Daemon Seed Incursion (4E D&D, or Systemless ) NC, Exotic - Semi Full

Started by Melendrith, March 20, 2017, 01:17:43 PM

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I'll keep my warpriest in the reserve in case I retire the warlock later :)


Discord ID Zyraen
known as Ahzran^ or Dakushna^ on mIRC


Just to clarify, when you are unconscious you can carry on your RP on your turn, calling for help, spreading your body etc.

However, from a game perspective you are unconscious, and may NOT take actions, especially NOT if your ally's power lets you take a Free action. Eg. Direct the Strike.
Discord ID Zyraen
known as Ahzran^ or Dakushna^ on mIRC


Quote from: Melendrith on March 26, 2017, 08:56:45 PM
Just to clarify, when you are unconscious you can carry on your RP on your turn, calling for help, spreading your body etc.

However, from a game perspective you are unconscious, and may NOT take actions, especially NOT if your ally's power lets you take a Free action. Eg. Direct the Strike.

Cool, I was actually going to suggest this ;D