Deception II: The Deceptening - Game Thread - Final Round, ready to run!

Started by Galactic Druid, March 21, 2016, 01:24:27 PM

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Magazine makes more sense for perverted, but I don't see how it fits with the others...
Signature by the amazing Amaris.


Quote from: Phoenixrisen on April 13, 2016, 01:26:30 PM
At the risk of looking like I'm trying to make wild accusations cause the finger got dubiously pointed towards me, some book stores sell video games/consoles as a well. Only like huge chain's generally but it can happen, and it would be rather fishy to poison someone with a video game console as well as a bit perverted. Stockings and switches could be considered "perversions".

It could also be a hint towards blender, a lot of people who are doing certain diets make themselves smoothies for breakfast, and poisoning someone's food is a bit perverted, fishy could then be pointing towards the cat, and a lot of bookstores have bells on their front doors.

That us stretching it way too much.


Motive of crime - Hatred, Power, Money, Love, Jealousy, Justice


What the?!?  Hrmm.   Okay, now leaning back toward Dirty Water / Magazine at this point.

mia h

Quote from: Remiel on April 13, 2016, 03:03:02 PM
What the?!?  Hrmm.   Okay, now leaning back toward Dirty Water / Magazine at this point.
I'm leaning towards using Dicebot to decide
If found acting like an idiot, apply Gibbs-slap to reboot system.


Quote from: Remiel on April 13, 2016, 03:03:02 PM
What the?!?  Hrmm.   Okay, now leaning back toward Dirty Water / Magazine at this point.

If you wanna point a finger at me I'm not gonna try to dissuade you. Though I will point out Ryven loves his cats.
~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
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Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


Ok, well there are so many options that at this point I'm going to make my guess and see what pans out.   

1.  Poisoning
2.  Bookstore
3.  Perverted
4.  Morning
5.  Love

I don't know that I can tie all of those together but I'll do my best.

First two we've already made some good lists for so I won't do that again.   However, as I said before I still think that Ryven was using perverted to indicate something about the murderer.  And typically men are called perverts.  We only have two men here Yugi and Remiel.   Yugi doesn't have anything that remotely fits poisoning.  The blender thing was a maybe but a stretch. I would be more apt to say the blades in the blender leading to blood loss or severe injury were the case rather than what was made in the blender.   So that leaves Remiel as our male suspect.

From his stash we have two poisoning options: Radiation and Powdered Drug // Kinda a crap shoot there but I'm going to lean to Powdered drug.

I was between Antique and Confidential Note until the last clue came out.   Morning doesn't do much for me there, except old people shop for antiques in the morning maybe and while he picked bookstore, we don't know what other locations might have corresponded with Antiques and there are bookstores meant for collectors of old books.   But "LOVE" Notes are often 'private' and 'confidential' in a way, so maybe that's where love is coming from.

I can't be sure and I'm thinking that another clue may just make it more fubarred, so I'm going to make a guess on this if anything to eliminate some of the things off Remy's plate.

So:  Remiel in the Bookstore with the Powdered Drug over the Confidential Note.  Remy, I'm sorry, it just wasn't written for you.   I still love ya though! <3


I have to admit, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw Ryven's "Love" clue was my Confidential Note, until I realized it was my own evidence.   :-\


Quote from: Remiel on April 13, 2016, 04:42:50 PM
I have to admit, the first thing that popped into my head when I saw Ryven's "Love" clue was my Confidential Note, until I realized it was my own evidence.   :-\
Lol, well I asked about the cleaning cloth only to later go look at the list and go.... oops that was mine.   Funny how we don't much pay attention to our own cards!

Galactic Druid


Damn.  Well, there were options there that I wasn't sure of, especially in the murder weapon.   It at least eliminates that combo.   


Quote from: Ryven on April 13, 2016, 02:47:32 PM
Motive of crime - Hatred, Power, Money, Love, Jealousy, Justice

Sudden Incident - Power failure, fire, conflict, Loss of valuables, scream, nothing


Not the most useful clue but at least it tells us we were on the wrong track.   Definitely leaning back toward Minty with either Mercury/Cleaning Cloth  or Mercury / Dictionary now.

Madame Professor

Mmm, maybe... I still don't see how Morning and Perverted fit into that, though. I feel like we are missing something.
The Professor's Research Notes (O/O)  Locked away in the Laboratory (A/A) 
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Procaffeinating: (verb) The tendency to not start anything until you've had a cup of coffee.
Perkatory: (noun) The anguished, prolonged period spent waiting for a fresh pot of coffee to be ready.


well...most people clean in the morning (don't they?) and as I said before, perverted could mean perverted = dirty = cleaning cloth.   It's a stretch but, as we all know, sometimes Ryven has to make square clues fit into a round hole.


~A full heart has room for all things, an empty heart room for nothing.~
PM's and Discord messages always welcome.
New folks friendly.

Write a love story with me? Updated 3/30
Curious how to fan the flames?
Updated 9/21


My thoughts right now are Mint with Mercury and dictionary or Phoenix with Dirty Water and Magazine.

mia h

I'm going to take a bit of guess, but if it is Minty then I think Dictionary fits the Bookstore clue best.
Which leaves a toss up between Mercury and Chemicals. Now if it's a sudden incident then that fits Chemicals better because Mercury poisoning is slow. Maybe Fishy is something to do with the smell of the Chemicals and Morning, well who knows.
So there it is Minty in the Bookstore with the Chemicals hidden behind a Dictionary
If found acting like an idiot, apply Gibbs-slap to reboot system.

Galactic Druid


The clue was Nothing for Sudden Incident so that was a wasted guess.

Galactic Druid

No such thing as a wasted guess. Mia wasn't the only person looking at chemicals, and eliminating the possibilities is a very valuable tactic in this game. Guessing isn't just about being right and being the one to win for your team, helping your team find the truth is equally important.


duration of crime: instant, brief, gradual, prolonged, for days, unclear



Okay, I'm trying to decide between either Dirty Water / Magazine or  Mercury / Cleaning Cloth.

My reasoning is as follows.

1. Our first clue, and arguably our best one, is the method of murder (Poisoning).  Right away we have eliminated Mia and Yugi as potential suspects, and tightened our list to Remiel (Radiation, Powder drug), Madame Professor (Poisonous Gas, Red Wine), Rapt (Venomous Snake), Christa (Alcohol), Mintprincess (Chemicals, Mercury), and Phoenix (Dirty Water).  Like I said, if it were me, I would have said Illness/Disease for Dirty Water (everybody knows you need to boil it!), but perhaps Ryven wasn't thinking that way.

2. Our last clue, Duration of Crime -- for Days, limits that down even further.  From that list we can eliminate Poisonous Gas, Red Wine, Venomous Snake, and Alcohol, as all of those would take much quicker than a few days to kill somebody.   Radiation could take conceivably longer, so we'll eliminate that as well.  That leaves us with Remiel (Powder Drug), Mintprincess (Chemicals, Mercury), and Phoenix (Dirty Water).  I know I'm not the spy, so that leaves us with just Mint and Phoenix.

3.  Our second-best clue is the Bookstore.   Ryven had about 20 locations to choose from, but he chose the Bookstore.  Why?  That suggests, to me, he was honing in on either the Dictionary, the Magazine, the Gift, the Confidential Letter, or possibly the Cleaning Cloth.  If I had to pick a location for the Cleaning Cloth, I'm not entirely sure what location I would pick (a mansion, perhaps, or dry cleaning service), but perhaps the Bookstore would be in my top five.

4.  Fishy could refer either to the Dirty Water, if we interpret it literally, or to Mercury, which, as Phoenix pointed out, is commonly associated with fish.  I really don't feel that it applies to any other clue.

5.  Perverted is a hard one to interpret, and suggests either the Wig (Remiel), Stockings (Christa), or Magazine (Phoenix), but again, if we make a leap of logic and associate Perverted = Dirty = Needs Cleaning, it might also suggest the Cleaning Cloth as well. 

6.  I'm really not sure what to make of Morning, other than most people do their cleaning in the morning.   But it's also possible that it might refer to Dirty Water, as in when most people get up to use the bathroom?

7.  The Nothing clue doesn't really help us eliminate anything, so I'm going to ignore it. 

8. Love would seem to draw us away from either suspect, other than perhaps someone spends a lot of time cleaning something that they are proud of?   Also, Ryven covered it up when I said I was leaning back toward Dirty Water / Magazine, so perhaps that's a good indication of what he meant.

All right, I'm going to go ahead and use my guess for Mintprincess with the Mercury and Cleaning Cloth.
