Pathfinder (Still Seeking GM)

Started by Latooni Subota, February 07, 2016, 12:23:19 PM

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Katina Tarask

You fail at sleep.  My bed is still empty. :P

Latooni Subota

Before I forget: Starting gold for each character?
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Katina Tarask

Whatever the max rolled for the higher class would be.

Latooni Subota

I went in COMPLETELY THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION for my backup character. She's now an incredibly pretty Changeling Necromancer/Cleric of Pharasma. Team religion go! Smol!mage and Tall!dancer are best buddy cops. I'll have to invest in summon spells at some point, though. She's lookin' awfully fragile with a Str 5 Dex 12 Con 12 Int 20 Wis 14 Cha 18 after racial mods. It's amazing how no matter what game I'm in, I have at least one character that ends up kidnap-bait. :x
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Katina Tarask

How many times must I tell you?  You jumping into someone's bed is not kidnapping!

Latooni Subota

Okay, this time for real, totally done. Totally. FIRST UP! Orelia, Tiefling Paladin of Sarenrae, and a particularly dance-y one. Bard (Dervish Dancer)/Paladin. After spending the majority of her life in temples, she decided to try serving her deity by going out and spreading the good word. Primarily through removing the heads of badguys and possibly hot dickings. Being part-succubus, she uh . . has a little extra going on. *Shifty eyes*

Aaaaaand here's Asta, Azata Eidolon granted unto Orelia by Sarenrae. (I eventually went meh, and grabbed an eidolon instead of a whole different gestalt character). She's not that powerful now, but holy crap she's gonna start skyrocketing in power once I give her tentacle-I mean more natural armor and claws. Since Eidolons are now restricted to certain evolutions based on what they come from, do I still need to play by those restrictions, or no? I got enough money to give her a big fancy weapon if necessary, but . . claws and tentacles and stuff! (Yes she's totally just Terra's Esper form ala FFVI)

Edit: Wow, I totally made Team Weird, didn't I? Gonna have to invest in a Wand of CLW or something.
Edit2: Also, if it's too weird, I can do some more normal characters. >.>
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If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.

Katina Tarask

Well, eidolon options are restricted based on where she comes from, and she comes from your naughty little head, so I'm pretty sure that means tentacles are fair game. :P

I'm not a fan of those restrictions, either.  They do more to limit creativity than make any sort of balance.  Besides, with just one character and a pet?  I'm willing to give you a lot to make things a little more fair.

Wand of CLW is never a bad idea.

The pair definitely skews way towards the weird end.  Orelia more than Asta, honestly.  As one member of a larger party, it would be one thing, but solo, I'm kinda gonna be forced to swing hard one way or the other.  Either it's gonna overshadow most of the game and pepper most character interactions in ways that will honestly probably get old after a while, or the Final Fantasy route of, "You walk into a bar.  Apparently this weird crazy thing no one has ever seen before is a normal and accepted part of the world."  If that break doesn't work for you, and you'd rather mellow out the weirdness in favor of a little more internal consistency, feel free.

Do keep in mind, if Orelia is packing full time, then that is coming up every time she gets in bed.  It could totally be a sometimes thing.  Maybe some sort of lesser alter self or something in place of the Darkness racial.

And for the record, many NPCs who are male in the book are totally gonna get girlified.

Latooni Subota

Hrm. Some "What the fuck is that a demon wearing the holy symbol of the Dawnflower" is good, but nonstop unfortunate accusations and such is less good. I should proooobably have at least one more normal human to vouch for her, yeah?

I can totally see a part-succubus having the ability to to whip it out and put it away at will, depending on who she's playing with.
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Katina Tarask

That would be fine.  Are you thinking two characters and an eidolon?  Are you comfortable with running that much?

Latooni Subota

I re-jiggered things, and I've got just two simple characters now. I've got the characters ready for when we start the RP now! I'll send these ones to you over PM later.

In other news, still looking for more solo pathfinder! (Possibly small group, but preferably solo). I love adventure paths but I also love original content, so give me a buzz!
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Latooni Subota

Sooo . . Pathfinder is a thing. A fun thing, when not bogged down with too many players! I'd like some of that. It'd be nice. >.>

Adventure Paths are my favorite, but original content is cool too. Golarion, older Faerun, it's all good.
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Well, I'll happily run you through an AP. Did you have any particular preference?
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.

Latooni Subota

*Ponders* Though I've played both, Skull and Shackles and Jade Regent are solid ones. Plenty of opportunity for . . NPC Interactions. *Makes quotation marks with hands*

Ones that look interesting are Curse of the Crimson Throne, Kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous . . . maybe Giantslayer? Dunno on that one.
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If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Hmm interesting choices. Currently running S&S with two groups, so not at the moment.

Jade regent could definitely work, as could CotCT and Kingmaker. Wrath might be a bit tough for a single player, I'd have to look into that.

Kingmaker as a single does sound like a major twist, as it is seen as the ultimate 'big group' game. But it would be intersting seeing a single woman, or man if you prefer, getting a whole council together.

Any way, I'd be happy to run kingmaker for you, or if you don't want that the CotCT or JR. Just send me a character, and we'll take it from there.
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.

Latooni Subota

I can totally do Kingmaker. Got any advice (since I haven't looked too deep into the path's details) for character creation/rules?
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If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Kingmaker's a pretty basic campaign. As you'll be most likely ruling your own little nation at some point, a bit of charisma is nice. All classes are doable in the game, so a 25 point gestalt seems only fair. Any race is cool with me. (Underdark or aquatic races having the obvious problems)
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.

Latooni Subota

Characterstuff sent, assuming it's good. Completely cliche, but hey, cliches are fun!
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Latooni Subota

I guess I'm seeking GMs for Pathfinder again. >.>
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Latooni Subota

So yeaaaaaaah, still nada. Most unfortunate. If the size of adventure paths are intimidating, I'm cool with doing something high-level too, like only doing the last two books or so of Jade Regent? I'd prefer low-to-high, but I can dig that it's a lot to chew on. Other possible ideas? A friend suggested a Pathfinder'd version of Baldur's Gate. It has potential yes?

Please run Pathfinder for me. q.q
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If I'm needed to post somewhere, PLEASE PM me about it. Sometimes I lose track of threads and need to be reminded about things.


Hello Latooni. I'd be up for running a game for you if you're interested. I can do Play-by-Post, and I have a Roll20 account, although truth be told Thursdays work best for me at the latter end of "midweek." Wednesdays are possible, but I'll need to check.

I personally prefer original content over Adventure Paths, as APs tend to be made for larger groups and already have a set plot point. Original games are more organic, and I prefer doing games where we come up with the plot as we go on rather than plotting for things far well in advance.

As for Baldur's Gate, I never played the game beyond the first two hours, so I'm afraid I have little knowledge of it. I can definitely do a game set in Forgotten Realms, though.

If you're interested give me a response or PM! :-)

Latooni Subota

Okay fine, how about something . . Kingmaker/Pillars of Eternity-ish? I like a mix of dungeon crawling/keep-raising. Also the usual jade regent or high level or baldur's gate requests, of course.
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