Inglorious Bitches

Started by RedEve, August 28, 2016, 08:20:07 AM

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Basically this would be a gender-bended version of "Inglorious Basterds", where a group of female soldiers/operatives is parachuted behind enemy lines to wreck havoc.

The unit would be a mixture of allied nations. We would not follow any aspect of the movie's plot, instead we would just create our own around the bare bones of the original feature.

What I mostly want to keep intact is the pulpy, occasionally funny tone of the original.

This is merely a topic to check if there is any interest at all in such a game. Feel free to leave a message if you are at all keen on such a game. If enough people express some interest, I would like to go through a brainstorming session for an overarching plot.
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Foxy DeVille

Sounds fun. I've got a character idea bouncing around my noggin.



Loved the movie.
Im interested.
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if this happens I'd like to face claim Kinessa Johnson.


If this game does go ahead, are you all alright with France as the main setting?

I'm thinking of naming the unit "The Valkyries". Instead of "The Apaches" in the original films. Seems more fitting.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
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When in the war are you planning to set it? The Eastern Front might also be a good setting, depending on how close you want to stick to the film.


Sounds like something I've tried to run myself in the past.... Definitely interested... Not actually seen the movie, but I've seen enough war movies to make it not matter Just looked it up to get the general idea...!

France is good. And actually, seriously, a large proportion of the French resistance were women as were a large number of British SOE agents.

Could also set it in Norway or the Low Countries. If you want to retain the Jewish angle, Poland would also work well. The Eastern Front Russia is not such a good option because of the Scorched Earth policy carried out by the Red Army as they retreated... The Balkans or Greek Islands would make an interesting setting... "The Guns Of Lesbos...?" *giggles* We could do a sequel, "Force  69 From Lesbos....!"

No seriously though I love the idea!

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France, or really anyplace in Europe or the Middle East is fine with me.  The Nazi's operated all through the continent, but maybe the Americans not so much.

Were you going to keep true enough to the movie that the Bitches are primarily an American unit?  (At least the leader and their superior command were American - though the Bastards came from all over.)

For a name, I think "The Valkyries" would be more fitting if the unit worked out of Denmark or Norway or even Holland than France.  In France the locals might consider that name to Germanic.  "Les Amazones" might also be a good option.  I'm fine with either, or something else.


Quote from: yesiroleplay on September 01, 2016, 05:57:23 AM
France, or really anyplace in Europe or the Middle East is fine with me.  The Nazi's operated all through the continent, but maybe the Americans not so much.

Were you going to keep true enough to the movie that the Bitches are primarily an American unit?  (At least the leader and their superior command were American - though the Bastards came from all over.)

For a name, I think "The Valkyries" would be more fitting if the unit worked out of Denmark or Norway or even Holland than France.  In France the locals might consider that name to Germanic.  "Les Amazones" might also be a good option.  I'm fine with either, or something else.

I see the unit as a mix of operatives from all allied nations, perhaps some volunteers from occupied nations.
The command structure can be American or British.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
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I like this as the unit insignia:

"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
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Foxy DeVille

I like France as a setting because my character idea is a pilot from French Indochina (Vietnam).


I'm considering the idea of a German Jew who fled to England in 1935...!

Point of History.... France was invaded in 1939 and capitulated the same year. The USA did not enter the war until December 1941 and was not actually involved in the North African Theatre Of Operations until November 1942, and Europe about a year later. Any covert operations in German occupied countries prior to this would have been under British command, specifically the command of the SOE. Even once the US got involved, the partisan and resistance units were already established with the command structure, supply and contact procedures, and would have kept them as they were.

Operations in the Far East again were mostly British led, with Indian and Australian troops being the main allied forces. The Americans were mostly concerned with taking a few scattered islands that did admittedly have a significant strategic value. But operations on the mainland of Asia in Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, Indochina (which incidentally also included Cambodia), as well as the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) and Papua-New Guinea, were mostly Australian and British led, with locals making up the bulk of the force.

Of course there's no reason we can't have American characters. The number of Americans who came to Britain to fight in 1939 was quite large, and the RAF actually created several entire squadrons of American volunteers - the Eagle squadrons. I'm pretty sure there would be all sorts of other volunteers...

I like the insignia, although as Yes points out it is rather Germanic. What would the insignia be used on? Given the way the Germans felt about civilians acting as partisans, and even enemy troops operating behind their lines, having a visible insignia is likely to get us shot and not having one is equally likely to get us shot...! Depending on what it is used for...

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All valid historical points, but the proposal/premise for this game is based off of a Quentin Tarantino movie which had absolutely ZERO historical accuracy.  Hell, they assassinated Hitler in a Paris theater in the movie, and well before historical D-Day.

I just checked IMDB, and apparently most of the movie is set in 1944.  My bad.


Aw, give a geek-girl her moment of glory, please?


Yeah, Hollywood has a tendency to look at the facts and go "Meh, so what?" All the "King Arthur" based TV and movies that feature medieval plate armour and broadswords are testament to that.

I just think it would be nice to have a small degree of historical accuracy?

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I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Actually that's one thing I'd like to know. How historically accurate is the GM wanting the game to be outside of the obvious?
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*is totally distwacted by teh CYUUUUTSES of Koka's avi*

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I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Personally I would prefer a bit more historically accurate than the film but obviously we're going a little outside of strict accuracy by having everyone be women (especially since not many of you all seem interested in playing Soviets, when the Red Army actually did have units of women on the front lines on the ground and in the air).

But maybe I'm just a weirdo who's more interested in telling stories about blowing up bridges and rail lines than blowing up movie theaters full of the high command. Really though, either is good.


I'm not opposed to a little more historical accuracy than the film but that wasn't really what the movie was about.
It was more about Tarantino taking the bare bones of history and then just doing his own thing with it.
I certainly hoped to keep the tone intact, which was light, irreverent and pulpy.
"I don't have a dirty mind, I have a sexy imagination."
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Quote from: RedEve on September 02, 2016, 01:14:23 AM
I'm not opposed to a little more historical accuracy than the film but that wasn't really what the movie was about.
It was more about Tarantino taking the bare bones of history and then just doing his own thing with it.
I certainly hoped to keep the tone intact, which was light, irreverent and pulpy.

A bit like a cross between Kelly's Heroes and The Dirty Dozen with elements of 'Allo 'Allo thrown in? *Giggles*

I can do that! Just so long as we can stick to 1940s weaponry - no jet fighters (well, not until 1945), no smart bombs, no lasers....

Of course the other thing that actually not only helps with realism but also can help keep things light, irreverent and pulpy, is if people run out of ammo at very awkward moments.....

Character A: "Cover me, I'm going in..." Leaps over whatever she's hiding behind

Character B: "Okay" Aims machine pistol at enemy, squeezes trigger. *CLICK* "Er..." Frantically hunts for a new clip as A starts to run towards the enemy, only to be met by a storm of bullets, thinks better of it and dives back into cover.

Character A: "You were supposed to cover me!"

Character B: Shrugs apologetically. "Sorry, I'm out of ammo..."

Sort of thing....

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Another question: would you prefer one overarching plot that focuses on a big mission or a series of smaller missions? Or perhaps a combination of the two where we start out small and work towards the big one?
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