Community [Impreg, Public, Interest, Need More Female Characters]

Started by TheVillain, June 19, 2016, 08:12:43 AM

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QuoteTo Whom It May Concern -

Congradulations! If this letter has been given to you it's meant to escape the worst of the ravages of the Purple Plague. Either by somehow managing to avoid contracting the plague in the first place or getting lucky with the results your tests results show a great deal of promise for a project of ours. So first let me acknowledge that a lot of the rumors you've heard are probably true, and despite efforts to not raise a panic it's gotten out that most victims of the Purple Plague were sterilized by the disease. What we have managed to keep to ourselves is that we estimate that only about 1% of the population is still fertile, and according to your test results you are one of them. With that in mind we have a proposal for you.

Across the country we've set up a series of gated communities. These communities are secluded, safe, and private - places where you and the other fertile are congregated to live together and, we hope, produce the next generation of Americans. What we offer, is basically everything. Everything you could ever want or need is waiting. We'll provide housing, security, nessecities, entertainment - we will only ask in return that you follow a certain level of discretion and that if you join us you will let nature take her course.

Either way we ask that you decide and inform us if you intend to join us. We'll take you at any time, though I can promise a high priority treatment if you decide within the next week. We'll let you decide on your own, but I can personally promise you that if you join us you'll never regret it.

-The Mayor

The basic idea is that after a massive epidemic has sterilized the vast majority of the human race, the remaining fertile people are brought together into semi-secret gated communities in hopes that this will encourage more breeding. These communities are modeled after small towns and in theory are little spots of heaven on Earth.

New residents are told at the gate that there's really only three rules.

1 - No initiating violence.
2 - No drugs without permission of The Midwife. [A pharmacist/doctor/nutritionist/obstetrician all rolled up into one.]
3 - No leaving the Community even for short visits without permission of The Mayor.

The Midwife and The Mayor are government officials that for some reason refuse to use their real names, though they claim to also be fertile as well. Residents quickly pick up that there are other unofficial rules as well. Some of them are pleasent, like how nudity in public among residents within The Community is not only allowed but actively encouraged. Others, not so much with signs of a sinister conspiracy sometimes coming up to the surface.

And then, one day, there will be a murder which threatens to expose the while conspiracy wide open.

This is right now just an interest thread, I'll add some stuff for characters later if this gets enough interest and I like the demographics. Let's see what happens!

Quote from: Character Info
Age: (Follow site rules please. No characters below 17, female characters have to be below menopause.)
Previous/Current Occupation: (Working for the Community isn't required but is considered for extra privaleges like housing preferences)
Community Status: (Position held and how long your character has been a resident. Being a new resident isn't required but makes sense. Can be a previous resident of another Community.)
Sexual Orientation: (Non-hetero characters will still be expected to try to breed, but they can be creative with how they go about this.)
Fertility/Health Status: (Mostly how many children your character has had pre-community and after moving in. For simplicity sake please explain why they're not living with your character now up to this point, spoiler alert - Communties prefer it if the resulting babies are adopted out. Female characters also should state if they're pregnant.)
Physical Description: (A picture/artwork is not required but appreciated.)

Character Thread
OOC Thread
Main RP Thread
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


This sounds a good idea.. like a less deadly 24 days or those kind of plague situations kind of thing. Putting down my interest in this for now.


I'm interested. I'd probably bring a variation of either my Lucky or Shay characters depending on who shows interest and what all plotting folks might be interested in.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


Groovy, let's see who else is interested.

Probably also worth mentioning, but despite the settings explicit goal to encourage breeding Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual characters are of course allowed. Just means your character has to get a bit creative is all. :P
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Interested! Want to see how the story progress.

Aida Rose

I'm interested. What do you mean by demographics?


Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


Hiiii! I am Toasty!

I am interested in this! I will probably be a female character!
"Plans are useless, however, planning is invaluable" -Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Lets see if I can put studying off for another day" -Me


Quote from: Aida Rose on June 20, 2016, 04:37:08 PM
I'm interested. What do you mean by demographics?

How many are interested, the gender ratio, any names I recognize, stuff like that.

Mostly female, but that's fine. Kind of picture the disease sterilized more men then women by percentage anyway. Just thought that was something I could be flexible about.

So how about some character info stuff.

Quote from: Character Info
Age: (Follow site rules please. No characters below 17, female characters have to be below menopause.)
Previous/Current Occupation: (Working for the Community isn't required but is considered for extra privaleges like housing preferences)
Community Status: (Position held and how long your character has been a resident. Being a new resident isn't required but makes sense. Can be a previous resident of another Community.)
Sexual Orientation: (Non-hetero characters will still be expected to try to breed, but they can be creative with how they go about this.)
Fertility/Health Status: (Mostly how many children your character has had pre-community and after moving in. For simplicity sake please explain why they're not living with your character now up to this point, spoiler alert - Communties prefer it if the resulting babies are adopted out. Female characters also should state if they're pregnant.)
Physical Description: (A picture/artwork is not required but appreciated.)
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Not sure how you feel about cross gender writing but if it would help I could submit a male character instead of a female.
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os


Nah, I'm perfectly fine with more female characters then male ones actually.

Was kind of hoping for it actually, I just also decided that I was willing to be flexible on that point.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.

Aida Rose

Why do you want more women than men?


Besides the obvious? :P

It seems to fit the story a little better, but it's not really that big of a deal. Like I said, I'm more then willing to be flexible on that point.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


This sounds interesting. I'm on my phone now I will try and work on a character later today.


Just put the character submission thing in the original post. I'm excited to see what everyone comes up with!
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


My On and Offs
When the Ink Runs Dry

Looking/Available for New Games


"Plans are useless, however, planning is invaluable" -Dwight D. Eisenhower

"Lets see if I can put studying off for another day" -Me


You just want us to post our sheets here?
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


Sure, let's put some up and talk about them.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.


Well, I hope that she's okay!


Name: Isabelle Bellucci

Age: 28

Previous/Current Occupation: Previously was and currently is a baker.

Community Status: Community Baker, three weeks. Fairly new, hasn’t been in the community long, just got the old bakery up and running again.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Fertility/Health Status: Healthy, a runner, is unsure about how fertile she is, as of yet she hasn’t gotten pregnant at all.

Personality: Isabelle loves to laugh, though she takes her work seriously someone who can get her laughing is halfway there. An honest woman, she had a tendency to use her sharp wit before, and sharper tongue, to get her opinion across. Isabelle considers herself to be a smart woman. She is passionate about a lot of things though baking is one of the largest.

Physical Description: Isabelle is a tall woman, standing around 5’10” with long legs. A light, natural, tan rests on her skin almost constantly. She her full lips, and an hourglass figure that she has done her best to keep firm and fit. Though her rear is smaller than her bust, her hips flare just enough, coupled with a set of back dimples, that she doesn’t feel inadequate.

History: Raised by her Italian grandparents Isabelle learned a lot from them, such as the importance of respecting her elders, how to be a respectable young woman, some simple Italian. More importantly, her Grandfather taught her how to bake. Though her Grandmother could cook, it was Isabelle’s Grandfather that taught her how to knead dough, how to create dough, and how to twist it into delicate pastries or wholesome bread to feed many.

She followed in his footsteps, going to culinary school, though she focused on baking. When the Purple Plague hit hard, Isabelle had been furiously writing down the remaining recipes that her Grandfather had before he passed away. When her letter came in the mail, Isabelle was surprised. So surprised that she did the only thing she could think of, asked her Grandmother for advice. Estelle had always wanted her Granddaughter to be happy, so she encouraged Isabelle to take the offer, and seek a better life for herself and Isabelle did.

Ons: Creampies, Being bitten, Hickeys/ love bites, Being choked, Being spanked, Public Sex, Rough Sex, Dub Con, roleplaying.

Offs: Facials, Beards, Blondes, Scat, Watersports, Vore
Watch me play video games! Twitch account = SammiasaurusRex
Ons and Offs


I even like the spoiler button use, and ask for that to happen with other character sheets if that can happen.
My O/O's / My A/A's / My Ideas
Update - Apologies to all my partners, real life is exploding and I've gotten far behind.




Name:Piper Vice

Age: 21

Previous/Current Occupation: Was studying to become a doctor.

Community Status:New Resident.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Fertility/Health Status: Have no children and as healthy as a horse. Before the disaster she tried to go to the gym everyday.

Personality: She is every woman, literally. She is a very friendly person, but can come off overbearing. She tells too much of her business and is in everyone else's business. She loves to gossip and poke fun at everyone. She is was really easy-going and down-to-earth if you can get over her know-it-all attitude. She has an enduring smile and confident air about her that rubs insecure people the wrong way, but nevertheless you can't help but love her.

History: She have somehow avoided actually doing the 'deed' with her many boyfriends, but she knows that she will have to have sexual intercourse in order to keep her spot in the community. While growing up her father always told her not to depend on her looks/body for everything and to always have a plan. So Piper decided to use her brain, she was accepted into the top medical school and quickly made herself top of her class. She made everyone in her family proud, but with her amazing achievements she never really had time for relationships. And when she did find someone interested in her they were intimidated by her, most would have grew insecurities, but not Piper she threw herself more into her studies and was able to graduate early.

Ons: Beards, masturbation, exhibitionist, dominant. foreplay, dirty talk, someone funny and sweet.

Offs: Anything extreme.


Still interested. I will post my character when I get home from work.


Here's my submission. Ended up not going with my original idea tho. Hopefully this one works. I'm open to connections too if she's approved.


Name: Riley Kennedy

Age: 26

Previous/Current Occupation: Previously a rookie cop, transferred in to patrol.

Community Status: Been in the community for about a month.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, polyamorous (a committed threesome is her ideal though monogamy is not out of the question)

Fertility/Health Status: Exceptionally healthy and plenty fertile. Riley actually has one kid, Maddox, which was the biggest reason why she accepted the spot in the community, so that he'd be safe and looked after. He currently resides with his grandfather (her father).

Personality: Riley is sorta like your local neighborhood tomboy all grown up--except she never did trade in her football or tools for pompoms. As a former high school and then collegiate athlete, she's a very energetic woman but one with a chill and easy going demeanor that makes her fairly easy for most to get along with. She is most comfortable hanging with the guys or indulging her inner nerd but that doesn't mean she doesn't thoroughly enjoy being female. She's kinda got the kid sister vibe going considering she is good at keeping secrets that matter and enjoys making mischief from time to time, but she is also the sort to back someone up in a pinch or just give a hug or cuddle when needed. She used to be a little wilder but after having a kid she seemed to mellow just enough to balance fun with responsibility. She does have a temper but she's more likely to face a issue head on, duke it out, and then move on. She can sometimes be blunt or crass and has a competitive streak but she's not mean spirited at all.

Physical Description: At 5'7" tall, Riley is neither particularly short nor particularly tall. Her lean and well toned body is in excellent shape but bears enough curves to keep things fun. She's not terribly vain but she knows what she looks like and doesn't bother to pretend otherwise as she's rather proud of her physique. Add to that dark eyes framed by long lashes, dark blonde waves that fall down her back, and an adorable pout, and the Colombian-American certainly measures up. Generally she prefers athletic wear or casual clothes.

History: Raised by a single father, and a cop at that, Riley grew up ripping and running all over the place. She and her dad fished, went to games, and did patch up work on the car or house together, generally getting along well. Sure, Riley was definitely a little wild--at least some of the elders in her neighborhood would claim so--but she'd never really been a bad or even underachieving kid so school and sports were her focus and outside of that she tended to hang with far more boys than girls (something that gave her father nightmares).

Funnily enough, despite her father's ever present worry that she was out screwing guys left and right or whatever, Riley didn't really hook up with anyone until her college years. Her freshmen year was a little... er... well, lets just say she learned a whole lot outside of class. One had to wonder how she had time for anything being both a sprinter and soccer player but eventually she met her then boyfriend and settled some. Things were actually looking up until she ended up getting pregnant and losing her scholarship.

Finding herself with a baby that she hadn't planned on changed a lot for Riley. It changed even more when her boyfriend graduated college and instead of marrying her, ended up moving in with someone else. After that, Riley worked her ass off and applied to join the police force as her ailing father had always hoped she would. Riley had only been on the job 6 months when the plague hit.

Ons: Dancing or Sparring (gets the blood pumping), men with big hands (especially if they themselves are larger), women with curves, being manhandled, dub-con, dirty talk, teasing, marks of passion, spanking, oral, having her ass grabbed or played with, anal, rimming, rough sex, sensuality, blind folds, breast play, sexual competition.
Offs: Feet, hard facials, toilet play, vomit, gore/vore, animals, excessive violence
Current Craving/Looking For: Romance, Adventure, Action, Humor, and Erotica. (F/Any)

Current Post Rate: Moderate

Current Posts Owed: 1/8

My O/Os