What are you reading?

Started by Paradox, November 25, 2008, 09:18:35 AM

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Magic Ship by Robin Hobb. I need to put it down and study for midterms.


John Sinclair - Geisterjäger. Pretty trashy horror novels about a guy and his partner, working for Scotland Yard's supernatural bureau. So bad and yet oh so very entertaining.
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Ich war der erste Engel
Gottes treuester Vasall
Am Anfang stand mein Hochmut und am Ende kam der Fall
Ich griff nach seinen Sternen doch Gestirne brennen heiß
Jedes Paradies hat Dornen und jede Tat hat ihren Preis

"Saltatio Mortis - Satans Fall"


Quote from: Jabberwookie on May 12, 2010, 10:07:27 PM
Magic Ship by Robin Hobb. I need to put it down and study for midterms.

Dude! Did you read the Farseer trilogy before that? If not, I highly recommend you do so. Magic Ship is actually the 4th book in a 9-book series, all of which I fucking love.

"More than ever, the creation of the ridiculous is almost impossible because of the competition it receives from reality."-Robert A. Baker


Halfway to hollywood by Michael Palin
"She distrusted a moon like that. A full moon could only wane, a new moon could only wax, but a half moon, balancing so precariously between light and dark ... well, it could do anything..."

*Luci's Ons and Offs Post*

*Luci's Apologies and Absences Post*


The glass house....again....
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

James Macleod

I would like to read the Art of War, or the book of 5 rings but every That I tried to check it out from the media
center, they keep telling me that it is 'Missing"  Which means that it was Stolen, and the media center will not
Get the books back..  Why would People steal form a media center aka a library for that matter?

Merry Gentry

just finished the zoey redbird book, Marked.. it was cute.. took like 2 days to read
“And I’d give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow. You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be and I don’t wanna go home right now.”


I'm currently reading "A Perfect Hell" and the "The Rangers in WWII" both are really good books about WWII special forces units.


Under the Dome by Stephen King
"She distrusted a moon like that. A full moon could only wane, a new moon could only wax, but a half moon, balancing so precariously between light and dark ... well, it could do anything..."

*Luci's Ons and Offs Post*

*Luci's Apologies and Absences Post*

Merry Gentry

oh Luci! I want to read that.. you have to tell me if it's any good! ;)

I've finally started to read Kushiels Dart.. only about 100 pages in, but enjoyable so far
“And I’d give up forever to touch you, cause I know that you feel me somehow. You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be and I don’t wanna go home right now.”


I just finished Marley & Me by John Grogen. I'm now starting Lord Loss by Darren Shan
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum - If You Seek Peace Prepare For War.
We all have multiple personalities. The Average is three, but some people have more.
There's the face you wear for your friends and family, the one you let the outside world see.
Then there's the face you see everytime you look in the mirror.


Wenches, Witches and Strumpets - Aishling Morgan.


Russia in the age of Peter the Great - Lindsey Hughes

This is where you realise that my name probably isn't actually Petey...


Broken Angels by Richard Morgan.
"She distrusted a moon like that. A full moon could only wane, a new moon could only wax, but a half moon, balancing so precariously between light and dark ... well, it could do anything..."

*Luci's Ons and Offs Post*

*Luci's Apologies and Absences Post*


Just starting Wicked by Gregory Maguire.
"She distrusted a moon like that. A full moon could only wane, a new moon could only wax, but a half moon, balancing so precariously between light and dark ... well, it could do anything..."

*Luci's Ons and Offs Post*

*Luci's Apologies and Absences Post*