be present or is unwilling to risk his own life, and are often responsible for Doom's seeming return from certain death. Another common type of robot used is the Servo-Guard, the police force of Latveria. Doom specializes in physics, robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapons technology, biochemistry, and time travel. He also has natural talents for leadership, strategy, politics, and manipulation.

Master Martial Artist: During his time in Tibet, Doom was trained in martial arts by the monks. He is vastly skilled in many combat techniques, both armed and unarmed. He has been trained by the best sword masters on Earth and can achieve very powerful nerve strikes. His combat skills are so great that he managed to kill a lion with his bare hands, to beat Daredevil in hand-to-hand combat, and to wield Captain America's shield as proficiently as Steve Rogers himself.

Peak Human Conditioning: Doom has trained his body to the level of the finest human athlete. He is well-built, fast and agile. He has also displayed great reflexes and equilibrium. His physical strength and durability surpass even those of Daredevil.

Indomitable Will: Doom has a great willpower. He was able to resist psychic attacks from Emma Frost and the Purple Man using only his will, to reject the mystical armor that the Soulsword provides the wielder on sheer willpower alone and while he was tortured in Hell, he refused to let a single audible indication of pain exit his mouth.

Highly Influential Connections: As Monarch of Latveria, Doctor Doom has access to technological and military hardware. He also has command of conventional military forces; see Doctor Doom's Generals.

Diplomatic Immunity: As the leader of a sovereign nation, Doctor Doom often visits the United States or the United Nations for political reasons. He enjoys diplomatic immunity during these trips, and his embassy is considered foreign soil. He has even been escorted by Captain America himself.

Artist: Doom has shown himself to be a talented artist. He painted a duplicate of the Mona Lisa while using Layla Miller as his model.

Pianist: Doom has shown himself to be a talented pianist. He has played various compositions of his own creation.

Master Swordsman: Doom has been shown being proficient in sword combat, having been trained by the best teachers - until he overcame them all - and being able to out-duel Warlord Krang in swordmanship.

Doom's armor contains many gadgets. His armor is on par with Iron Man Armor. Typically, his armor contains a strength augmentation apparatus, which allows him to bench up to nearly 100 tons, concealed waist-rockets, a concealed jet pack, twin nuclear power generators, a device to electrify the exterior of the suit, laser blasters in each gauntlet, a force field, protective visors, an air supply, and various kinds of sensors, such as infrared. However, Doom has also customized his armor at various times, to include such gadgets as boot-rockets, a gauntlet-concealed hypnosis device, etc. These are the various accessories and capabilities of his armor:

Enhanced Strength: Gives Dr. Doom the ability to lift (press) a couple of tons.

Durability: The armor is fashioned of a high-strength titanium alloy.

Video Communicator: Built into the right wrist is a video communicator, which he can use to stay in contact with his bases from any point on Earth.

Electric Shock: The outer surface of the armor can generate a massive electric shock on command. In Marvel Avengers Alliance, Dr. Doom is shown to generate an Arc Lightning ability similar to an electric shock.

Jet-packs: The typical suit of armor has twin jet-packs mounted at the waist, though other suits (or modifications of the original suit) contain a single jet-pack mounted on the back.

Concussive Blasts: Concussive bolts of force can be fired from the gauntlets and faceplate of the armor, though the mask only generates force blasts when it is not being worn.

Force-field: The suit's best defense is the force-field generated by the armor, which has a maximum radius of eight feet (and so can encompass others); Doom cannot attack without lowering his force-field.

Infrared Vision: Infrared scanners in the helmet allow the wearer to detect heat sources, permitting night vision and the ability to see invisible persons (unless they do not give off or can somehow mask their heat signature).

Recycling System: The armor is self-supporting, equipped with internal stores and recycling systems for air, food, water, and energy, allowing the wearer to survive lengthy periods of exposure underwater or in outer space.

Sensor Systems: Optical scanners in the helmet allow the helmet's eyepieces to be used as high-powered telescopes, and parabolic ear amplifiers fitted inside the helmet allow Doom to detect extremely faint sounds and unusual frequencies within the audible range for humans.

Solar Energy Absorption: A thermo-energizer allows the armor to absorb and store solar and heat energy, and use it to power the armor's other systems; this system can only be used while the force-field is deactivated.

     Victor was the child of Gypsy travelers in Latveria, a small European country. Victor's mother, Cynthia, was killed soon after she called upon the demon Mephisto for power. She left Victor with his father, asking him to protect him from Mephisto. Victor's father, Werner, was a doctor who was called upon by King Vladimir of Latveria to treat his wife. Unable to do so, Werner fled with Victor and died soon afterward trying to protect his son. Victor was left with his father's best friend Boris. Victor later discovered his mother's mystical books and artifacts. With them he was able to teach himself sorcery. He made several unsuccessful attempts to free his mother's soul from Mephisto.

     Victor excelled in science, developed several inventions, and was eventually given a scholarship to Empire State University. While attending this school Victor met Reed Richards, who would later become his enemy, Mr. Fantastic. In school, they were considered scholarly rivals. One day, Victor designed an invention to rescue his mother which would become his greatest downfall. Richards attempted to warn Victor of an error in his calculations. However, Von Doom's arrogance refused to let him listen. The machine then exploded, scarring his face, and led to his expulsion from the university.

     Von Doom later went to Tibet and found an old order of monks. He practiced their ways enough for him to become their leader. Von Doom then asked them to make his first suit of armor. Eager to wear the suit, Doom placed the still-hot steel faceplate to his face, making him even more scarred than before. As Dr. Doom, he then killed Baron Vladimir and imprisoned his son Rudolfo, and gained control over Latveria. Rudolfo would escape and lead a rebellion and become a thorn in Doom's side for years till his death. Later, Rudolfo's younger brother Zorba would take over where his brother left off. Doom using his intellect and inventions, turned Latveria into a thriving nation.

Played By: TheBlackThrone
Face Claim: Doctor Doom
O/Os: Same as Typist.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings Chapter 3


Okay, I have to admit that I'm interested and tossing in an OC. Let me know what you think, Silk. I can make adjustments as needed.

Hero Name: Quick-Draw

Legal Name: Jeremiah "Blackjack" Crimshaw

Origin of Powers: Technically, Quick-Draw has no innate powers. What he has that passes for powers is a cache of technology he's stolen from Kang, a lot of which is from as far into the future as the 29th century.

Age: Physically 31, though he was born in 1848. Time travel is involved.

Sexuality: Straight, and surprisingly Vanilla.

Description (Appearance):
Quick-Draw is actually a little on the short side for a man, though the way he carries himself it often takes a surprisingly long time to notice that. He does have some muscle to him, but that's more from the stuggle to survive and the need to actually lift things then actual training. He technically isn't wearing a costume, but only in that his clothing is usually a modified version of what he thinks is normal. His fashion sense was formed literially in the days of the old west, modified with Kang's technology.

Powers: Technically, Quick-Draw has no powers and is just a baseline human if one with reflexes, accuracy, and pain tolerances that are at or are near peak-human levels. He does have a few things that can sort of pass for powers though.

The Arsenal: Captured and Enslaved into being Kang's Bounty Hunter, Crimshaw stole a cache of Kang's technology when he escaped. As such he essentially has an arsenal of weapons and technology at his beck and call, a lot of it from as far into the future as the 29th century.

The Gazette: Crimshaw does technically have some fore-knowledge of future events. Unfortunately it's rough and rudimentary, often flat out wrong if one looks into details. He does have copies of many of the historical reports used by historians in the future, however they're from centuries in the future when accuracy becomes a problem.

Special Skills and Other: The name of Blackjack Crimshaw is a name on par with Billy the Kid, Jesse James, or James 'Killer' Miller with historians of the Old West when it comes to outlaws. History remembers him as a thief and murderer, and one of the best Gunfighters the West ever produced. And then Kang got his claws into him.

Gunslinger - Blackjack Crimshaw's weapon of choice looks like basic six-shot revolver, for a good reason. You can find people more accurate with a six-shooter, you can find people faster on the draw - but it's not easy. And to find someone that's both is damn near impossible.

Dirty, Sneaky Bastard - While Crimshaw had the reputation of being one of the old west's most feared Gunslingers, what he was actually a bit of an expert at was not giving the other guy a fair fight. He's something of an expert on improvised, morally questionable, yet effective tactics.

Time's Arrow - Having spent 4 years of his personal timeline as a slave and bounty hunter for Kang, he's actually proven to be shockingly good at the job. Having taken jobs up and down the timeline for Kang, he's skilled enough to blend in with his temporal surrondings. Not enough to make it his home, but enough that he'll have the job done and be gone before he causes too much of a fuss if he has too.

Equipment: Quick-Draw's "Abilities" stem from having access to 29th century technology. So a few noteworthy gadgets include but isn't limited too-

Lee-Ann: His original Revolver, modified with technology from up and down the timeline for speed, accuracy, auto-reloading, and additional stopping power.

Danny-Boy: A 23rd century combat shotgun with incineration ammo.

Gravestones: Energy cancellation Grenades from the 25th century, named for their ability to create fields of intense cold and silence.

The Masada: A 29th Century Sonic Pulse Cannon

Nightingales: Small medical robots for healing

The Preacher: A HUD rig to assist with targeting and information gathering.

His Hat: Never touch a man's hat.

History: Howdy,

Name's Crimshaw. People call me Blackjack. Don't know why, never asked. Kinda funny, really. How History worked out. The Dime Store novels say I killed my family when I was a kid. Then I went out West, started robbing Banks, Stage-Coaches, Ranchers - anyone with a lot of money that I could take from them with a Gun. Says I killed at least 40 Men while I was at it too.

Not sayin' some of it ain't true. I really did kill my Pa, I admit it. What they ain't tellin' ya is that he was tryin' to kill me at the time. And I didn't lay a finger on my sister Le-Ann, that was Pa too. More then a finger when he was liquered up.

Just sayin' it's Dime Novel stuff, they'll sing any crow if it they think it'll sell. Yeah, I robbed some banks and put some men in the ground. Served in the War of Northern Aggression too, started going west when I found out the South wasn't really any better. And some of the men I killed, some of them didn't deserve it either. I ain't sayin' I was a Good man. Just sayin' I wasn't a Monster - just a Man with a Gun. A dead man with shot in my gut when that Kang fella found me. Didn't understand everything he said, but I caught that he said he'd take me back to his ranch and patch me up if I agreed to work for him. Wasn't really in a position to refuse.

And he did more then Patched me up. He made me better then ever. Shows me things like stuff from those weird books back East. More then that, things that I thought were impossible. Things like travelling in Time like going up a river. He and others took to calling me Quick-Draw - then he put me to work. I spent 4 years huntin' bounties and fillin' graves for that greenhorn tin-hat dictator. I ain't sayin' I was a good man, but I ain't never took the sweat off of another man's brow. Not after making him sweat it for me.

I admit it, I'm a thief and a killer - but I ain't never taken no Slave. Not until Kang made me do it for him. So now I'm here, turning myself in. 'Cause I've done some bad things, and I've seen where this road goes. I'd like a chance to walk a new trail.

Or at least a chance to put a bullet in Kang's face when he comes back for me.

== Character Extras =
Played By: The Villain
Face Claim:  Ben Browder
Ons:  Surprisingly Vanilla
Offs: The Usual Suspects
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


And Quick-Draw was rejected. Fair enough, I suppose. I'll let you all know if I think of anything else.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


There are a lot of heroes going on. I think I'm going to pull Hyperion and just play Black Knight. Having a planet busting character would be fun but I'd rather play the chivalrous knight with modern standards. Hyperion shows up for the party then just goes back to his life.


These heroes are needed

  Name: Iron-Man/Anthony Stark

  Name: Black Widow/Natasha Romanov

  Name: Hulk/Bruce Banner

  Name: Hakweye/Clint Barton

  Name: Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff

  Name: Sam Wilson/Falcon

  Name: Vision/Simon Williams

  Name: Winter Soldier/James Barnes


QuoteThese heroes are needed

Are these open for anyone or new players?

If they are available for for anyone, I can take on Scarlet Witch or Black Widow, depending on who you need more.
By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H

On/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=335439.0


I can take Hawkeye but I am using a different face claim.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings Chapter 3


Can I just say that Rogue would love to be in a Bucky Steve sandwich? Screw Tony and maybe sleep with Hawkeye and Bruce Banner! :P



"Hydra? Did you see that move? They don't teach moves like that in Hydra school, pal! You picked the wrong team! Hail Hawkeye!"

     Clinton Francis "Clint" Barton

     Human; "I'm just fuckin' amazing." Trained by Swordsman and Trickshot, he was inspired to fight crime after witnessing Iron Man in action.



     Blonde Hair | Blue Eyes | 6'3" | 230 lbs

    None; "Huh, who needs powers? The result is always the same. You lose and I win."

Master Archer: Barton has trained himself to become a master archer specializing in the use of regular bows, longbows, compound bows, and crossbows with near-perfect accuracy. He is capable of firing multiple arrows at a single target in a few seconds, hitting multiple targets in a few quick strokes, and directly hit small targets in the greatest of distances. Barton has even been known to hit an apple in the center of it. He practices a minimum of two hours per day to keep his skills honed.

Peak Human Condition: Clint is in peak condition. He was able to push a car off him with one hand.

Expert Marksman: He possesses very keen eyesight, and his accuracy is virtually unerring; he was trained in his youth by Trick Shot with throwing blades, balls, bolas, and boomerangs. He now has near-perfect precision with any aimed or thrown weapon. He can hurl objects with extreme speed and accuracy, both in direct aim and complicated rebounds/interactions.

Expert Acrobat: Barton possesses exceptional human strength, endurance, and stamina. He is athletic with very good reflexes and agility. This, combined with training as an aerialist and acrobat, makes him capable of numerous complex acrobatic maneuvers.

Expert Martial Artist: Barton is an excellent martial artist, having been trained in various forms by Captain America, who was arguably the world's greatest hand-to-hand combatant. On his first mission with Luke Cage's band of renegade New Avengers, Ronin proved to have come a long way from his old days of rarely ever using his martial arts skills. Throughout the battle against Elektra and The Hand, he demonstrated great skill in his overall martial ability, holding his own against nearly endless hordes of ninjas. This earned him a very respecting compliment from his teammate Iron Fist, one of the world's top martial artists. It was revealed by Cap that Hawkeye has once defeated an elder of the universe with his luck and his wit.

Skilled Tactician: As shown in his leadership of the West Coast Avengers and the Thunderbolts, Barton is a highly competent strategist, tactician, and field commander.

Cunning Fighter: Hawkeye is shown many of times as a smart and clever fighter. Cap said Hawkeye had once defeated an elder of the universe with luck and quick thinking. He was even able to outwit Bucky Barnes in training by using a joy buzzer on Bucky's cybernetic arm.

Weapons Proficiency: Although he is not known to use melee weapons, Barton's incredible reflexes and hand-eye coordination allow him to easily master most weapons. He also received training in swordsmanship during his youth from the original Swordsman, who was considered one of the greatest experts in sword-fighting the world has ever known. Barton is skilled with swords, knives, nunchukus, staffs and is one of the few people to be able to properly handle Captain America's shield.

Trilingual: Not only is Hawkeye fluent in English, his mother tongue, but also in Italian and in American sign language.

     As Hawkeye, Barton possesses a custom-made bow, quick-release quiver, a number of specialty arrows and a combat knife.

     Clint had been taking leave from the Avengers to continue being a hero independent of his old team. His excuse was that he was resting his body from the constant use of Pym particles when he had taken the hero guise, Goliath. In actuality, Clint was taking a mental break from the pressures of always having to keep his skills up to par with his super-powered teammates. Clint retired to Wisconsin, where he continued to train and brush up his skills. For a while, he fought crime around the Great Lakes and as the years dragged on, he started to believe that the Avengers weren’t ever going to unite, and if they had already, they must have had enough godly talent.

     Clint continued to operate throughout the Great Lakes and took on a few government contracts for SHIELD. Little did he know that an invitation to not join the Avengers but a Unity Squad from an old friend was on its way.

Played By: TheBlackThrone
Face Claim: Jessie Pavelka
O/Os: Same as Typist.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings Chapter 3


And there we have it, a finished Hawkeye CS. Let me know what you think.

I would like to RP Clint receiving the Unity Squad invitation from an old teammate. I prefer it be from Black Widow if we ever get one, but it can be anyone as long as he knows who the person is (and as long as he respects the person lol). It would be a change of atmosphere from the crowded bar you guys are Rping in. He could be confronted in the middle of I suppose I would make it a hostage situation he's dealing with.  :-)

It can be done in a separate thread too so as not to clutter the main thread with a change of setting.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings Chapter 3


Okay what did I miss with Steve...because I am not catching it? I deleted my post until you let me know! Thanks and sorry!! :-[


I thought your post was fine...Steve just started his speech and went moving through the crowd. He considers it important to try and include everyone in his pitch.
Where's your will to be weird?   

~Jim Morrison

Ons and Offs


Oh, okay. I will put my post back up with Peter and add the speech with Steve.


Was ill, still willing to do this but it looks like you've cast the part you originally wanted me for :D
Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=265306.0


Quote from: TamaRose on April 29, 2017, 08:14:57 PM
Can I just say that Rogue would love to be in a Bucky Steve sandwich? Screw Tony and maybe sleep with Hawkeye and Bruce Banner! :P

How come no one loves Deadpool like this?


Quote from: Doomblade403xxx on May 01, 2017, 10:20:40 PM
How come no one loves Deadpool like this?

RP Deadpools are often more annoying than entertaining. No offense to those who RP them but most Marvel games I've been in tend to ban the character lol.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings Chapter 3


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on May 01, 2017, 10:58:58 PM
RP Deadpools are often more annoying than entertaining. No offense to those who RP them but most Marvel games I've been in tend to ban the character lol.


That's bullshit.


Legal Name
     Bruce Banner

Origin of Powers
     Altered Human; Master physicist and unstoppable rage juggernaught due to Gamma Radiation Experiment



     Brown Hair / Green Hair | Brown Eyes | 5'8" / 8'6" | 200 lbs / 2 Tons


Unlimited Strength - His 'cruising' strength can lift a hundred tons with ease.  But the angrier he gets, the stronger he gets.

Invulnerable - He can shake off damage that would kill most.  He can take direct tank shots or punches to the face and keep on going.

Limitless Endurance - He can go for days, weeks even without stopping so long as he is still enraged or engaged in battle.

Healing - He can heal from almost any wound that has been inflicted on him.

Leaping - He can leap several hundred miles.

Master Scientist - Bruce is THE world leader on particle physics and radiation, and a bleeding edge researcher in biochemistry as well.  He has a solid understanding of other sciences.

Engineering - Bruce is great at mechanical and electrical engineering even if he isn't Tony Stark.

Beuracracy - A lesser known skill but navigating grant writing and the like is a necessity for any scientist

Fighting - The Hulk has been around long enough, that he is pretty damn good at fighting, using his powers to maximum effect.  Bruce is able to dodge some punches and block enough to occasionally get away.

Self Control - Through a combination of meditation and other techniques, Bruce has gained some control of his transformations and emotions.  It is his singular obsession.

Herbalism - In an attempt to gain a cure for himself, Bruce has learned all kinds of useful medical and herbal techniques and an understanding of 'alternative' medicine in addition to the regular thing.

     Magic Pants.  He has a pair that expands quite a bit when he transforms. 

     Bruce was experimenting in the secret darkness that gives folks strength at their most desperate moment and; for fear of losing funding tried it on himself.  The result was the Hulk, a being who has cursed him ever sense and was, until recently, hunted by a special task force in the US army.  He has joined the avengers and feels terrible for the damage he has caused, determined to make up for it in discoveries of science and also acts as a conscience on the team to prevent them from making mistakes with the awesome power they possess.
Played By: Lord Rod
Face Claim: Mark Ruffalo
O/Os: Same as Typist.
Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=265306.0


Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff

I am not going for the reality warping version of her, that is just unplayable, but I will have some of her more currently abilities and she will have a mix of magic and probability control.   Going to leave her status as a mutant or experiment up in the air as she tries to learn the truth.

Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Auburn
Gender: female
Sexuality: under question with the rest of her life
Age: 32

Wanda Maximoff was kidnapped from Serbia and brought to Wundagore Mountain, base of the High Evolutionary, she and her twin brother, Pietro, were the children of Romany couple, Django and Marya Maximoff. The High Evolutionary supposedly abducted the twins when they were babies and experimented on them, once he was disgusted with the results, he returned them to Wundagore, disguised as regular mutants.

As adolescents, Wanda and Pietro discovered that they had unusual superhuman abilities. When Django began to steal food to feed his starving family, enraged villagers attacked the Romani camp. Using his phenomenal speed, Pietro fled from the camp with his sister. The circumstances of their separation from their family were so traumatic that not until well into adulthood could they remember anything but the barest details of their childhood. For the next few years, Wanda and Pietro wandered central Europe, living off the land.

As Wanda grows into adulthood, she ends up joining various heroic organizations, X-men and various Avenger teams, serving with honor in both organizations, especially the Avengers.  And then the House of M events happening, the Red Skull trying to control her and the Apocalypse twins and Kang changing the timelines.  Now Scarlett is very confused about her origins and her past.  She was raised thinking she was a mutant but then when she and Pietro confronted the High Evolutionary, he says they are just failed experiments.  No longer knowing what to believe about her past, what actions she is responsible for, she is questioning every aspect of her life.  Meanwhile she is staying with the Avengers, in the past, being with the Avengers was when her life was the most stable.

Strength: The Scarlet Witch possesses the normal human strength of a woman of her age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise.

Known superhuman powers: The Scarlet Witch possesses the power of affecting probability fields. By a combination of gestures and mental concentration, she creates a hex-sphere, a finite pocket of reality-disrupting quasi-psionic force, which upon reaching its intended target, causes disturbance in the molecular-level probability field surrounding the target. Thus, unlikely phenomena will occur. Among the many phenomena she is able to cause are: the sudden melting of gun barrels, the spontaneous combustion of any flammable object, the rapid rust or decay of various organic and inorganic materials, the poltergeist-like deflection of an object in flight, the sudden evacuation of air from a given volume, the disruption of energy transmissions and fields, and so on. These phenomena occur practically instantaneously after the completion of her hex. 

Hex Bolts: Initially, Wanda had the ability to manipulate probability via her "hexes" (often manifesting physically as "hex spheres" or "hex bolts") which manipulated energy fields and matter to varying degrees. These hexes were initially short range, and are limited to her line of sight. Casting a hex would initially require a gesture and concentration on her part, though the gestures are largely a focus for the concentration. Early in her career, her hexes were unconscious, and would be automatically triggered whenever she made a particular gesture, regardless of her intent. These hexes would only manifest as "bad luck", triggering negative effects. She later gained enough control over her powers that they only work when she wants them to, and they are not limited to negative effects.

Scarlet Witch's hex-casting ability still has a 20% unreliability factor. Her sorcerous training has not given her a set of powers separate from her mutant abilities, but only honed her control over her existing abilities. She has, however, a special affinity for the natural elements and materials that true witches utilize in their spells: the four alchemical elements, wood, organic substances, etc.

Teleportation: Wanda has portrayed the ability to teleport her and others over long distances. She can also travel to and open portal or gates for different purposes. The full extent to this ability is unknown.

Telekinesis: Wanda has portrayed the ability to manipulate, propel and levitate things using her mind as well as fly or hover. The full extent to this ability is unknown.

Expert Knowledge of Sorcery:
Wanda was trained by Agatha Harkness in witchcraft. Her sorceress training has not given her a set of powers separate from her mutant abilities, but only honed her control over her existing abilities. She has, however, a special affinity for the natural elements and materials that witches utilize in their spells: the four alchemical elements, wood, organic substances, etc.

Expert Combatant: She has also been trained in hand-to-hand combat by both Captain America and Hawkeye.

Expert Tactician: When sane, the experience and leadership skills that come from years of active duty as an Avenger.

Perception Range: Her range of hex-casting was limited by her line of sight. (She couldn't watch a live television broadcast and cause a hex-phenomenon to occur at its point of origin.)

Physical Condition: Hexes had a degree of unreliability, which was further affected by her physical condition: when well rested, in good health, and mentally and emotionally alert, Scarlet Witch could cast numerous hex-spheres in rapid succession and attain desirable results for almost an hour.

Overextension: Despite this enhanced precision, her hexes were not necessarily guaranteed to work, particularly if she had been straining herself or using her powers excessively. If overextended, her hexes could backfire, causing probability to work against her wishes or to undo previous hexes.
By accepting what is and making the best use of every situation, life can be fulfilled without a constant demand for more. --Wen Tzu

In writing, a flaw is not the interesting part of a character.  What is interesting is how a person overcomes a flaw.  I want to read how a person overcomes a flaw, not how the flaw overcomes the person.

My story contribution: FemFour: superheroine, Futa, NC-H

On/Offs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=335439.0


Terribly sorry, was there an IC thread for this now?
Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs - https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=265306.0